AVS 66 Session QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM: Material Systems and Applications for Quantum Sciences
Session Abstract Book
(291 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period WeM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS 66 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:00 AM |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-1 Quantum Information at the Molecular Foundry - An Overview of New Toolsets for QIS Research
Adam Schwartzberg, Stefano Cabrini, D. Frank Ogletree, Alexander Weber-Bargioni (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)) The fundamental unit of quantum computation and sensing is the qubit, and many physical systems have been investigated for practical realization. These include superconducting Josephson junction circuits, color centers, and isolated cold atoms or ions. Superconducting qubit circuits (SCQBs) being one of the most promising avenues to quantum computation. However, there are limitations to their practical application due to noise sources which shorten their functional lifetime. In this talk I will introduce a suite of integrated, high-fidelity fabrication instrumentation that will allow new communities of users to investigate the fundamental limits of state-of-the-art quantum systems at the Molecular Foundry. We will enable users to understand existing systems and design new ones by creating a quantum fabrication toolset for directed growth of conventional and novel materials, advanced lithography and pattern transfer paired with in- and ex-situ surface characterization. Three key QIS fabrication capabilities at the Molecular Foundry:
This instrumentation suite will enable the elucidation of chemical composition, structure, location, and size of microscopic noise sources in a superconducting quantum system, understanding the fabrication steps that introduced such noise sources, and developing fabrication approaches that minimize their presence. I will also discuss ongoing and new research directions at the Molecular Foundry through internal staff and external user research. |
8:20 AM |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-2 Quantum Vacuum Metrology to Advance Quantum Science Capabilities
Jay Hendricks, Jacob Ricker, Kevin Douglass (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)); James Fedchak, Julia Scherschligt (National Institute of Sandards and Technology (NIST)) NIST is developing a series of next generation pressure and vacuum standards that will serve as a basis for key vacuum technology platforms required for emerging quantum science applications. The production of quantum sensors and devices is anticipated to require extremely demanding process control with exact knowledge of background residual gas, process chamber pressure, and accurate measurement of gas pressure feedstocks. In 2019, National Metrology Institutes around the world worked to redefine the international system of units, the SI, such that the base units are now based on fundamental constants. Moving forward, the next generation of pressure and standards will provide a new route of SI traceability for the pascal. By taking advantage of both the properties of light interacting with a gas and that the pressure dependent refractive index of helium can be precisely predicted from fundamental, first-principles quantum-chemistry calculations, a new route of realizing the pascal has been demonstrated. This talk will briefly cover the classical methods of realizing pressure that have served the metrology community well for the past 375 years. And then will take a deeper dive into the next generation of light-based pressure standards that will enable the elimination of mercury manometers, replacing them with a smaller, lighter, faster, and higher precision standards. From a metrology stand point, the new quantum-based SI pascal will move us from the classical force/area definition, to an energy density (joules per unit volume) definition. Should the technique be further miniaturized, it will lead to a revolution in pressure metrology, enabling a photonics-based device that serves both a gas pressure sensor and a portable gas pressure standard all in one. NOTE: this topic is appropriate for VT sessions as well but thought it would be interesting to the broader audience that is interested in emerging quantum-based technologies that are needed to advance the field of quantum science. |
8:40 AM | Invited |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-3 Quantum Control of Spins in Silicon Carbide with Photons and Phonons
David Awschalom, S.J. Whiteley, G. Wolfowicz, K.C. Miao (University of Chicago) There are numerous efforts to embrace solid-state defects and construct quantum systems to enable new information technologies based on the quantum nature of the electron. Current studies include semiconductors with incorporated point defects, whose quantum mechanical spin properties allow a fundamentally different means to process information. In particular, interfacing solid-state defect electron spins to other quantum systems is an ongoing challenge. Here we demonstrate electrically driven coherent quantum interference in the optical transition of single divacancies, enabling new control of the spin-photon interface [1]. By applying microwave frequency electric fields, we coherently drive the excited-state orbitals and induce Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interference fringes in the resonant optical absorption spectrum. Furthermore, we develop a stroboscopic X-ray diffraction imaging technique that provides direct imaging and quantitative measurement of local strain at the nanometer scale. In conjunction with the fabrication of surface acoustic wave resonators, we mechanically drive coherent Rabi oscillations between arbitrary ground-state spin levels, including magnetically forbidden spin transitions, allowing for acoustic quantum control of local spins in silicon carbide and the exploration of spin-phonon coupling in the solid state [2]. These properties establish divacancies as strong candidates for quantum communication and hybrid system applications, where simultaneous control over optical and spin degrees of freedom is paramount. [1] K. C. Miao et al., arxiv: 1905.12780 [2] S. J. Whiteley et al., Nature Phys. 15, 490 (2019) |
9:20 AM |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-5 Tunable Control over InSb(110) Surface Conductance Utilizing Charged Defects
Robert Walko, Sara Mueller, Stephen Gant, Jacob Repicky, Steven Tjung, Evan Lang, Elizabeth Fuller, Kevin Werner (The Ohio State University); Fedor Bergmann (Bergmann Messgeraete Entwicklung); Enam Chowdhury, Jay Gupta (The Ohio State University) In this work we present a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of tip-induced switching of charge states in individual indium adatoms on the InSb(110) surface. These adatoms are deposited onto the surface by controlled voltage pulses between the STM tip and the surface. We observe them in two distinct charge states: positive and neutral. Adatom-induced band bending from the positively charged state has been observed to induce a tenfold increase in surface conductance relative to the charge neutral state, the effect of which can be observed >100nm away from the indium adatom. When the STM tip is brought sufficiently close to the defect, electrons can tunnel from the tip to the defect and cause the charge state to switch from positive to neutral. During imaging, this switching leads to a “crater” feature around the defect due to the lower conductance of the charge neutral state. The spatial extent of the crater can be tuned via the applied bias voltage, the tunneling set-point current, and photoillumination of the surface. We explain this phenomenon using a model of competing rates between the filling and emptying of the defect state, similar to dangling bonds on the Si(111) surface. This work acknowledges funding from the DOE (# DE-SC0016379) |
9:40 AM |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-6 Quantum Calligraphy: Writing Single-Photon Emitters in a Two-Dimensional Materials Platform
Matthew R. Rosenberger (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Chandriker Dass (Air Force Research Laboratory); Hsun-Jen Chuang, Saujan V. Sivaram, Kathleen M. McCreary (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); Joshua Hendrickson (Air Force Research Laboratory); Berend T. Jonker (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) We present a paradigm for encoding strain into two dimensional materials (2DM) to create and deterministically place single photon emitters (SPEs) in arbitrary locations with nanometer-scale precision. Our material platform consists of a 2DM placed on top of a deformable polymer film. Upon application of sufficient mechanical stress using an atomic force microscope tip, the 2DM/polymer composite deforms, resulting in formation of highly localized strain fields with excellent control and repeatability. We show that SPEs are created and localized at these nanoindents, and exhibit single photon emission up to 60K. This quantum calligraphy allows deterministic placement and real time design of arbitrary patterns of SPEs for facile coupling with photonic waveguides, cavities and plasmonic structures. In addition to enabling versatile placement of SPEs, these results present a general methodology for imparting strain into 2DM with nanometer-scale precision, providing an invaluable tool for further investigations and future applications of strain engineering of 2DM and 2DM devices. Reference: Rosenberger et al., “Quantum Calligraphy: Writing Single-Photon Emitters in a Two-Dimensional Materials Platform,” ACS Nano, 2019, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.8b08730 View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall | |
11:00 AM | Invited |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-10 Challenges in Topological and Quantum Materials
David Alan Tennant (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Quantum materials are rapidly advancing but still present great challenges. Topological quantum materials in particular are receiving great attention as they provide potentially robust routes to quantum information processing that are protected against decoherence processes. Among key challenges are the prediction and realization of magnetic materials in the form of magnetic Weyl semimetals and quantum spin liquids as ways of realizing exotic quasiparticles such as Majorana fermions that can be used for application. These materials present new experimental challenges in terms of identifying their quasiparticles and demonstrating quantum coherence in their ground states states. Here I will show how we are using the integrated application of machine learning along with experiment and synthesis to advance the discovery and understanding of these materials.
11:40 AM |
QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM-12 Rare Earth Silicon Photonics Engineering for Quantum Applications
Arindam Nandi, Xiaodong Jiang, Dongmin Pak (Purdue University); Danielle N. Perry, Edward Bielejec (Sandia National Laboratories); Yi Xuan, Mahdi Hosseini (Purdue University) Controlling intermodal coupling between multiple excitations within a photonic material may enable the design of novel quantum photonic metamaterials exhibiting anomalous effects. Understanding the complex mode dynamics towards the engineering of system Hamiltonian has been the subject of intensive research in recent years. Here, we design an atomic lattice composed of nearly 1000 rare earth ion segments deterministically engineered in silicon photonic structures to modify the emission properties of erbium in silicon. We observe anomalous photon emission at the telecommunication wavelength from atoms geometrically arranged to reduce the propagation loss. Moreover, we map asymmetric emission lineshapes led by intermodal Fano-type interference of the atomic and photonic resonance modes. Our observation paves the way for designing active metamaterials and novel topological photonics with engineered linear and nonlinear interactions for broad applications in quantum information. Moreover, I will result for direct integration of rare earth crystals with silicon photonic chip for implementation of quantum optical memories. The approach can impact the fields of quantum communication and computation through, for example, developing superradiant single photon sources, the study of non-equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics, and engineering quantum transport in a scalable solid-state platform. |