AVS 66 Session QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA: Materials for Quantum Sciences

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 2:20 PM in Room B231-232
Tuesday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(329 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic QS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule

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2:20 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-1 Electrically Detected Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Study of Defects in 4H-SiC Bipolar Junction Transistors
Ryan Waskiewicz, Brian Manning, Duane McCrory, Patrick Lenahan (Pennsylvania State University)

There is growing interest in the possibilities of SiC in spin-based quantum computation. The development of such spin-based quantum computation will require a fundamental understanding of spin physics of paramagnetic defects in SiC including both electron and nuclear paramagnetism. We utilize electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) detection through spin dependent recombination (SDR). In this study we demonstrate relatively high signal to noise electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) in a single fully processed SiC pn junction at room temperature. The electrically detected ENDOR (EDENDOR) involves nitrogen nuclei in close proximity to deep level centers within the depletion region of the pn junction; the deep levels are almost certainly silicon vacancies.

We believe these observations are of importance for at least two reasons: (1) they demonstrate that the enormous analytical power of ENDOR can be extended to the study of problems in conventional solid-state electronics and (2) the results demonstrate a way to directly monitor small numbers of nuclear spins through the measure of electronic currents.

In our EDMR measurements, a slowly varying magnetic field and an oscillating microwave frequency magnetic field are applied to the sample inside a microwave cavity. As in conventional EPR, energy is absorbed by paramagnetic sites when the resonance condition is met. For a simple case, this resonance condition is hv=gμBB±ΣmiAi, where h is Planck’s constant, g is an orientation dependent number typically expressed in a g-tensor, μBis the Bohr magneton, B is the magnetic field, miis the spin quantum number of the ith nucleus, and Ai is the hyperfine interaction of the ith magnetic nucleus. In EDMR, the EPR response is detected through a change in device current, in our case due to SDR.

The devices in this study are 4H-SiC BJTs. The EDMR response obtained on these BJTs is very similar to an EDMR spectrum that has been linked to a silicon vacancy in 4H-SiC MOSFETs. To perform the EDENDOR measurement, the magnetic field is held constant and an NMR frequency sweep is applied to the device. The device current is measured and a large response is measured at what is unambiguously the nuclear frequency of nitrogen. These results demonstrate the analytical power of the EDENDOR measurement, measuring nitrogen in the vicinity of the silicon vacancy defect centers that are measured with EDMR.

This work was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number NO. FA9550-17-1-0242.

2:40 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Er Adatoms on GaAs (110)
Rebekah Smith, Anne Benjamin, Jay Gupta (The Ohio State University)

Rare earth dopants in III-V semiconductors are of interest as high quality optical sources due to the preservation of sharp intra-f-shell transitions. The long optical coherence lifetime and narrow energy width of these transitions, at 1.54 um, make them a candidate for quantum communication. Here we investigate Er interactions with host GaAs (110) surface with atomic resolution using STM. Er atoms were deposited via electron beam evaporation onto the GaAs surface at 5 K. We find three different Erad configurations with varying abundance upon deposition, each with a different surface site location. All three configurations exhibit long-range depressions in STM topographic images, attributed to band bending associated with a positive adatom charge state. Individual Er adatoms can be switched between these states by applying a positive voltage pulse with the STM tip. Tunneling spectroscopy on Er adsorbed at the interstitial sites reveals prominent states within the GaAs bandgap, but no evidence of sharp f-shell transitions inferred from bulk optical studies. We also form substitutional ErGa by applying a larger positive voltage pulse. Substitutional Er appears neutral, which we attribute to it being isoelectronic with Ga. This work acknowledges funding from the DOE (DE-SC0016379).

3:00 PM Invited QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-3 Defect-based Quantum Systems in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Trong Toan Tran (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Engineering solid state quantum systems is amongst grand challenges in realizing integrated quantum photonic circuitry. While several 3D systems (such as diamond, silicon carbide, zinc oxide) have been thoroughly studied, solid state emitters in two dimensional (2D) materials are still in their infancy. In this talk I will introduce hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as a promising layered material that hosts ultra bright quantum emitters. I will present several avenues to engineer these emitters in large area hBN multilayers and monolayers using chemical vapour deposition techniques. I will then show unique tuning expeirments and promising results for controlling the emission wavelength of these quantum emitters. At the second part of my talk, I will discuss promising avenues to integrate the emitters with plasmonic and photonic cavities to achieve improved collection efficiency and Purcell enhancement. These are fundamental experiments to realize integrated quantum photonics with 2D materials. I will summarize by outlning challenges and promising directions in the field of quantum emitters and nanophotonics with 2D materials and other wide band gap materials.
4:20 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-7 Specific Placement of VSi in 4H-SiC for Quantum Technologies using Li+ Implantation
Shojan P. Pavunny, Rachael L. Myers-Ward, D. Kurt Gaskill (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Edward Bielejec (Sandia National Laboratories); Hunter Banks, Andrew L. Yeats (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Matthew DeJarld (Raytheon); Samuel G. Carter (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)

Silicon carbide has been a material of interest in the quantum technology field for future applications in communication and sensing due in part to the long spin (S = 3/2) coherent lifetime of the Si vacancies (VSi). Additional benefits to using SiC for quantum technologies is wafer scalability and fabrication capability using standard processing techniques, making it a favorable material. To improve emission rates of photoluminescence from the vacancies, exact placement of the VSi within microcavities is necessary. Here we show implanted Li+ into Si-face, 4H-SiC homoepitaxy creates VSi in desired locations. The epitaxial material had no measurable VSi prior to Li+ implantation. The dose of 100 keV Li+ ranged from 1012 – 1015 cm-2 and was directed using a maskless focused ion beam technique with a positional accuracy of ~25 nm. The arrays were characterized with high-resolution scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy. Using a 745 nm excitation source, the photoluminescence ranging from 860 – 975 nm produced the characteristic V1’, V1 and V2 lines, with the V1’ zero-phonon line being consistent for all measurements. In addition, the V1’ intensity showed a linear dependence with implantation dose. Moreover, near single photon emission is obtained from VSi at the lowest doses.

Research at NRL is supported by the Office of Naval Research. Ion implantation was performed at Sandia National Laboratories through the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, an Office of Science facility operated for the DOE (contract DE-NA-0003525) by Sandia Corporation, a Honeywell subsidiary.

4:40 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-8 Silicon Vacancy Point Defect in High-quality Nanobeam Photonic Crystal Cavities in 4H Silicon Carbide
Mena Gadalla, Xingyu Zhang, Andrew Greenspon (Harvard University); David Bracher (Harvard GSAS); Rodrick Kuate Defo, Evelyn Hu (Harvard University)

Silicon carbide (SiC) has recently found promise and applications in the quantum world, because of various fluorescent point defects that serve as an intriguing platform for solid-state quantum information and quantum sensing technologies. One such native point defect is the negatively charged silicon vacancy (VSi-)in the 4H polytype of SiC. This color center can occupy two inequivalent lattice sites, resulting in two distinct zero-phonon-lines (ZPL) at 862nm and 916nm. VSi- possesses good spin coherence properties, with spin states that can be initialized and read out optically. Unfortunately, low branching ratio is a characteristic of the VSi- spectrum where a small fraction of the total emission is coupled into the ZPL and the rest is emitted into the phonon sideband. This low emission fraction limits the ability to employ VSi- in various quantum information schemes. To increase the fraction of light emitted into the ZPL and increase the defect emission rate, we fabricated high-quality factor nanophotonic crystal cavities designed to match the ZPL frequency. Through tuning of the cavity into resonance with the ZPLs, we have demonstrated a 75-fold Purcell enhancement at 4K. This talk will describe the fabrication process for 1D nanobeam photonic crystal cavities, leading to quality factors in excess of 104. The highest cavity-defect interactions depend on resonance in frequency and high spatial overlap of the defect with the maximum electric field within the cavity. Using the cavity as a “nanoscope”, revealing defect position, we used laser irradiation annealing at varying times and different laser frequencies to infer the diffusive motion of defects within the cavity. We showed that a systematic and controlled laser annealing can increase the ZPL of the implanted cavity mode by a factor of 4.

5:00 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-9 Tailoring the Heterogeneities in 2D Materials by Controlled Synthesis and Processing
Kai Xiao, Xufan Li, Kai Wang, Akinola Oyedele, Mina Yoon, Sanghan Xia, Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Christopher Rouleau, Alexander Puretzky, Liangbo Liang, Raymond Unocic, David Geohegan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Two-dimensional (2D) materials are intrinsically heterogeneous, thereforecontrolling defects, understanding the impact of boundaries and interfaces and developing means to exploit these heterogeneities is a transformative opportunity that could underpin future technologies and energy applications. In this talk, I will discuss the fundamental understanding of the roles of heterogeneities including defects, dopants, edges, strain, and phases in 2D materials on their optoelectronic properties. Through isoelectronic doping in monolayer of MoSe2, the Se vacancies are effectively suppressed and photoluminescence is significantly enhanced. In addition, we demonstrate the non-equilibrium, bottom-up growth approach not only can tailor the defect density far beyond intrinsic levels in monolayers of 2D MoSe2−x but also create new antisite defects in monolayers of WS2during the synthesis. The build-in localized strain in 2D crystals directly grown on patterned curved surface can tune the bandgap of 2D crystals for possible quantum emitting applications. The bottom up synthesis of 2D materials discussed here provides excellent control over the heterogeneity in 2D materials, which can modulate the optical and electrical properties in 2D materials and their heterostructures for ultra-thin and flexible electronics.

Acknowledgment: Synthesis science was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Materials Sciences and Engineering Division and characterizations were performed at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility.

5:20 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-10 Epitaxial Al Films for Plasmonic and Quantum Computing Applications
Ka Ming Law, Sujan Budhathoki, Smriti Ranjit, Franziska Martin, Adam Hauser (The University of Alabama)

Superconducting resonators are important for application in quantum computing but require high quality factors. Much work has been done on superconducting resonators fabricated from aluminum thin films on sapphire, and superconducting Josephson tunnel junctions made from aluminum are used as the basis for quantum bit designs. In addition, epitaxial aluminum films has attracted attention in plasmonics due to their superior performance in the UV regime compared to Au and Ag, and their compatibility with current CMOS technology. Sapphire substrates are chemically stable and have low lattice mismatch with aluminum, allowing higher film quality without the need for elaborate substrate preparation and time-consuming growth procedures.

Epitaxial aluminum films were successfully grown by off-axis magnetron sputtering on c-plane sapphire. This study assessed the effects of varying both substrate preparation conditions and growth and prebake temperatures on crystallinity and smoothness. X-ray diffraction and reflectivity measurements demonstrate superior crystallinity and surface smoothness for films grown at 200℃ in15mTorr Ar. An additional substrate preparation procedure which involves 1) a modified RCA procedure and 2) prebake in oxygen environment is shown by atomic force microscopy to be highly effective in reducing void density and depth.

5:40 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-11 Minimizing Coulomb Oscillation Linewidth on Silicon Quantum Dots
Yanxue Hong, Aruna Ramanayaka, Michael Stewart, Jr., Xiqiao Wang, Ranjit Kashid, Pradeep Namboodiri, Richard Silver, Joshua Pomeroy (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))
In quantum science research, both cryogenic temperatures and low measurement noise are required for high fidelity. For silicon quantum dot devices, an increase in either one causes broadening of Coulomb blockade peaks, which is usually referred to as a high electron temperature. Here we report on temperature-dependent (T-dependent) conductance measurements and evaluation of effective electron temperature (Teff) using an STM-patterned atom-scale silicon single-electron transistor (SET). Measurements are made in various cryogenic systems over temperatures varying from 10 mK to 25 K. The effective electron temperature is extracted by fitting the experimental data using a theoretical model. We initially find that the measured peak width has a linear dependence on the bath temperature above 1 K and saturates below 1 K. In addition, a considerable mismatch (> 2 K) between the lattice (thermometer) temperature and the carrier temperature (Teff) is observed. Therefore, the Coulomb resonance is not only thermally broadened by Teff but also broadened by other T-independent sources such as gate noise, triboelectric noise, etc. We study the origins of the saturation at low temperature regime and analyze factors inducing high Teff. We report on progress to reduce the noise and reach an effective temperature of < 300 mK. Since our silicon SETs have high charging energies and large energy level spacings, we also seek to measure the transition from classical (multilevel) regime to quantum (single-level) regime by manipulating the bath temperature.
6:00 PM QS+2D+EM+MN+NS-TuA-12 Micro-magnetic Simulations of Correlated Switching in Touching Nano-magnetic Elements
Tejumade Durowade, Vitali Metlushko (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Nanomagnets hold significant potential for use as building blocks for room temperature quantum computers. Bistability based on stable ground magnetization states means power dissipation can be extremely low and their small size allows magnetization to be maintained for a long period time [1]. With packing density on the order of 1010 /cm2 and switching frequency in the terahertz range, nanomagnets are a promising replacement for current state of art metal oxide semiconductor processes that are already at the limits of continued scaling. In this work, we present the results of simulations of touching nanomagnetic disks that can be used for room operable quantum computing. Like gears in a mechanical system, the chirality of the magnetization in each disk is determined through interaction with its neighbors. These simulations offer insight into the switching dynamics within the disks as current experimental techniques lack the combined temporal and spatial resolution needed to observe the formation and annihilation of the magnetic domains that facilitate the switching process. The switching of touching symmetric disks can be achieved at zero applied field as the disks settle into a remanent vortex state, meaning minimal energy loss during the process. Due to the quantum exchange force, at the point of contact between disks, the magnetization vectors rotate in the same direction giving rise to opposite chiralities in the disks. Since logic states can be represented using the chirality of the in-plane magnetization, configurations of touching disks can potentially be used to implement basic or complex logic functions. Maintaining coherence of opposite chirality in chains of disks was achieved with the introduction of a biasing element to eliminate the bidirectionality of interaction between disks.

[1] A. Orlov et al., Nano. & Optoelec. vol. 33, p. 55, (2008).

[2] A. Imre et al., IEEE Conf. Nanotech., vol. 15, p. 137, (2004).

[3] G.H. Bernstein et al., Microelec. Journ., vol. 36, p. 619, (2005).

[4] T. Shinjo et al., Science., vol. 289 p. 930, (2000).

[5] A. Hirohata et al., IEEE Transc. on Magnetics., vol. 35, p. 3886 (1999).

[6] L. Fumagalli et al., Conf. Electromag in Adv. App.., p. 617, (2007)

[7] M. Donahue et al., OOMMF, NIST, US Depart. Commerce

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Session Abstract Book
(329 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic QS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule