AVS 70 Tuesday Afternoon

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Session Tuesday, November 5, 2024
2:15 PM 3:15 PM 4:15 PM 5:15 PM
NanoARPES for the Study of 2D Materials
Observation of Interlayer Plasmon Polaron in Graphene/WS2 Heterostructures
Harnessing the Synergy of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Argon Cluster Etching for Profound Analysis of MoS2 and Graphene
Manipulation of Chiral Interface States in a Moiré Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Single Layer NiTe2 on Au
Nanoscale heterogeneities at Transition Metal Dichalcogenide-Au Interfaces
Xenon Trapping in Silica Nanocages Supported on Metal Powder
Atomic Layer Etching with Plasma Processing for Semiconductor Device Fabrication
Atomic Layer Etching in HBr/He/Ar/O2 Plasmas
Comparisons of Atomic Layer Etching of Silicon in Cl2 and HBr-Containing Plasmas
Atomic Layer Etching of Crystalline MoS2 by Plasma Fluorination and Oxygenation
A Reduced Order Model of Plasma-Surface Interactions in Atomic Layer Etching
Atomic Layer Etching of SiO2 using Sequential Exposures of Al(CH3)3 and H2/SF6 Plasma
Atomic Layer Etching of Cu Using Alternating Cycles of Hexafluoroacetylacetone and O2 Plasma
Enabling Anisotropic and Selective Etch Through Surface Modification of Ru
Enhanced Control of Plasma Surface Interaction to Etch Alloys Using Transient Assisted Plasma Etching (Tape)
Leveraging Plasma Nitridation for Atomic Layer Etching of Ni3Al
Precision Etching for Vertical GaN Nanowire Transistor Fabrication: A Focus on Atomic Layer Etching
Advances in Understanding Structure and Electron Transfer Dynamics at Iron Oxide/Water Interfaces
Manifestation of Correlated Electronic Structure in a Kagome Metal YbTi3Bi4
Impact of Surface Pretreatment on Al2O3/GaN and HfO2/GaN Band Offsets Measured by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Absence of Electronic Structure Reconfiguration in EuSnP Across the Antiferromagnetic Transition
Calculation of X-Ray Absorption Spectra of f-Element Compounds from First Principles
The XPS of Ni Compounds – A Comparative Study
The Experimental Asymmetry of the 2p, 3d, and 4f, Photoemission Spectra of the Elements of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Periods
Computational Exploration of Dimension Limits for Narrow Gap Transport of Reactive Species
High-Temperature Diffraction and Surface Electron-Phonon Coupling of the Unreconstructed Metallic and (3x1)-O Reconstructed Nb(100) Surfaces by Helium Atom Scattering
The Type of Ru Oxide on Ru(0001) Determines the Activity for the Decomposition of Silane
New Materials for Metamaterials: Electrochemical Materials and Switchable Chiral Nanostructures
Optoelectronic Nanowire Neuron
Modulation of Optical and Plasmonic Properties of Epitaxial and Precision Titanium Nitride Thin Films
Nano-Focusing and Characterization of the OAM Beam Through an Optical Fiber Using Plasmonic Nanostructure
Templated Block Copolymer Network Thin Films as 3D Chiral Optical Metamaterials: Connecting Finite-Difference Time-Domain and Self-Consistent Field Theory Simulations
Solution Processing of Optical Phase Change Materials
Effects of Ce Concentration on the Microstructural, Optical, and Luminescence Properties in Ce:GAGG Ceramic Phosphors
Solution Based Processing of Ge2Sb2Se4Te1 Phase Change Material for Optical Applications
Multi-Dimensional p-WSe2/n-Ga2O3 Enhancement-Mode Phototransistors for Stand-Alone Deep-Ultraviolet Sensing
Gaede-Langmuir Award Talk: Ingestible Technologies for Disease Assessment and Treatment in the Gastrointestinal Tract
Packaging Development with an Integrated Wireless System for an Electrochemical Cardiac Biosensor
Self-Powered, Eco-Friendly, and Edible UV Sensors for Food Packaging Applications
Inkjet Printing of AgNO3 inks With Solvent-Selective Morphologies on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrates
Development of an in-Situ Helium Purity Sensor for Cryopump Contamination Detection
Facile Fabrication of CuO/ZnO Heterojunctions from Sputtered Films UV Sensing
Diamagnetically Levitating Graphite Plate Resonators
A Novel MEMS Reservoir Computing Approach for Classifying Human Acceleration Activity Signal
Nonthermal Plasmas for Advanced Nanomanufacturing
Conversion of Liquid Hydrocarbons to H2 and C2 Olefins in AC Plasma Discharges
Pulsing a Methane Discharge for Temperature Control and Better Energy Efficiency for Hydrogen Production
Integrated Reactor Models of Diamond Growth: Advancing Towards Low-Temperature CVD
Solid State Generated Microwave Power for Hydrogen Plasma Reduction of Iron Oxide
Plasma Synthesis of Hydrogen from Ethanol Solution: A Mechanistic Study
Study of Plasma-Catalyst Surface Interactions for Coking Reduction
Toward Robust Spin-Optical Interfaces in Molecular Spin Qubits
Development of a Flip-Chip Induced Quantum Dot Device with Semiconductor Materials
Nanoscale Spatial Control of Colloidal Quantum Dots and Rods Using DNA for Next-Generation Quantum Devices
Characterization of epitaxially grown Al-Ge/SiGe quantum wells for voltage-controlled Josephson junctions
Developing a Novel Approach to Extract the Current-Phase Relation of Josephson Junctions with On-Wafer Microwave Probing and Calibration Techniques
Aging effects after Alternating Bias Assisted Annealing of Josephson Junctions
Evaluating Radiation Impact on Transmon Qubits Using a Fast Decay Protocol in Above and Underground Laboratories
Quantum Enhanced Josephson Junction Field-Effect Transistors for Logic Applications
Revealing Signatures of Unconventional Superconductivity in Tunneling Andreev Spectroscopy
Surface Sensitive Studies of the Electrolyte-Electrode Interface
Operando Studies of CO2, CO and N2 Catalytic Hydrogenation Reactions investigated with Ambient Pressure XPS
Understanding the Intrinsic Activity and Selectivity of Cu for Ammonia Electrosynthesis from Nitrate
Insights Into Photocatalytic Reduction Activities of Different Well-Defined Single Bulk Crystal TiO2 Surfaces in Liquid
Selectivity Control by Ionic Liquid Layers: From Surface Science to the Electrified Interface
Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition for Spatial Control of Reaction Selectivity on Model Photocatalysts
Titanium-Based Catalysts for CO2 Activation: Experimental Modelling of Hybride (Photo-)Catalysts
Tracking the Ultrafast Dynamics of a Photoinduced Reaction at the Surface of a Reactive Semiconductor: CH3I Photoinduced Reaction on TiO2 (110) Surface
Kinetic Theory of Mixed-Potential-Driven Catalysis and the Experimental Proof
Unlocking High Volumetric Energy Densities in LCO Cathode Materials through Atomic Layer Deposition
Surface Chemistry of Plasma Exposure on Sulfide Solid Electrolytes
Tuning the Composition and Structure of High Mobility Nasicon-Type Thin Films Through Atomic Layer Deposition
Unlocking Novel Chemistry in Atomic Layer Deposition: Transformative Insights from Trimethylaluminum Interactions with Battery Materials
Mapping Lithium Diffusion in Thin-Film V2O5 using Raman Spectroscopy
Roll-to-Roll Photoinitiated Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polymer Films for Liquid-Repellent Textiles
Battery Separators with Ultrathin iCVD-Polymer Coatings Mitigate Polysulfide Crossover in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Synthesis and Characterization of Ion Beam Nano-Engineered Metal-Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Films for SERS Application
In situ Analysis of Temperature Dependence During Molecular Layer Deposition of Polyurea
Multi-Stimuli Responsive Sensors for Electronic Skin Applications
Gas Analysis and Vacuum Characterization for Space and Lunar Exploration
ITER Service Vacuum System Client Connections
All-Metal Mechanical Pumping Solution Replacing the ITER Cryogenic Regeneration Roughing Pump System
Exploring Vacuum Technology in Nuclear Fusion: Challenges and Opportunities within STEP Fuel Cycle
An Enhanced, High-Vacuum System and Related Testing of Plasma Cell Prototypes for the ITER-DRGA Project
Design and Development of an Optical Gas Sensor for Fusion Applications
Development of the SPARC Tokamak Exhaust Purification System
Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview