ICMCTF2018 Session F4-2: Functional Oxide and Oxynitride Coatings

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1:50 PM in Room San Diego
Wednesday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(308 KB, May 5, 2020)
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Start Invited? Item
1:50 PM F4-2-2 On the Thermal Stability of Cathodic Arc Evaporated (Al1-xCrx)2O3 Thin Films
Valentin Dalbauer (CDL-AOS at TU Wien, Austria); Jürgen Ramm (Oerlikon Balzers, Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, Liechtenstein); Szilard Kolozsvári (Plansee Composite Materials GmbH, Germany); Christian Koller (CDL-AOS at TU Wien, Austria); Paul Heinz Mayrhofer (Institute of Materials Science and Technology, TU Wien, Austria)
The thermo-mechanically excellently performing α-alumina (corundum-type) is a perfect candidate to protect tool or component surfaces suffering from mechanical loads in hazardous atmospheres. Thus α-alumina protective coatings significantly extend the tool-lifetime especially in oxidising environment and at high temperatures. However, a major concern is the formation of amorphous phase fractions and/or metastable Al2O3 polymorphs during low-temperature physical vapour deposition, which can effectively be counteracted by alloying with Cr, where the phase composition of (Al1-xCrx)2O3 coatings strongly depends on the Cr content.

With respect to industrial application, the knowledge about structure-property-relationships of (Al1-xCrx)2O3 as a result of thermal exposure is of utmost importance. We therefore study the structural evolution of arc evaporated (Al1-xCrx)2O3 coatings, which have been prepared by Al0.75Cr0.25, Al0.70Cr0.30, Al0.50Cr0.50, or Al0.25Cr0.75 cathodes.

The Cr-rich (Al0.49Cr0.51)2O3 and (Al0.23Cr0.77)2O3 coatings crystallise in a single-phase corundum-type structure (α-(Al,Cr)2O3) with pronounced columnar and facetted growth. Contrary, the Al-rich (Al0.72Cr0.28)2O3 and (Al0.69Cr0.31)2O3 coatings are multi-phased with a large metastable cubic-structured phase fraction and α-(Al,Cr)2O3.

Upon annealing to 800 and 950 °C, the metastable phases transform into a γ-type phase—with only minor indications for an intermediate θ-structure— and further to an α-type solid solution for temperatures above ~1080 °C. This structure stays stable up to the highest temperature tested, 1500 °C. The accompanied formation of bcc Cr phases indicates the decomposition of metallic droplets with—depending on the annealing conditions—subsequent oxidation of Al. Annealing within the spinodal-regime up to 6 h did not result in any phase separation towards α-Al2O3 and α-Cr2O3.

Thermo-mechanical properties of (Al1-xCrx)2O3 show a stronger dependence on the microstructure than on the crystal structure of the as-deposited coatings. Although exhibiting a multi-phase constitution, Al-rich coatings demonstrate higher hardness than the single-phased α-(Al0.23Cr0.77)2O3 coating, which consists of tapered crystallites. Highest H and E values of ~22 Gpa and ~300 Gpa are obtained for (Al0.49Cr0.51)2O3, which combines a dense microstructure with a dominant α-character. Upon vacuum annealing—and therewith associated structural transformation and densification—H and E of the Al- and Cr-rich coating compositions converge with peak values of H ~27 Gpa and E ~450 Gpa at 1050 °C.

2:10 PM F4-2-3 Phase Evolution of RF Magnetron Sputtered Cr-rich (Cr,Zr)2O3 Coatings Studied by In-Situ Synchrotron Experiments during Annealing in Air or Vacuum Conditions
Ludvig Landälv (Linköping Univ., IFM, Thin Film Physics Div. and Sandvik Coromant R&D, Sweden); Jun Lu (Linköping Univ., IFM, Thin Film Physics Div., Sweden); Daniel Ostach (Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, Germany); Mats Ahlgren, Emmanuelle Göthelid (Sandvik Coromant R&D, Sweden); Björn Alling (Linköping Univ., IFM, Theoretical Physics division and Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH, Sweden); Lars Hultman (Linköping Univ., IFM, Thin Film Physics Div., Sweden); Michael Stüber (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Materials (IAM), Germany); Jens Birch, Per Eklund (Linköping Univ., IFM, Thin Film Physics Div., Sweden)

Physical vapor deposited binary oxide alloy hard coatings draw increasing attention, often focusing on the Cr-stabilized corundum α-(Al,Cr)2O3 phase by means of a template growth or alloying; Cr forms escolaite Cr2O3 that is isostructural with corundum [1,2]. A new and interesting oxide is obtained by exchanging Al with Zr in the Cr-Zr-O system. Spitz et al. explored (Zr,Cr)O phases with respect to the Cr/Zr metal ratio in coatings prepared by reactive RF-magnetron sputtering, e.g., a solid solution α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 corundum structure at low Zr-content (< ~12 at %), a cubic-(Zr,Cr)O2 based solid solutions at ~18 at % Zr, and a monoclinic/tetragonal solid solution (Zr,Cr)O2 for higher Zr-content [3]. The as-deposited corundum structured coating from this study was the focus of an isothermal annealing study performed in vacuum with posterior HR TEM-characterization. It showed decomposition of a α-Cr0.28Zr0.10O0.61 coating into tetragonal ZrO2 and bcc chromium upon loss of oxygen [5]. In another study on the Cr-rich part of the (Cr,Zr)O-system, as-deposited amorphous coatings were investigated by means of in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction during annealing in vacuum. This showed the increase in crystallization onset temperature for both α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 and tetragonal phases (Zr,Cr)O2 with increasing Zr content (3-15 at %) in the as deposited coatings [4]. The phase-stability of such coatings are, however, expected to depend also on ambient atmosphere during service.

In order to study the effect of annealing atmosphere on the phase evolution of α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 coatings, we use in-situ synchrotron radiation experiments performed in air and in vacuum. We find that the phase evolution in α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 coating samples differs significantly depending on annealing atmosphere conditions: with retained α-Cr2O3 after air annealing with accompanying formation of tetragonal ZrO2, and decomposition of the α-Cr2O3 structure if annealed in vacuum with formation of tetragonal ZrO2 and possible monoclinic ZrO2 after cooling to room temperature. The difference in phase evolution results in significant nano hardness difference ~22 and 8 GPa respectively and a largely changed microstructure observed with posterior HR-TEM characterization.

[1] Ramm, J., et al., Surface & Coatings Technology, 2007, 202(4–7): p. 876-883.

[2] Khatibi, A., et al. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61(13): p. 4811-4822.

[3] Spitz S., et al. Thin Solid Films, 2013, 548: p. 143-149

[4] Rafaja D., et al, Thin solid Films, 2016, 516: p. 430-436

[5] Landälv L., et al, Acta Materialia, 2017, 131: p. 543-552

2:30 PM F4-2-4 Thick HS-PVD γ-Al2O3 Coatings for Challenging Cutting and Die Casting Applications
Kirsten Bobzin, Tobias Brögelmann, Christian Kalscheuer, Martin Welters (Surface Engineering Institute - RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
In the last decades crystalline physical vapor deposition (PVD) Al2O3 coatings offered their great potential due to outstanding properties such as high hot hardness, high oxidation resistance and high wear resistance, especially concerning cutting and die casting applications. However, the properties of alumina strongly depend on the formed crystallographic phase. Thereby, the thermodynamically stable α-Al2O3 phase is the technical most interesting, exhibiting superior mechanical properties. The deposition of α-Al2O3 by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is well-established, but requires high process temperatures. Thus, the deposition of α-Al2O3 on temperature sensitive-materials is not possible. Another promising candidate concerning cutting and die casting applications is γ-Al2O3. Depending on the initial conditions, the formation of the γ-Al2O3 phase starts at T ≥ 450 °C, allowing lower deposition temperatures. Regarding the wear protection of turning tools, a higher coating thickness (s ≥ 10 µm) and thus a larger wear volume are beneficial. However, this requirement is hard to fulfill by typical PVD processes. A possibility to deposit thick PVD alumina coatings is the High-Speed PVD (HS-PVD) technology. In the present work thick, s ≥ 20 µm, γ-Al2O3 films are deposited on cemented carbides at a substrate temperature range between T = 500 °C and T = 850 °C, by means of HS-PVD. A thick, metallic (Cr,Al) bond coat was employed to improve the adhesion of γ-Al2O3. In order to analyze the influence of the bond coat regarding the adhesion of the coatings, scratch tests were conducted, as it is important regarding cutting and die casting operations. For determining the coating morphology and thickness, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used. Phase analysis was carried out by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). The mechanical properties universal hardness (HU) and indentation modulus (EIT) were determined by means of nanoindentation. Furthermore, thermal stability of the coatings was investigated via thermal exposure tests. Regarding the use in high temperature applications, especially the formation of γ-Al2O3 at substrate temperatures of T ≈ 850 °C indicates that the use of the coatings is possible at equal high temperatures without phase transformation. The HS-PVD γ-Al2O3 coatings were compared to thin γ-Al2O3 films deposited by magnetron sputtering (MS), as they are state-of-the-art in industry. The comparison emphasizes the advantages of the coatings deposited by means of HS-PVD.
2:50 PM F4-2-5 HiPIMS Deposition of Ta-O-N Coatings for Water Splitting Application
Jiří Čapek, Šárka Batková, Jiri Houska, Stanislav Haviar (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic); Tomáš Duchoň (Charles University, Czech Republic)

As reported in [1], Ta-O-N material can provide appropriate properties (i.e., band gap width and alignment) for splitting of water into H2 and O2 under visible light irradiation (without any external voltage). This could bring a great possibility to convert the solar light into a useful chemical energy. However, it is still a big challenge to prepare Ta-O-N electrodes exhibiting efficient water splitting performance.

In this work we first demonstrate that high-power impulse magnetron sputtering is a suitable technique for low-temperature (less than 250 °C) deposition of Ta-O-N coatings with a controllable oxygen to nitrogen (O/N) ratio and thus their properties. The band gap width of the coatings can be tuned for an effective visible light absorption at preserved proper alignment of the band gap with respect to the water splitting reactions. Subsequently, we focus on an optimization of the structure of the coatings with respect to the transport of the generated electron-hole pairs. For this purpose, the Ta-O-N coatings were either prepared at an elevated substrate temperature (up to 850 °C - limit of the substrate heater) or annealed in a vacuum furnace (up to 900 °C) after the deposition. The carried out X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that the coatings prepared at the elevated temperatures consist of a mixture of oxides and/or nitrides, while the annealed coatings (with a proper O/N ratio) are characterized by a single TaON phase. Moreover, the resulting TaON phase can be highly textured when a proper seeding layer (e.g., Pt) is used. This structure is very promising for the water splitting application due to a possibly reduced recombination rate of photogenerated electrons and holes.

[1] R. Abe, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C Photochem. Rev. 11 (2010) 179.

3:10 PM F4-2-6 Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Graded TiAlON Thin Films Investigated by Cross-sectional Characterization Techniques
Nina Schalk, Michael Tkadletz, Velislava Terziyska (Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria); Marco Deluca (Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, Austria); Jozef Keckes, Christian Mitterer (Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria)

In the last years, oxynitrides have emerged as a new class of materials due to their tunable properties. Within the present work, a graded TiAl(O)N film was grown by magnetron sputter deposition, using TiAl targets with an Ti/Al atomic ratio of 40/60, constant nitrogen and stepwise increasing oxygen partial pressures over the film thickness. The microstructural evolution of the film was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray nanodiffraction. The first layer, grown without the addition of oxygen, showed a dual phase structure consisting of a prevalent wurtzite phase fraction and a subordinate face centered cubic (fcc) phase fraction. The addition of small amounts of oxygen resulted in the stabilization of the fcc phase and the wurtzite phase vanished. With increasing film thickness and thus, increasing oxygen content, the texture of the fcc phase changed from dominating (111) to (100). Further, with increasing oxygen content increasing amounts of an additional amorphous phase fraction were observed. In the first layers, tensile residual stresses in the range of 1 – 2 GPa were determined, which turn compressive towards the film surface. Cross-sectional nanonindentation revealed increasing hardness and elastic modulus with increasing oxygen content in the first layers, however, towards the film surface the hardness decreases, which can be related to the increasing amounts of an amorphous phase fraction.

3:30 PM Invited F4-2-7 Hard Transition Metal Oxynitride Thin Films: From Synthesis to Applications
Filipe Vaz, Joel Borges (Minho University, Portugal)

The aim of this talk is to focus on the design, synthesis, properties and applications of different types of oxynitride protective and functional thin films and coatings. Multifunctional stable and metastable oxynitride coatings are expected to fill a gap between nitride and oxide based coatings. Therefore, they are considered to be of unique interest in fundamental research. Moreover, due to their combination of high oxidation resistance, chemical inertness, good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and friction behavior, they have a wide application field. In fact, oxynitride thin films are rapidly emerging from the research laboratory, and there are actually several examples of successful industrial applications. Protective applications, decorative coatings for high-quality consumer products, gas barriers, optoelectronics, microelectronics, solar cells, are among the most important areas in which oxynitrides are revealing promising results.

Nevertheless, there is still a huge need for a comprehensive discussion of their fundamental properties and in-service response as a function of the different designs and basic characteristics.

This talk is focused on the development and understanding of the materials themselves and on relationships and knowledge-based correlations between process parameters, synthesis and growth, micro structure evolution and properties, providing a forum to discuss current and future applications of this class of thin films and coatings.
Session Abstract Book
(308 KB, May 5, 2020)
Time Period WeA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic F Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | ICMCTF2018 Schedule