AVS 70 Session EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA: Advances in Photonic Materials and Devices
Session Abstract Book
(329 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period TuA Sessions
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| AVS 70 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
2:15 PM | Invited |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-1 New Materials for Metamaterials: Electrochemical Materials and Switchable Chiral Nanostructures
Vivian Ferry (University of Minnesota) Alternative materials for metasurfaces enable new properties and lay the foundation for advantage applications. This talk will discuss two strategies for new, tunable metasurfaces. The first part of the talk will discuss the use of electrolyte gating to control the optical properties of materials, focusing on La1-xSrxCoO3-d (LSCO) as an exemplary case. We fabricate electric double layer transistors using LSCO and an ion gel, and under application of positive gate voltage gating facilitates the formation and migration of oxygen vacancies, and a transition from a perovskite phase to an oxygen-vacancy-ordered brownmillerite phase. This is accompanied by substantial change in optical properties, as measured with spectroscopic ellipsometry. The talk will discuss how LSCO can be incorporated with metasurfaces to produce tunable optical response. The second part of the talk will discuss chiral metamaterials, and particularly novel materials comprised of nanopatterned, light emitting nanocrystals with simultaneous control over both directionality and polarization state. |
2:45 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-3 Optoelectronic Nanowire Neuron
Thomas Kjellberg Jensen (Lund University, Sweden); Joachim E. Sestoft (Niels Bohr Institute); David Alcer, Nathanael Löfström, Vidar Flodgren, Abhijit Das (Lund University, Sweden); Rasmus D. Schlosser, Thomas Kanne Nordqvist (Niels Bohr Institute); Magnus Borgström (Lund University, Sweden); Jesper Nygård (Niels Bohr Institute); Anders Mikkelsen (Lund University, Sweden) Three different semiconductor nanowires are combined into a single optoelectronic artificial neuron. In general, artificial neurons sum and weight input signals, and output a signal according to a non-linear function which may be sigmoid-shaped (a generalized artificial neuron is shown in Fig. 1a). Figure 1b schematically shows the artificial neuron realized using nanowires. Here, neural excitation/inhibition is achieved by balancing inputted light across two pin-diode nanowires outputting a summed voltage measured by a nanowire-based field-effect transistor (FET). The false-colored electron microscope image shown in Figure 1c depicts the fabricated nanowire neuron. In Figure 1d we show the current measured across the FET nanowire as a function of laser beam position, demonstrating the excitatory and inhibitory behavior. Selectively illuminating the excitatory nanowire diode, the change in conductance follows a sigmoidal curve as a function of linearly increasing light intensity (Figure 1e) – the necessary non-linear part of a neural network. Taken together, these properties provide the device with the basic functionalities needed for a neuromorphic computing node [1,2]. Future measurements will explore the time-domain effects. Our artificial neuron provides a promising future platform for combining diverse materials with low power consumption and significantly reduced circuit footprint, this way addressing critical limitations for future-proofing photonics-based applications in neuromorphic computing. REFERENCES: [1] D. O. Winge, S. Limpert, H. Linke, M. T. Borgström, B. Webb, S. Heinze, and A. Mikkelsen, “Implementing an insect brain computational circuit using III-V nanowire components in a single shared waveguide optical network”, ACS Photonics, vol. 10, pp. 2787-2798, 2020. |
3:00 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-4 Modulation of Optical and Plasmonic Properties of Epitaxial and Precision Titanium Nitride Thin Films
Ikenna Chris-Okoro (North Carolina A&T State University); Sheilah Cherono (North Carolina A & T State Uni); Catalin Martin (Ramapo College of New Jersey); Valentin Craciun (National Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics); Soyoung Kim, Johannes Mahl, Junko Yano (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Ethan Crumlin (Lawrence Berkeley Lab); Dhananjay Kumar (North Carolina A & T State Uni); Wisdom Akande (North Carolina A&T State University) The present study arises from the need for developing negative-permittivity materials beyond commonly employed plasmonic metals (e.g., Au, Ag), which are often incompatible (i.e., low melting point, mechanically soft, chemically unstable) with real operating environments. This work reports a pulsed laser-assisted synthesis, detailed structural characterization using x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), Rutherford Backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), and plasmonic properties of three sets of TiN/TiON thin films. The first two sets of TiN films were grown at 600 and 700 °C under a high vacuum condition (≤2 ×10-7 Torr). The third set of TiN film was grown in the presence of 5 mTorr of molecular oxygen at 700 °C. The purpose of making these three sets of TiN/TiON films was to understand the role of film crystallinity and the role of the oxygen content of TiN films on their optical and plasmonic properties. The results have shown that TiN films deposited in a high vacuum are metallic, have large reflectance, and high optical conductivity. The TiN films, grown in 5 mTorr, were found to be partially oxidized with room temperature resistivity nearly three times larger than those of the TiN films grown under high vacuum conditions. The optical conductivity of these films was analyzed using a Kramers-Kronig transformation of reflectance and a Lorentz-Drude model; the optical conductivity determined by two different methods agrees very well. The good agreement between the two methods is indicative of a reliable estimate of the absolute value of reflectance in the first place. The existence of significant spectral weight below the interband absorptions is shared between two Lorentzians, one around 250 cm-1 and one around 2,500 cm-1. We discuss here the dependence of the two bands on the deposition conditions and their effect on the plasmonic performances of TiN/TiON thin films, in particular on the surface plasmon polariton (SPP) and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) quality factors. This work was supported by the NSF PREM on the Collaborative Research and Education in Energy Materials (CREEM) via grant # DMR-2122067 and the DOE EFRC on the Center for Electrochemical Dynamics And Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS) via grant # DE-SC0023415. |
3:15 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-5 Nano-Focusing and Characterization of the OAM Beam Through an Optical Fiber Using Plasmonic Nanostructure
Rohil Kayastha, Wei Zhang, Blake Birmingham (Baylor University); Zhi Gao (Texas A&M University); Jonathan Hu (Baylor University); Rafael Quintero-Torres (UNAM); Alexei V. Sokolov (Texas A&M University); Zhenrong Zhang (Baylor University) Optical vortex beam has been used in many applications such as nanoscale imaging, telecommunication, sensing, and so on due to its unique azimuthal phase distribution. Many of these applications utilize optical fibers as a sensor or to propagate the beam to transmit data and information. The vortex beam carrying an orbital angular momentum (OAM) has a phase singularity giving the beam a doughnut intensity profile. Due to its helical wavefront nature, the vortex beam carrying OAM has also been used to distinguish the enantiomers of the chiral molecule. However, coupling efficiency remains a problem due to the size mismatch of the beam and the molecule. Our work uses vortex fibers with plasmonic nanostructures to nano-focus the vortex beam to enhance the coupling between light and chiral matter. To achieve this goal, characterization of vortex beam in free space and through vortex fiber (a polarization-maintaining ring core optical fiber), and fabrication of nanostructure on fiber facet were performed. Generation and propagation of OAM beams were characterized in free space and through a vortex fiber. The free-space OAM beam was coupled and transmitted successfully through the vortex fiber with a pure and stable output beam. The helicity characterization and polarization analysis of the free-space and fiber-coupled output vortex beams showed consistent polarization and OAM. The direction of the phase front was maintained after propagation of the OAM through the vortex fiber, as observed from the spiral interference pattern. Nano-focusing of the OAM beam using nanostructure on the fiber facet was observed from the simulation. The circular array of plasmonic nanobars was fabricated on the fiber facet core, and the far-field image of the output OAM beam was observed after transmission through the fiber with the nanostructure. The near-field image of the nano-focused OAM beam on the fiber will be investigated using a near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM). The focusing of the OAM beam on a fiber facet with the nanostructure could enhance the coupling efficiency of the beam with chiral molecules. The nano-focused OAM on the fiber could be used as a scanning and sensing probe for single-molecule chirality detection. |
3:30 PM | BREAK | |
4:00 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-8 Templated Block Copolymer Network Thin Films as 3D Chiral Optical Metamaterials: Connecting Finite-Difference Time-Domain and Self-Consistent Field Theory Simulations
Emily McGuinness, Benjamin Magruder, Pengyu Chen, Kevin Dorfman, Christopher Ellison, Vivian Ferry (University of Minnesota) Optical metamaterials, whose properties depend not only on material selection but also the spatial arrangement of the material, provide access to interactions with light that are not present in bulk materials alone. Block copolymer self-assembly is a scalable method for creating 3D spatially periodic nanoscale structures to act as metamaterial templates. The gyroid morphology, whose curved, percolating structure is composed of triply connected struts, possesses chiral elements such as helices in bulk and chiral structures at certain surface terminations. As a result of their chirality, when templated with a plasmonic material, gyroids exhibit circular dichroism (CD) with applications in anti-counterfeit as well as molecular and protein sensing. While many optical simulations of gyroids assume a perfect cubic structure, most applications utilize thin films whose processing results in distortions such as compression normal to the substrate or surface rearrangements due to interactions with interfaces. Distorted gyroids, as well as the growing library of additional network structures possible from block copolymer self-assembly, are increasingly challenging to model from a purely mathematical basis and require better basis in physical reality. Combining the output of polymer self-consistent field theory (SCFT) with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) optical simulations enables the exploration of thermodynamically equilibrated structures for both distorted gyroids and expanded network geometries. This presentation will investigate the CD response of compressed double gyroid thin films as well as that of newly hypothesized network structures such as H181. In the first example, compression of (110) oriented silver double gyroid thin films yields a switching phenomenon from left to right circularly polarized light preferential absorption, offering the potential for dynamic systems (Figure 1a). Mechanistically, this behavior depends both on the surface and sub-surface structures of the compressed double gyroids. In the second example, (001) oriented silver templated thin films of the newly computationally uncovered H181 structure are shown to support a broadband visible light CD response (spanning 200 nm) with a g-factor (CD normalized to average absorption) of at least 0.14 across that entire wavelength range (Figure 1b). Overall, this work moves the optical simulations of metamaterials from block copolymers closer those physically realized, introducing additional opportunities for engineering their optical response. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
4:15 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-9 Solution Processing of Optical Phase Change Materials
Brian Mills (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Rashi Sharma, Daniel Wiedeman (University of Central Florida); Casey Schwarz (Ursinus College); Nichole Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Eric Bissell (University of Central Florida); Cosmin Constantin Popescu (massachusetts Institute of Technology); Dennis Callahan (Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.); Parag Banerjee, Kathleen Richardson (University of Central Florida); Juejun Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Chalcogenide optical phase change materials (O-PCM) serve as the functional material in a variety of non-volatile photonic devices, from reconfigurable metasurface lenses to tunable integrated photonic resonators. Although a handful of high figure of merit O-PCMs have been identified and implemented in prototype devices, the space of O-PCM composition remains relatively unexplored, precluding the possibility of application specific choices in material composition that optimize device performance. This is due, in large part, to the lack of time and cost efficient methods for O-PCM thin film deposition and characterization, for which vacuum chamber deposition is the most common method. In this work, we present the first implementation of a solution processing approach for O-PCM film synthesis and deposition, providing evidence of the method's viability in creating high quality, functioning O-PCM films with close adherence to target stoichiometry. This method serves as a robust platform for materials exploration of O-PCM composition and allows for the identification of candidate O-PCM, as well as an understanding of the effect of compositional changes in O-PCM optical and cycling properties. |
4:30 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-10 Effects of Ce Concentration on the Microstructural, Optical, and Luminescence Properties in Ce:GAGG Ceramic Phosphors
William Bowman, Steven Lass (University of Central Florida); Federico Moretti, Weronika Wolszczak (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Romain Gaume (University of Central Florida) Efficient luminescence and optical quality are necessary phosphor attributes for applications such as down-conversion layers in photovoltaics and computed tomography. Cerium-doped gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet (Ce:GAGG) is highly applicable for these purposes. It has been shown in other garnet hosts such as Ce:YAG and Ce:LuAG that Ce concentration alters both the luminescence and optical properties of the materials. In the case of Ce:GAGG single crystals and Ce concentrations lower than 1 at%, radioluminescence decay constants decrease by increasing the Ce concentration while light yield reaches a maximum at 0.3 at%. For Ce:GAGG ceramics, the effect of Ce concentration on these properties has not been systematically investigated. There is at current no work on determining the solid solubility limit of Ce in GAGG, which is critical in controlling the development of secondary phases and subsequent optical quality. This study aims to investigate the effects of Ce concentration on the microstructural, optical, and luminescence properties of GAGG optical ceramics with dopant concentrations in the 0.1at% to 10at% range. Transmission of the material increases with increasing Ce concentration up to 5.0at%. At the same time, the optical and luminescence properties of these samples show a complex evolution upon Ce concentration, highlighting the complex interplay among optical characteristics of the samples, concentration-related luminescence quenching phenomena, and charge carrier trapping defects. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Grant Award Number 20CWDARI00038-01-00. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. |
4:45 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-11 Solution Based Processing of Ge2Sb2Se4Te1 Phase Change Material for Optical Applications
Daniel Wiedeman, Rashi Sharma, Eric Bissel, Parag Banerjee (University of Central Florida); Brian Mills, Juejun Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Marie Sykes, Jasper Stackawitz, Jake Lucinec, Casey Schwarz (Ursinus College); Kathleen Richardson (University of Central Florida) Chalcogenide based phase change materials are important for creating novel optical and photonic devices, improving on current devices for future applications. Solution processing, via dip coating, spin coating, or drop-casting, is a low-cost, high-throughput alternative method of depositing thin films, which allows for greater composition diversity. In this work, we performed a detailed systematic study of the solution derived drop-casted film of Ge2Sb2Se4Te1 alloy in an ethylenediamine and ethanedithiol mixture. The composition, morphology and structural properties of the films were analyzed by employing scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Our findings provide insight into a potential route for scalable Ge2Sb2Se4Te1 films. |
5:00 PM |
EM+2D+BI+QS+TF-TuA-12 Multi-Dimensional p-WSe2/n-Ga2O3 Enhancement-Mode Phototransistors for Stand-Alone Deep-Ultraviolet Sensing
Soobeen Lee (Seoul National University, South Korea) β-Ga2O3 is an ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductor with a bandgap of 4.9 eV, resulting in a high breakdown field of approximately 8 MV/cm and a high Baliga’s figure-of-merit. β-Ga2O3 is a promising material for deep-ultraviolet (DUV) photodetector (PD) applications due to its direct bandgap of 4.9 eV, excellent thermal stability, and high absorption coefficient. Self-powered β-Ga2O3 PDs can be realized through p-n heterojunction (HJ) field-effect transistor architectures, exhibiting normally-off operation owing to the depletion region in the β-Ga2O3 channel. With intrinsic n-type conductivity caused by unintentional doping and challenges in p-type doping, fabricating self-powered β-Ga2O3 PDs necessitates combining β-Ga2O3 with p-type semiconductors such as transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), nickel oxide, or silicon carbide. Tungsten diselenide (WSe2), one of the TMDs, stands out as a promising material with a high monolayer mobility of approximately 180 cm2V-1s-1. Their dangling-bond-free surfaces provide an advantage in forming sharp interfaces with other materials in HJs. Moreover, efficient p-type doping of WSe2 is achieved via charge transfer by utilizing the high electron affinity of its self-limiting oxide, sub-stoichiometric tungsten oxide (WO3-X), which is used as a dopant. In this work, we introduce normally-off p-WSe2/n-β-Ga2O3 phototransistors and demonstrate their self-powered operation under 254 nm light. p-Type WSe2 was realized through charge transfer doping of WO3-X formed by O3 treatment, and the p-type doping effect of this oxide was confirmed through electrical characteristics. The cross-sectional structure of the fabricated p-WSe2/n-β-Ga2O3 phototransistors was analyzed, and the electrical and optical properties were evaluated before and after WSe2 oxidation. The device demonstrated a responsivity of 2 A/W under 254 nm light without an external bias, surpassing the performance of previously reported p-n HJ-based β-Ga2O3 PDs. Furthermore, we investigate the enhanced optoelectronic performance of multi-dimensional β-Ga2O3 phototransistors with plasmonic metal nanoparticles. In this presentation, we will discuss the potential of the self-powered multi-dimensional DUV β-Ga2O3 PDs with improved performance and their prospects in practical applications. This work was supported by Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) grant funded by the Korea Government (P0012451, The Competency Development Program for Industry Specialist) and the Korea Research Institute for defense Technology planning and advancement (KRIT) grant funded by Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) (KRIT-CT-21-034, and KRIT-CT-22-046). View Supplemental Document (pdf) |