AVS 66 Session QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM: High Coherence Qubits for Quantum Computing
Session Abstract Book
(280 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period MoM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS 66 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:20 AM |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-1 Measurement of a Two-Level-System Dipole Distribution in a Nanoscale Aluminum Oxide Barrier
Chih-Chiao Hung, Neda Foroozani, Kevin Osborn (University of Maryland) Random atomic-sized material defects, identified as two-level systems (TLS), have garnered wide interest because they cause decoherence in superconducting qubits. TLSs often arise in the nonlinear element, the Josephson junction, which is typically made of amorphous aluminum oxide. This material is a clear concern in qubits due to a substantial loss tangent in bulk: large area JJs. However, detail on the dipole moments of individual TLSs is generally lacking but is fundamental to defect-qubit coupling. We have recently developed a method to study individual dipole moments in thin dielectric films with a quantum regime resonator using an electrical bridge of capacitors. We have now extended this technique to a different material, aluminum oxide, using a smaller nanoscale thicknesses and barrier volume. The geometry of the device allows extraction of the individual dipole moments within the central layer of a superconductor-aluminum oxide-superconductor trilayer. This new study also produced a greater statistical sample of TLS dipoles than previous work. Preliminary analysis allows us to extract a dipole moment distribution with a clear mean value. This information on aluminum oxide can be used in the future modeling of qubits and the future characterization of qubit materials.
8:40 AM |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-2 Mapping Quantum Systems to Quantum Computers using Symmetry
Daniel Gunlycke, Sean Fischer, Steve Hellberg, Steven Policastro, Sergio Tafur (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) Quantum entanglement is a natural phenomenon in quantum mechanics that has enormous significance in quantum information science, including quantum computing. It enters quantum states in quantum algorithms through the application of multi-qubit quantum logic operations such as the CNOT and Ising gates. While deliberate entanglement adds power and efficiency to algorithms, unintentional entanglement can be undesirable for a variety of reasons. Unintentional entanglement adds complexity, making the outcome of a given algorithm more difficult to understand, as well as more sensitive to errors. Furthermore, it can be an indication that an algorithm has not been optimized. If we could transfer entanglement from our algorithms into the bases that define our systems, then we could potentially reduce our algorithms, including the qubit requirement. Such algorithm reductions will be of outmost importance for resource-limited, noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how such a reduction could be achieved for the simulation of quantum systems using symmetry. In addition to reducing the needed resources, our quantum computer calculations show a significant improvement in accuracy. |
9:00 AM | Invited |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-3 History of Superconducting Qubit Coherence and the Current Challenges
Hanhee Paik (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center) Since the first demonstration of a few nanoseconds of coherent oscillations in 1999, a tremendous amount of effort has been put in to improve coherence of superconducting qubits. A modern day superconducting qubits show typically 100 microseconds of coherence times which allowed us to demonstrate a few simple quantum computing applications that led rapid growth of quantum computing industry. To build a full fault-tolerant universal quantum computing system, however, we still need a couple more orders of magnitude improvement in the superconducting qubit coherence, the solution to which, we believe, is in the qubit materials. In this talk, I will review the history of the superconducting qubit coherence research and what we learned about the materials for quantum computing at milli-kelvin temperatures, and I will discuss the current challenges of the coherence studies in the conjunction with the challenges in material science research.
9:40 AM | Invited |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-5 Loss and Decoherence Benchmarking of Superconducting Transmon Qubits
Jonas Bylander (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) We are engineering a superconducting quantum processor within the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology [1] in Sweden and the project OpenSuperQ [2] of the European Union's Flagship on Quantum Technology.
Here we will present our engineering approach for high-coherence superconducting quantum hardware. We have studied the temporal stability of relaxation and dephasing in transmon qubits [3]. Our qubits are made of aluminum on silicon; they have reached average T1 relaxation times of about 70 us. The T2* decoherence time, as measured in a Ramsey fringe, is practically relaxation-limited. By collecting statistics during measurements spanning several days, we reveal large fluctuations of qubit lifetimes – the standard deviation of T1 is about 15 us – and find that the cause of fluctuations is parasitic, near-resonant two-level-systems (TLS). Our statistical analysis shows consistency with an interacting-TLS model. Interacting TLS also cause low-frequency capacitance fluctuations, ultimately leading to frequency noise and dephasing of the qubit state. These discoveries are important for creating stable superconducting circuits suitable for high-fidelity quantum gates in quantum computing applications. [1] www.wacqt.se [2] www.opensuperq.eu [3] J. J. Burnett, A. Bengtsson, M. Scigliuzzo, D. Niepce, M. Kudra, P. Delsing, and J. Bylander, “Decoherence benchmarking of superconducting qubits” arXiv:1901.04417
10:20 AM | BREAK | |
10:40 AM | Invited |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-8 Towards PAMBE Grown Nitride Superconductors for Epitaxial Josephson Junctions and Quantum Circuits
Christopher Richardson, Ashish Alexander, Chris Weddle (Laboratory for Physical Sciences); Matt Olszta, Bruce Arey (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Low microwave loss superconducting circuit components are a necessity of fabricating high-fidelity superconducting qubits. Accordingly, significant research has focused on making high-quality planar resonators from elemental and nitride superconductors. Josephson junctions are the nonlinear component of superconducting qubits, that also need to be high performance. Interestingly, superconducting qubits all use Josephson junctions fabricated from aluminum and aluminum oxide using the double angle evaporation process. Details of this alternative design will be presented. Plasma assisted Molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) is used to grow niobium titanium nitride alloys (NbxTi1-xN) and wide bandgap nitride (AlN) superconductors directly on sapphire wafers. This combination of nitride materials provides sufficient degrees of freedom that synthesis of an epitaxial Josephson junction may be possible. Using a structure first approach to design optimization, the structural, surface topology, chemical characteristics, and superconducting critical temperature of these films are used for optimization of the growth conditions before resonators are fabricated and tested. Growth results of NbTiN and AlN films, bi-layer insulator-superconductor structures and trilayer superconductor-insulator-superconductor structures will be presented along with superconducting properties. |
11:20 AM |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-10 Josephson Junction Metrology for Superconducting Quantum Device Design
Ruichen Zhao, Mustafa Bal, Junling Long, Russell Lake, Xian Wu, Corey Rae McRae, Hsiang-Sheng Ku, Haozhi Wang, David Pappas (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) Josephson junctions (JJs) are the power horses that drive the development of superconducting quantum technologies in the past decades. The non-linear inductance of JJs turns superconducting circuitry into a high-coherence two-level system that forms the foundation for quantum information processing [1]. They also enable Josephson parametric amplification that significantly improves the measurement of the fragile quantum state of superconducting qubits, mechanical oscillators or spins [2]. Consequently, the characterization of junction inductance becomes essential for the design and fabrication of these superconducting quantum devices. Here, we present a systematic approach to characterize the micron-size JJs made from a new process. This new recipe extends from our previous work on nanoscale overlapping qubit junctions [1]. First, we collect statistics of the normal-state resistance over 2000 JJs through the room-temperature automated probing test. Second, we use Ambegaokar-baratoff formula to map the normal-state junction resistance into Josephson inductance [3]. Then we extract and investigate the process bias of our JJs. Based on this new information of JJs variation, we proposed a new JJ process which could potentially provide better control over the Junction inductance and therefore, deliver more reliable parameters for the device design. [1] X. Wu, et al. "Overlap junctions for high coherence superconducting qubits." Applied Physics Letters 111.3: 032602 (2017). [2] M. Malnou, et al. Optimal operation of a Josephson parametric amplifier for vacuum squeezing. Physical Review Applied, 9(4), 044023 (2018). [3] V. Ambegaokar, & A. Baratoff, “Tunneling between superconductors.” Physical Review Letters, 10(11), 486 (1963). |
11:40 AM |
QS+EM+MN+NS-MoM-11 Superconducting Metamaterial Resonator Spectrum and Interaction with Qubit
Haozhi Wang, Sagar Indrajeet, Matthew Hutchings, Matthew LaHaye, Britton Plourde (Syracuse University); Bruno Taketani, Frank Wilhelm (Saarland University) Metamaterial transmission line resonators fabricated from superconducting thin films can be designed to exhibit novel mode spectra like a high density of modes in the same frequency range where superconducting qubits are typically operated. We demonstrate the mode spectrum of a metamaterial resonator made of single layer of Nb and the coupling quality factor of the modes. We also present a series of low-temperature measurements of such a superconducting metamaterial resonator coupled to a flux-tunable transmon qubit. We observe Rabi vacuum crossing when performing transmission measurement of the metamaterial resonator as we tune the qubit frequency through many of the metamaterial resonances and we are able to track the qubit using a separate conventional resonator to read out the qubit state. |