AVS 68 Session MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA: Advanced Characterization and Metrology for 3D and ML for Microelectronics Materials Discovery

Monday, November 7, 2022 1:40 PM in Room 305
Monday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(242 KB, Nov 18, 2022)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic MS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 68 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
1:40 PM Invited MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA-1 Semiconductor Metrology for Dimensional and Materials Scaling
Bryan Barnes (NIST)
Dimensional and materials scaling are two key drivers for advancing computational capabilities beyond the conventional scaling trends of the last several decades. Future device metrology solutions must be developed now without clarity as to which combinations of proposed architecture(s) and novel materials will prove best suited for integration into high-volume manufacturing. This presentation briefly reviews these possible pairings and the near-term and long-term metrology challenges as identified in the IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems. As device dimensions further approach near-atomic and atomic scales, many of the several existing metrology techniques will face new tests, illustrated here using examples and solutions from our optics-based semiconductor metrology research. No single metrology technique can address all issues faced in modern process control and inspection; thus we address complementary techniques across semiconductor metrology are required to address dimensional and materials scaling
2:20 PM Invited MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA-3 Towards a Digital Twin for Spatiotemporal Experiments
Subramanian Sankaranarayanan (Argonne National Laboratory)
We will present our ongoing efforts at creating a virtual platform or “DigitalTwin”, wherein the users can exhaustively explore experimental controls and obtain synthetic read-outs – a small subset that displays the most interesting physics and/or phenomena can be explored in the actual experiments. We take advantage of the fact that most experimentalspatiotemporally-resolved measurements at SUFs in real or reciprocal space can be derived from the accurate prediction of atomic configurations and their dynamical evolution across time- and length. We will use representative examples to demonstrate how Digital Twins can be utilized for accelerated materials discovery and design.
3:00 PM Invited MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA-5 Autonomous Scanning Probe Microscopy: from Streaming Image Analysis to Learning Physics
Sergei Kalinin, Yongtao Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) are rapidly becoming an indispensable part of physics research, with domain applications ranging from theory and materials prediction to high-throughput data analysis. However, the constantly emerging question is how to match the correlative nature of classical ML with hypothesis-driven causal nature of physical sciences. In parallel, the recent successes in applying ML/AI methods for autonomous systems from robotics through self-driving cars to organic and inorganic synthesis are generating enthusiasm for the potential of these techniques to enable automated and autonomous experiment (AE) in imaging.

In this presentation, I will discuss recent progress in automated experiment in scanning probe microscopy, ranging from real-time image segmentation to physics discovery via active learning. The applications of classical deep learning methods in streaming image analysis are strongly affected by the out of distribution drift effects, and the approaches to minimize though are discussed. I will further illustrate transition from post-experiment data analysis to active learning process, including learning structure-property relationships and materials discovery in composition spread libraries. Here, the strategies based on simple Gaussian Processes often tend to produce sub-optimal results due to the lack of prior knowledge and very simplified (via learned kernel function) representation of spatial complexity of the system. Comparatively, deep kernel learning (DKL) and structured Gaussian Processes methods allow to realize both the exploration of complex systems towards the discovery of structure-property relationship, and enable automated experiment targeting physics (rather than simple spatial feature) discovery. The latter is illustrated via experimental discovery of ferroelectric domain dynamics in piezoresponse force microscopy. For probing physical mechanisms of tip-induced modifications, I will demonstrate the combination of the structured Gaussian process and reinforcement learning, the approach we refer to as hypothesis learning. Here, this approach is used to learn the domain growth laws on a fully autonomous microscope. The future potential of Bayesian active learning for autonomous microscopes is discussed.

4:00 PM Invited MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA-8 New in-Line Metrology for Advanced Semiconductor Nodes
Cornel Bozdog (Onto Innovation)

Scaling in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing means "more devices per unit area". The traditional "device shrink" scaling path was already replaced by "stack vertically" in non-volatile memory devices, now up to few hundred devices occupying the same real estate on the wafer, and growing. Gate all-around allowed logic devices to stack multiple transistors, and volatile memory is following suit. Different devices and sub-devices are now bonded together to further optimize scaling. To integrate, optimize and control the multi-thousand-step manufacturing line, in-line metrology plays the critical role. Here we will review the metrology challenges for Advanced 3D devices, present the latest advancements in traditional optical, scatterometry, electron-beam and atomic force techniques, and discuss novel x-ray, acoustic, and mid-IR metrology solutions that enable accurate profile reconstruction, in-device characterization and hybrid metrology schemes.

4:40 PM Invited MS+AP+AS+TF-MoA-10 Applications of Artificial Intelligence AI and Machine Learning ML to Semiconductor Materials Discovery and Optimization
Brian Valentine (DOE )

Semiconductor elements such as silicon and gallium are applied in a wide variety of electronic, optical, and energy conversion applications; new elemental, compound, and dopant compositions are continually sought to improve known semiconductor characteristics to find unknown but desired semiconductor material characteristics. In this paper some applications of AI and ML to semiconductor material design and optimization are reviewed, along with limitations of AI and ML techniques applied to materials design and development and forward directions in these materials design and development methods.

Session Abstract Book
(242 KB, Nov 18, 2022)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic MS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 68 Schedule