AVS2008 Session TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA: Nanotribology and Nanomechanics

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:40 PM in Room 205
Wednesday Afternoon

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Start Invited? Item
1:40 PM Invited TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-1 Frictional and Transverse Shear Forces as Probes of Disorder and Anisotropy in Organic Semiconductors
G. Haugstad, V. Kalahari, C.D. Frisbie (University of Minnesota)
The condensed matter properties of conjugated organic systems are critically important to thin-film transistors for flexible electronics. As with conventional (inorganic) semiconductors, crystallinity is expected to strongly impact electronic transport. But unlike inorganic semiconductors, details of intermolecular coupling also are important. It is well known from friction force microscopy on alkane-chain films (self-assembled monolayers) that sliding friction is exceedingly sensitive to disorder and molecular coupling. Friction anisotropy also has been observed on Langmuir-Blodgett and liquid crystal films, as relates to the crystallographic axes and molecular packing. This suggests that nanotribological phenomenology can be targeted towards the analysis of crystalline organic systems whose principal technological application resides outside of tribology. Recently we discovered that the presence of defects in the form of line dislocations (revealed via etching) within a given micron-scale grain of pentacene correlates with elevated friction. Moreover we discovered that images of shear force transverse to the fast-scan axis reveal the crystallographic orientation of pentacene grains.1 We report more detailed investigations into these novel tribological phenomena, expanded to additional conjugated crystalline organic thin films as well as surfaces of bulk single crystals. We also broaden our methodology to include shear modulation force microscopy, to isolate purely elastic effects under a pinned contact from dissipative effects under a sliding contact. We compare tribological/nanomechanical observations of crystal anisotropy to electronic transport measurements, uncovering systematic relationships. Our findings establish a highly reproducible phenomenology across a family of similar systems, but with some interesting differences related to crystal structure. We expect these findings to be important to both electronic transport in organic thin-film semiconductors and to the fundamentals of tribology on crystalline organic systems.

1 K. Puntambekar, J. Dong, G. Haugstad and C. D. Frisbie, Adv. Funct. Mater. 16, 879 (2006).

2:20 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-3 Load Dependence of Interfacial Friction Analyzed by Nanoparticle Manipulation
D. Dietzel (University of Muenster and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany); A. Schirmeisen (University of Muenster, Germany)
By analyzing the friction between an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever tip and the sample surface, friction force microscopy (FFM) has proven to be a powerful tool for nanotribology. Unfortunately, FFM has some limitations inherent to the experimental configuration. For example it is extremely difficult to measure friction as a function of the normal force applied to the interface, since any quantitative interpretation is complicated by the simultaneous variation of the contact area. In order to address the important problem of load dependence of nanoscale friction, a technique for measurements under well defined interface conditions is required. Well-defined interfaces can be investigated by friction force analysis during nanoparticle manipulation.1 However, the aspect of load dependence can not be analyzed as long as the cantilever is just pushing the particles from the side. In this work, a new approach for load dependent friction measurements by particle manipulation is presented. The AFM tip is used for pushing the nanoparticle while exerting a defined normal force simultaneously. For this approach the AFM-tip is centered on top of a highly mobile nanoparticle. Depending on the scanning conditions, the tip is either scanned on top of the particle or the particle moves together with the tip on the surface. In the latter case, the cantilever torsion during particle movement represents the interfacial friction between particle and surface. Thermally evaporated Sb-islands on HOPG substrate were used as a model system for the manipulation experiments. To ensure clean interface conditions and high mobility of the particles, all measurements have been performed under UHV conditions. When scanning the tip on top of the Sb-particle, the cantilever normal force is used to control the manipulation. Low normal forces usually result in scanning the tip on top of the particle, whereas higher normal forces can overcome the particle’s static friction and induce the switch to simultaneously moving the particle with the tip. Once the particle is moving, the normal force can be further increased, making load dependent friction measurements possible. In contrast to conventional FFM, the measured friction originates from a well defined interface of constant size and can thus unambiguously be interpreted with respect to the load dependence of the interfacial shear stress.

1Dietzel et al., J. Appl. Phys. 102, 084306 (2007).

2:40 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-4 Atomistic Simulations of Tribology at Sliding Surfaces
P. Barry, P. Chiu, T. Liang, S.S. Perry, W.G. Sawyer, S.R. Phillpot, S.B. Sinnott (University of Florida)
Friction is of tremendous technological importance and has, consequently, been under study for centuries. This research has led to the development of classical theories of friction that have successfully solved several tribological problems. However, these classical theories do less well at describing the behavior of advanced materials that operate under extreme environments. Here, we describe integrated experimental and computational studies of atomic-scale friction and wear at solid-solid interfaces across length and time scales. The influence of molecular orientation in the case of polymer films of polytetrafluoroethylene and polyethylene, on friction and wear are discussed. In addition, the tribological behavior of polycrystalline molybdenum disulfide is elucidated in a combination of atomic-force microscopy and classical molecular dynamics simulations. These results provide new insights into how classical theories of friction may be modified to better describe advanced materials under extreme environments. This work is supported by a MURI from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research through grant FA9550-04-1-0367.
3:00 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-5 Local Thermomechanical Characterization of Phase Transitions in Polymers using Band Excitation Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy with Heated Probe
M.P. Nikiforov, S. Jesse (Oak Ridge National Laboratory); L. Germinario (Eastman Kodak); S.V. Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Nanoscale confinement effects strongly affect thermomechanical properties of materials and composites, including surface- and interface-induced changes in melting and glass temperatures, temperature-dependent interface bonding, and local viscoelastic properties. Probing these behaviors locally overcomes the challenge of non-destructive characterization of thermomechanical behaviors in small volumes. Here we demonstrated that phase transitions in polymeric materials induced by the heated probe can be detected by band excitation acoustic force microscopy. Phase transition can be detected using any of the 3 independently determined parameters, such as oscillation amplitude, resonance frequency, and Q factor. Glass transition as well as melting in polymers can be efficiently differentiated using this technique. We developed the heating protocol to maintain contact area and effective force constant during the heating cycle, thus allowing for reproducible measurements and potentially for quantitative extraction of local thermomechnical properties. The contact mechanics models for tip indenting the surface are discussed. These models provide a framework connecting viscoelastic properties of the surface and oscillation parameters measured in the experiment. Currently, the major limitation of thermal probe techniques, such as Wollastone probe, is large indentation footprint (~ 10 um) of the probe on the surface after the experiment. Our method overcomes this problem. In the best case scenario, development of the band excitation acoustic force microscopy combined with a heated-probe approach will provide us a tool for non-destructive measurements of the glass transition and melting temperatures with sub-100 nm spatial resolution. Research was sponsored by the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed and operated by UT-Battelle, LLC.
4:00 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-8 Effects of Structure, Doping, & Environment on the Tribochemistry of DLC
J.A. Harrison, J.D. Schall, G. Gao, M.T. Knippenberg, P.T. Mikulski (United States Naval Academy)
The classical reactive empirical bond-order potentials have been used to model a wide range physical and chemical processes in covalent materials. Despite the many successes of these potentials, they are not able to model all properties of materials equally well nor are they able to model systems where intermolecular interactions are important. For hydrocarbons, intermolecular forces can be modeled using an adaptive algorithm as is used in the AIREBO potential. We will briefly discuss our recent efforts to add additional elements, such as Si, to the second-generation REBO formalism, thereby extending the types of materials which can be modeled with these potentials. In addition, we will also briefly discuss the parameterization of additional atom types for the AIREBO formalism. The majority of the talk will focus on recent simulations that have examined atomic-scale friction and wear of diamondlike carbon (DLC) and doped DLC. Work supported by The Office of Naval Research and The Air Force Office of Scientific Research as part of the Extreme Friction MURI & the Tribology Program.
4:20 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-9 Low-Wear Variable-Slope Method of Lateral Force Calibration
S. Chakraborty, D. Eggiman, C. DeGraf, K. Stevens, D.-L. Liu, N.A. Burnham (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Dozens of publications address the confounding problem of lateral force calibration. The existing techniques suffer from limitations including: i) repeated measurements are necessary, thereby causing wear to the tip, ii) calibration is done on another cantilever other than the one that will be used in the experiment, iii) specialized or expensive equipment is required, iv) the method is time consuming, v) the calibration is performed ex-situ, vi) a form for the frictional dependence on load is assumed, and vii) the equilibrium diagrams of the forces acting on the tip are incorrect. We describe a method1,2 that overcomes all of these problems; it uses an easily available test sample with a continuously variable slope. The theory and proof-of-concept experimental data will be shown. If confirmed as a robust approach, lateral forces will at last be tamed by simple, quick, and potentially accurate calibration.

1 D. Eggimand, senior thesis, Physics Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2007.
2 C. DeGraf and K. Stevens, senior thesis, Physics Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2006.

4:40 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-10 The Effect of Tip Size on Frictional Forces in Self-Assembled Monolayers
M.T. Knippenberg (United States Naval Academy)
Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the differences in molecular forces between a nominally flat tip, which is infinite in extent, and a spherical tip when both tips are in sliding contact with a self-assembled monolayer. The simulation technique used provides a method for evaluating contact forces of individual atoms, which are defined as the force between single atoms and the sliding tip. From this, atoms can be described as either contributing forces that push the tip forward, or resist the forward movement of the tip. Multiple loads are applied to both tip shapes during sliding, providing the opportunity to investigate force propagation as a dependence on load. Additionally, geometrical information such as the occurrence of gauche defects during sliding is investigated.
5:00 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-11 Microscale Tribology of Nanostructured Coatings
K.J. Wahl (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory); E. So (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and PSU); M.C. Demirel (Pennsylvania State University)
Novel nanostructured architectures are being explored for a wide range of applications including mimicking bioadhesive pads on insects and geckos, RF-microelectronics switches with robust compliant carbon nanotube films, and energy harvesting from friction by rubbing nanostructured piezoelectric coated fibers together. Developing an understanding of how these collections of nanostructured materials behave collectively requires experimental approaches at micron length scales. Experimental examination of the mechanics and tribology of materials in this intermediate regime can be influenced by macroscale phenomena (such as wear and interfacial transfer film formation during sliding) as well as phenomena more often associated with nanoscale contacts (such as significant adhesion contributions). In this talk, we will present tribological and mechanical analysis of columnar nanostructured poly-(p-xylylene) (PPX) thin films. Experiments are performed using nanoindentation and microtribology tools to examine the effects of load, counterface material, roughness, and transfer film formation on microscale tribological response. The PPX films are structurally anisotropic, consisting of nanowires oriented at various angles with respect to the surface normal. Sliding friction experiments performed at discrete angles with respect to the nanowire orientation resulted in relatively uniform friction behavior but significant differences in deformation response of the films. A simple mechanical model is proposed to explain the observed depth anisotropy. The value of monitoring both friction and contact depth simultaneously will be discussed and evaluated in context of materials exhibiting highly anisotropic mechanical properties.
5:20 PM TR+NS+EM+NC-WeA-12 Characterization of the Al/Si Interfaces under Dry Wear Conditions
J.F. Su, X. Nie, V. Stoilov (University of Windsor, Canada)
Plastic deformation and damage accumulation at the contact surface are two important aspects of sliding wear of metal-matrix composite(MMC) materials such as AlSi alloys. The particular topography of the surfaces of the AlSi alloys has triggered the idea that the silicon particles form a load-bearing surface over which the counter surfaces are sliding. Therefore the wear resistance of AlSi surface is thought to originate from the high hardness of the silicon surface formed by the primary Si particles(inclusions). On the other hand the mechanical strength of the reinforcement(Si)/matrix(Al) interface in a MMC is the primary factor determining the strength on the load bearing Si formation. In this work we have developed a hybrid method to characterize the interface strength of an MMC, combining a nano/micro indentation experiment and an atomistic analysis. The nano/micro indentation experiment was carried out by indenting individual reinforcement particles on a free surface with a nano/microindenter. The dependence of indentation response on the interface properties was systematically studied and the interface strength was extracted from the threshold stress for the sink-in of the Si particles. With this method, the shear strength of an Al/Si interface was measured approximately 330MPa which compares well with the lower bound of an atomistic simulation with a modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential.
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