AVS2009 Session SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA: Non-Thermal Chemistry / Ion, Electron Processes

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 2:00 PM in Room C1
Tuesday Afternoon

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Start Invited? Item
2:00 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-1 Growth and Purification of Nanostructures Deposited by Electron Beam Irradiation: A Surface Science Perspective
Howard Fairbrother, Josh Wnuk, Justin Gorham, Samantha Rosenberg (Johns Hopkins University); Ted Madey (Rutgers); Willem van Dorp, Kees Hagen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Focused electron beam induced processing (FEBIP) of volatile organometallic precursors has emerged as an effective and versatile method of fabricating metal-containing nanostructures. However, to improve the materials properties of FEBIP nanostructures, provide information that can aid in the rational design of new precursors and improve the modeling of the FEBIP process it is necessary to better understand the molecular level processes associated with the electron stimulated decomposition of organometallic precursors. To address this issue, we have employed a UHV-surface science approach to study the electron induced reactions of dimethyl(acetylacetonate) gold(III) (Au(acac)Me2), a common precursor used for Au deposition in FEBIP, adsorbed on solid substrates. Surface reactions, reaction kinetics and gas phase products were studied using incident electrons in the energy regime between 40-1500 eV, using a combination of XPS, RAIRS and MS. XPS data indicate that electron irradiation of AuIII(acac)Me2 is accompanied by the reduction of AuIII to a metallic Au0 species embedded in a carbon matrix while MS reveals the concomitant evolution of methane, ethane and hydrogen. The electron stimulated decomposition of the AuIII(acac)Me2 precursor can be described by a first-order decay process with respect to the surface coverage, with a rate constant that is proportional to the electron flux and a total reaction cross-section of ≈3.6 x 10-16 cm2 at an incident electron energy of 520 eV. As a function of the incident electron energy, the maximum deposition yield was observed at ≈175 eV. Our results are consistent with the idea that those carbon atoms removed as volatile species from the AuIII(acac)Me2 precursor during FEBIP are associated with methyl groups attached to the central Au atom. In related studies we also studied the effects of atomic oxygen and atomic hydrogen on Au-containing carbonaceous films deposited by electron beam irradiation of Au(acac)Me2, as a potential route to purify FEBIP deposits. Atomic oxygen was found to be the more effective of the two radical treatments in removing carbon, although a surface layer of gold oxide was formed. Subsequent exposure of this overlayer to atomic hydrogen rapidly removed the oxide, resulting in a pure Au film. AFM analysis of FEBIP deposits before and after radical treatment support the idea that carbon abatement is accompanied by a decrease in particle size.

2:20 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-2 Surface Morphology Control and 3D Structure Development with Cryogenic Assisted Electron Beam-Induced-Deposition
Matthew Bresin, Kathleen Dunn (University at Albany SUNY)
Electron beam-induced-deposition (EBID) of platinum-containing materials was performed at cryogenic temperatures. Deposit morphology, microstructure and nanostructure have been characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), and shown to be controllable by the electron fluence used for EBID. 3D structures were developed using a multilayer deposition method, facilitating the creation of hanging, suspended or incorporated-gap structures.
Experiments were performed using an FEI Nova 600 Nanolab dual beam system with a LN2 cryogenic stage, enabling substrate temperatures of -155±5oC. A gaseous platinum precursor (MeCpPtMe3) was first condensed onto the cooled substrate using a capillary-style gas injection system (GIS). Condensate thicknesses between 100nm-3mm were produced by adjusting the GIS-substrate gap and precursor crucible temperature. Next, gas flow was terminated and the condensate was irradiated with an electron beam to induce precursor decomposition. When the substrate was returned to room temperature, any unreacted precursor desorbed and was removed by the pumping system, while irradiated regions showed clear evidence of successful deposition. The morphology of the deposited material depended on exact deposition conditions, and exhibited several distinct types absent from deposits made by conventional (room temperature) EBID.
3D structures were developed with a multilayer deposition method. In this method, multiple layers were used to take advantage of the electron penetration depth within the condensate, through which the depth of deposition could be controlled. An initial layer was first condensed and a region was deposited with the electron beam to act as a substrate-anchoring site. A second condensed layer was then applied such that electrons could only penetrate to the top of the initial condensed layer. The electron beam was then shifted, to deposit a section partially over the anchoring region (in the initial layer) with the remainder over unreacted area. After reheating, part of the second deposit was found to have adhered to the anchoring region, while the rest hung over vacuum. Using similar process, structures were also developed to create embedded gaps or tunnels.
Taken together, these observations have important implications for the creation of arbitrarily large or complex structures previously untenable by EBID fabrication. The growth mechanism and potential applications will be discussed, from nanotechnology to osteointegration.
2:40 PM Invited SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-3 Nanoscale Patterning and Graphene Film Deposition on Si using Low-energy Electron Beams
Thomas Orlando, Denis Sokolov, Doogie Oh, Kristin Shepperd (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The physics and chemistry associated with desorption induced by electronic transitions, particularly electron stimulated desorption (ESD), is the basis for many electron-beam induced processes in materials growth, etching, and lithography. We have demonstrated experimentally and theoretically that the total ESD yield of adsorbates can be a function of the incident low-energy electron-beam direction. We refer to this phenomena as Diffraction in Electron Stimulated Desorption (DESD). We have also explored three graphene growth strategies which utilize low-energy electron beams and non-thermal reactions. The first uses electron beam irradiation in conjunction with chemical vapor deposition techniques to grow graphene directly on Si substrates. This approach utilizes unsaturated hydrocarbon precursor molecules and can be carried out at relatively low temperatures. The second involves electron-stimulated removal of oxygen and organic fragments from graphene-oxide flakes positioned on patterned Si substrates. This may allow for damage-free reduction of graphene-oxide to graphene. The third involves electron-beam removal of defects from graphene expitaxially grown from SiC(0001) substrates.

3:20 PM BREAK - Free Refreshments in Exhibit Hall 1
4:00 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-7 A Study of the Nucleation of Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposits: Growth Behavior on the Nanometer Scale
Willem van Dorp (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands); Jakob Wagner, Thomas Hansen, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski (Danish Technical University, Denmark); Kees Hagen (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Focused electron beam-induced deposition (FEBID) is a technique where adsorbed precursor molecules are dissociated by a focused beam of electrons to define metallic or semi-conducting patterns. Control over the process has developed to the extent that the amount of deposited material can be controlled nearly to the level of single molecules. Currently, the highest resolution that is reported is 0.7 nm [1] using the precursor W(CO)6. At this scale, deposits contain no more than a few molecules on average. Our ultimate goal is to develop the ability to deposit single precursor molecules in a consistent manner.

We perform our FEBID experiments in environmental scanning transmission electron microscopes (E-STEM) with a beam energy of 200 keV and a 0.2 nm probe. The annular dark field (ADF) signal is used for the imaging of the deposits. By recording the ADF signal during deposit growth we are able to monitor the growth process in situ. Thin, electron transparent graphite is used as a substrate and typical precursor gas pressures at the sample during the deposition were 10-3 to 10-5 Torr.

In the present study we used Me3PtMeCp, a Pt-precursor that is often used in FEBID experiments [2]. To improve on the currently achieved resolution, it is important to study the nucleation stage of deposits. When using a graphite substrate we found that there is a significance difference in deposition behavior between the W(CO)6 and Me3PtMeCp precursors. Where the typical growth behavior for W(CO)6 is to form nm-sized or even sub-nm sized deposits, the deposits fabricated from Me3PtMeCp are a few nanometers in diameter and consist of individual sub-nm sized grains. We report on our study of this difference in growth behavior and strategies to increase the writing resolution.

[1] W.F. van Dorp, C.W. Hagen, P.A. Crozier, P. Kruit, Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 225305

[2] A. Botman, M. Hesselberth, J.J.L. Mulders, Microelectron Eng 85 (2008) 1139

4:20 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-8 Direct Local Deposition of High-Purity Pt Nanostructures by Combining EBID and ALD
Adrie Mackus (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands); Hans Mulders, Frank de Jong (FEI Electron Optics, the Netherlands); Richard van de Sanden, Erwin Kessels (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)

Due to its ability to directly deposit nanostructures with sub-10 nm lateral dimensions electron beam induced deposition (EBID) has the potential to become a key nanomanufacturing technology. The technique suffers however from incomplete decomposition of the precursor gas and consequently a low material purity. Platinum EBID yields typically only a purity of ~15 at.% and a resistivity value orders of magnitude higher than bulk resistivity which reduces the functionality of the material for most nanoprototyping applications such as adding electrical contacts to nanodevices. In this contribution we propose a novel approach for the fabrication of high-purity Pt nanostructures based on a combination of the patterning capability of EBID and the high material quality obtained by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The latter technique yields submonolayer control of the film thickness and in the case of Pt ALD high purity (~100%), low resistivity (13±1 µΩcm) films [1]. The developed approach comprises seed layer deposition by EBID and area-selective ALD growth. For specific conditions the thermal ALD process of Pt (MeCpPtMe3 precursor, O2 gas) was found to start selectively on an EBID seed layer with a thickness equivalent to one monolayer Pt. It was established that the deposits have a uniform thickness and a high purity value (>93%), whereas the method has the potential to achieve sub-10 nm lateral dimensions. In addition to the approach and the material properties the underlying reaction mechanism of the (area-selective) Pt ALD process will be discussed, including aspects such as the role of dissociative chemisorption of O2 molecules on Pt and the formation of H2O, CO2, and CH4, reaction products.

[1] H.C.M. Knoops, A.J.M. Mackus, M.E. Donders, M.C.M. van de Sanden, P.H.L. Notten, and W.M.M. Kessels, Electrochem. Solid-Sate Lett. 12, G34 (2009)

4:40 PM Invited SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-9 Anionic Surface Processes Induced by Low-Energy Electrons
Paul Rowntree (University of Guelph, Canada)

The historical development of surface chemistry has largely been based on the use of free-energy-driven processes; an enormous volume of literature exists that details the search for chemical control over these processes using the classical parameters of temperature, surface composition and reagents. However, as the interest in controlling the processes grows, and the need to produce structurally resolved reactive systems increases, alternative non-thermal mechanisms are increasingly being explored in order to drive the interfacial processes into reaction channels chosen by the needs of the operator instead of the principles of thermochemistry. Our specific interest is in the control of surface processes using low-energy electrons as specialty ‘reagents’ that can be delivered to surfaces in a highly controlled manner, and interact with surface species according to understandable and reproducible mechanisms. The overall goal is to understand and manipulate these mechanisms to selectively interact with target molecules of our choosing to modify surfaces according to our needs.

This presentation will focus on two aspects of this ‘manipulative’ approach to surface chemistry. The first is our recent development of ways to selectively control where incident electrons interact with the organic monolayers that are deposited on Au(111) surfaces. These chemically homogeneous monolayers have a highly uniform electronic structure along the length of the chains, such that it is normally not possible to strongly enhance the dissociation probabilities at any given site. We have found that it is possible to selectively enhance the rupture of C-H bonds at the methyl terminations of these films by coupling the incident electron flux with anionic excitonic states of rare gas solids that are adsorbed on these methyl terminations. The energy+charge transfer process that leads to bond rupture is extremely sensitive to the incident energy as well as the chemical nature of the target species, thus enhancing the selectivity of the local modifications to the organic surface. A second set of processes will be discussed that involves the electron-induced decarbonylation of metal carbonyls adsorbed on organic surfaces to produce atomic metal deposits. We have shown that low-energy electrons can induce surface polymerization reactions in Fe(CO)5 films that lead to apparent CO-elimination cross-sections greater than 1 nm2. This strong coupling to dissociative processes allows us to develop thin metal overlayers without the substrate damage that is usually associated with using thermal evaporation or sputtering processes.
5:20 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-11 Condensed Phase Electron-Stimulated Reactions: Desorbed Anions and Retained Radicals
Yomay Shyur, Jizhou Wang, Stephanie Lau, Emily Krupczak, Chris Arumainayagam (Wellesley College)
Studies of low-energy electron-induced processes in nanoscale thin films serve to elucidate the pivotal role that low-energy electron-induced reactions play in high-energy radiation-induced chemical reactions in condensed matter. While electron-stimulated desorption (ESD) experiments conducted during irradiation have yielded vital information relevant to primary or initial electron-induced processes, analyzing the products following low-energy electron irradiation can provide new insights into radiation chemistry. We have used post-irradiation temperature-programmed desorption to identify labile radiolysis products as demonstrated by the first identification of methoxymethanol as a reaction product of methanol (CH3OH) radiolysis. Although low-energy electron-induced oligomerization reactions have been previously reported for molecules such as thiophene and cyclopropane, our electon-induced studies of CCl4 represent the first study to specifically identify the products of such reactions, demonstrating the utility of post–irradiation temperature programmed desorption experiments to study the radiation chemistry of condensed matter. Results of post-irradiation studies have been used not only to determine the identity of radiolysis products, but also to determine the dynamics of electron-induced reactions. By comparing our post-irradiation results to previous electron stimulated desorption studies of anion production during irradiation of condensed CF2Cl2 and CF3I, we examine the relationship between desorbed anions and retained radicals during dissociative electron attachment in the condensed phase.
5:40 PM SS1+PS+TF+AS+NS-TuA-12 Cluster-induced Desorption and Ionization of Biomolecules for Application in Mass Spectrometry
Michael Dürr (Hochschule Esslingen, Germany); Christoph Gebhardt, Anna Tomsic, Hartmut Schröder, Karl Kompa (MPI für Quantenoptik, Germany)

Mass spectrometry of biological macromolecules has developed into a key technology for fast routine analysis in biotechnology. A critical issue is the efficient transfer of non-volatile biomolecules out of their sample solution into the gas phase in combination with their concomitant ionization. Here we show that a beam of neutral molecular clusters consisting of 103 to 104 SO2 molecules can be used for the desorption and ionization of biomolecules. Cluster impact on arbitrary surfaces pre-treated with biomolecules efficiently creates cold, desolvated, gas phase biomolecular ions as large as 6000 u without any need for preparation of the biomolecules in a special matrix or post-ionization after desorption. Since the cluster provides not only the energy for the desorption process but also a transient matrix during the process, the molecules are found to be desorbed without any fragmentation.

As revealed by means of molecular dynamics simulations, high kinetic temperatures in the order of a few thousand Kelvin are reached during cluster impact on the surface. However, these extreme conditions prevail only for some picoseconds, since shattering of the initial cluster leads to very fast energy dissipation. Already after 20 ps, the SO2 cluster fragments have reached a temperature colder than the original temperature of the adsorbates. This fast energy dissipation excludes efficient energy transfer into the vibrational degrees of freedom relevant for the cleavage of the relatively large biomolecules and thus allows for their soft, fragmentation-free desorption.

Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic SS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2009 Schedule