AVS 69 Session LX+AS+BI+HC+SS+TH-MoA: Laboratory-Based AP-XPS:Surface Chemistry and Biological/Pharmaceutical Interfaces
Session Abstract Book
(280 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
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| AVS 69 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
1:40 PM | Invited |
LX+AS+BI+HC+SS+TH-MoA-1 The Role of Co-Adsorbed Water in Decomposition of Oxygenates
Hoan Nguyen, Kingsley Chuckwu, Líney Árnadóttir (Oregon State University) The decomposition of oxygenates in the presence of water finds various applications in chemical processes, such as biomass conversion. The presence of co-adsorbates and solvents affects both the reaction rate and selectivity. In this study, we used NAP-XPS and DFT to investigate the decomposition of acetic acid on Pd(111) as a model system for the decomposition of small oxygenates in the absence and presence of water. The decomposition of acetic acid occurs through two main reaction pathways, decarboxylation, and decarbonylation, forming CO2 or CO, respectively. Our DFT calculations indicate that the two pathways have similar barriers without water. However, in the presence of water, the decarboxylation path becomes. Similarly, our AP-XPS experiments show an increase in the CO2/CO ratio as well as a decrease in the CO/acetate-acetic acid and acetic acid/acetate ratios when water is present. The shift in selectivity is not due to a single reaction step, but rather the decreasing barrier in general for OH scissoring and the increasing barrier for C-O scissoring. This shift favors the formation of CO2, as demonstrated by our microkinetic model. |
2:20 PM | Invited |
LX+AS+BI+HC+SS+TH-MoA-3 Integrating First-principles Modeling and AP-XPS for Understanding Evolving Complex Surface Oxides in Materials for Hydrogen Production and Storage
Brandon Wood, Tuan Anh Pham (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) Chemical processes occurring at solid-gas, solid-liquid, and solid-solid interfaces critically determine the performance and durability of hydrogen production and storage technologies. While directly probing behavior of these interfaces under actual operating conditions remains challenging, modern surface science approaches such as ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) can provide insight into the evolution of surface chemistry in approximate environments. However, interpretation of these spectra can be complicated: standards for complex surface chemical moieties are often unavailable, and bulk standards can be unreliable. First-principles computations are emerging as an important companion approach, offering the ability to directly compute spectroscopic fingerprints. This has the advantage of aiding interpretation of the experiments, while simultaneously using the experiment-theory comparison to inform construction of more accurate interface models. In this talk, I will show how computation has been combined with laboratory-based AP-XPS measurements to understand the evolving chemistry of complex native surface oxides. Two examples will be drawn from activities within the U.S. Department of Energy HydroGEN and HyMARC consortia, which focus on renewable hydrogen production and materials-based hydrogen storage, respectively. First, I will discuss the application to surface oxidation of III-V semiconductors for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, which demonstrates transitions between kinetically and thermodynamically controlled oxidation regimes with implications for device performance. Second, I will also show how the same approach has been applied to understand the rate-determining role of surface oxides in the dehydrogenation performance of NaAlH4 for solid-state hydrogen storage. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. |
3:40 PM | BREAK | |
4:00 PM | Invited |
LX+AS+BI+HC+SS+TH-MoA-8 Applications of NAP XPS in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Surface Analysis, Hydrogen Bonds, and Solute-Solvent Interactions
Sven Schroeder (University of Leeds, UK) The availability of laboratory-based NAP XPS creates novel interface research opportunities for scientific disciplines and technology areas that deal with materials incompatible with traditional ultra-high vacuum XPS. This is, for example, the case for many organic and/or pharmaceutical materials and formulations, whose characterization by XPS has hitherto been restricted by their vapour pressures. NAP XPS permits for the first time systematic and detailed analysis of the light element photoemission lines (expecially C/N/O 1s) in these materials. In conjunction with elemental analysis by survey XP spectra they provide quantitative information on composition and speciation both in the bulk and at the surfaces of pure organic solids, in their formulations with other components and in solutions. Especially of interest are studies of the solid/liquid interface with water, which is of high relevance for understanding and controlling drug release profiles from tablets. To illustrate these points I will present various examples of research on pharmaceutical materials. Moreover, near-ambient pressure core level spectroscopy turns out to be an extremely powerful probe for the structure and dynamics of hydrogen bonding and proton transfer in materials, both in the solid state and in solutions. NAP XPS measurements provide unique insight into proton dynamics in noncrystalline solids and liquids, where traditional characterisation by crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance fails or provides ambiguous information on proton locations. |
4:40 PM | Invited |
LX+AS+BI+HC+SS+TH-MoA-10 The Change of DNA and Protein Radiation Damage Upon Hydration: In-Situ Observations by Near-Ambient-Pressure XPS
Marc Benjamin Hahn (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)) X-ray photoelectron-spectroscopy (XPS) allows simultaneous irradiation and damage monitoring. Although water radiolysis is essential for radiation damage, all previous XPS studies were performed in vacuum. [1] Here we present near-ambient-pressure XPS experiments to directly measure DNA damage under water atmosphere. They permit in-situ monitoring of the effects of radicals on fully hydrated double-stranded DNA. Our results allow us to distinguish direct damage, by photons and secondary low-energy electrons (LEE), from damage by hydroxyl radicals or hydration induced modifications of damage pathways. The exposure of dry DNA to x-rays leads to strand-breaks at the sugar-phosphate backbone, while deoxyribose and nucleobases are less affected. In contrast, a strong increase of DNA damage is observed in water, where OH-radicals are produced. In consequence, base damage and base release become predominant, even though the number of strand-breaks increases further. Furthermore, first data about the degradation of single-stranded DNA binding-proteins (G5P / GV5 and hmtSSB) under vacuum and NAP-XPS conditions are presented. [1] Hahn, M.B., Dietrich, P.M. & Radnik, J. In situ monitoring of the influence of water on DNA radiation damage by near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Commun Chem 4, 50, 1-8 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42004-021-00487-1 |