AVS 66 Session QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA: Systems and Devices for Quantum Computing

Monday, October 21, 2019 1:40 PM in Room B231-232
Monday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(298 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic QS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
1:40 PM QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-1 DEMUXYZ Gate Using Single Microwave Drive Line for Multiple Qubits
Matteo Mariantoni (University of Waterloo, Canada); Carolyn Earnest (University atof Waterloo, Canada); Jérémy Béjanin (Unversity of Waterloo, Canada)
Superconducting qubits have the potential to lead to large-scale quantum computers with 105 or more qubits in 2D arrays. As the number of qubits increases, finding methods to connect all the necessary control lines to each qubit can become a serious challenge. In this talk, we introduce a new demultiplexed one-qubit gate: DEMUXYZ. This gate makes it possible to decrease the number of microwave control lines from N2 to 1 by allowing multiple qubits to share a single microwave line. The shared line carries a continuous wave (CW) microwave tone, which is initially detuned from the qubits' idle frequency. When a qubit must undergo an arbitrary rotation on the Bloch sphere, the qubit is tuned on resonance with the CW tone and allowed to interact with the drive for the duration required to achieve the desired rotation. The rotation phase is tuned by detuning the qubit frequency away from the drive and idle frequency for the required time length. We demonstrate a first proof of concept for this gate performing experiments on Xmon transmon qubits. We characterize the gate ON/OFF ratio and perform quantum state tomography.

Funding Acknowledgement: This research was undertaken thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) and the Discovery and Research Tools and Instruments Grant Programs of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

2:00 PM QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-2 Structural and Electronic Characterization of a Novel Si/SiGe Heterostructure for Quantum Computing
Thomas McJunkin, Evan MacQuarrie, Samuel Neyens, Brandur Thorgrimsson, Joelle Corrigan, John Dodson, Donald Savage, Max Lagally, Robert Joynt, Mark Friesen, Susan Coppersmith, Mark Eriksson (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

In recent years, silicon-based quantum dots have been shown to be a promising avenue for quantum computing. However, dots formed in silicon quantum wells exhibit a near-degeneracy of the two low-lying valley states. Motivated by a desire to increase the magnitude and tunability of this valley splitting, we report the characterization of a novel Si/SiGe heterostructure grown with a thin layer of SiGe embedded within the Si quantum well, near the top of the well. The Si/SiGe heterostructure is grown via UHV-CVD on a linearly graded SiGe alloy with a final Ge concentration of 29%. STEM measurements reveal the quantum well structure to consist of a ~10 nm Si layer, followed by a thin ~1 nm SiGe layer, and subsequent ~2 nm layer of pure Si. Above this quantum well, a ~35 nm layer of SiGe with 29% Ge is grown to separate the quantum well from the surface. The intent of this ~1 nm layer of SiGe, positioned just below the upper interface of the quantum well, is to modify the valley splitting of electrons in a 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) that reside near this interface. By modifying an external vertical electric field, the electron wavefunction can be moved on and off this spike in germanium concentration.

We report electronic measurements of both Hall bars and quantum dot devices that are fabricated on this heterostructure. Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) and quantum Hall (QH) measurements reveal a peak transport mobility in excess of 100,000 cm2/(V s) at 6 x 1011 cm-2 carrier density . We report SdH and QH measurements over a wide range of carrier density and magnetic field in the form of a fan diagram. Valley splitting values are measured in the quantum dot device by magnetospectroscopy, in which a few-electron dot transition is measured as the in-plane magnetic field is swept. Measuring at the second, third, and fourth electron transition in the quantum dot, we find valley splittings of 29, 48, and 65 ueV, respectively. To measure tunability of valley splitting, nearby gate voltages are changed to vary the vertical electric field at constant charge occupation. We find that both the lowest lying valley splitting and the valley splitting in the first excited orbital can be tuned over a factor of 2 by means of such changes in gate voltage.

2:20 PM Invited QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-3 Efficient Quantum Computation using Problem-specific Quantum Hardware and Algorithms
Stefan Filipp (IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland)

In recent years we have observed a rapid development of quantum technologies for the realization of quantum computers that promise to outperform conventional computers in certain types of problems. This includes problems in optimization, machine learning, finite element calculations, and in the computation of complex molecules. A key requirement to perform computations on current and near-term quantum processors is the design of quantum algorithms with short circuit depth that finish within the coherence time of the qubits. To this end, it is essential to implement a set of quantum gates that are tailored to the problem at hand and that can be directly implemented in hardware. To efficiently compute the ground and excited states of molecular hydrogen we utilize a parametrically driven tunable coupler to realize exchange-type gates that are configurable in amplitude and phase on two fixed-frequency superconducting qubits. Such gates are particularly well suited for quantum chemistry applications because they preserve the number of qubit excitations corresponding to the fixed number of electrons in the molecule. With gate fidelities around 95% we compute the eigenstates within an accuracy of 50 mHartree on average, an good starting point for the simulation of larger molecular systems.

3:00 PM Invited QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-5 Reconfigurable Magnetic Textures for Quantum Information Applications
Alex Matos-Abiague (Wayne State University)

Spintronic devices such as spin valves have extensively been used for non-volatile memory applications. The magnetic fringe fields generated by spin valves strongly depend on the magnetic state of the device. Thus, an array of electrically switchable spin valves allows for the generation of reconfigurable magnetic textures whose specific form and properties can be controlled on the nanometer scale. When combined with materials with large g-factor, such magnetic textures can have sizable effects not only on the spin but also on the localization, exchange, and transport properties of carriers. We show how the local control of the fringe-field-generated magnetic texture provides a unique tool for creating effective reconfigurable nanostructures and how it can be used for various quantum information applications. In particular, we focus on the use of reconfigurable magnetic textures as a new path to the realization of fault-tolerant topological quantum computing by enabling the generation and manipulation of Majorana bound states (MBSs) in superconductor/semiconductor heterostructures [1-4]. MBSs are emergent quasiparticles that obey non-Abelian statistics and can store quantum information that is immune against smooth local perturbations. Magnetic textures can provide not only synthetic spin-orbit and Zeeman fields -two important ingredients for the creation of MBSs- but also spatial confinement by creating closed domains in the form of effective topological wires. The effective wires can be re-shaped and re-oriented by properly changing the magnetic texture, allowing for the transportation of the MBSs [1,3] and the realization of quantum gates through braiding operations [2]. Other platforms combining the use of reconfigurable magnetic textures and Josephson junctions, as well as the main experimental challenges regarding materials, scalability, and detection are also discussed.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work is supported by DARPA Grant No.DP18AP900007 and US ONR Grant No. N000141712793

[1] G. L. Fatin, A. Matos-Abiague, B. Scharf, I Žutić, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 077002 (2016).

[2] A. Matos-Abiague, J. Shabani, A. D. Kent, G. L. Fatin, B. Scharf, I. Žutić, Solid State Commun. 262, 1 (2017).

[3] T. Zhou, N. Mohanta, J. E. Han, A. Matos-Abiague, and I. Žutić, Phys. Rev. B 99, 134505 (2019).

[4] N. Mohanta, T. Zhou, J. Xu, J. E. Han, A. D. Kent, J. Shabani, I. Žutić, and A. Matos-Abiague, arXiv:1903.07834

4:00 PM Invited QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-8 Coaxial Multilayer Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Computing
Peter Leek (University of Oxford, UK)
Superconducting circuits are one of the leading candidates for the realization of quantum computers, in particular for near-term applications which may already be reached with circuits consisting of a few hundred qubits, provided they are operated at high fidelity. Until recently, the topology of superconducting circuits has typically been constrained to two dimensions, which becomes difficult to scale as the number of qubits increases and control and measurement wiring is needed for qubits in the middle of large arrays. It is natural to explore new circuit topologies that incorporate wiring in the third dimension to solve this problem. In this talk I will present an overview of an approach that builds on a coaxially-symmetric circuit QED unit cell with out-of-plane wiring [1] that provides a simple route to scaling to grids of many qubits. In this approach, arrays of qubits and resonators can be fabricated on opposing sides of a substrate and capacitively coupled, while control and readout are achieved via off-chip coaxial wires which run perpendicular to the chip plane and are built into a precision micro-machined enclosure that provides a high-quality microwave environment for the circuit.

[1] Rahamim et al., Applied Physics Letters 110, 222602 (2017)

4:40 PM QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-10 Josephson Parametric Amplifiers based on Micron Scale Overlap Junctions (O-JPA)
Mustafa Bal, Junling Long, Ruichen Zhao, Haozhi Wang (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)); Corey Rae McRae (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and University of Colorado Boulder); Russell Lake, Xian Wu, Hsiang-Sheng Ku, David Pappas (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))

Quantum limited amplifiers have become indispensable tools in superconducting quantum circuits. In recent years, quantum limited amplification has been demonstrated in parametric amplifiers based on high kinetic inductance superconductors as well as Josephson junctions. Previously, we have demonstrated submicron scale overlap Josephson junction fab process for qubits with long coherence times [1]. Here, we extend the overlap junction fab process to micron scale junctions to enable the realization of other superconducting quantum devices such as overlap junction-based Josephson parametric amplifiers (O-JPA). Our fab scheme yield frequency tunable O-JPAs with negligible insertion loss. We readily observe over 25 dB gain. Compared to other competing processes, overlap junction process for micron scale junctions allows the fabrication of O-JPAs with high yield and good device performance at a much lower infrastructure requirements. The fabrication details of overlap junction process as well as the results of O-JPA characterization will be presented. The metrology of overlap Josephson junctions will also be presented in this this symposium [2].

[1] X. Wu, J. L. Long, H. S. Ku, R. E. Lake, M. Bal, and D. P. Pappas, “Overlap junctions for high coherence superconducting qubits”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 032602 (2017).

[2] R. Zhao et al., “Josephson Junction metrology for superconducting quantum device design”, also presented at AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition.

5:00 PM QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA-11 Development and Characterization of a Flux-pumped Josephson Parametric Amplifier
Martina Esposito (University of Oxford, UK)

Josephson parametric amplification is a tool of paramount importance in circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit-QED), especially for the quantum-noise-limited single-shot readout of superconducting qubits. Here we present the development and characterization of a flux-pumped Josephson parametric amplifier (JPA) based on a lumped-element LC resonator, in which the inductance L is composed by a geometric inductance and an array of superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) [1]. In addition, we show preliminary experiments where the JPA is used as the first stage of amplification for the readout of a superconducting qubit based on a coaxial architecture recently developed in our lab in Oxford [2]. Finally, we will introduce future scientific direction based on using JPAs for generation and control of non-classical states in microwave photons.

[1] M. Esposito et al. EPJ Web of Conferences 198, 00008 (2019)

[2] J. Rahamim et al. Applied Physics Letters 110, 222602 (2017)

Session Abstract Book
(298 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic QS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 66 Schedule