AVS2018 Session AC+MI+SA-WeM: Magnetism, Complexity, and Superconductivity in the Actinides and Rare Earths

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:00 AM in Room 202C
Wednesday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(332 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited AC+MI+SA-WeM-1 Strong electron-electron Interactions in the Actinides: Using Organometallics to Probe Delocalization Effects
Corwin Booth (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Systems exhibiting strong electron-electron interactions remain at the forefront of inquiry into complex properties of condensed matter systems due to their exciting properties (eg. superconductivity) and their resistance to being understood on a fundamental level. A bottleneck toward a better understanding has been the difficulty of the required many-body calculations for extended solids. Alternatively, calculations on small molecules require fewer and better approximations, potentially offering a better description. Although strong electron-electron interactions are well established in extended solids, recent work on lanthanide organometallic coordination compounds has demonstrated the importance of such interactions, fueled by the propensity for certain 4f orbitals to be partially delocalized. Meanwhile, recent work on the actinides challenges the canonical view that the 5f electrons can bond in the light actinides but are essentially localized in the heavier actinides. A major stumbling block for such work is the paucity of known structures for elements beyond Am in the periodic table.

For the discussion presented here, work on Ce and Yb organometallics will provide context in terms of f-occupancy and in bonding characteristics and the effect on magnetism. The role of strongly electron interactions will be described in terms of configuration interaction (CI) and related calculations. Occupancy is measured using Ln LIII-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) techniques, and local structure (EXAFS) measurements demonstrate the final effect on the bonding at the metal center. Of particular interest is what happens in formally Ce(IV) systems that exhibit strong interactions.

XANES measurements of actinides are more difficult to interpret and will be discussed. The focus will be, however, on EXAFS measurements across the An series in the presence of strongly oxidizing ligands. Chosen ligands include hydroxypyridonone (HOPO), with less oxidizing ligands, such as diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) used for comparison. Cations include Th, U, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, and Cf. Discussions will center on nearest-neighbor bond lengths, using DFT calculations as a guide. The surprising role of covalency in the late actinides will be considered, both in terms of the EXAFS results and in terms of the edge shifts.

This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science (OS), Office of Basic Energy Sciences (OBES), under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH1123.

8:40 AM Invited AC+MI+SA-WeM-3 Structure and Magnetism of U-based Thin Films and Heterostructures
Evgeniya Tereshina-Chitrova (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); Ladislav Havela (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic); Thomas Gouder, Zhaohui Bao (Institute for Transuranium Elements, Germany); Milan Dopita (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic); Roberto Caciuffo (Institute for Transuranium Elements, Germany)

Uranium is the basic component of most nuclear fuels. The production of uranium-based films has advantage over bulk materials studies as it allows performing advanced physics and chemistry experiments on small amounts of radioactive material and on its clean and smooth surfaces. Other interesting field is uranium magnetism. Although uranium itself is non-magnetic, uranium compounds display a rich variety of magnetic phenomena intimately related to the variable character of the 5f electron states [1]. Additional degrees of freedom can be used in thin films, in which the reduced dimensionality and structure modifications far exceed the limits imposed by thermodynamics, obeyed in bulk systems. We review the achievements in the field of sputter-deposited films, in which variations of deposition conditions can dramatically suppress crystallinity of the deposited material. The 5f itinerant magnetic systems (as US or UN [2]) react to the low substrate temperatures and high deposition rates by decreasing ordering temperatures and eventually by the loss of U magnetic moments. The strong ferromagnetism of uranium hydride is, on the other hand, almost insensitive, which underlines its local-moment character.

The possibility to combine films of various materials on the nanostructure scale can also give rise to new functionalities. For example, the exchange bias (EB) effect [3], arising as a result of combination of a ferromagnet biased by exchange interaction at the interface to an antiferromagnet, is particularly interesting if uranium magnetics are involved. The new ingredient, strong spin-orbit interaction, can lead to very strong magnetic anisotropy, which represents an essential parameter. We have been systematically studying films of Fe3O4 (ferromagnet) grown using different substrates on the top UO2, playing the role of biasing antiferromagnet [4]. The resulting high bias field (> 0.2 T) and a proximity effect, in which the high Curie temperature of Fe3O4 provides the EB functionality even at temperatures exceeding ordering of UO2, demonstrate the promising aspects of using actinides in this non-traditional way.

The work is supported by the Czech Science Foundation under the project #18-02344S. Part of the work was supported by “Nano-materials Centre for Advanced Applications,” Project No.CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000485, financed by ERDF.

[1] V. Sechovsky, L. Havela, in: Magnetic Materials, K.H.J. Buschow (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998, Vol. 11, p. 1.

[2] L. Havela et al., JALCOM 408-412, p. 1320 (2006).

[3] W. H. Meiklejohn and C. P. Bean, Phys. Rev. B 102, 1413 (1956).

[4] E.A. Tereshina et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(12),122405 (2014).

9:20 AM Invited AC+MI+SA-WeM-5 Field Induced Lifshitz Transitions in URu2Si2
Eleonir Calegari (Univ Federale Santa Maria, Brazil); Sergio Magalhaes (Universidade Federale Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil); Peter Riseborough (Temple University)
We report calculations on an unusual phase of the Under-screened Anderson Lattice (UAL) model, the so called spin-dependent inter-orbital density wave that has been proposed as describing the ``Hidden Order" (HO) phase of URu2Si2.

We determine the effects of an applied magnetic field. Since the order parameter describes an ordering in the x-y plane, the electronic properties of the system are anisotropic below the critical temperature THO. We show that the magnetic susceptibility becomes anisotropic below THO. Furthermore, for fields applied along a spontaneously chosen hard axis, THO decreases towards zero and that the HO transition changes from second order to first order at a large value of the magnetic field. Also, we find that the system undergoes a cascade of field-induced Lifshitz transitions and also show how these properties originate from the dependence of the quasi-particle bands on the orientation of the applied field. The good qualitative agreement with experimental findings provides strong support for the proposed description of the HO phase as a spin-dependent inter-orbital density wave phase.

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM AC+MI+SA-WeM-10 New Form of Uranium Hydride - UH2
Ladislav Havela, Mykhaylo Paukov, Milan Dopita, Lukas Horak, Peter Minarik, Martin Divis, Ilja Turek (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic); Dominik Legut (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic); Thomas Gouder, Alice Seibert, Frank Huber (European Commission - Joint Research Centre); Evgeniya Tereshina-Chitrova (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Most of f-elements form with hydrogen both di- and trihydrides. Actinide and rare-earth dihydrides occur, as a rule, in the CaF2 structure type. Uranium represents an exception, only UH3 is present in the binary phase diagram. It exists in two different structure types. The metastable form α-UH3 forms in the Cr3Si structure type, which is in fact bcc U lattice filled with hydrogen. The stable form β-UH3 has a larger cubic cell with two different U sites. Both forms are ferromagnets with the total U moment of ≈ 1 μB/U and the Curie temperature TC ≈ 165 K. We have recently synthesized UH3 thin films using a reactive sputter deposition. XRD analysis indicated the β-UH3 structure, modified by a pronounced (00l) texture and compressive residual strains imposed by the deposition dynamics. Magnetization measurements proved TC = 165 K.

The sputter deposition on a cooled substrate (T = 170 K) using Si wafer the crystal structure turned different. The deposited material is undoubtedly cubic, of the fcc type, and the lattice parameter a = 5.3598 ± 0.0014 Å is very close to that of PuH2 (a = 5.359 Å) and NpH2+x (a = 5.343-5.355 Å). Hence we can assume that UH2 in the fluorite structure has been formed. The key role in stabilization plays likely the effect of substrate (Si has a = 5.431 Å) in combination with low temperature deposition. The UH2 film was subsequently subjected to magnetization measurements, which indicated a ferromagnetic ground state with TC ≈ 125 K. This is lower than in the UH3 phases, although the U-U spacing in UH2 should be higher, 3.78 Å, than in both UH3 phases (3.31 and 3.60 Å for β- and α-UH3, respectively). This fact points to the U-U interaction being more important than the U-U spacing. The ferromagnetic state is also the ground state obtained from ab-initio calculations. Scalar relativistic calculations (LDA) for experimental lattice parameter yield the spin moment μS = 2.0 μB/U. LDA+U (U = 2.25 eV) gives the equilibrium lattice parameter a = 539.9 Å, i.e. 0.7% larger than the experimental one, the ferromagnetic ground state with (111) easy-magnetization direction and the magnetic anisotropy energy Ea = 9 meV. The total moment 0.45 μB/U consists of 2.59 μS and -3.04 μL.

This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under the grant No. 18-02344S. The work at JRC Karlsruhe was supported by the European FP7 TALISMAN project, under contract with the European Commission. Part of the work was supported by the project “Nanomaterials centre for advanced applications”, Project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000485, financed by ERDF.

11:20 AM AC+MI+SA-WeM-11 Tuning of Electronic Properties of U- and RE- Metallic Systems by H Absorption
Silvie Maskova (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic); Khrystyna Miliyanchuk (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine); Alexandre Kolomiets (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine); Ladislav Havela (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

The sensitivity of the interactions in the intermetallic systems to modification of the crystal structure makes the experimental techniques involving alteration of the atomic arrangement especially important. Various studies under compression are well-known examples of such methods. From this point of view hydrogenation can be treated as a complementary technique that provides „negative“ pressure. Hydrides can be defined as compounds for which the hydrogen absorption leads to the modifications of the crystal structure, such as pure lattice expansion or the formation of a new structure. As a result, the new compounds (hydrides) exhibit qualitatively new physical properties and such modifications provide us with additional information on the peculiarities of interatomic interactions in the initial compounds.

As an example, we will compare the impact of H absorption on U- and RE-compounds using A2T2X (A = Rare-Earth (RE) or actinide, T = transition metal, X = p-metal) compounds crystallizing in the tetragonal Mo2FeB2 structure type (space group P4/mbm). U2T2X interact with H2 only at high pressure (≈ 100 bar) reaching 2 H/f.u. The H absorption produces a lattice expansion (lower than 10 %), while the tetragonal structure is preserved. Higher H concentrations, which can be achieved in some RE2T2X compounds (up to 8 H atoms/f.u), lead to amorphization or structure symmetry changes (with volume expansion exceeding 20 %), imposed by a minimum H-H distance requirement.

Magnetic properties of U-compounds strongly depend on the U-U distances. Hydrogen intrusion modifies the lattice by expanding it without changing the crystal-structure type leading to a 5f band narrowing. As a consequence, doping of U intermetallics by interstitial hydrogen leads to stronger magnetic properties. On the other hand, the hydrogen absorption has opposite effect on magnetic properties of RE2T2X compounds. For RE compounds, hydrogenation affects mainly the inter-site exchange interaction, which is weakened presumably by reducing the concentration of conduction electrons, responsible for the RKKY interaction.

11:40 AM AC+MI+SA-WeM-12 Magnetic Structures of UnRhIn3n+2 Materials
Attila Bartha, Milan Klicpera (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic); Petr Cermak (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany); Bachir Ouladdiaf (Institute Laue-Langevin, France); Jeroen Custers (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

In the past decade, U-compounds crystallizing in the HoCoGa5-type structure (P4/mmm), frequently referred to as 115, have been in the focus of attention in experimental and theoretical research. Vigorous activities have been motivated by the high superconducting transition temperature of Tc = 8.7K in PuRhGa5 [1] and Tc = 18.5K in PuCoGa5 [2]. No further superconductivity has been reported in neither U-115 nor in the closely related U2TGa8 compounds (T = transition metal). However, interesting magnetic properties have been observed: neutron scattering experiments revealed that UNiGa5 exhibits the G-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase, while UPdGa5 and UPtGa5 exhibit the A-type AFM state. Note that G-type indicates a 3D Néel state, while A-type refers to a layered AF structure where spins align FM in the ab plane and AFM along the c axis [3]. The difference in the two magnetic structures is significant since it implies a sign change of the nearest-neighbor (NN) interaction.

Here we report on the magnetic structures of URhIn5 and U2RhIn8, two new members of the UnTmX3n+2m (X=In,Ga) family of compounds [4]. URhIn5 displays AFM order below TN = 98K. The observed increase of the resistivity for current parallel [100], [110] and [001] are reminiscent to a spin-density wave (SDW) type of transition with the gap opening first along the [001] direction [5]. U2RhIn8 enters the AFM state at TN = 117K. No increase in resistivity in the vicinity of TN is found which would hint to a SDW gap opening. Neutron diffraction experiments on URhIn5 were performed at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching using the triple axis spectrometer PANDA. Single crystals with accumulated mass of 10mg where glued on an Al-plate. Our results confirmed the magnetic propagation vector k=(1/2,1/2,1/2) predicted by NMR experiments [6] and a magnetic moment of 1.65 µB/U3+. The neutron study on U2RhIn8 has been conducted at ILL, Grenoble using D10 on only one single crystal with m ≈ 1mg. Analysis revealed a propagation vector k=(1/2,1/2,0) and an ordered moment of 1.7 µB/U3+. UIn3, URhIn5 and U2RhIn8 all show G-type AFM phase. While the c-axis parameter differs significantly the a lattice parameter equals 4.601Å, 4.621Å and 4.6056Å respectively, being a change of less than 1% pointing to the fact that the NN coupling is important for the type of magnetic structure.

[1] F. Wastin et al., J.Phys.Condens.Matter 15, S2279 (2003)

[2] J.L. Sarrao et al., Nature (London) 420, 297 (2002)

[3] T. Hotta, Phys.Rev. B 70, 054405 (2004)

[4] A. Bartha et al., J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 381, 310 (2015)

[5] A. Bartha et al., Acta Phys.Pol. A 127, 339 (2015)

[6] H. Sakai et al. Phys.Rev. B 88, 045123 (2013)

12:00 PM AC+MI+SA-WeM-13 Insights into the Magnetic Dead Layer in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films from Temperature, Magnetic Field and Thickness Dependence of their Magnetization
Navid Mottaghi, Mohindar Seehra, Robbyn Trappen, Shalini Kumari, Chih-Yeh Huang, Saeed Yousefi, Guerau Cabrera, Aldo Romero, Mikel B. Holcomb (West Virginia University)

Detailed dc magnetization (M) measurements of a 7.6 nm La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin film samples is investigated. The sample was fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) M vs. applied field (H) cooled down to T = 5 K reveal the presence of negative remanent magnetization (NRM) as well as in ZFC M vs. temperature (T) measurements in H = 50 Oe and 100 Oe. ZFC and FC (field-cooled) protocols are used to determine the blocking temperature TB in different H. Isothermal hysteresis loops at different T are used to determine the temperature dependence of saturation magnetization (MS), remanence (MR) and coercivity HC. The MS vs. T data are fit to the Bloch law, MS (T) = M0 (1 – BT3/2), showing a good fit for T < 100 K and yielding the nearest-neighbor exchange constant J/kB ≅ 18 K. The variations of TB vs. H and HC vs. T are well described by the model often used for randomly oriented magnetic nanoparticles with magnetic domain diameter ≈ 9 nm present in the dead-layer of thickness d =1.4 nm. Finally, the data available from literature on the thickness (D) variation of Curie temperature (TC) and MS of LSMO films grown under 200, 150, and 0.38 mTorr pressures of O2 are analyzed in terms of the finite-size scaling, with MS vs. D data fit to MS (D) = MS(b)(1-d/D) yielding the dead layer thickness d = 1.1 nm, 1.4nm and 2.4 nm respectively.

Session Abstract Book
(332 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period WeM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic AC Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule