AVS 66 Session MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM: Novel Magnetic Materials and Device Concept for Energy efficient Information Processing and Storage

Thursday, October 24, 2019 8:00 AM in Room A210
Thursday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(277 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic MI Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-1 Using Novel Magnonic Device Concepts for Efficient Information Processing
Burkard Hillebrands (Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany)

In the field of magnonics, wave-based logic devices are constructed and studied based on the utilization of spin waves and their quanta - magnons. The field is developing rapidly due to its potential to implement innovative ways of data processing as a CMOS complementary technology. Basic building blocks of magnonics have already been realized. Examples are linear and nonlinear spin-wave waveguide structures, magnonic logic, as well as magnonic amplifiers such as the magnon transistor and parametric amplification.

In this talk, I will give an overview about the fundamentals and the current trends in magnonics. One topic is the realization of new functionalities and devices by using novel concepts borrowed from integrated optics and combining them with the specific advantages found in magnetic systems. Examples are directional couplers and quantum-classical analogy devices, such as a magnonic Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP) device.

Another important direction is to use fundamentally new macroscopic quantum phenomena such as a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) at room temperature as a novel approach in the field of information processing technology. Very promising is the use of magnon supercurrents driven by a phase gradient in the magnon BEC. I will demonstrate evidence of the formation of a magnon supercurrent along with second magnonic sound, and its spatiotemporal behavior, which is revealed by means of time- and wavevector-resolved Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy. I will conclude with an outlook.

8:40 AM MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-3 Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of <10 nm Skyrmions in SrIrO3/SrRuO3 Bilayers
Joseph Corbett, James Rowland, Adam Ahmed, Jacob Repicky (The Ohio State University); Keng Yuan Meng (The Ohio State Univesity); Fengyuan Yang, Mohit Randeria, Jay Gupta (The Ohio State University)

We imaged isolated <10 nm sized skyrmions in SrIrO3 on SrRuO3 by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy. We fabricated bilayers of 2 unit cells of SrIrO3 atop of 10 unit cells of SrRuO3 via off-axis sputtering. This thickness combination was selected because it showed a strong topological hall signal. We observed a granular morphology of SrIrO3 mounds with rare patches of exposed SrRuO3. We can distinguish SrIrO3 from SrRuO3 by scanning tunneling spectroscopy where, SrIrO3 grains show a gap-like feature, while SrRuO3 have states near the Fermi level. The height histogram of the observed granular structures is consistent with an average of 2 unit cells of SrIrO3. The grains of the SrIrO3 appear to act as a nucleation for skyrmion formation. Similarly, we’ve imaged skyrmions under applied +/- 1 T fields demonstrating their magnetic character by observing an inversion in magnetic contrast. We found that the number of SrIrO3 unit cells did not determine skyrmion formation, but the size of the skymrion was linked to the grain size, i.e. the skyrmion formed roughly the size of the grain. Furthermore, we’ve been able to manipulate the skyrmions by utilizing the influence of the tip. On-going investigations into the mechanism of the magnetic manipulation of the skyrmion are underway, as well theoretical modeling of the isolated skyrmion to ascertain the local Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction constant.

9:00 AM Invited MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-4 Relieving YIG from its Substrate Constraints - YIG Resonators on Various Crystalline Substrate Materials
Georg Schmidt (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)

We have recently demonstrated the fabrication of free-standing 3D yttrium iron garnet (YIG) magnon nano-resonators with very low damping [1]. At first the resonators were fabricated on gallium gadolinium garnet (GGG) substrates which are most suitable for epitaxial deposition of YIG. The process involves room temperature deposition and subsequent annealing. Transmission electron microscopy investigation of the bridge-like structures shows that the span of the bridge is almost monocrystalline while some defects nucleate at the transitions from the span to the posts of the bridge which are epitaxially bound to the substrate. This suggests that the quality of the span may only indirectly depend on the quality of the feet, the latter being largely determined by the lattice matching of the substrate material to the YIG. Being able to grow YIG structures on substrate materials other than GGG would not only be interesting because of availability and price but also because the high frequency properties of GGG are less than ideal while other materials like MgO or Sapphire would be preferred for high frequency applications. We have fabricated YIG bridges on various substrate materials including yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG), MgO, and sapphire. In most cases we achieve high crystalline quality of the span even for non-matching substrates. For some of the materials time resolved magneto optical Kerr microscopy even reveals magnon resonances with reasonable linewidth.

[1] F. Heyroth et al. cond-mat.1802.03176

9:40 AM MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-6 Magnetic Textures in Chiral Magnet MnGe Observed with SP-STM
Jacob Repicky, Joseph Corbett, Tao Liu, Roland Bennett, Adam Ahmed (The Ohio State University); Jonathan Guerrero-Sanchez (National Autonomous University of Mexico); Roland Kawakami, Jay Gupta (The Ohio State University)

Materials with non-centrosymmetric crystal structures can host helical spin states including magnetic skyrmions. Bulk MnGe hosts a short period magnetic state (3 nm), whose structure depends strongly on atomic lattice strain, and shows a large emergent transport signature associated with the skyrmion phase. Here, we use low-temperature (5 K) spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) to image the magnetic textures in MnGe thin films grown via molecular beam epitaxy and study the influence of the surface on those textures. Most microscopic locations show a spin spiral phase with a 6-8 nm period and a propagation direction that is influenced by step edges and surface termination. We also report the presence of isolated target skyrmions which have a triangular shape that appears to be set by the in-plane lattice vectors, and a core size of approximately 15 nm. We observe the target state is significantly more sensitive to magnetic fields than the spiral phase, and that local voltage and current pulses with the STM tip imply the texture can be ‘switched’ between states with different topological charge. Detailed analysis of atomic resolution STM images is used to probe the role of small lattice strain on the distinct textures. To fully understand the magnetic textures in MnGe we will expand this study by investigating films of different thicknesses to vary the magnetic anisotropy and strain.

Funding for this research was provided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Grant No. 18AP00008

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM Invited MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-10 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Magnetic Multilayers
Hans Nembach (National Institute of Sandards and Technology (NIST))
The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) gives rise to chiral magnetic structures, which include chiral spin-chains and skyrmions. The latter have recently received much attention, especially for their potential application for magnetic data storage. Each skyrmion would represent a bit and would be moved along a racetrack. DMI requires broken inversion symmetry and can exist in the bulk as well as at interfaces, for example at interfaces between a ferromagnet and a material with large spin-orbit coupling like heavy metals. More recently it has been shown that interfacial DMI can also exist at interfaces with graphene and oxides.

We use Brillouin Light Scattering spectroscopy (BLS) to determine the DMI from the non-reciprocal frequency-shift Damon-Eshbach spin-waves. In order to gain deeper insight into the underlying physics of DMI, we prepared several sample series to study different aspects of the DMI. First, we prepared two samples series to study the relationship between the DMI and the Heisenberg exchange. One series was a Ni80Fe20 thickness series on a Pt layer and for the other series we introduced a Cu dusting layer at the interface between a CoFeB layer and Pt to disrupt the Heisenberg exchange directly at the interface. For both sample series, we found that the Heisenberg exchange and the DMI are proportional to each other as it has been predicted by theory. Next, we prepared a Cu/Co90Fe10 and a Pt/Co90Fe10 sample series, which were in-situ oxidized for different times and subsequently capped to prevent any further oxidation. Density functional theory calculations have shown that the hybridization and the associated charge transfer is important for the DMI and that interfaces with an oxide can have DMI. Our BLS measurements showed that oxide interfaces have DMI. Moreover, we showed that the spectroscopic splitting factor g, which we determined with ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopic, is correlated to the DMI. This is an indirect confirmation of the theory predictions regarding the role of hybridization and charge transfer.

So far, most work on DMI has been carried out for highly symmetric interfaces. Low symmetry systems can have anisotropic DMI and can potentially support anti-skyrmions. We prepared a Pt/Fe(110) sample and found that the DMI is anisotropic with the strongest DMI along the [001] direction, which coincides with the magnetic easy axis.

Finally, we studied the impact of He+ ion irradiation on DMI for the Ta/CoFeB/Pt system. We found that the DMI increases with the dose before it drops for the highest does. This is in contrast to the perpendicular anisotropy, which continuously decreases with ion-irradiation.

11:40 AM Invited MI+2D+AS+EM-ThM-12 Transport in Goniopolar and (pxn) Metals
Joseph Heremans, Bin He, Luyang Zheng, Y. Wang, M.Q. Arguilla, N.D. Cultrara, M.R. Scudder, J.E. Goldberger, W. Windl (The Ohio State University)

semiconductors that have p-type conduction along some crystallographic directions and n-type conduction along others due to a particular topology of their Fermi surface. The electrical and thermoelectric transport of one member of this class, NaSn2As2, will be presented. A second class of materials have similar transport properties due to different mechanisms: some, like Be and Cd, have Fermi surfaces that contain both electron and hole pockets that have partial thermopowers of opposite polarities, but very anisotropic mobilities, so that one carrier type dominates the total thermopower in one direction, and the other carrier type dominates the thermopower in the other direction. A new member of this class, the semimetal bismuth doped p-type with Sn, will be described in this talks as well. In practice, a third class of artificial materials made of separate layers of p-type and of n-type semiconductors can be made to have a similar behavior in transport as well; the last two classes are called (pxn)-materials.

The electrical conductivity and thermopower tensors in goniopolar and (pxn) materials can be made to have off-diagonal components, which cause exciting new properties like zero-field Hall and Nernst-Ettingshausen effects. These materials can be used in single-crystal transverse thermoelectrics.

[1] He, B. et al , Nat. Mater. (published online doi.org/10.1038/s41563-019-0309, 2019)

[2] Zhou, C. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 227701 (2013).

Session Abstract Book
(277 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic MI Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule