AVS 66 Session EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM: Advanced Processes for Interconnects and Devices
Session Abstract Book
(299 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
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| AVS 66 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:00 AM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-1 High-density Plasma for Soft Etching of Noble Metals
Gerhard Franz, Vladimir Sushkov (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany); Wolfhard Oberhausen, Ralf Meyer (Technische Universität München, Germany) During our research to define a contact which can be serve as thin hard mask in III/V semiconductor processing, we focused on the Bell contact which consists of Ti/Pt(Mo)/Au and chlorine-based plasmas generated by electron cyclotron resonance. For platinum, we identified PF3 as main component which acts comparable to CO [1]. This fact triggered our search for suited etchants for gold and copper. For Au, the best ambient is a mixture of CH4, Cl2, and O2 which is stabilized by Ar [2]. This mixture generates residual-free etching of metal films which are clearly free of "fencing" and "hear's ears." The etching process has been established up to thicknesses of half a micron which is the typical thickness of metal films on the p-side of laser devices. With the aid of optical emission spectroscopy, the generation of CO could be proven [3]. This reagent seems to be the main component for real etching without residual fencing. [1] G. Franz, R. Kachel, and St. Sotier, Mat. Sci. Semicond. Proc. 5, 45 (2002) [2] G. Franz, R. Meyer, and M.-C. Amann, Plasma Sci. Technol. 19, 125503 (2017) [3] G. Franz, W. Oberhausen, R. Meyer, and M.-C. Amann, AIP Advances 8, 075026 (2018) |
8:20 AM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-2 Crystalline InP Growth and Device Fabrication Directly on Amorphous Dielectrics at Temperatures below 400oC for Future 3D Integrated Circuits
Debarghya Sarkar, Yunpeng Xu, Sizhe Weng, Rehan Kapadia (University of Southern California) A fundamental requirement to realize 3D integrated circuits is the ability to integrate single crystal semiconductor devices on the back-end of functional layers within a thermal budget of ~400 oC. Present state-of-the-art methods involve wafer bonding or epitaxial growth and transfer, since directly growing on amorphous materials by traditional epitaxial growth processes like MOCVD and MBE would give polycrystalline films with submicron-scale grains. To that end, a newly introduced and actively developing growth method called Templated Liquid Phase (TLP) has demonstrated the ability to achieve single crystal compound semiconductor mesas of areal dimension ~ 10um diameter on diverse amorphous substrates. While previous demonstrations of TLP growth were at temperatures around 500-600 oC, in this presentation we would discuss some of the recent material characteristics and device results achieved and insights obtained, for crystalline InP mesas grown on amorphous dielectrics at temperatures below 400 oC. InP nucleation and growth was obtained for temperatures 360 oC down to 200 oC. Morphological variations of the grown crystals observed under different growth conditions (temperature, pressure, precursor flux) and strategies to obtain compact macro-defect free crystal growth would be presented. Contrary to general expectation of poor optoelectronic quality at these lower temperatures, the room temperature steady-state photoluminescence shows peak position and full width at half maximum comparable to that of commercial InP wafer. External quantum efficiency is within an order of magnitude of single crystal commercial wafer at optimal growth conditions. Back-gated phototransistor was fabricated using low temperature InP grown directly on the amorphous gate oxide, and with all processing steps below the thermal budget of 400 oC. A typical device showed reasonable ON-OFF ratio of about 3 orders of magnitude, with peak responsivity of 20 A/W at Vgs=3.2V and Vds=2.1V under an irradiance of 4 mW/cm2 of broadband light. In summary, this technology could potentially open up a viable avenue to realize 3D integrated circuits by enabling integration of high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices on the back-end of functional layers within the acceptable thermal budget of 4000C. |
8:40 AM | Invited |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-3 The Role and Requirements of Selective Deposition in Advanced Patterning
Charles Wallace (Intel Corporation) The edge placement error (EPE) margin on features patterned at tight pitches presents a difficult integrated challenge. Area selective deposition, chemically selective etches and the design of thin films for selectivity have risen to the top priorities in advanced patterning. The EPE control requirement creates a complex interaction between many integrated modules such as thin film deposition, etch (wet and dry), chemical-mechanical polish and lithography. The introduction of EUV lithography into the semiconductor patterning process has enabled some simplification of process architecture; however, has not decreased EPE margin enough to keep up with the pitch scaling requirements. Chemical selectivity is the most effective way to avoid EPE-caused failures on devices which lead to poor yield. Some of the limits to achieving selective growth solutions include development of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), selective ALD/CVD growth and the metrology required to prove success. The development of manufacturable deposition chambers by the industry is a key requirement in order to adequately test the capability of these new process options. |
9:20 AM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-5 Graphene-Template Assisted Selective Epitaxy (G-TASE) of Group IV Semiconductors
M. Arslan Shehzad, Amar T. Mohabir, Michael A. Filler (Georgia Institute of Technology) As conventional 2-D transistor scaling approaches its limits, 3-D architectures promise to increase the number of devices and reduce interconnect congestion. A process able to monolithically integrate single-crystalline group IV materials into the back-end-of-line (BEOL) may enable such designs. Here, we demonstrate the graphene-template assisted selective epitaxy (G-TASE) of single-crystal Ge on amorphous substrates at temperatures as low as 250 °C. This work represents a significant step forward for TASE methods, which have been largely limited to III-V and II-VI materials, bulk crystal templates, as well as higher temperatures. We specifically grow Ge nanostructures on graphene-on-oxide at the bottom of nanometer-scale oxide trenches by leveraging differences in group IV atom sticking probability between graphene and oxide surfaces. Raman mapping confirms the single crystallinity of as-grown Ge crystals. Time-dependent studies show a linear increase in Ge crystal height even after emerging from the oxide trench, indicating Ge atoms preferentially adsorb to the top facet under our growth conditions. Our studies also reveal that G-TASE is sensitive to the plasma process used to expose graphene in the oxide trenches. This work extends TASE to a new, technologically-relevant materials system and provides fundamental insight into the underlying physicochemistry. KEY WORDS: silicon, germanium, epitaxy, graphene, selective deposition |
9:40 AM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-6 Resistivity and Surface Scattering Specularity at (0001) Ru/dielectric Interfaces
Sameer Ezzat (University of Central Florida); Prabhu Mani (View Dynamic Glass, Inc.); Asim Khaniya, William E. Kaden (University of Central Florida); Daniel Gall (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Katayun Barmak (Columbia University); Kevin Coffey (University of Central Florida) In this work we report the variation of resistivity with film thickness and with changes in surface characteristics for ex-situ annealed single crystal (0001) Ru thin films grown on c-axis sapphire single crystal substrates. The room temperature deposition of SiO2 on the Ru surface increased the resistivity of the annealed films and is interpreted as an increase in diffuse scattering of the upper surface from a primarily specular previous condition in the context of the Fuchs-Sondheimer model of surface scattering. The characterization of the films and upper Ru surface by low energy electron diffraction (prior to SiO2 deposition), x-ray reflectivity, x-ray diffraction, and sheet resistance measurements is reported. The film resistivity and specularity of the Ru/SiO2 interface is observed to reversibly transition between high resistivity (low specularity) and low resistivity (high specularity) states.
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall | |
11:00 AM | Invited |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-10 Electrochemical Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching of Metals for Atomically-Precise Fabrication of Semiconductor Interconnects
Yukun Gong, Kailash Venkatraman, Rohan Akolkar (Case Western Reserve University) Moore’s law drives continued device miniaturization in nano-electronics circuits. As critical dimensions are approaching the single nanometer length scale, the semiconductor industry is seeking novel technologies for precisely tailoring materials and structures at the atomic scale. While vapor-phase, plasma-assisted techniques of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and etching (ALE) are capable of providing nano-scale control over metal deposition and etching, these processes may not provide the requisite atomic-scale precision. Additionally, ALD precursors are unstable and often expensive. Thus, alternative solution-phase electrochemical processes are being developed in our laboratory. In our electrochemical ALD (e-ALD) approach, a sacrificial monolayer of zinc is first deposited on the noble substrate via underpotential deposition (UPD). The zinc adlayer then undergoes spontaneous surface-limited redox replacement (SLRR) by the desired metal such as Cu or Co. Sequential UPD and SLRR steps enable fabrication of multi-layered deposits in a layer-by-layer fashion. An analogous approach for electrochemical ALE (e-ALE) is also being developed. In electrochemical ALE of Cu, surface-limited sulfidization of Cu forms a cuprous sulfide (Cu2S) monolayer. The sulfidized Cu monolayer is then selectively removed through spontaneous complexation of the Cu+1 in a chloride-containing etchant medium. The sequence can be repeated to etch bulk metal films one atomic layer at a time. This talk will highlight numerous advantages and fundamental characteristics of e-ALD and e-ALE processes and describe opportunities for integrating them in wafer-scale metallization applications. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
11:40 AM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-12 Mechanical Properties of Patterned low-κ Films Measured by Brillouin Light Scattering
Jon Zizka, Hiran Wijesinghe (The Ohio State University); Sean W. King, Hui Jae Yoo (Intel Corporation, USA); Ratnasingham Sooryakumar (The Ohio State University) In order to improve device performance of interconnects, the microelectronics industry utilizes low- κ dielectric technology in place of traditional SiO2. Integration of these materials into circuits has, however, been challenging due to poor mechanical stability as a result of the increased dielectric porosity. Large thermal stresses may also build up during successive thermal cycling due to differences in the thermal expansion of component materials. These adverse features become more prominent as smaller dimensions are sought for improvement in device performance. While titanium nitride (TiN) is currently being widely used as a hard mask to pattern low- κ materials such as SiOC:H into desired architectures with < 100 nm length scales, the high stress and stiffness of the TiN over-layer can influence the delicate underlying patterns and affect device performance. In this study we utilize Brillouin light scattering (BLS) to probe the elastic properties of TiN/SiOC:H structures grown on Si that have been patterned into a series of parallel wires of rectangular cross-sections with sub 200 nm pitch and depths. In studying the influence of the hard mask on the mechanical properties of SiOC:H, BLS offers a non-invasive approach to detect thermally activated acoustic excitations and to measure their mode dispersions for incident light with wave-vector components parallel or perpendicular to the TiN wires. The widely-used technique of nanoindentation (NI) to measure mechanical properties has been shown, for ultra-thin soft films, to interact with the underlying substrate, thus skewing the results. On the other hand, the inelastic light scattering approach probes ambient modes allowing for the individual acoustic behavior of the film to be distinguished from the substrate. The results of measurements performed on samples with a range of wire dimensions (width/depth) will be presented that include the dependence of the Brillouin peak intensities on the incident and scattered light polarization as well as a model of the mode profiles. The latter include finite element modeling that simulate the different mode frequencies and associated relative vertical and horizontal displacements for the non-dispersive cantilever type modes that characterize modes with wave-vector perpendicular to the TiN wires. The modes with wave-vector parallel to the wires followed a dispersive nature similar to blanket films. The relationship of such acoustic properties will be discussed in the context of the mechanical properties of the patterned structures and the influence of processing of the nanowires. |
12:00 PM |
EM+AP+MS+NS+TF-ThM-13 Wafer-Scale Fabrication of Carbon-Based Electronic Devices
Zhigang Xiao, Joevonte Kimbrough, JaTavia Cooper, Kayleh Hartage, Qunying Yuan (Alabama A&M University) In this research, we report the wafer-scale fabrication of carbon nanotube or graphene-based electronic device such as field-effect transistors (FETs). Carbon nanotube-based devices were fabricated with the alternating electric field-directed dielectrophoresis (DEP) method, and the graphene-based devices were fabricated with the carbon films grown with plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) or e-beam evaporation. Semiconducting carbon nanotubes were dispersed ultrasonically in solutions, and were deposited and aligned onto a pair of gold electrodes in the fabrication of carbon nanotube-based electronic devices using the dielectrophoresis method. The DEP-aligned tubes were further fabricated into carbon nanotube field-transistors (CNTFETs) and CNTFET-based electronic devices such as CNT-based inverters and ring oscillators using the microfabrication techniques. The fabricated devices were imaged using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), and the electrical properties were measured from the fabricated devices using the semiconductor analyzer. The semiconducting CNTs achieved higher yield in the device fabrication, and the fabricated devices demonstrated excellent electrical properties.