ICMCTF 2024 ThM Sessions , Thursday, May 23, 2024 8:00 AM

Thursday Morning

Abstract Timeline | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview

Click a Session Code to view its Abstracts
Session Code Topic Session Name
MA5-1-ThM MA Boron-containing Coatings I
MB3-1-ThM MB Nanomaterial-based Thin Films and Structures I
MC3-2-ThM MC Tribology of Coatings and Surfaces for Industrial Applications II
MD1-2-ThM MD Surface Coatings and Surface Modifications in Biological Environments II
PP2-1-ThM PP HiPIMS, Pulsed Plasmas and Energetic Deposition I
TS4-1-ThM TS Coatings and Surfaces for Thermoelectrical Energy Conversion and (Photo)electrocatalysis I
Abstract Timeline | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview