AVS2003 Session HS-WeM: Plenary Session on Homeland Security

Wednesday, November 5, 2003 9:00 AM in Room 309
Wednesday Morning

Time Period WeM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic HS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2003 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
9:00 AM Invited HS-WeM-3 The DoD Chemical Biological Defense Program: Technical Base
R.A. Mackay (SBCCOM)
The DoD Chemical Biological Defense Program (CBDP) is a joint service program, with oversight and management through the Office of the Secretary of Defense for CB. The technical base portion of the CBDP, basic and applied research and concept development, is managed by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Participants in the program include the services, industry and academia, and the projects are executed principally through the service laboratories. Each service is assigned responsibility by DTRA for monitoring supporting SBIR/STTR projects with industry, and DTRA is also responsible for ensuring coordination with other federal agencies and organizations. While the principal function of the CBDP is to support the warfighter, it also supports dual-use technology, which may be applied to homeland security. Some examples of relevant technology will be presented.
9:40 AM Invited HS-WeM-5 Framework for Technology in Homeland Security
S. Hallowell (Transportation Security Administration)
As an element of the Border and Transportation Security (BTS) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Transportation Security Administration is responsible for providing security solutions for rail, maritime, transit, pipeline, aviation and highway modalities. The Office of Security Technologies will develop and implement the best security technology solutions to protect the nation’s transportation systems, ensuring freedom of movement for people and commerce. The provision of security against the safety, privacy, and surface of the traveling public is a challenging balance. The Transportation Security Laboratory is responsible for research development, and test and evaluation of next generation security procedures, processes and equipment. Our current security R&D program is addressing measures that can be taken to protect people, cargo, conveyances, and facilities against explosives, weapons, unauthorized access, and chemical/biological/radiological/ and nuclear agents. Many novel technologies are being developed and assessed in our laboratory in order to meet these challenges, including walk-through portals that detect explosive residues, explosive detection systems (EDS), nuclear quadrupole resonance, X-ray diffraction, and neutron and gamma ray systems. Other areas of R&D include enabling technologies such as biometrics, vehicle tracking and intrusion surveillance. The scope of the need is large, and the threat is real, but layered elements of technology and procedures suggest a blueprint for future security.
10:20 AM Invited HS-WeM-7 The Role of the Science and Technology Directorate in Homeland Security
A. Fainberg (Department of Homeland Security)
The Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate is one of four directorates in the newly formed Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Its Office of Research and Development includes National and Federal Labs, University programs, and activities focused on standards, test & evaluations, and bio-countermeasures. The Plans, Programs and Budget Office will determine broad lines of R&D that will be carried out by the Office of Research and Development and the Homeland Security Advanced Reaerch Projects Agency. While DHS is not fundamentally a basic research agency/funder, the S&T Directorate will engage in both applied research and rapid prototyping of near-ready products. Longer-term exploratory research will be conducted by University programs or through the Homeland Security Advanced Projects Agency, a new component of the S&T Directorate.
Time Period WeM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic HS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2003 Schedule