AVS 70 Session AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM: Atomic Layer Etching II: Energy-Enhanced Processes
Session Abstract Book
(273 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
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11:00 AM | Invited |
AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM-13 Atomic Layer Etching of Lithium Niobate for Quantum Photonics
Austin Minnich (California Institute of Technology) Lithium niobate (LiNbO3, LN) is a ferroelectric crystal of interest for integrated photonics owing to its large second-order optical nonlinearity and the ability to impart periodic poling via an external electric field. However, on-chip device performance based on thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) is presently limited by optical loss arising from corrugations between poled regions and sidewall surface roughness. Atomic layer etching (ALE) could potentially smooth these features and thereby increase photonic performance, but no ALE process has been reported for LN. Here, we report a directional ALE process for x-cut MgO-doped LN using sequential exposures of H_2 and SF_6/Ar plasmas. We observe etch rates up to 1.01 +/- 0.05 nm/cycle with a synergy of 94\%. We also demonstrate ALE can be achieved with SF_6/O_2 or Cl_2/BCl_3 plasma exposures in place of the SF_6/Ar plasma step with synergies above 90%. When combined with a wet post-process to remove redeposited compounds, the process yields a 50\% decrease in surface roughness. With additional optimization to reduce the quantity of redeposited compounds, these processes could be used to smoothen surfaces of TFLN waveguides etched by physical Ar+ milling, thereby increasing the performance of TFLN nanophotonic devices or enabling new integrated photonic capabilities. |
11:30 AM |
AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM-15 Tunable Electron Enhanced Etching of β-Ga2O3 Using HCl Reactive Background Gas and Positive Sample Voltage
Michael Collings (University of Colorado Boulder); Jacob Steele, Darrell Schlom, Huili (Grace) Xing (Cornell University); Steven George (University of Colorado Boulder) Crystalline β-Ga2O3 is an ultra-wide band gap material with important applications for high power electronics. High precision etching is required for β-Ga2O3 device fabrication. Previous thermal atomic layer etching (ALE) attempts to etch β-Ga2O3 have not been successful. Plasma etching of β-Ga2O3 using Cl-containing gases is difficult for Ångstrom-level etching control and can leave surface damage. In this work, electron-enhanced etching of β-Ga2O3 is performed using a HCl reactive background gas (RBG) and positive sample bias. The β-Ga2O3 is a -oriented epitaxial film grown by suboxide molecular-beam epitaxy on a single-crystal (0001) Al2O3 substrate. The ~100 eV primary electrons from a hollow cathode plasma electron source (HC-PES) are incident on the β-Ga2O3 sample. The HC-PES is a chemically robust electron source capable of delivering >200 mA over an area >10 cm2. The HCl reactive background gas (RBG) is present at ~1 mTorr. A small positive voltage of <50 V is applied to the sample stage. The β-Ga2O3 film thicknesswas monitored using in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry during electron exposure. Figure 1 shows that the etching of β-Ga2O3 is tunable from 1-50 Å/min by varying the stage voltage from 0 to +40 V, respectively. No etching was monitored from electron exposures without the HCl RBG. Negligible etching was observed without a positive sample stage. The following mechanism can explain these results: (1) The primary electrons at ~100 eV can generate secondary electrons from the substrate. (2) The lower energy secondary electrons can attach to the HCl gas in the reactor. (3) The electron attachment then dissociates HCl into H + Cl- through dissociative electron attachment ionization. (4) The Cl- negative ions are attracted to the sample by the positive sample stage voltage. (5) The incoming Cl- flux leads to an enhancement in etch rate resulting from the formation of volatile chloride species. An illustration of this proposed mechanism is shown in Figure 2. The β-Ga2O3 etching was reproducible and only weakly dependent on the primary electron energy from 100-150 eV. The electron current going to ground through the sample also increased with positive sample voltages as expected if the secondary electrons are pulled back to the sample. Surface morphology of the β-Ga2O3 was also investigated after the electron enhanced etching. The RMS roughness decreased after etching. The RMS roughness decreased from 1.88 nm to 1.58 nm after the etching process removed 10 nm at +10 V stage voltage. In contrast, the surface roughness did not change after only electron exposures in the absence of HCl RBG. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
11:45 AM |
AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM-16 Bias-Pulsed Atomic Layer Etching
Julian Michaels (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Nazar Delegan (Argonne National Laboratory, USA); Yeghishe Tsaturyan (University of Chicago); Russ Renzas (University of Nevada Reno); Gary Eden (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); David Awschalom (University of Chicago); Joseph Heremans (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Atomic layer etching (ALE) is a binary cyclical process noted for its ability to controllably remove atomic monolayers for nanotechnological device fabrication; however, its relatively slow effective etch rate, often less than a monolayer each minute (tenths of an Angstrom per second), limits its applicability to niche devices that necessitate unmatched precision. If the process were slightly faster, semiconductor, optical, and quantum devices would be regularly implementing ALE because it can reach critical dimensions more consistently while simultaneously offering a smoother post-etch surface, both of which deliver superior device performance regardless of the application. ALE is slow because the chemical reagent gas(es) is purged in and out of the chamber during each cycle. This is standard practice so that the binary steps, chemical and physical, are fully separated, but purge steps also tend to be the most time-consuming components of any ALE process. Thus, if shortening the cycle duration (speeding up the effective etch rate) is the aim, minimizing purge step duration is a sensible first pursuit. Bias-pulsed atomic layer etching (BP-ALE) is the execution of the above goal with plasma etching in perhaps the simplest way possible. While traditional plasma ALE often pulses gas flows, plasma DC bias, chamber pressure, substrate temperature, and other parameters, BP-ALE achieves atomic precision by pulsing merely the plasma DC bias, hence “bias-pulsed” indicates that the plasma DC bias is the only parameter that distinguishes the steps, and the purge step duration is absolutely minimized as there is no gas purging whatsoever. As of now, BP-ALE has been demonstrated in both 4H-SiC and diamond, where the usual ALE cycle duration that often exceeds a minute is superseded by the 6-second cycles of BP-ALE, and smoothing to subangstrom RMS surface roughness is achieved for both after etch treatment. This talk seeks to outline the main differences between BP-ALE in execution and potential applications, explain the material and chemistry characteristics needed for a viable BP-ALE method, and predict material/chemistry systems that are suitable for BP-ALE processing. |
12:00 PM |
AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM-17 Atomic Layer Etching of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Semiconductors and Its 2D Device Application
Jeongmin Kim, Jihyun Kim (Seoul National University) Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), a class of 2D materials, possess a layered structure with individual layers bound by van der Waals forces. TMDs exhibit excellent electrical properties and have potential applications in various fields due to their low surface defect density. Moreover, TMDs possess a unique property where the bandgap varies with the number of layers, leading to changes in electrical characteristics depending on the thickness. Therefore, precise control of TMD thickness is crucial. Conventional etching methods, such as reactive ion etching, suffer from plasma-induced damage or difficulties in precise thickness control, making them unsuitable for accurate thickness control of TMDs. Consequently, atomic layer etching (ALE) utilizing self-limiting reactions has been devised to achieve precise thickness control at the atomic level. We developed an ALE process for TMDs utilizing the adsorption of SF6 gas, which exhibits minimal reactivity at room temperature. In a capacitively coupled plasma system, an etching with constant-thickness for each cycle was achieved by adsorbing SF6 followed by Ar+ ion bombardment at an appropriate radio frequency (RF) power. The etch rate was controllable, and no change in the etching rate was observed within a specific RF power range. This was realized by the self-limiting reaction induced by the decomposition of SF6 under Ar+ ion bombardment where further sputtering does not occur once all of the adsorbed SF6 molecules are consumed. Using our ALE process, TMD-based recessed-channel FETs were fabricated. The electrical characteristics and device performance were evaluated, showing a decrease in off-current with reduced channel thickness and no significant deterioration in device performance. This ALE method enables precise thickness control while maintaining the crystallinity of the channel in TMD-based electronic devices, contributing to device performance enhancement. The ALE technology developed in this study paves the way of the advanced application with the TMD-based electronic devices. This work was supported by the Korea Research Institute for defense Technology planning and advancement (KRIT) grant funded by Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) (KRIT-CT-21-034) |