ICMCTF 2025 Wednesday Afternoon
Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview
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Session | Wednesday, May 14, 2025 | ||||||||||
2:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 5:00 PM | ||||||||
MA4-3-WeA |
Few-Layered Multi-Transition Metal Chalcogenide Heterostructured Alloy Absorber for High-Performance Photodetector
Sputter Deposition of Ta-W-Au-Bi High Entropy Alloys for Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraums
ADREnALINe : Accelerated Design of Revolutionary Entropy-Augmented, Lasting and Innovative NitridEs – First Results on Oxidation Resistance of Binary and Ternary Nitrides
Effect of Substrate Bias on Structural and Mechanical Properties of (MoNbTaW)N Coatings Deposited by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering
Effect of Substrate Bias Voltage on Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Equimolar VCrCoNi Alloy Thin-films Deposited via Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering
Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Reactively Sputtered (TiVCrZrNbMo)N High-Entropy Nitride Coatings
High-Entropy Spinel Oxide Nanoparticles Achieve Record Low Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity at High Temperatures
Corrosion behavior of Fe-based metallic glass coatings synthesized by plasma spraying
MB1-WeA |
Experimental and Theoretical Insights into UV-Active Chirality in Glancing Angle Deposited Zirconia Nano-Helical Metamaterial Platforms
Optical and Electrical Properties of Thermochromic W-Doped VO2 Films Prepared at a Reduced Temperature (350 °C) on Glass Substrates with YSZ Interlayers
Enhancing Optical Properties and Photocatalytic Performance withNanopatterned Anodized Aluminum Oxide on transparent substrate
A Comparative Study: The Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Al- and Ga-Doped ZnO Films Deposited by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet
Unveiling the Interplay of Structural, Optical, and Hydrophobic Properties of Sputtered Grown PTFE@AlSiN Thin Films
High-Entropy Oxide Thin Film as Absorber Layer for Near Infrared Photodetectors
Effective Ways to Enhance the Performance of N-MoS2/P-Cuo Heterojunction Based Self-Powered Photodetectors
Influence of SHI irradiation on the Photoluminescence and Dielectric properties of bilayer structured Au/GeO2 thin films for Optoelectronics applications
Diffusion of Ni Within Polycrystalline Zinc Oxide Layer: An Approach Combining Different Techniques for a Nanoscale Analytical Response
Fabrication of High Quality Titanium Nitride Nanostructures for Plasmonics
MC3-2-WeA |
Effect of Electrical Current Application on the Tribological Properties of Soft and Hard ta-C Coatings on HSS Substrates
Impact of Electrification on the Tribological Performance of Metal Doped a-C Coatings
Graphene-Related Materials: Bridging Fundamental Tribology and Industrial Applications Across Multifarious Environments
Evaluation of the Reduced Bearing Wear Through Plasma Nitriding for Use in Wind Turbines
Plasma Nitriding of Quartz
Penetrability: A New Parameter for Wear Estimation of Multilayer Coatings
Structure and Tribo-Mechanical Properties of Si-Containing ta–C Thin Films Grown by Cathodic Arc Evaporation
Recent Advances and Strategies for High-Performance Coatings Deposited by the Advanced Magnetron Sputtering
Breaking the Hardness-Toughness Dilemma in Protective Coatings: Controllable Preparation and Mechanism Exploration of Superhard yet Tough Coatings
PP2-2-WeA |
Introducing an Ionization Region Model for Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering
Investigation of Surface Bond Structure and Colour Variations in Thin Films Deposited via Aca and Hipims Techniques
On Unipolar and Bipolar Hipims Pulse Configurations to Enhance Energy and Ion Flux to Insulating Substrates
Influences of Target Poisoning on the Phase, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Crmonbtiwc High Entropy Alloy Carbide Thin Films Grown by a Superimposed Highpower Impulse and Medium-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering System
Novel Superimposed HiPIMS/RF Sputtering Process on a Single Magnetron
Towards Ti-Si-C MAX-based coatings via reactive cathodic arc evaporation: Advanced Characterization and Process Optimization
Influence of Pulse Duration on Plasma Chemistry and Thin Film Growth of Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Deposited by Constant Current Regulated HIPIMS
Monitoring Vanadium Nitride Thin Film Deposited by Reactive Hipims: From Microstructure to Properties
Energy Contributions in the Reactive Sputter Deposition of TiO2 Thin Films
Effects of the Ion Energy Level on the Electrophysical LaB6 Thin Films Properties Deposited by HiPIMS
PP3-WeA |
Electrical Conductivity as a New Parameter for SAMs-Free Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition, from Principles to Photoconversion Devices
Direct ALD Deposition by µDALP™. Precision Coatings for Next Gen Devices
Selective Generation of Nanoparticles in Plasma-Enhanced CVD and Deposition of Carbon Films with Low Compressive Stress
Temperature Influence on the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Nitrogen-Doped SiC Polycrystalline Films for Brain-Implantable Devices
TS2-WeA |
Flexible Thermoelectrics: Transforming Wearables, Space Exploration, and IoT
Alloy/Phosphate Heterostructure as High-Performance Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst
Ni-Co Based Catalysts for the Upcycling of Polyethylene Terephthalate
Single Atom Ag Bonding between PF3T nanocluster and TiO2 leads the Ultra-stable Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic H2 Production
Transition Metal-Based Electrocatalysts for Sustainable Oxygen Reactions in Green Energy Applications
Bi-Based Photocatalysts Obtained by Reactive Sputtering for the CO2 Photoreduction – from Thin Films and Composites to Nanoparticles
Effect of Crystallographic Texture on Dealloying Kinetics and Nanoporous Gold Thin Film Composition