ICMCTF 2025 Session MC1-1-ThA: Friction, Wear, Lubrication Effects, & Modeling I
Session Abstract Book
(306 KB, Mar 3, 2025)
Time Period ThA Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| ICMCTF 2025 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
1:20 PM | Invited |
MC1-1-ThA-1 Solid Lubrication in Thin Films: Mechanisms, Materials, and Performance
Daniel Pölzlberger (Institute of Materials Science and Technology, TU Wien, Austria); Rainer Hahn, Tomasz Wojcik, Philip Kutrowatz (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Surface Engineering of High-performance Components, TU Wien); Klaus Böbel, Julien Keraudy (Oerlikon Balzers, Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, Liechtenstein); Szilard Kolozsvári, Peter Polcik (Plansee Composite Materials GmbH); Philipp G. Grützmacher, Carsten Gachot (Institute of Design Engineering and Product Development, Research Unit Tribology, TU Wien); Helmut Riedl (TU Wien, Institute of Materials Science and Technology) Tribological contacts play an essential role in the prevalent and required endeavor for increased sustainability and efficient use of resources. Considering the energy losses related to friction and wear, a huge possibility of saving resources, energy, and CO2 is often overlooked. Here, solid lubricants are an attractive option, especially for applications pushing their conventional liquid counterparts to their thermal and chemical stability limits – typically at elevated temperatures above 200 °C or under extreme conditions excluding liquids (i.e. space industry, semiconductors, or life science). Therefore, this study examines different solid lubrication concepts in thin film materials, classifying them concerning predominant mechanisms, application ranges, and performance. As a starting point, carbon-containing thin film materials will be discussed comprising diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings and non-reactively sputter deposited transition metal (TM) carbide thin films (i.e., HfC, TaC, or WC). Here, advances in PVD growth techniques (i.e., HiPIMS) and their impact on tribological performance are in focus. Furthermore, insights on the limits of carbon as the source for solid lubrication will be given by a set of high-resolution characterization techniques (i.e., HR-TEM, APT, etc.). The second part presents an alternative class of TM dichalcogenide coating materials (compared to MoS2) and their in-situ formation. In detail, in an innovative approach, selenium nanopowders are converted in-situ into lubricious 2D selenides on sliding W and Mo films, achieving a coefficient of friction (COF) down to 0.1 in ambient air. This in-situ formation is an exciting concept, especially for extreme environmental conditions. Nevertheless, further advances in solid lubricants are required to overcome the limitations for high-temperature applications (above 450 °C). Here, a concept on B2O3 formation in TM borides (i.e., TiB2±z or WB2±z) leads to a drastic reduction of COF from 0.6 to 0.2 at 500 °C (and higher temperatures), highlighting the capabilities of boron-containing thin films in high-temperature tribological contacts. In summary, the different concepts of solid lubrication in thin film materials emphasize the potential of exploring new materials and the need for an in-depth understanding to push these materials in potential applications. |
2:00 PM |
MC1-1-ThA-3 Study of Transparent Coatings for the Preservation of Colored Titanium Surfaces
Sarah Marion, Renée Charrière (Mines Saint-Etienne); Clotilde Minfray (Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS); Laurent Dubost (HEF - IREIS); Jenny Faucheu (Mines Saint-Etienne); Vincent Fridrici (Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS) Although titanium is not a noble metal, it is increasingly attracting interest from the luxury industry (jewelry, watches, packaging) due to its lightweight, hypoallergenic properties, and especially the wide range of colors it can display when coated with a thin layer of TiO2. However, its application in luxury products remains limited because these colors tend to lack durability. Improving the wear resistance of these colored TiO2 layers, and in particular preserving the original color, is a critical challenge for luxury jewelry. The interference-based nature of titanium’s color makes it highly sensitive to changes in oxide layer thickness, as well as to variations in the oxide layer’s chemical composition and internal structure, which can alter its refractive index. Tribological tests conducted on thin titanium oxide layers, using a100Cr6 steel ball in both dry conditions and with artificial sweat, demonstrated a clear correlation between color changes due to friction and a reduction in oxide layer thickness in both environments. An experimental study of the wear resistance of several potential protective coatings deposited on oxidized titanium samples is carried out in order to preserve the color of the samples. Three coatings—SiAlON, Si3N4, and a commercial hydrophobic coating—were examined for their wear resistance in both dry and artificial sweat conditions, as well as for their transparency and surface wettability. The challenge is to have a coating that is not only transparent but also resistant to wear in both dry and sweat-exposed conditions and insensitive to fingerprints. Thus, the color variation before and after coating, the surface wettability of the coating with water and sebum, as well as its resistance to dry friction and friction in the presence of artificial sweat against a 100Cr6 steel ball, will be analyzed and compared to those of uncoated TiO2 to assess the performance of the coatings. |
2:20 PM |
MC1-1-ThA-4 Beyond Graphene: A ML-Assisted High-Throughput Molecular Dynamics Framework for Screening 2D Materials for Tribological Applications
Matteo Valderrama, Daniele Dini, James Ewen (Imperial College London); Nicolas Fillot (INSA de Lyon) 2D materials, with their unique atomic structures and tunable properties, have shown immense potential for achieving superlubricity (COF < 0.01) in sliding contacts. However, the vast design space of these materials presents a significant challenge in identifying optimal candidates for specific tribological applications. To date, only around ten 2D materials have been extensively studied for their tribological properties. This work explores a framework for applying machine learning (ML) assisted high-throughput molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to accelerate the discovery of high-performance 2D materials for tribological applications. 2D materials exhibit fundamentally different frictional behavior compared to their bulk counterparts, a phenomenon that can be observed at the atomic scale. To study this, our framework will computationally screen the tribological performance of thousands of 2D materials. By streamlining simulation cell generation and optimization, this framework facilitates the processing of tens of thousands of MD simulations. Combined with the recent advancements in GPU-powered simulations, this project could transform high-throughput MD, especially through the hybridization of both the computational approaches (CPU vs. GPU) and the implementation of interatomic potentials. The extracted tribological data will be used to train ML models, such as regressive random forests, LSTMS, and LLMs, to predict the performance of new materials. Our goal is to establish correlations between specific material properties and atomic friction mechanisms, gaining deeper insights into the underlying causes of atomic friction. We anticipate that this project will revolutionize the field of 2D materials by accelerating the design, prototyping, and experimental validation of materials that demonstrate robust superlubricity, making research more accessible and reproducible, and ultimately paving the way for their widespread adoption in various applications. In this presentation, I will delve into the details of our framework, demonstrate its validity, and present preliminary results on predicting friction in 2D materials based on their intrinsic properties. |
2:40 PM |
MC1-1-ThA-5 Nanoscale Wear of Metallic Multilayers - the Effect of Interface
Tomas Polcar, Ahmed AlMotasem (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic) Extensive large molecular dynamics simulations (MD) were conducted to investigate the impact of different Zr/Nb interface orientations on the friction/wear behavior of Zr/Nb multilayers. The primary cause of plastic deformation of the Nb layer was dislocations and BCC twinning, while Zr layers deformed via dislocations and intrinsic stacking faults. The Zr/Nb exhibited better tribological properties, such as lower COF, higher scratch hardness, and improved wear resistance compared to their single-crystal counterparts. The interface structure was analyzed, and its blocking strength was discussed. tailoring them to achieve desired properties for specific applications. The simulations of friction and wear were compared with experimentally obtained nanoscratches on Zr/Nb multilayers with a periodicity of 6 nm prepared by magnetron sputtering. The wear was evaluated by AFM, structure by STEM and XRD. Qualitative agreement with experiments demonstrates predictive power of MD simulations in tribology. |
3:00 PM |
MC1-1-ThA-6 Electrification of Ti:MoS2 Coatings for Tribological Applications
Newton K. Fukumasu (Institute for Technological Research of Sao Paulo State); Miguel R. Danelon, André P. Tschiptschin, Izabel F. Machado, Roberto M. Souza (University of São Paulo) Next-generation adaptive coatings for heavy-loaded mechanical transmission systems enhance durability and efficiency by coupling external parameters, such as electrical conditions, with tribological performance, particularly relevant for electric vehicle powertrains and energy generation systems, where controlling friction and wear is crucial for improving operational efficiency. Also, in those systems, stray currents could be used for improving tribological aspects of mechanical systems. Coatings of transition metal dichalcogenides, such as molybdenum disulfide, promote excellent solid lubrication under high contact stresses and pure sliding conditions, but higher wear rates compromise coating durability. Metal-doping MoS2 coatings allows the optimization of mechanical properties, including hardness and elastic modulus, promoting an amorphous coating structure and engineered coating bandgap. In this work, Ti:MoS₂ coatings were deposited using a pulsed D.C. magnetron sputtering, with doping levels controlled by varying the power applied to Ti target. Tribological tests under electrified reciprocating conditions were conducted with uncoated AISI 52100 balls against Ti:MoS2 coated glass plates. Ti concentration was varied between 10 at% and 20 at% and electrified tests conditions considered positive, negative, and non-electrified contact with, when applied, a constant electric current of 100 mA. Ball movement frequency was set at 0.375 Hz with 4 mm stroke. Results indicated that friction was reduced under electrified conditions, particularly for coatings with lower Ti concentrations. Raman spectroscopy revealed recrystallized MoS2 inside wear tracks, suggesting tribo-induced structural adaptation. Wider wear tracks and greater surface damage were observed when ball was positively charged. Results suggest that the electric field may promote differential migration of Mo, S, and Ti species, altering the tribofilm composition and morphology formed at the ball surface. This selective adsorption on the ball further enhances the formation of MoS2-rich regions, in which tribochemical reactions, enhanced by the electric current, may favor MoS2 retention and regeneration at lower Ti concentrations, while higher Ti concentrations disrupt the lubricating behavior. The integration of tribology and electrification may lead to enhanced efficiency and durability of critical mechanical systems with selective surface chemistry and adaptive tribological performance. |
3:20 PM |
MC1-1-ThA-7 Wear Protection and Corrosion Resistance of Dlc Top-Layered Coatings with Nano-Multilayer Interlayer Structure
Adrián Claver (Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics (INAMAT2), Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)); Iván Fernández (Nano4Energy); Pierre Collignon (Pd2i); Pablo Díaz-Rodríguez (Nano4energy) Several industrial components are subjected to wear and corrosion, and they face significant challenges due to increased performance demands and the acidic and salty environments of industry. In this context, DLC coatings are presented as a great option to protect these components from corrosion as well as improving their performance by providing properties such as improved mechanical properties (higher hardness and wear resistance), chemical stability or low friction coefficient. In this study, different DLC top-layered coatings have been deposited by hybrid Physical Vapor Deposition and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PVD-PECVD). The corrosion and wear resistance, as well as the mechanical properties and structure of coatings with different interlayer structures have been evaluated. In order to improve the protective properties of the coatings, different nano-multilayer structures based on TiNCrN, CrNOx or Cr/CrN have been deposited prior to the DLC top layer. In addition, the influence of the deposition parameters and the Si-addition to the DLC top layer have been studied and optimized. Chemical and structural properties of the coatings were evaluated by Raman spectroscopy, Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Surface and mechanical characterization was performed by nano-indentation, confocal, Rockwell adhesion test and calotest. Wear resistance was evaluated using pin-on-disc tests with an applied load of 50 N, and wear tracks were analyzed by confocal. Finally, electrochemical and salt spray tests were used to study the corrosion resistance of the coating structures. Nano-multilayer structures showed improved wear and corrosion resistance, allowing the inhibition of localized corrosion in the DLC top-layer. Clear differences were observed in the DLC top layer due to the addition of Si. Although it would be necessary to test them in real demanding working conditions, DLC coatings with nano-multilayers have shown to be a very interesting option to be used as an anti-corrosion and wear barrier coating. |
3:40 PM | BREAK |