ICMCTF2019 Session B1-1-MoM: PVD Coatings and Technologies I

Monday, May 20, 2019 10:40 AM in Room Golden West
Monday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(244 KB, May 5, 2020)
Time Period MoM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic B Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | ICMCTF2019 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
10:40 AM B1-1-MoM-3 Structural, Optical and Wettability Properties of Thermally Evaporated CaF2, MgF2 and CaF2/MgF2 Films
Ravish Kumar Jain, Jatinder Kaur, Atul Khanna (Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar India)

In this work, thin films of CaF2, MgF2 and their multilayered stacks have been deposited on microscopy glass substrates by thermal evaporation and their structural, optical and wettability properties have been studied. Four different sets of samples i.e. glass/CaF2, glass/MgF2, glass/CaF2/MgF2 and glass/CaF2/MgF2/CaF2/MgF2 were prepared. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that crystalline CaF2 film grows in glass/CaF2 and in the 2-layer stacked glass/CaF2/MgF2 samples whereas, it grows in the amorphous phase in 4-layered stacked glass/CaF2/MgF2/CaF2/MgF2 sample. On the other hand, MgF2 layer in all the samples grows in the amorphous phase. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was used to study the surface morphology and thicknesses of the samples. The surface FESEM image of CaF2 film shows very small flake-like morphology whereas the MgF2 film has a smooth morphology due to its amorphous nature. The cross-sectional FESEM images found that the thickness of the pure CaF2 film (102 nm) is lesser than that of pure MgF2 film (127 nm). The optical transmittance and reflectance properties were studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy which confirmed that all the films possess good anti-reflecting properties. The average specular reflectance values in the wavelength range: 350-1100 nm are 10.8%, 7.9%, 8.6%, 6.4% and 8.4% for bare glass slide, MgF2, CaF2, 2-layer and 4-layer stacked films respectively which confirms that the reflectance decreases with the top coating of the fluoride films. The water contact angle studies were carried out to study the wettability properties of the samples and it is found that the pure CaF2and MgF2 films are hydrophobic with an average water contact angle 131±1o and 98±1o, respectively. The wettability properties of the 2-layer and 4-layer stacked structures were found to be completely different compared to single layer thin films and showed hydrophilic nature with water contact angles of 20±1o and 47±1o respectively with reflectance values that were comparable to those of MgF2 and CaF2 films. It is concluded that CaF2 films have a very good potential to be used as hydrophobic anti-reflecting coatings and stacking with other well known optical material such as MgF2, can tailor its wettability and anti-reflecting properties.

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11:00 AM B1-1-MoM-4 Metal / ScAlN / Interdigital Transducer (IDT)/ LiNbO3 Multilayer Structure for High K2 Surface Acoustic Wave Device
Yu Hsuan Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan); Sean Wu (Tung-Fang Design University, Taiwan); Jow-Lay Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

We reported a high electromechanical coupling coefficient (K2) Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices on metal / ScAlN/interdigital transducer (IDT)/ LiNbO3 structure and we used Al/ Ti / Mo as metal layer. The Sc0.31Al0.69N films in different thickness (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 μm ) were deposited on Y-128˚ lithium niobate (LiNbO3) substrate which possesses high K2 by reactive magnetron co-sputtering using Sc and Al as targets. In the previous research, the replacement of Al by Sc increases piezoelectricity because of the phase transition. The ScxAl1-xN films 2D-XRD result showed that high c-axis (002) orientation and 2D-XRD χ angle showed that there is a critical thickness. The (002) plane tilting from a normal direction of LiNbO3 substrate before 1μm and it growth normal direction after critical thickness. The SEM cross-section result showed that ScAlN films have tilting form substrate and have columnar structures. The SEM top view indicated that spindle-like morphology and grain cover the whole surface when thickness over 1μm. The piezoelectric coefficient (d33) measured the highest value 42.8 pm/V of Sc0.31Al0.69N film. The K2 values are increasing with the metal layer deposited on. The highest K2 value is three time larger than IDT/ LiNbO3 (4.9%) structure. The metal / ScAlN/ IDT/ LiNbO3 structure have a great potential in high frequency and high K2 SAW devices.

11:20 AM B1-1-MoM-5 Sputter Deposited W-HfO2 for Solar Absorbers
Lih-Yang Chiu, Jyh-Ming Ting (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Tungsten-doped Hafnium oxide W-HfO2) coatings were deposited using RF and DC reactive magnetron sputtering techniques. Stainless steel (.5 x .5 cm) was used as substrates for solar absorberW-HfO2 coatings. In this works, various deposition parameters including sputtering power, O2 flow rate, and deposited time were investigated. The resulting coatings therefore exhibit various compositions, crystal structures, grain sizes, and thicknesses. The obtained coatings were examined using field emission scanning electron microscopes, X-Ray diffraction, X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Colorimeter technique (CIELab 1976 color space), UV/vis/NIR spectrometer, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Effects of the material characteristics on the coating performance is discussed.

Keywords: W-HfO2, reactive magnetron sputter, solar selective coatings.
11:40 AM Invited B1-1-MoM-6 High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering using Deep Oscillatory Micro Pulses for Surface Engineering
Jianliang Lin (Southwest Research Institute, USA)
As one version of high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) technique, deep oscillation magnetron sputtering (DOMS) is developed from the early modulated pulsed power magnetron sputtering (MPPMS) technique. In DOMS, large oscillatory high power micro-pulses (e.g. tens of μs) are generated within long modulation pulses (up to 3~5 ms). The magnitude of the peak power can be adjusted by controlling the on and off times of the oscillatory micro-pulses. By using optimal combinations of on and off times of these oscillatory micro-pulses, virtually arc free reactive HiPIMS process can be achieved for many insulating coating materials (e.g. Al2O3, AlN, SiO2, etc.). The paper presents an introduction of the DOMS technique with key processing features and parameters. The observation and mechanisms of generating arc-free discharge for reactive sputtering insulating coatings using deep oscillatory micro-pulses will be discussed . Recent technological development in DOMS for surface engineering will be presented. Specific examples will be focused on high rate deposition of transparent metal oxide coatings for optical and wear resistant applications, super hard hydrogen free diamond like carbon (DLC) coatings for low friction and wear applications, strongly (0002) textured AlN films for piezoelectric applications, and thick superlattice nitride coatings for solid particle erosion and high temperature wear protection. It is shown that the enhanced target ionization in combination with excellent process stability in DOMS enables the deposition of a variety of high quality coating materials with improved properties.
Session Abstract Book
(244 KB, May 5, 2020)
Time Period MoM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic B Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | ICMCTF2019 Schedule