AVS 66 Session EM+OX+TF-TuA: Nikolaus Dietz Memorial Session: Wide and Ultra-wide Band Gap Materials and Devices

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 2:20 PM in Room A214
Tuesday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(311 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule

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2:20 PM Invited EM+OX+TF-TuA-1 Nitride-Based Semiconducting Materials: A Long Pathway to Advanced Nuclear Detection Capabilities
Vincent Woods, Lance Hubbard (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory); Zlatko Sitar (North Carolina State University); Alexander Y. Kozhanov (Georgia State University)

This energetic talk will focus primarily on the development of advanced nitride-based avalanche photodiode devices but will also highlight the many contributions that Nikolaus Dietz made to the field of real-time optical characterization, materials development and advanced growth techniques. Iterative development and advances in growth techniques and characterization have allowed sufficient improvement in materials quality to show demonstrable g ain in Avalanche Photodiode Detector (APD) device structures currently being produced for nuclear detection applications. This contribution will present the structural and optoelectronic properties of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) on AlN, GaN and sapphire templates/substrates. The target parameters for the materials heterostructures have been modeled for utilization in APD structures operating in the UV region. Optical modeling has improved absorption within the heterojunction as well as maximized light trapping within the device. Electronic modeling has determined the optimal dopant concentrations for maximum impact ionization rate, as well as tolerance to defects and unintentional doping. This application required advances in the defect densities, surface morphology, and interfaces. Surface morphological and structural properties of the GaN/AlGaN heterostructures are analyzed by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Recent results related to the gain of the final APD device will be presented.

3:00 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-3 New Mg-based Ternary Nitrides for Wide Band Gap Device Applications
Krystal York, Robert Makin III, Steven Durbin (Western Michigan University); Roger Reeves (University of Canterbury, New Zealand); Nancy Senabulya, Roy Clarke (University of Michigan)

There continues to be significant interest in discovering viable alternatives to the traditional indium- and gallium-containing semiconductors, especially the nitrides, given the cost of the metallic constituents. The general family of ternary heterovalent semiconductors provides a number of interesting candidates, and considerable progress with a number of them has been made in the last several years. In addition to realizing ZnSnN2 in thin film form using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE), we have recently demonstrated for the first time that the previously hypothetical wide band gap semiconductors MgSnN2 (Eg ~ 3.4 eV) and MgGeN2 (Eg ~ 5.1 eV) can also be grown. Zinc tin nitride (ZnSnN2) has received considerable interest recently as a potential earth-abundant element based compound semiconductor for photovoltaic device applications. Its constituent elements are inexpensive, readily available in high-purity form, non-toxic, and both zinc and tin benefit from mature recycling infrastructure. We have studied the growth of crystalline thin films of all three ternary heterovalent compounds with a view to understand their optical and electronic properties. We have demonstrated that the optical band gap energy exhibits a strong correlation with the ordering of the cation sublattice, and used this to determine the full range of possible band gap energies. Cation ordering is quantified through the long-range order parameter, which can be measured by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, or in-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction. All three materials can be successfully grown on (111) YSZ substrates, which represents a nontrivial lattice mismatch. We are able to control the cation ordering over essentially the entire range of possible long-range order parameter values through systematic variation of PA-MBE growth parameters, and have demonstrated reproducibility of a few percent.

3:20 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-4 Low Temperature Growth of InN by Atomic Layer Epitaxy
Charles R. Eddy, Jr. (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Samantha G. Rosenberg, Jeffrey M. Woodward (American Society for Engineering Education (residing at U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)); Karl Ludwig (Boston University); Neeraj Nepal (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

Wurtzite indium nitride (InN) has direct bandgap of about 0.7 eV with large phonon gap and is an attractive semiconductor material for application in various areas, e.g. optical, electrical, optoelectronic, and spintronic device technologies [1]. InN and its alloys with GaN and AlN (III-N) have therefore found application in a variety of technologies such as high power transistors, emitters, detectors, and solar-cells. The relatively high growth temperature of common III-N synthesis techniques has impeded further development and application of the materials due to challenges with miscibility gaps and strain related to thermal expansion mismatch with non-native substrates. To address these challenges, plasma assisted atomic layer epitaxy (PA-ALEp) offers a new approach to low temperature III-N growth and can be used to epitaxially grow InN by using alternative pulses of trimethylindium and nitrogen plasma [2]. We report on development of the PA-ALEp process for InN growth on sapphire and gallium nitride substrates demonstrating the self-limited growth windows as a function of temperature and pulse durations in the process. We benchmark the quality of our films compare to those grown by Dietz et al. by high pressure CVD [3]. The process produces quality, crystalline semiconductor films with properties comparable to those grown by conventional methods at temperatures roughly 2X higher. Beyond that, the PA-ALEp process affords realization of InN containing ternary nitrides with aluminum and gallium that are not possible with conventional growth methods. Further, the unique, non-thermal equilibrium process enables realization of cubic (rock salt) phases on InN. In order to better understand nucleation and growth mechanisms involved in the PA-ALEp process, we employ in situ X-ray scattering methods using synchrotron radiation. We have determined that the growth proceeds largely by a Stranski-Krastinov process on either sapphire or gallium nitride. Further, we have investigated the impact of components of the PA-ALEp cycle on the growth process [4], in particular the plasma pulse time. Here we see that pulse time can affect the nature of nucleation from bimodal nucleation to single mode nucleation to degraded growth as pulse time increases from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. These and other nucleation and growth behaviors will be highlighted.

[1] O. Ambacher, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31, 2653 (1998).

[2] N. Nepal, et al., Cryst. Growth Design 13, 1485 (2013).

[3] N. Dietz, et al., Phys. Status Solidi B 242, 2985 (2005).

[4] N. Nepal, et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 37, 020910 (2019).

4:20 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-7 Stochiometry- and Orientation-Dependent Native Point Defects of MOCVD-Grown ZnGeN2 Films
Micah Haseman, Daram Ramdin, Rezaul Karim (The Ohio State University); Dinushi Jayatunga (Case Western Reserve University); Hongping Zhao (The Ohio State University); Kathleen Kash (Case Western Reserve University); Leonard Brillson (The Ohio State University)

Heterovalent ternary II-IV-nitrides like ZnGeN2 are attracting increased interest due to their close relation to technologically important III-nitrides such as GaN. Unlike many III-nitrides, the constituents of ZnGeN2 are more earth-abundant with potential for more versatile optoelectronic lattice matching. Essential to II-IV-nitride device application is the control of native point defects and subsequent manipulation of doping and carrier compensation. In many wide band gap binary semiconductors such as GaN or ZnO the most thermodynamically stable defects are cation or anion vacancies whereas stable defects in ternary alloys may include antisites, interstitials, and their complexes as well as H interstitials and complexes. Thus identification of native point defects in ZnGeN2 and other ternaries can be challenging. Using depth-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy (DRCLS), we have observed multiple deep level defects in MOCVD-grown ZnGeN2 films. Excitation depths obtained via Monte Carlo simulations for varying incident electron beam energies provide depth-resolution for the cathodoluminescence spectra which reveal defects that extend throughout the deposited ZnGeN2 film and are not localized near the free surface nor the film-substrate interface, therefore, unless these defects are unintentional impurities, they must be native point defects. Density functional theory (DFT) predicts the most thermodynamically stable native point defects are in fact ZnGe and GeZn antisites and the n-type nature of the films studied suggests that ZnGe acceptor is the most favorable defect to form [1]. We used off-stoichiometric films to identify luminescence features due to gap state transitions from specific defects. For Zn-rich films (Zn/Ge = 1.15), we observe an additional defect feature at 2.4 eV corresponding to a near mid-gap state. DFT band structures for ZnGeN2 show that ZnGe antisites create gap states just below mid-gap, consistent with the n-type Fermi level and with the Zn-rich films. In addition, we observe strong variation in these mid-gap states with Al2O3 vs GaN substrate growths as well as an Al2O3 orientation dependence. DRCLS’s ability to probe electronic structure on a near-nanometer scale enables us to probe defect variations with stoichiometry as growth conditions are varied within the outer tens of nanometers - a nanoscale testbed to identify defects. Identifying and controlling such defects using growth processes can enable advances in ZnGeN2 for next generation electronic device applications. The authors gratefully acknowledge support from NSF grants DMR-18-00130 and DMREF 1533957.

1Skachkov et. al. Phys. Rev. B 93, 155202 (2016)

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4:40 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-8 Low-temperature Growth of Wide Bandgap Nitride and Oxide Thin Films via Plasma-assisted Atomic Layer Deposition: Influence of rf-plasma Source and Plasma Power
Necmi Biyikli, Saidjafarzoda Ilhom, Adnan Mohammad, Deepa Shukla (University of Connecticut)

Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition (PA-ALD) provides an alternative way to grow wide bandgap materials at substantially reduced substrate temperatures (lower than 400°C) when compared to conventional epitaxial growth techniques. While majority of the published literature indicate polycrystalline or amorphous films, recent results depict preferred crystal orientation and even single crystalline nitride and oxide films obtained mainly by delicate substrate in-situ cleaning and careful plasma condition tuning and optimization.

In this talk, we will give an overview of the current state-of-the-art in PA-ALD research on wide and ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors, focusing mainly on wide bandgap III-nitrides (AlN, GaN) and III-oxides (Ga2O3). Subsequently, we'll share our recent research efforts on growing crystalline GaN and Ga2O3 thin films via PA-ALD utilizing two different plasma sources: inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and capacitively-coupled hollow-cathode plasma (CCHCP) source. We show that for III-nitride films, CCHCP source provides significant improvement in terms of oxygen impurity incorporation and structural film quality, while using a compact vacuum reactor with reduced source-to-substrate distance leads to reduced plasma power levels needed for self-limiting growth saturation curves. Both sources will also be compared in terms of film quality for ultra-wide bandgap Ga2O3.

We will present how the choice of plasma source and rf-plasma power affects the structural, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of the grown wide bandgap nitride and oxide films. Detailed x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), spectroscopic ellipsometer (SE), Hall measurements (HM) results and analyses will be presented. In addition to these ex-situ characterization results, we'll provide our real-time in-situ ellipsometric film growth monitoring results which provide valuable information about the single chemisorption, ligand-exchange/removal, and nitrogen/oxygen incorporation reactions.

We'll present proof-of-concept electronic and opto-electronic device demonstration based on GaN and Ga2O3 films grown via PA-ALD and will conclude with a future outlook in terms of how to further improve material quality and device performances.

5:00 PM Invited EM+OX+TF-TuA-9 Wide Bandgap Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors for Room Temperature Spintronic Applications
Vishal Saravade, Amirhossein Ghods (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA); Nabiha Ben Sedrine (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal); Chuanle Zhou, Ian Ferguson (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

Wide bandgap dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) are promising materials for spintronic applications due to their theoretically predicted and experimentally observed ferromagnetic properties at room temperature (RT) [1]. Spintronics is an enabling technology for devices that will meet current and future computing needs through quantum computing, neuromorphic applications, and artificial intelligence.

Gallium nitride doped with rare earth or transition metals have exhibited ferromagnetic behavior for spintronic applications although its mechanism is still not well understood [1]. In order to build spin-based devices, it is necessary to understand, control, and manipulate their magnetic properties. MOCVD-grown GaGdN shows RT ferromagnetism as evidenced in vibrating sample magnetometry and anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) measurements. Also, AHE measurement showed that the mechanism for the ferromagnetism is intrinsic and likely mediated by free carriers, which is conducive for spintronic applications [2]. However, ferromagnetism is only observed with a Gd precursor, (TMHD)3Gd, which contains oxygen in its organic ligand that appears to be incorporated into the GaGdN. As per density functional theory calculations, oxygen and carbon could introduce deep localized states close to the Fermi level in GaGdN that couple with Gd states to render ferromagnetism [3, 4]. To achieve a clarity and control of this phenomenon, O and C are intentionally implanted into GaGdN grown using oxygen-free Cp3Gd source. In this case, as-grown GaGdN is not ferromagnetic, but post-implantation with O or C does result in ferromagnetism. X-ray diffraction exhibits low damage and good crystal quality for the implanted GaGdN with peak shifts as compared to the GaGdN before implantation, showing signs of O or C incorporation. Annealing the implanted GaGdN activates the dopant, improves the crystal quality, and shows clear signs of AHE. This indicates that the intrinsic and potentially free carrier-mediated RT ferromagnetism in GaGdN is activated by band states introduced by O or C. A better understanding of the mechanism for RT ferromagnetism will enable using these materials to build spintronic devices, and processors for high speed computing applications.


1. M. Kane, S. Gupta and I. Ferguson, “Transition metal and rare earth doping in GaN”, Woodhead publishing, 2016

2. V. Saravade, C. Ferguson, A. Ghods, C. Zhou, and I. Ferguson, MRS Adv. 3 (3), p. 159, 2018

3. Z. Liu, X. Yi, J. Wang, J. Kang, A. Melton, Y. Shi, N. Lu, J. Wang, J. Li, and I. Ferguson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (23), 232408, 2012

4. R. Xie, H. Xing, Y. Zeng, Y. Liang, Y. Huang and X. Chen, AIP Adv. 7, 115003, 2017

5:40 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-11 Processing and Characterization of Schottky and Ohmic contacts on (100) β-Ga2O3
Luke Lyle, Kunyao Jiang, Elizabeth Favela, Diamond Moody, Tianxiang Lin, Priscilla Chung (Carnegie Mellon University); Kalyan Das (North Carolina State University); Zbigniew Galazka, Andreas Popp, Gunter Wagner (Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Germany); Lisa Porter (Carnegie Mellon University)

Over the past decade beta-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) has accrued increased interest due to its ultrawide bandgap of around 4.6 eV, superior figures of merit for numerous electronic and optoelectronic applications, and the ability to produce single-crystal melt-grown substrates. Considering these factors, β-Ga2O3 has been primarily pursued for applications as high-power electronics, of which the understanding and development of Schottky and ohmic metal contacts is critical. In this study we characterized the electrical properties of electron-beam evaporated Ni, Mo, Au and other metal Schottky contacts to (100) β-Ga2O3 substrates. Prior to deposition of the metals, the Ga2O3 surface was cleaned via a 10% HCl solution followed by a clean in boiling 30% H2O2 solution at 85°C. Ti/Au was deposited via electron-beam evaporation and annealed at 400°C in an Ar atmosphere for use as ohmic contacts. The ideality factors, barrier heights, and doping densities were calculated from I-V and C-V measurements, which showed excellent agreement in most cases; I-V-T measurements are also planned as a complementary method to determine electrical transport behavior as a function of temperature. From our measurements it was observed that the Schottky barrier heights tended to increase as a function of the metal workfunction. These results are in contrast to our prior measurements of Schottky contacts on (-201) β-Ga2O3, which showed little to no correlation between Schottky barrier height and metal workfunction. In this presentation we will compare the electrical behavior of the various metal contacts on (100) β-Ga2O3, including the extracted ideality factors (~1.05–1.2) and Schottky barrier heights (~0.9–2 eV). The results will be discussed in the context of important processing conditions, as well as structural, optical, and morphological characteristics of (100) and (-201) -Ga2O3 substrates as determined from x-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and other techniques.

6:00 PM EM+OX+TF-TuA-12 III-Nitrides: Enabling Applications with Wide to Ultra-Wide Bandgap Materials and Devices
Erica Douglas, Albert Baca, Brianna Klein, Andrew Allerman, Andrew Armstrong, Albert Colon, Chad Stephenson, Robert Kaplar (Sandia National Laboratories)

Though now commercially available, wide band gap semiconductors (WBG) such as GaN were pursued due to immense potential for high frequency, light-emission, and power electronic applications. Due to high breakdown voltages, which have been achieved due in part to intrinsic material properties and device engineering, as well as low on-state resistance, wide bandgap semiconductors have found significant success in the commercial application regime. The critical electric field that a material can withstand can be significantly increased through bandgap engineering due to critical field scaling as Eg2.5 [1]. Thus, moving from WBG materials with bandgaps ~3 eV, to UWBG with bandgaps above 3.4 eV, alloying GaN with Al can increase the bandgap from 3.4 eV (GaN) to 6.2 eV (AlN) and result in a critical electric field approaching 5X that of GaN.

Since the first AlGaN-channel transistor was reported in 2008 [2], development and progress on devices with increasing Al content has been pursued, including high electron mobility transistors with channel concentrations as high as 85% Al [3]. Though a corollary can be drawn to GaN, there are still a significant number of challenges to overcome for AlGaN-channel devices, ranging from epitaxial growth to fabrication. This talk will describe the latest results at Sandia National Laboratories in AlGaN-channel HEMTs, including recent advances in: enhancement-mode operation, current density, device performance over temperature, and RF operation.

This work was supported by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.

[1] R. J. Kaplar, et al., ECS J. Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 6, p. Q3061 (2017).

[2] T. Nanjo, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 263502 (2008).

[3] A.G. Baca, et al.,Appl. Phys. Lett.109, 033509 (2016).

Session Abstract Book
(311 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule