AVS 70 Session 2D+EM+MN+TF-FrM: 2D NEMS and Strain Engineering

Friday, November 8, 2024 8:15 AM in Room 122
Friday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(292 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic 2D Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
9:00 AM 2D+EM+MN+TF-FrM-4 Laser-Induced Strain Tuning in Monolayer Graphene Nanomechanical Resonators
Muhammad Ashar Naveed, Sanchaya Pandit, Yanan Wang (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

Graphene, as the paradigm-shifting two-dimensional (2D) material, has demonstrated great potential in micro-/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) due to its extraordinary mechanical properties, ultimate device thicknesses, and unparalleled flexibility in integration. On the other hand, the atomic thickness and the transfer process employed in device fabrication pose challenges to achieving uniform strain over the entire device. In this work, we utilize Raman spectroscopy and investigate the strain distribution in drumhead resonators based on the mechanically exfoliated graphene monolayers suspended over patterned oxidized silicon (SiO2/Si) substrates. Moreover, the effects of laser-induced heating and consequential strain tuning have been systematically explored by combining Raman spectroscopy and mechanical resonance measurements. This study sheds light on the strain engineering of monolayer graphene nanomechanical resonators, and the methodology developed is readily applied to other 2D materials and heterostructures.

9:15 AM 2D+EM+MN+TF-FrM-5 Developing 2D Snse for Piezoelectric Applications
Jonathan Chin, Marshall Frye, Bonnie Gardner (Georgia Institute of Technology); Derrick Shao-Heng Liu (Penn State University); Maria Hilse (Pennsylvania State University); Ian Graham (Georgia Institute of Technology); Jeffery Shallenberger, Ke Wang, Mengyi Wang, Yun Kyung Shin, Nadire Nayir, Adri can Duin, Stephanie Law (Pennsylvania State University); Lauren Garten (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Unique functionalities can arise when 2D materials are scaled down near the monolayer limit. Tin selenide (SnSe) is one such 2D material which is centrosymmetric in bulk but becomes non-centrosymmetric when reduced to the monolayer limit, enabling piezoelectricity, and potentially, ferroelectricity. Developing 2D piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials is critical for the scaling of efficient sensors and electronics, such as ferroelectric field effect transistors. However, unlike other 2D materials, the strong interlayer bonding makes exfoliating a monolayer of SnSe challenging. Therefore, direct film growth is necessary to control the layer thickness and promote lateral growth large enough for device testing. This talk will focus on the development of processing routes to control the morphology and layering of SnSe thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for piezoelectric devices. The bulk Pnma phase of SnSe is stabilized over a broad range of Sn:Se flux ratios from 250 – 300 °C on (100) MgO and (0001) Al2O3 substrates. Changing the flux ratio did not affect the SnSe film stoichiometry; increasing the flux ratio only changes the predominant crystallographic orientation. ReaxFF molecular dynamics (MD) show that the limited stoichiometric change is due to the formation of Se clusters that weakly interact with the surface of the SnSe particles. Changing the temperature, flux ratios, and flux timing had a significant impact on the morphology and orientation of the SnSe thin films. Machine learning was used to infer the critical processing parameters that are needed for creating an oriented, wafer-scale thin film. Overall, this study identifies the conditions for the growth of monolayer SnSe thin films necessary for the development of 2D piezoelectric devices.

9:30 AM 2D+EM+MN+TF-FrM-6 Two-Dimensional (2D) FePS3 Nanoelectromechanical Resonators with Local-Gate Electrostatic Tuning
Yunong Wang, SM Enamul Hoque Yousuf, Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Philip X.-L. Feng (University of Florida)

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) based on 2D magnetic materials are promising candidates for exploring ultrasensitive detection and magnetostrictive phenomena due to their high mechanical stiffness, high strength, and low mass. The resonance frequency of the suspended membrane resonator can be probed optically and manipulated mechanically via electrostatically induced strain. This makes electrostatic frequency tuning of the 2D magnetic NEMS resonator a promising way for exploring the novel magneto-mechanical coupling mechanism. Towards building magneto-mechanical coupling NEMS devices, we fabricated circular drumhead FePS3 NEMS resonators with different cavity-diameter sizes (3um to 7um). In this work, we report on experimental demonstrations of high-performance antiferromagnet FePS3 drumhead resonators with the highest frequency tuning range up to 31.62%. We further perform analytical modeling to gain insight and quantitative understanding of the frequency scaling law for FePS3 drumhead resonators. Combining our experimental results and analytical modeling of the resonances, we resolved the elastic behavior of FePS3, including the transition from ‘membrane-like’ regime to ‘plate-like’ regime, with built-in tension (γ) ranging from 0.1 to 2N/m. This study not only offers methods for characterizing the mechanical properties of ultrathin membranes of magnetic 2D materials but also provides important guidelines for designing high-performance magnetic NEMS resonator devices and opens possibilities for building drumhead resonator devices to exploit strain- and dynamics-engineered applications based on ultrathin magnetic 2D crystals.

9:45 AM 2D+EM+MN+TF-FrM-7 Tunable Phononic Frequency Combs in Atomically Thin Resonators
S M Enamul Hoque Yousuf, Tahmid Kaisar (University of Florida); Jaesung Lee (University of Central Florida); Steven Shaw (Florida Institute of Technology); Philip Feng (University of Florida)

Phononic frequency comb (PnFC), the analogue of optical frequency comb in the radio frequency (RF) regime, has attracted significant research interest due to its potential applications in sensing and computing. In this abstract, we report on PnFCs generation via an atomically thin molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoelectromechanical resonator. We first measure the nonlinear mode coupling coefficient (λ) due to 1:1 internal resonance from the first-principles approach. To describe the energy exchange between the coupled modes, we employ two resonator equations with a single dispersive coupling term to model the response. The coupled mode equations are solved using the method of averaging to derive a closed form expression for the nonlinear mode coupling coefficient.To calibrate the vibration amplitude of both modes in the displacement domain, we measure the undriven thermomechanical noise.The nonlinear shift of the resonance frequency of mode 1 (f1) that results from the dispersive coupling to mode 2 is measured as we drive mode 2 near its natural frequency (f2). We estimate the mode coupling coefficient using our derived model.Additionally, we investigate the impact of Duffing nonlinearity on the energy cycling of the modes.

We utilize the 1:1 internal resonance to couple energy between two modes. The resonator response can be tuned from stable periodic response to quasi-periodic response by controlling external perturbation signals, such as DC gate voltage, RF drive voltage and frequency. The resonator exhibits three unique comb regions with well-defined comb structure. We observe that the periodic and quasiperiodic branches exist for a particular drive voltage and frequency, based on distinct initial conditions. Our demonstration leads the way to achieving tunable PnFCs in nanoscale devices to study nonlinear modal interactions and build ultrasensitive sensors and computing devices.

10:15 AM BREAK
Session Abstract Book
(292 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic 2D Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule