AVS 69 Session CA1+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoM: Modeling, AI, and Machine Learning Applied to Interfaces

Monday, November 6, 2023 8:20 AM in Room A105
Monday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(266 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period MoM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic CA Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:20 AM Invited CA1+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoM-1 Topological and Geometric Descriptors of Complex Self-assembly at Liquid Interfaces
Aurora Clark (University of Utah)

Amphiphilic surfactants at liquid/liquid interfaces can form complex self-assembled architectures that underpin interfacial reactivity and transport. This has been demonstrated by surface sensitive spectroscopies and molecular dynamics simulations within the domain of liquid/liquid extraction, which involves solute adsorption, complexation reactions and transport across the phase boundary. Being able to quantify surfactant organization is a significant challenge because the distribution of species is broad and highly heterogeneous. As such, in the analysis of molecular dynamics data, there is significant need to develop descriptors that allow statistical analysis of surface organization. This work presents recent developments based upon geometric measure theory and topological data analysis that are able to identify surface assemblies and their dynamic evolution. These methods are revealing intricate dependencies of surface assembly upon solution composition and the impact this has upon transport mechanisms.


Kumar, N.; Clark, A. E. Persistent Homology Descriptors for Surface Image Analysis in Complex Chemical Systems, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2023, In Press. ChemArXiv: https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-vwrxj

Zarayeneh, N.; Kumar, N.; Kalyanaraman, A.; Clark, A. E. Dynamic Community Detection Decouples Hierarchical Timescale Behavior of Complex Chemical Systems, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2022, 18, 7043 – 7051. DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00454

Kumar, N.; Clark, A. E. Unexpected Inverse Correlations and Cooperativity in Ion-pair Phase Transfer, Chemical Science,2021, 12, 13930-13939.DOI: 10.1039/D1SC04004A

Liu, Z.; Clark, A. E. An Octanol Hinge Opens the Door to Water Transport,Chemical Science, 2021, 12, 2294 – 2303. DOI: 10.1039/D0SC04782A.

Alvarado, E.; Liu, Z.; Servis, M. J.; Krishnamoorthy, B.; Clark, A. E. A Geometric Measure Theory Approach to Identify Complex Structural Features on Soft Matter Surfaces, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2020, 16, 4579-4587.DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00260,

9:00 AM Invited CA1+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoM-3 Machine Learning and the Future of Surface Analysis
James Jones, Melinda Caouette, Kateryna Artyushkova (Physical Electronics)

Machine learning can potentially revolutionize all areas of material science and engineering, including surface analysis, by automating and accelerating data acquisition and analysis. The application of machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) has been actively evaluated and used in scanning probe microscopic methods1-2, while the application of AI in surface analysis methods such as AES, XPS, and TOF-SIMS is in the very early stages.3 In this talk, I will discuss the potential areas where AI will change how we do surface analysis.

With recent instrumental development yielding improvements in sensitivity and throughput, the data acquisition stage of surface analysis has become much faster than the experimental planning or data analysis stages, which bothrequire significant operator time and human-based decisions. Using a spectrometer still requires a human operator with instrument-specific knowledge and experience in how to operate it. More importantly, the operator uses physical and chemical knowledge to decide on what specific data must be obtained and from which locations on the sample, depending on the analytical question being addressed by the experiment. Experienced scientists make these decisions effortlessly during the experiment, but it is a very challenging task for ML algorithms that rely on training data with explicit descriptors.

Initial AI applications to analytical surface analysis will focus on instrument optimization and performance inherent in the analytical workflow. Unlike acquisition parameters based on chemical or material science requiring broader context, tuning, and standardizing the spectrometer can be easily cast into numerical terms processable by AI.

Machine learning can also be utilized as a live data integrity monitoring service during acquisition, recognizing and rejecting "bad data". Systemically erroneous data caused by charging or sample damage are often not discovered until the experiment is complete and the data analyzed by a human. Catching it automatically during the experiment saves valuable operator and instrument time. Here, I will present an initial application wherein ML was used to identify whether ToF-SIMS spectra were correctly calibrated.

1.S.V.Kalinin, ACS Nano2021, 15, 8, 12604–12627.

2. S.V.Kalinin, arXiv:2304.02048

3. G Drera et al 2020 Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol.1 015008

9:40 AM CA1+AS+LS+NS+SS+VT-MoM-5 Complexity to Clarity: Detecting, Identifying and Analyzing Complex Materials with Machine Learning
Paul Pigram, Wil Gardner, Sarah Bamford, David Winkler, Benjamin Muir, Rongjie Sun, See Yoong Wong (La Trobe University)

Our ability to analyze and understand any physical, chemical, or biological material relies on accurately determining its structure, characteristics, and responses. Contemporary analytical techniques produce large volumes of data from pointwise sample analyses (one dimensional (1D) data), maps of compositional distributions (two dimensional (2D) data), and depth profiles showing composition throughout a sample volume (three dimensional (3D) data).

Correlative analyses linking data from the same sample, obtained by different analytical techniques or different operating parameters, are becoming critically important. Different analytical perspectives on the same sample enhance the richness and depth of the conclusions that can be drawn from it.

Recent advances in analytical science have resulted in an overwhelming avalanche of data – the “big data” problem. In our lab a single time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) experiment might collect a map (512 x 512 pixels) with 2000 mass spectral peaks of significant intensity in 2 – 10 minutes. These half a billion data points all have differing degrees of significance.

In many cases, only a small number of peaks, 10 – 200, may be judged to be characteristic of a specific sample, and the rest of the data may be discarded. However, there are significant risks that such analyses are biased, and may miss important but subtle trends.

There is a very substantial knowledge gap in our ability to find and make full use of the information and knowledge contained in large scale data sets. This gap is driving rapid international progress in the application of materials informatics and machine learning to analytical surface science.

This presentation will highlight our work on applying artificial neural network approaches to analysis of a variety of very large hyperspectral data sets to better understand complex materials and their interactions.

10:20 AM BREAK
Session Abstract Book
(266 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period MoM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic CA Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule