SIMS2015 Tuesday Morning

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Session Tuesday, September 15, 2015
10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
A New Instrument with Parallel TOF-SIMS and MS/MS Data Acquisition
Massive Cluster Impact (MCI) for Bioimaging Applications: Ion Yields, Matrix Effects, Ionization, Instrumentation
Development of a Mass Spectrometer using Two Rotating Electric Fields
Development of a Vacuum-electrospray Beam Source using a Proton-conducting Ionic Liquid [dema][TfO]: Enhancing Effect of Protonated Organic Molecules
Secondary Ions Produced by Electrosprayed Droplet Impacts with m/z Selection from 103 to 106
Simultaneous Detection of Positive and Negative Secondary Ions
SHRIMP 4: The Next Generation Large Radius Magnetic Sector SIMS
SIMS as a Method for Probing Stability of Chemical Bonds at the Molecule-Metal Interface
The Planar Chemistry and Atomic Interdiffusion at Atomically Thin Interfaces
High-throughput Production of Transition Metal Complexes for Antibody Immobilization
Correlation of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Performance with Surface Chemistry
Selective SAM Formation on Similar Metal Oxide Surfaces – ZrO2 and TiO2
Surface Characterization of Oxide Passive Layers: From Chemistry to Applications in Corrosion and Biointerfaces
Tissue Analysis with SIMS: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Mass Spectrometry Imaging of the Chemical Communication between Endophytic Fungus Paraconiothyrium Variabile and Bacterium Bacillus Subtilis
Improving Sensitivity and Broadening Chemical Coverage in Brain Imaging using ToF-SIMS and GCIBs
ToF-SIMS Analysis Reveals the Impact of Detergent Selection on Decellularized Tissues
Multimodal Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Lipid Profiling of Intestinal Tissue from Rats Fed Specially Processed Cereals
ToF-SIMS Studies of Lipids Levels in Broiler Meat from Different Feeding Groups
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