AVS 67 Topics and Divisions

Time Periods | Schedule Overview

Click a topic code to see that topic's Sessions.
Topic Code Topic Name
2D 2D Materials
AC Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic
AP Atomic Scale Processing Focus Topic
AS Applied Surface Science Division
BI Biomaterial Interfaces Division
BP Biomaterials Plenary Session: Materials and Biology for the Future of Energy and the Environment
CA Chemical Analysis and Imaging at Interfaces Focus Topic
EL Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Focus Topic
EM Electronic Materials and Photonics Division
EW Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Workshops
HC Fundamental Discoveries in Heterogeneous Catalysis Focus Topic
HI Advanced Ion Microscopy and Ion Beam Nano-engineering Focus Topic
LD Leaders in Energy and the Environment Focus Topic
LI Live Session
LS New Trends in Structural Electronic Characterization of Materials, Interfaces, and Surfaces Using Synchrotron and FEL Based Light Sources Focus Topic
MI Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division
MN MEMS and NEMS Group
MS Manufacturing Science and Technology Group
NP Nanoscale Science and Technology Plenary Session
NS Nanoscale Science and Technology Division
PS Plasma Science and Technology Division
QS Materials and Processes for Quantum Information Science Focus Topic
SE Advanced Surface Engineering Division
SM Smart Multifunctional Materials for Nanomedicine Focus Topic
SS Surface Science Division
TF Thin Films Division
UN Undergraduate Poster Session
VT Vacuum Technology Division
Time Periods | Schedule Overview