AVS 69 Session CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA: Environmental and Energy Interfaces

Monday, November 6, 2023 1:40 PM in Room A105
Monday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(293 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic CA Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
1:40 PM Invited CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-1 In situ Spectroscopies of Interfacial Reactions and Processes in Batteries
Feng Wang (Argonne National Laboratory)

The performance and lifetime of batteries, whether they are traditional lithium-ion, solid-state, or other types, strongly depend on the effectiveness and stability of electrochemical interfaces within the devices. To design battery materials and interfaces with desired functionality, it is crucial to have a mechanistic understanding of the interfacial reactions and processes occurring during battery operation. This necessitates developing advanced techniques capable of characterizing local structures and capturing non-equilibrium dynamics at electrochemical interfaces, with the relevant spatial, time resolution and chemical sensitivity, both to light elements (H, Li, O) and heavy ones. Herein, we present the development and application of in situ spectroscopies specialized for probing interfacial reaction and processes in lithium-ion and solid-state batteries. With specific examples from our recent studies, we will show how to correlate the structure and function of electrochemical interfaces through in situ spectroscopy characterization, thereby gaining insights into the design and processing of battery materials, electrolytes and other components. Towards the end of this talk, we will discuss emerging opportunities in data-driven experimentation, analysis, and modeling for closed-loop battery development to accelerate the transition from lab discovery to commercial deployment.

2:20 PM Invited CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-3 Novel Strategies for the Characterization of the Next-Generation Energy Storage Materials by ToF-SIMS: From an in-Situ Exploration to an Operando Measurement
Tanguy Terlier, Qing Ai, Siraj Sidhik, Aditya Mohite, Jun Lou (Rice University)

Recently, advances in instrumentation and sample preparation have permitted a rapid development for characterizing a wide range of applications such as next-generation energy storage materials. Developing new materials is one of the most crucial topics for emerging technologies. However, the complexity of these materials in their structures makes them particularly challenging for numerous characterization and analytical techniques. Exploring chemical composition and the potential chemical reactions such as degradation, diffusion, or doping is crucial to understand advanced materials and to transfer the new technologies to the industry. Among the most suitable characterization tool, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is a very sensitive surface analytical technique providing detailed elemental and molecular information about the surface, thin layers, interfaces, and full three-dimensional analysis of the samples.

Thanks to the advances in ToF-SIMS characterization, understanding of the chemical composition and the different components in the complex structures, permit a deeper exploration and a better knowledge in the next-generation energy storage materials such as batteries, perovskites, and 2D materials.

Firstly, we will focus on the characterization of batteries. Initially, we will discuss the sample preparation and our specific setup for transferring the specimens from the inert atmosphere in the glovebox to the ultra-high vacuum chamber of our instrument. We will illustrate the possibility to study the reversibility of the chemical composition between pristine, charged, and discharged batteries using surface mass spectrometry by ToF-SIMS in operando conditions. Then we will compare three methods of cross-sectioning used to identify the interfacial species in a composite cathode.

Secondly, we will show a study of an in-depth distribution of the 3D/2D heterostructures for perovskite solar cells where we have been able to identify individually the 3D and 2D heterostructures along with the depth of the film. Then, we will illustrate the characterization of interdiffusion in quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes as a function of the organic ligand layer inserted into the perovskite crystals.

Finally, we will demonstrate how the retrospective analysis using ToF-SIMS can be very powerful and useful for exploring any single feature in 2D materials. Typically, ToF-SIMS acquisition is recording a full mass range spectrum per pixel (or voxel), which permits to isolate and to decorrelate specific regions of interest for resolving interfaces, diffusion, and doping in thin 2D structures. We will present how to treat a 3D volume image of a multilayer perovskite device for extracting useful information.

3:00 PM CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-5 Advanced In-Situ and Ex-Situ S/TEM Probing of Interfacial Process in Rechargeable Batteries
Chongmin Wang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
In-situ diagnosis appears to be one of the essential methods for gaining insights as how an electrode material failure, therefore feeding back for designing and creating new materials with enhanced battery performances. In this presentation, I will highlight recent progress on ex-situ, in-situ and operando S/TEM for probing into the structural and chemical evolution of interfacial process in energy storage materials. Both ex-situ and In-situ high resolution imaging enables direct observation of structural evolution, phase transformation and their correlation with mass, charge and electron transport, providing insights as how active materials failure during the cyclic charging and discharging of a battery. In perspective, challenges and possible direction for further development of the in-situ S/TEM imaging and spectroscopic methods for energy storage materials and other field will also be discussed. Most importantly, integration of different analytical tools appear to be the key for capturing complementary information.
3:20 PM CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-6 Investigating sp2 and sp3 Carbon Ratios by XPS: A Study of the D-Parameter and a New Second Plasmon Loss (2PL) Parameter
Alvaro Lizarbe, George Major, B. Maxwell Clark (Brigham Young University); David Morgan (Cardiff University); Matthew Linford (Brigham Young University)

The D-parameter provides a useful estimate of the ratio of the sp2 and sp3 carbon in a sample. It is the energy difference between the maximum and minimum of the derivative of the C KLL Auger peak. The D-parameter can be an important analytical resource for diamond samples, as the quality of diamond depends on the sp3 to sp2 carbon ratio and any lattice impurities. For example, the highly sought after type 2a diamonds, which are colorless and free from impurities, consist almost entirely of sp3 carbon. According to the universal curve for XPS, electrons with different kinetic energies have different mean free paths. Thus, electrons with different kinetic energies sample materials at different depths. In the case of carbon, the KLL Auger peak comes shallower in a material compared to the C 1s signal, which is a result of electrons with much higher kinetic energies. That is, a limitation of the D-parameter is that it is based on the C KLL Auger peak, found at around 1220 eV, while it is often related to the C 1s peak located at approximately 284.8 eV. Thus, the D-parameter is much more sensitive to adventitious carbon contamination. In an effort to derive a parameter that will be more representative of the amounts of sp2 and sp3 carbon in a material, we have examined the plasmon loss peaks of the zero-loss C 1s peak of direct current chemical vapor deposition (DC-CVD) diamonds, carbon nanotubes, and graphitic materials such as HOPG. By analyzing the second plasmon loss signal of the C 1s narrow scan, we obtain a new parameter for analyzing carbonaceous materials: the 2PL parameter. The 2PL parameter is the difference in energy between the second plasmon loss signal and the C 1s peak. We compare the traditional D-parameter with the 2PL parameter for various materials. They correlate quite well. We have also investigated various mathematical methods of deriving the 2PL parameter, including via a weighted average of the second plasmon loss and C 1s signals. Ultimately, because the 2PL parameter involves signals that are closer to the C 1s photoemission binding energy, we believe it may be more representative of the full chemistry of carbonaceous materials.

4:00 PM Invited CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-8 Solid-Liquid Interfaces for Energy-efficient Chemical Separation of Critical Minerals and CO2 Conversion
Manh-Thuong Nguyen, Venkateshkumar Prabhakaran, David Heldebrant, Grant Johnson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Chemical separations consume around 15% of the energy used by industry today. It is thus critical to develop energy- and material-efficient approaches for large-scale separations. In the first part of this presentation, I will illustrate how we employ modified 2-dimensional materials and solvents to separate critical minerals including rare earth elements. Polar functional groups present at the interface of graphene oxide laminate membranes are demonstrated to improve the selectivity of metal cations separated by both adsorption and sieving. Hydrophobic ionic liquid molecules including 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, when used as a minor solvent component, are shown to increase the energy efficiency of the desolvation of aqueous lanthanide cations in electrochemical separations. In the second part, I will present studies exploring the use of functionalized hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) membranes to separate CO2 from multicomponent gas mixtures. Strategies for improving CO2 separation selectivity and efficiency, such as chemical functionalization and engineering the dimensions of interlayer transport channels, will be discussed. Finally, I will present studies on the electrochemical conversion of CO2 into value added chemical feedstocks such as methanol on membrane-supported catalysts. Insights into the effects of local structure modification and confinement on catalytic processes will be presented.

4:40 PM CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-10 Buried Interfaces of Ir Photodetector Devices Analyzed with Lab-Based Xps/Haxpes
Roman Charvier, Marc Juhel (STMicroelectronics); Olivier Renault (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, CEA, Leti); Alexia Valery, Denis Guiheux, Louis-David Mohgouk Zouknak (STMicroelectronics); Bruno Domenichini (ICB UMR 6303 CNRS-Université de Bourgogne)

The development of new IR photodetectors should respond to challenges in order to reach best performances. A major objective is to understand critical interfaces that play an important role in the final device properties. This work addresses to chemical analysis of molybdenum oxide (MoO3-x) used as hole transport material which is deposited between a photosensitive material and top electrode often made of indium-tin oxide (ITO). Such critical interfaces are typically located under 20 to 50 nm under the surface.

In the case of MoO3-x, the stoichiometry is generally controlled by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) which is well-known to obtain chemical data close to the material surface (analysis depth < 10 nm). Two methods can be used to analyse deeper buried layers: (i) the use of hard X-rays to perform Hard X-ray PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (HaXPES) and thus generate photoelectrons having a kinetic energy able to go through several tens of nm; (ii) the etching of the surface by means of an Ar+ beam (having an energy from 0.5 to 3 keV) in order to remove the superficial layers giving access to the underlying layers. In the former case, the analyzed thickness remains far below 100 nm while in the latter case, the chemistry of the surface atoms are often modified by argon ion beam. It is then necessary to mix the two approaches to allow the chemical analysis of buried interfaces. This analysis way is used here to characterize the stoichiometry of MoO3-x thin films buried under 50 nm of ITO using chromium Kα hard-X-ray from lab-based HaXPES.

5:00 PM CA+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoA-11 Detection and Discrimination of Aquatic Toxins Targeting Voltage Gated Sodium Channels Using Static ToF-SIMS Imaging
Jiyoung Son, Kristin Engbrecht, Jennifer Mobberley (PNNL)

Neurotoxins from aquatic microorganisms, such as cyanobacteria and algae, have been a public health concern due to their harmful impacts on the nervous systems of animals, including humans. A subset of these neurotoxins, including saxitoxin and brevetoxin, bind to and alter the function of voltage-gated sodium channels, which are essential to generating the cell membrane action potential. Existing detection and categorization methods, such as PCR and antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, are too specific and they require live animals like the mouse bioassay. They also require time-consuming and expensive sample preparation for analysis using LC-MS/MS and HPLC. In this project, we developed a method to detect the activity of the aquatic sodium channel neurotoxins, brevetoxin and saxitoxin, using a cell-based process. We specifically examined the impact of these two neurotoxins on HEK-293 cells, a robust cell line that has been transfected with a voltage-gated sodium channel gene, SCN1A, in order to better study neurotoxins. We cultured a layer of cells onto disinfected silicon chips, exposed the cells to neurotoxins, performed chemical fixation, and then air-dried the chips. We also prepared mock exposed samples where the cells on the silicon chips were not exposed to neurotoxins, but just the solutions each neurotoxin was resuspended in, either a 3mM HCl solution (mock saxitoxin) or a 50:50 ACN: water solution (mock brevetoxin). Control samples, which just exposed cells to cell culture media only, gave us a baseline reference. Dried samples were analyzed with mass spectral imaging using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). After collecting a series of spectral data, we utilized an in-house MATLAB tool to run principal component analysis (PCA) as previously described (Yu et al., 2020). Our initial statistical analysis of SIMS spectral data using PCA shows a noticeable difference in peak trends between neurotoxin and mock-exposed cells as well as neurotoxin-exposed and control cells. Our approach utilizes chemical imaging to develop a threat-agnostic model system for detecting and classifying neurotoxin activity. The technology and protocols developed from this work could transition to other rapid cellular assays for pathogenic and chemical threats.


Yu, J., Zhou, Y., Engelhard, M. et al.In situ molecular imaging of adsorbed protein films in water indicating hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity. Sci Rep10, 3695 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60428-1

Session Abstract Book
(293 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic CA Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule