AVS 70 Topics and Divisions

Time Periods | Schedule Overview

Click a topic code to see that topic's Sessions.
Topic Code Topic Name
2D 2D Materials
AC Actinides and Rare Earths
AIML AI/ML for Scientific Discovery
AMS Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy to Explore Field-Assisted Chemistry
AP Atomic Scale Processing Mini-Symposium
AQS AVS Quantum Science Workshop and Panel on Quantum Industry & Workforce Development
AS Applied Surface Science
BI Biomaterial Interfaces
BP Biomaterials Plenary
CA Chemical Analysis and Imaging of Interfaces
CPS CHIPS Act Mini-Symposium
EL Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
EM Electronic Materials and Photonics
EW Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Sessions
LS Light Sources Enabled Science Mini-Symposium
MI Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
MS Manufacturing Science and Technology
NS Nanoscale Science and Technology
NSP Nanoscale Science and Technology Plenary Session (INVITED SESSION)
PL Plenary Lecture
PS Plasma Science and Technology
QS Quantum Science and Technology Mini-Symposium
SE Advanced Surface Engineering
SS Surface Science
TF Thin Films
UN Undergraduate Poster Session
VT Vacuum Technology
Time Periods | Schedule Overview