PacSurf2024 Session TF2-ThM: Thin Films - Surface Modifications

Thursday, December 12, 2024 10:20 AM in Room Naupaka Salon 4
Thursday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(259KB, Sep 4, 2024)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic TF Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | PacSurf2024 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
10:20 AM TF2-ThM-8 Design at Nanoscale of Thermostable Hybrid Sol-Gel Bondlayer to Functionalize Aeronautical CFRP by Thermal Spray
Sophie Senani-de Monredon (SAFRAN TECH); Laurence Rozes (Sorbonne Université); Guillaume Penvern (SAFRAN TECH, Sorbonne Univ.); Aurélien Joulia (SAFRAN TECH); Simon Bonebeau (SAFIR)

Composite Fibers Reinforced Parts (CFRP) are widely used in aeronautic since more than 40 years to contribute to decrease the aircrafts environmental footprint. Indeed CO2 and NOx emissions have been considerably decreased by lightweighting correlated to significate fuel consumption reduction (15% for last LEAP aircraft engines). Nevertheless to go further and reach the new ambitious target of 20% reduction for the next aircraft engine, functionalization and metallization of CFRP is mandatory to extend them to more aggressive use cases than fuselage, by resistance against high temperature, erosion or icing. To reach this goal, thermal spray coatings are widely studied, even if it remains very complex to implement.

Metallization of CFRP, especially by coldspray is favored by numerous teams [1,2,3], with interesting results but not sufficient to fit performance required for aeronautic qualification. Our approach aims to design a thermostable sol-gel hybrid bondcoat. We will discuss how we succeed to control of the chemical composition, the nanostructuration of this bondlayer and the nature of the substrate/bondlayer/topcoat interfaces to influence the thermomechanical bondcoat’s properties and thus the building and the thickness increase of the thermal sprayed topcoat layer linked to the adhesion of the stack. Understanding the relation between nanostructuration of the hybrid sol-gel layer and their mechanical and thermal properties is essential to optimize the whole system. Finally, this will widely open the variety of materials (from metals to oxydes) reachable to functionalize CFRP part and allow new use cases unthinkable up to now.


1- Cold spray of metal-polymer composite coatings onto carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP). V. Bortolussi, F. Borit, A. Chesnaud, M. Jeandin, M. Faessel, et al. International Thermal Spray Conference 2016 (ITSC 2016)., DVS, May 2016, Shanghai, China. p.7 - hal-01337696

2-Metallization of polymers by cold spraying with low melting point powders []. H Che, AC Liberati, X Chu, M Chen, A Nobari, P. Vo, S. Yue, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 418, p 127229

3- CO3 Project– F. Delloro et al ( )

11:00 AM Invited TF2-ThM-10 Atomic Force Microscope-Based Surface Investigation of Low-Dimensional Materials and Fabrication of the Microscale Probes
Sangmin An (Jeonbuk National University)

The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a crucial tool for investigating the surface properties of low-dimensional materials, such as zero-dimensional (0D) [1] and two-dimensional (2D) [2] nanomaterials. It offers exceptional high-resolution topographical imaging capabilities. This research aims to provide an overview of recent advancements in AFM techniques, focusing on the exploration of both 0D and 2D materials and their applications in 3D printing, guided by AFM. A novel approach is presented by integrating a nanopipette with a quartz tuning fork-based AFM [3], enhancing the utility and precision of AFM in these fields. Additionally, the research examines the current progress in microscale cantilever fabrication, highlighting significant developments in this area. This comprehensive review of advanced AFM techniques and their applications sheds light on the latest innovations in the field, setting the stage for future discoveries and technological advancements.

[1] S. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. X 8 (2018) 041046

[2] H. Kim et al., Nanoscale Adv. 5 (2023) 2271-2279

[3] C. Kim et al., Nano-Micro Lett. 14 (2022) 13

This paper was supported Innopolis Foundation through Technology Commercialization Project funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT, 2024-JB-RD-0026-01), the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT, 2022R1A4A1033358), the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, 20019223), the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) through the International Cooperative R&D program (P0019625), and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS, RS-2023-00257376).

Session Abstract Book
(259KB, Sep 4, 2024)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic TF Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | PacSurf2024 Schedule