GOX 2022 Session DI-TuA: Processes & Devices II
Session Abstract Book
(328 KB, Oct 9, 2022)
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3:45 PM |
DI-TuA-9 Dielectric Integration on (010) β-Ga2O3: Al2O3, SiO2 Interfaces and their Thermal Stability
Ahmad Islam (Air Force Research Laboratory); Adam Miesle (University of Dayton); Michael Dietz (Wright State University); Kevin Leedy, Sabyasachi Ganguli (Air Force Research Laboratory); Guru Subramanyam (University of Dayton); Weisong Wang (Wright State University); Nicholas Sepelak, Daniel Dryden (KBR, Inc.); Thaddeus Asel, Adam Neal, Shin Mou, Stephen Tetlak, Kyle Liddy, Andrew Green, Kelson Chabak (Air Force Research Laboratory) Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices made using the newest compound semiconductor β-Ga2O3 generally do not exhibit high quality, electronic-grade dielectric integration. These are mainly due to the deposition of dielectrics on low-quality substrates. The device fabrication processes also introduce additional defects within the device. The fabricated devices therefore have > 1012 cm-2 defect density and show a large hysteresis during the C-V and I-V characterization and a large AC-DC dispersion during pulse characterization. A reduction of hysteresis and dispersion often uses a high temperature process that compromises the gate leakage and the breakdown strength of the dielectric. Dielectrics in β-Ga2O3 devices also loses its integrity when devices are subjected to high temperature, extreme environment applications. Here, we will highlight the general challenge for integrating dielectrics on β-Ga2O3, address the associated requirements for obtaining high-quality dielectric and dielectric/β-Ga2O3 interface, and present our recent works on the integration of Al2O3and SiO2 dielectrics on (010) β-Ga2O3 [1]. We will show how surface roughness can play key role in controlling interface defect density in β-Ga2O3 MOS capacitors. We will also discuss the role of surface cleanliness (using, for example, piranha treatment), the removal of surface defective layer using HF, and the role of post-deposition annealing in reducing interface defect density [2]. Finally, we will compare the thermal stability of SiO2 and Al2O3deposited on (010) β-Ga2O3 substrates [3]. All these considerations will eventually allow electronic-grade integration of dielectrics on β-Ga2O3substrates needed to attain high breakdown voltage in power electronics applications and also to attain low AC-DC dispersion and high operating frequency in RF applications. [1] Islam et al., "Integration challenges for dielectric on β-Ga2O3 and their solutions," Proc. of GOMACTech, 2022, P31. [2] Islam et al., "Hysteresis-free MOSCAP made with Al2O3/(010)β-Ga2O3 interface using a combination of surface cleaning, etching and post-deposition annealing," Proc. of DRC, 2021, p. 9467169. [3] Islam et al., "Thermal stability of ALD-grown SiO2 and Al2O3 on (010) β-Ga2O3 substrates," Accepted, DRC, 2022. |
4:00 PM |
DI-TuA-10 Deep Etch Field-Terminated β-Ga2O3 Schottky Barrier Diodes With 4.2 MV/cm Parallel Plate Field Strength
Sushovan Dhara, Nidhin Kurian Kalarickala, Ashok Dheenan, Chandan Joishi, Siddharth Rajan (The Ohio State University) β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) [1-2] are promising devices for next-generation kV-class power switching. In this work, we analyze the effect of BCl3/Cl2 based dry etch on [100] and [010] etched vertical sidewalls and demonstrate a deep mesa etch design for efficient edge termination leading to parallel plate fields in excess of 4 MV/cm. We also report on significant depletion of the semiconductor to depths up to several 10’s of micron, and remarkable anisotropy in this depletion. The work demonstrated here provides insight into the impact of etching on n-type Ga2O3, and shows a promising method to realize efficient field termination for high breakdown field strength SBDs. Experimental: The SBDs reported here were fabricated on commercially available (001) n-doped β-Ga2O3 layers grown by halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE). To analyze etch damage in the etched vertical sidewall planes ([010], [100]), rectangular SBD patterns with varying lengths along (100) and (010) directions were designed and etched (~ 4 μm) in ICP-RIE using BCl3/Cl2 with the Pt anode metal as the hard mask. Two terminal reverse breakdown showed breakdown voltages of -1150 V (4.23 MV/cm) for the mesa edge terminated devices, whereas the planar devices broke at -530 V (2.87 MV/cm). The removal of material during the etch reduces image charges, and therefore enables very efficient field termination. Analysis of the forward conduction characteristics shows some unusual effects of the plasma exposure creating deep lateral depletion on the order of 10’s of microns. Rectangular mesa devices fabricated with the sidewalls as (010) planes were more susceptible to lateral depletion - devices with less than 100 μm spacing between the (010) sidewalls were very resistive. On the other hand, such deep lateral depletion was not seen from the (100) sidewall. We conclude that the plasma exposure of (010) planes leads to the diffusion laterally into the material, creating defects deep inside the material. A possible reason for this could be the diffusion of BCl3/Cl2 etch radicals along the (010) direction[3]. This is the first report of the anisotropic and remarkably deep depletion caused by plasma etching in Ga2O3. The high parallel plate field (> 4 MV/cm) also suggests that with proper control, deep etching can be a promising way to achieve field termination in Ga2O3 SBDs. We acknowledge funding from DOE / National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Number(s) DE-NA000392, and AFOSR GAME MURI (Award No. FA9550-18-1-0479, project manager Dr. Ali Sayir). References: [1] W. Li, et al., IEEE EDL,2020. [2] Z. Xia et al., APL,2019. [3] G. Alfieri et al., JAP.,2021.
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4:15 PM |
DI-TuA-11 Demonstration of Low Thermal Resistance in Ga2O3 Schottky Diodes by Junction-Side-Cooled Packaging
Boyan Wang, Ming Xiao, Jack Knoll, Yuan Qin (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University); Joseph Spencer, Marko Tadjer (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Cyril Buttay (Univ Lyon, CNRS, INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ampère); Kohei Sasaki (Novel Crystal Technology); Guo-Quan Lu, Christina DiMarino, Yuhao Zhang (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Ga2O3 is a promising candidate for power electronics and RF applications, whereas a fundamental limitation of Ga2O3 is its low thermal conductivity (kT). This work studies the impact of the packaging process on Ga2O3 device characteristics and measures the junction-to-case thermal resistance (RθJC) of a 15 A double-side-packaged vertical Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diode (SBD) under the bottom-side-cooling and junction-side-cooling schemes. Fig. 1. shows the schematic and photo of the packaged Ga2O3 SBD, device fabrication process [1], and the device structure. 100-nm Ti and 200-nm Ag were deposited on both anode and cathode as the contact layer for silver sintering. Besides serving as an adhesion layer, Ti also functions as a barrier layer to prevent Ag diffusion into Schottky metal in the subsequent sintering process. Die attach is performed using a pressureless sintering process in air, using a nano-silver paste. The paste is stencil-printed through a 70 µm thick, laser-cut mask. The size of the silver print is increased from 2.5×2.5 mm2, the size of the mask opening, to about 3×3 mm2. Once sintered, the assembly is encapsulated in a silicone elastomer for isolation. Fig. 2 summarizes the packaging process. Fig. 3 shows the forward I-V, reverse C-V and I-V characteristics of the packaged Ga2O3 SBD, revealing a turn-on voltage Von of 0.9 V, a forward current of 15 A at 2.15 V, an on/off ratio of 1010 extracted at 2 V/0 V, and a breakdown voltage of about 600 V. Fig. 4 shows the I-V characteristics of the Ga2O3 SBD before and after packaging. After packaging, the Von increases, the differential on-resistance reduces, and both forward and reverse leakage current decreases. These shifts are believed to be due to the improvement of the Schottky contact after the 250oC sintering process. The RθJC measurement is detailed in [2], following the transient dual interface method, i.e., JEDEC 51-14 standard. Fig. 5 shows our RθJC measurement set-up, the bottom- and junction-cooling measurements of the same packaged Ga2O3 SBD. Fig. 6 shows a much lower RθJC (0.5 K/W) under junction-side cooling as compared to the RθJC (1.43 K/W) under the bottom-side cooling. Table I benchmarks the RθJC of our Ga2O3 SBDs against commercial 600-V SiC SBDs with a similar current rating and different TO-series packages. The RθJC of our junction-side cooled Ga2O3 SBD is lower than that of the commercial SiC SBDs with similar package size and current rating. This shows the low kT of Ga2O3 can be overcome by packaging solutions. [1] APL, vol. 115, no. 26, p. 263503, 2019. [2] IEEE EDL, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 1132-1135, 2021. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
4:30 PM |
DI-TuA-12 High Temperature In-situ MOCVD-grown Al2O3 Dielectric on (010) β-Ga2O3 with 10 MV/cm Breakdown Field
Saurav Roy (University of California Santa Barbara); Arkka Bhattacharyya (University of Utah); Carl Peterson, Sriram Krishnamoorthy (University of California Santa Barbara) We report on the growth and characterization of in-situ Al2O3 on (010) β-Ga2O3 using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The in-situ Al2O3 deposition provides an in-situ passivation to the underlying epitaxial β-Ga2O3 layer and protects the semiconductor surface from undesired contaminants. The MOCVD growth of Al2O3 also facilitates high temperature dielectric deposition compared other conventional techniques, which is known to enhance the bulk and interface quality of the dielectric. The growth of β-Ga2O3 was performed in an Agnitron MOVPE reactor with far injection showerhead design using Triethylgallium and Oxygen as precursor gas at a growth temperature of 600 0C, which is followed by the growth of Al2O3 layer at the growth temperature of 810 0C inside the same chamber using Trimethylaluminum and O2 as precursors without breaking the vacuum. Thickness of the grown Al2O3 layer was extracted to be 23 nm using Xray reflectivity measurements. Using capacitance voltage (CV) measurements, the dielectric constant of the Al2O3 layer was extracted to be ~8. The fast and slow near interface traps at the in-situ Al2O3/ β-Ga2O3 interface were characterized using stressed CV measurements on metal oxide semiconductor capacitor (MOSCAP) structures. The sheet density of near interface trap states with fast and slow emission times were also calculated to be 8.3 x 1011 cm-2 and 1.5 x 1011 cm-2 respectively. The density of the interface states (initially filled and unfilled) and bulk oxide hole traps (Dt) and their energy dependences were calculated to be 5.4 x 1011 cm-2 eV-1 using deep ultra-violet assisted CV technique, which is significantly lower than the ALD Al2O3/β-Ga2O3 interface from literature. Furthermore, the breakdown voltage and leakage currents for the in-situ Al2O3/β-Ga2O3 MOSCAPs were evaluated using forward and reverse IV characteristics. In the accumulation regime with forward bias, the entire electric field drops across the oxide layer. An average peak breakdown field of approximately 10.2 to 10.6 MV/cm underneath the center of the anode is evaluated. High breakdown field in combination with a dielectric constant close to β-Ga2O3, makes this an excellent dielectric/semiconductor platform for high performance device applications. This approach of in-situ dielectric deposition on β-Ga2O3 can pave the way as gate dielectrics for future β-Ga2O3 based high performance MOSFETs due to its promise of improved interface and bulk quality compared to other conventional dielectric deposition techniques. We acknowledge funding from AFOSR MURI program under Award No. FA9550-21-0078 (PM: Dr. Ali Sayir). View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
4:45 PM |
DI-TuA-13 Metal Oxide (PtOX) Schottky Contact with High-k Dielectric Field Plate for Improved Field Management in Vertical β-Ga2O3 Devices
Esmat Farzana (University of California Santa Barbara); Arkka Bhattacharyya (The University of Utah); Takeki Itoh, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, James S. Speck (University of California Santa Barbara) β-Ga2O3 has emerged interest in high-power electronics due to its high breakdown field (8 MV/cm) and melt-grown substrates. To extract the full potential of β-Ga2O3 devices, high reverse blocking capability and field management are fundamental requirements. However, this is challenging in β-Ga2O3 due to absence of its p-type that limits high barrier formation in critical field regions. Hence, to enhance the β-Ga2O3 diode performance, it is important to have high Schottky barrier material at surface as well as efficient field-plate dielectric. Toward this goal, we developed metal oxide (PtOx) Schottky contact with high-κ dielectric (ZrO2) field plate in vertical β-Ga2O3 devices to support high electric field at both surfaces and edges. Vertical field-plate Schottky diodes were fabricated at UCSB with HVPE (001) 10 µm β-Ga2O3 epitaxy (doping ~2×1016 cm-3). The devices had Ti/Au ohmic and Pt cap/PtOx Schottky of 100 µm diameter. The PtOx was formed by reactive sputtering of Pt and oxygen. The field plates were investigated with different lengths, 15 µm and 30 µm, with sputter deposited dielectric ZrO2 (~215 nm). The ZrO2 was chosen for its ~1.2 eV conduction band offset with β-Ga2O3, breakdown field >3 MV/cm, and dielectric constant of ~23. The PtOx Schottky properties were first characterized with current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V), and compared with that of Pt/β-Ga2O3 from the same HVPE β-Ga2O3 sample. The PtOx Schottky had a significantly higher barrier height of ~2.1 eV from both I-V and C-V compared to that of Pt with 1.35 eV (I-V)/ 1.6 eV (C-V). The similar barrier height for PtOx from I-V and C-V indicates its homogeneous interface. The forward current of the field-plate PtOx diodes also showed near unity ideality factor (1.17) and on-off ratio of ~1011. The minimum specific on-resistance of the PtOx diodes was 2.6, 2.36, and 2.3 mΩ-cm2 for devices without field plate, with field plate lengths of 15 µm, and 30 µm respectively. The reverse breakdown of the diodes was characterized at the Univ. of Utah. A maximum breakdown voltage (Vbr) of 947 V was obtained with 30 µm field plate whereas the diode with 15µm field plate and without field plate showed Vbr of 882 V and 520 V, respectively. The consistent increase of Vbr with field plates indicates their field management efficacy. SILVACO simulation showed a peak electric field of 5.12 MV/cm in β-Ga2O3 and 3.5 MV/cm in ZrO2 at Vbr ~950V. The BFOM (0.4 GW/cm2) of our diodes is comparable or better than most of the reports. As the ZrO2 breakdown limited to reach the full potential of β-Ga2O3, future work will include high breakdown dielectric to further improve the device performance. |
5:00 PM |
DI-TuA-14 Field Plated β-Ga2O3 Mis Diodes with High-κ Tio2 Interlayer for Increased Breakdown and Reduced Leakage Current
Nolan Hendricks (Air Force Research Laboratory; UC Santa Barbara); Andrew Green, Ahmad Islam, Kevin Leedy, Kyle liddy, Jeremiah Williams (Air Force Research Lab); Esmat Farzana, James Speck (UC Santa Barbara); Kelson Chabak (Air Force Research Lab) β-Ga2O3 (BGO) is an ultra-wide bandgap (~4.8 eV) semiconductor with disruptive potential for power electronics due to its predicted breakdown field of 8 MV/cm, ease of n-type doping, and availability of melt-grown native substrates. With no p-type doping, Schottky barriers are essential to limit reverse leakage current in rectifying BGO devices. However, reverse leakage current due to thermionic field emission in such devices exceeds the practical limit of 1 mA/cm2 at surface fields (ℰsurf) <5 MV/cm for barrier heights <2.2 eV, limiting the potential benefits of BGO. It is desirable to find a solution for reducing leakage current in diodes without efficiency losses from increased turn-on voltage (Von) or specific on-resistance (Ron,sp). TiO2 is a high κ (~60) dielectric with a conduction band edge ~0.3 eV lower than BGO, presenting the potential for use in metal-interlayer (MIS) diodes to provide a wider tunneling barrier with no increased barrier height for forward conduction. Pt/TiO2/β-Ga2O3 MIS diodes and Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) with and without field plates were fabricated on ~5 μm, 6x1016 cm-3 (001) HVPE BGO on an n+ BGO substrate. A back side Ti/Au contact was RTA annealed at 470 °C for 60 s in N2 ambient. TiO2 (4.5 nm) was deposited by atomic layer deposition and removed with BOE in areas for SBDs. Pt/Au anode contacts were deposited, followed by 200 nm PECVD SiO2 and Ti/Au field plate metal with 20 μm overhang. Forward current-voltage (I-V) behavior was measured for all device types. An ideality factor of 1.08 and 1.09 was fitted for SBDs and MIS diodes respectively. The minimum differential Ron,sp was ≤1.2 mΩ∙cm2 in all devices, and Von extrapolated from the linear I-V was similar between the SBDs and MIS diodes at 1.4 V. The leakage current and breakdown of the devices were measured under reverse bias. The SBDs experienced catastrophic breakdown at 453 V (no FP) and 495 V (FP), and both reached 1 mA/cm2 leakage current at 235 V, corresponding to an ℰsurf of 2.3 MV/cm. The MIS diodes experienced breakdown at 552 V (no FP) and 666 V (FP). 1 mA/cm2 leakage current was observed at 408 V (no FP) and 574 V (FP), with corresponding ℰsurf estimated to be 3.0 MV/cm and 3.5 MV/cm respectively. The BFOM of the field plated MIS diode was 370 MW/cm2 for hard breakdown and 270 MW/cm2 when limited to 1 mA/cm2 leakage current, both of which are the best reported in their respective categories for BGO MIS diodes. The substrate resistance is expected to be ~0.9 mΩ∙cm2, so similarly fabricated devices with lower parasitic resistance are expected to achieve a BFOM >1 GW/cm2 with leakage <1 mA/cm2. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |