PacSurf2024 Session TF1-WeE: Thin Films - Properties
Session Abstract Book
(232 KB, Dec 4, 2024)
Time Period WeE Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| PacSurf2024 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
5:40 PM | Invited |
TF1-WeE-1 Superlubricity: Toward Design of Zero-Friction and Zero-Wear Materials
Diana Berman (University of North Texas) Friction and wear-related failures remain the greatest problems in today’s moving mechanical components, from microelectromechanical devices to automotive assemblies and to biological systems. The critical need to reduce and eliminate the tribological failures constitutes the necessity for continuous search of novel materials and lubrication solutions. In this presentation, we overview recent advances in establishing the fundamental understanding of materials interactions at sliding interfaces and use this knowledge as a guide to developing nanomaterials solutions that enhance reliability and efficiency of tribological systems. We evaluate tribological performance of 2D materials, including graphene, molybdenum disulfide, and MXene, and demonstrate realization of superlubricity regime at macroscale. To extend the lifetime of the tribological materials, we demonstrate tribochemically-driven self-replenishment of materials inside the contact interfaces, thus enabling a zero-wear sliding regime. Overall, the findings have not only allowed us to solve some long-standing puzzles, but could also open a new avenue for the development of new concepts and design strategies for next generation of tribologically efficient materials systems. |
6:20 PM |
TF1-WeE-3 Physical Properties of Pure Vanadium Nitrides Thin Films
Marjorie Cavarroc, Julien Neyrat (Safran); Dylan Marquez, Dominique Michau, Angéline Poulon-Quintin (ICMCB) Transition metal nitrides coatings are widely studied because of their good optical, mechanical, thermal... properties. Depending on the microstructure, coatings present different properties. For vanadium nitride (VN), stable and metastable phases can be deposited as coatings. In this study, their physical and adherence properties on 316L stainless steel and AlN substrates depending on the microstructure and the thin film PVD technique used, are compared. Both Reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (R-HiPIMS) and Reactive RadioFrequency Magnetron Sputtering (RF-MS) were selected. Characterisations of structures and films microstructures were realised by Grazing Incidence X-Ray diffraction and Electron Microscopies (SEM and TEM). Scratch tests and nanohardness measurements were used to compare adherence and mechanical properties. OPtical properties were explored with a four-point probe. The correlation between microstructure, process and physical properties is discussed. The aim of this study is to show the interest for specific applications of VN thanks to the quantification of its physical properties and/or tuning its microstructures. |
6:40 PM |
TF1-WeE-4 Sputter Depth Profile Study of Zrn as a Barrier to Silver Migration in Triso Fuels Using the XPS Neo Artificial Intelligence Fitting Package
Jeff Terry (Illinois Institute of Technology) We have measured simulated TRISO Fuel model structures of SiC and ZrN with and without a 2 nm carbon capping layer. We have used both Sputter Depth Profiling with conventional X-ray Photoemission (XPS) and Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (APXPS) to explore the reactivity of these layers with both Ag and H2O. One set of the samples that were depth profiled were measured at room temperature. Another set was annexed to 500 °C and then cooled to room temperature before profiling. The samples measured with APXPS were exposed to 1 mbar of H2O exposure and annealing up to 500 °C. The exposure was done in a near ambient pressure cell within the XPS system. High resolution scans of the Ag 3d, Zr 3d, O 1s, Si 2p, C 1s and N 1s region were collected and the peaks were fit to identify the chemical species as it is being exposed and annealed. The deconvolution was performed using our Artificial Intelligence analysis package XPS Neo. This study shows that materials used in TRISO fuel (SiC and ZrN) have a strong reaction to water and high temperature and having a barrier layer of carbon to can effectively prevent oxidation of the materials. The Ag is effectively stopped by the ZrN layer. Adding a layer of ZrN may prevent exposure to workers during shutdowns. |
7:20 PM | BREAK |