AVS 69 Session AC+MI+TH-TuM: Magnetism, Electron Correlation, and Superconductivity in the Actinides/Rare Earths

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 8:00 AM in Room C124
Tuesday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(317 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period TuM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic AC Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited AC+MI+TH-TuM-1 Uranium and Cerium Based Systems Probed with High-Pressure XANES and XMCD
Fabrice Wilhelm, Andrei Roagelv (ESRF)
This talk reviews recent advances in use of polarized x-rays to study local magnetic properties and electronic structure of uranium and cerium based compounds such as the ferromagnetic UGe2, the heavy-fermion paramagnet UTe2 and the nanolamellar ferromagnetic Kondo lattice Mo4Ce4Al7C3 system.
8:40 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-3 Searching for New Uranium-Based Arsenides
Eteri Svanidze (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)

As new classes of superconducting materials emerge, puzzles of high-temperature superconductivity continue to be one of the pressing issues in condensed matter physics and solid-state chemistry. In particular, iron pnictide superconductors still pose many open questions. Surprisingly, very few actinide-based analogues of iron pnictide high temperature superconductors have been reported so far, perhaps as a result of synthesis complications imposed by toxicity, reactivity, and high vapor pressure of constituent elements. In this work, we revisit the U-Fe-As ternary, in which only one compounds has been reported to exist so far – UFeAs2 (P4/nmm space group) [1]. By implementing flux synthesis, we were able to grow large single crystals of UFe5As3 compound, which adopts UCr5P3 structure type [2] (P21/m, mP18) with lattice parameters a = 7.0501(17) Å, b = 3.8582(9) Å and c = 9.6342(13) Å, β = 100.2(8)° [3]. The refined composition agrees well with the elemental ratio established by the EDX analysis – U9.9(2)Fe58.7(2)As31.4(2). The magnetic behavior of UFe5As3 was studied by magnetic susceptibility measurements in the temperature range 1.8 - 600 K and an antiferromagnetic ordering below TN = 56 K was established. The Sommerfeld coefficient g = 138 mJ/mol K2 indicates enhanced effective electron mass. More in-depth investigations of this and other U-Fe-As ternary compounds are currently underway.


[1] D. Kaczorowski, J. Alloys. Compd. 186, 333-338 (1992).

[2] W. Jeitschko, R. Brink, P.G. Pollmeier, Z. Naturforsch. (1993) 48b, p. 52-57.

[3] N.Zaremba, M. Krnel, Yu. Prots, A. Leithe-Jasper, Yu. Grin, E. Svanidze, in preparation (2023)

9:00 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-4 5f Magnetism at an Extreme
Ladislav Havela (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics); Volodymyr Buturlim (Idaho National Laboratory); Fuminori Honda (Tohoku University); Dariusz Kaczorowski (Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Wrocław)

Specific features of 5f magnetim in U-based systems, namely the strong spin-orbit coupling and very strong magnetic anistropy or giant magnetoresistance, are degraded by low temperatures of magnetic ordering. The variability of TC or TN in intermetallics has been explored and it turns out that involvement of magnetic d-metals such as Fe or Co does not help, unless very high fraction of the transition metals turns a compound in fact a regular d-magnet, in which the unique 5f features are suppressed. The reason is the 5f-d hybridization with a destabilizing action on both d and 5f moments.

Seeking additional degrees of freedom we turned towards compounds with more polar character of bonding, which drives U to the verge of metallicity. Interesting alternative to intermetallics is provided by Zintl phases, typically ternary compounds with one cation (e.g. an f-metal) and a complex covalently bond anion, stabilized by a charge transfer from the cation. An excellent insight is provided by such compounds with layered crystal structures, which leads to strongly anisotropic electronic properties. Our research focuses on Zintl phases with the trigonal CaAl2Si2 type (P-3m), formed by alternating cationic (Ca) and anionic (Al-Si) layers. Those without f-metals or with 4f metals tend to be narrow-gap semiconductors. U-based phases such as UCu2P2 are semi-metallic. The prominence of this compound dwells in ferromagnetism with high Curie temperature TC = 216 K, which is further enhanced by pressure application to the vicinity of room temperature. Ab-initio calculations reveal it this material is actually a half-metal, with spin-split 5f band bringing spin-up only states to the Fermi level. The conduction electron states remain hybridized with the 5f states, which causes also the non-f electrons to be fully spin polarized. The magnetisms is of local moment type, with magnetic entropy exceeding R*ln2, but arising from 5fbands. UCu2P2 can be compared with EuZn2P2. Here the Eu2+ moments are organized in an AF structure. The field alignment of the moments impacts the width of the gap seen in transport data, but the material remains semiconducting.

This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under the grant No. 21-09766S.

9:20 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-5 Valence-to-Core RIXS in Insulating Compounds with 4f and 5f Elements
Jindrich Kolorenc (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)

In the first part, we investigate the electronic structure of europium sulfide (EuS) with the aim to understand the valence-to-core resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra measured at the Eu L₃ edge. We show that the main part of the observed signal comes from the direct RIXS: an Eu 2p core electron is excited to an empty Eu 5d band above the Fermi level, and then another electron from an Eu 5d state hybridized with the S 3p bands (located below the Fermi level and hence occupied) fills back the core hole. Besides this straightforward channel, the measured RIXS spectra display two satellite features. After considering several candidates (such as excitations of the 4f shell excited by indirect RIXS processes, that is, by the interaction with the core hole in the intermediate state), we arrive at the conclusion that the satellites are excitons formed by a 4f hole and an 5d electron localized at the same Eu atom. Such excitons were suggested in the context of optical absorption a long time ago [1], but the concept is not widely accepted. It was argued that existence of these excitons is incompatible with photoconductivity measurements [2]. Our observations indicate that these arguments may need to be revisited.

In the second part, we simulate valence-to-core RIXS at the actinide M₅ edge in selected actinide oxides starting from the dynamical mean-field electronic structure obtained earlier [3] and using techniques similar to [4]. This investigation is motivated by the recent experimental study of UO₂ and UF₄ [5]. Our preliminary results suggest that the feature observed at an energy loss of roughly 10 eV above the white line is likely a charge-transfer excitation, the intensity of which is sensitive to the hybridization between the actinide 5f states and the ligand 2p states.

This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under the grant No. 21-09766S.

[1] T. Kasuya and A. Yanase, Rev. Mod. Phys. 40 (1968) 684, https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.40.684
[2] P. Wachter and B. Bucher, Physica B 408 (2013) 51, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2012.09.018
[3] J. Kolorenc, A. Shick, A. I. Lichtenstein, Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 085125, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.085125
[4] J. Kolorenc, Physica B: Condensed Matter 536 (2018) 695, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.08.069
[5] J. G. Tobin et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34 (2022) 505601, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ac9bbd

9:40 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-6 Magnetism of Binary Actinide Oxides
Binod Rai, Alex Bretaña (Savannah River National Laboratory); Gregory Morrison (University of South Carolina, Columbia); Ryan Greer (Savannah River National Laboratory); Krzysztof Gofryk (Idaho National Laboratory); Hans-Conrad zur Loye (University of South Carolina, Columbia)

Historically, the bulk of actinide oxide research has focused on the properties of various uranium and plutonium compounds as they impact their use in the nuclear fuel industry. While the fundamental understanding of compounds such as UO2 has improved, a fundamental grasp of the physical properties of other actinide oxides remains elusive. In actinide systems, the 5f electrons experience a uniquely delicate balance of effects and interactions having similar energy scales, which are often difficult to properly disentangle. The interplay of factors such as the dual character of 5f-states, competing interactions, and strong spin-orbit coupling results in magnetically unusual and intriguing behavior: multi-k antiferromagnetic ordering, multipolar ordering, mixed valence configurations, and more. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of the available synthesis techniques for selected binary actinide oxides. I will also show the current state of knowledge on their crystal structures and magnetic properties. Moreover, I will talk about the future opportunities that are vital for a fundamental understanding of these systems.

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-10 N-Point Saddle-Band Model for the Hidden Order Phase of URu2Si2
J. D. Denlinger (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); J. S. Kang (The Catholic University of Korea); L. Dudy (SOLEIL); J. W. Allen (University of Michigan); L. A. Wray (New York University); A. Gallagher, R. E. Baumbach (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory); N. P. Butch (University of Maryland); M. B. Maple (University of California, San Diego)
The 5f heavy fermion system of URu2Si2 is famous for an unconventional hidden order (HO) phase transition at T0=17.5K and the various related doping phase diagrams explored to elucidate the nature of this unknown transition. A new model of an extended U 5f saddle-point dispersion at the N-point is proposed for the underlying physics of this 35-year old puzzle. With a 10X DFT energy renormalization suggested by angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements in comparison to DMFT calculations [1], this feature lies only a few meV below EF, and thus is thermally active at T0. ARPES reveals a distinct temperature-dependent evolution of incommensurate 5f nesting hotspots lying along Z-N-Z [1], whose origins are found in electronic susceptibility calculations of intraband q-scattering for thermal occupations in the temperature range of T0. Tuning of the N-point region f-band energetics with chemical doping is thus naturally proposed to unify our understanding of the various phase diagrams. ARPES is presented which confirms the existence of N-point spectral and dichroic changes for ferromagnetic Re/Ru-substitution, for (001) antiferromagnetic Fe and Os/Ru-substitution, and for (1/2,1/2,1/2) antiferromagnetic P/Si-substitution, thus further demonstrating experimentally the key relevance of the N-point electronic structure to the HO phase.
[1] J. D. Denlinger et al., Electron. Struct. 4, 013001 (2022).
11:20 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-11 Magnetoelastic Properties of 5f Ferromagnet UCu2P2
Volodymyr Buturlim (Idaho National Laboratory); Petr Doležal, Oleksandra Koloskova, Jiri Prchal, Ilja Turek (Charles university); Mayerling Martinez Celis (CRISMAT Laboratory); Fuminori Honda (Kyushu University); Martin Divis (Charles University); Dariusz Kaczorowski (Polish Academy of Sciences); Krzysztof Gofryk (Idaho National Laboratory); Ladislav Havela (Charles University)

UCu2P2, a Zintl phase with the trigonal CaAl2Si2 structure type, is a 5f ferromagnet with a record-high Curie temperature among U compounds, TC = 216 K [1]. While the size of the magnetic moment 2.0 μB/U is not surprising due to U-U spacing exceeding the Hill limit, the reasons for the high TC are less understood. Ab-initio calculations reveal only very weak hybridization of the U-5f states with the 6d states as well as with electronic states of Cu and P. It seems that a transfer of U-6d states to the P-3p states is an important ingredient, which was highlighted by a rapid increase of TC under hydrostatic pressure so that a room-temperature 5f ferromagnetism could be demonstrated. Besides magnetization, transport, and heat capacity studies on single crystals we performed also characterization of a polycrystalline material, which has TC = 219 K. Thermal expansion study revealed a moderate increase of both lattice parameters just below TC, so we can exclude that the pressure enhancement of TC is driven simply by thermodynamics (via the Ehrenfest relation). Hence the reasons have to be attributed to the enhancement of specific U-U couplings upon compression. Indeed, ab initio calculations probing the energy enhancement upon moments reversal gave a semi-quantitative account of the observed tendency of TC.

[1] D. Kaczorowski, R. Troc, Magnetic and transport properties of a strongly anisotropic ferromagnet UCu2P2, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 1990, 2, 4185.

*This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under the grant No. 21-09766S.

11:40 AM AC+MI+TH-TuM-12 Density Functional Theory Calculations of the Phonons in Gamma and Delta Phase Pu
Sven P. Rudin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
The thermodynamics of plutonium challenges both theory and experiment. The challenge arises from the multiple structural phase transitions, the nature of the 5f electrons, and the effects due to the material’s self-irradiation. Density functional theory calculations have made steady progress toward clarifying experimental measurements. Recently, for the delta phase a non-collinear 3Q spin structure was shown to make all structurally equivalent bonds equivalent in their bonding character. This results in elastic constants and phonons with the correct symmetry, and the calculated phonon dispersion agrees well with experiment. Extending the calculations into the gamma phase of Pu now provides a prediction for the phonons of that phase.
12:00 PM AC+MI+TH-TuM-13 The 5f UDOS of the Actinide Dioxides: Why Pu is n = 5 in PuO2
James Tobin (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh); H. Ramanantoanina (KIT, Germany); C. Daul (U. Fribourg); S.W. Yu (LLNL); P. Roussel (AWE); S Nowak, R. Alonso-Mori, T. Kroll, D. Nordlund, T.C. Weng, Dimosthenis Sokaras (SSRL)

The Unoccupied Density of States (UDOS) of ThO2, UO2 and PuO2 have been investigated with a combined experimental and theoretical approach.1,2Ligand field density functional theory calculations of the dioxides of thorium, uranium, and plutonium have been combined with high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection (HERFD) in x-ray absorption spectroscopy and inverse photoelectron spectroscopy (IPES) measurements to provide powerful insight into the underlying composition of the unoccupied 5f electronic structure in these 5f localized systems. Fine structure in the 5f5/2 transitions in HERFD can be directly correlated with the fine structure in the leading edge of the IPES. The shapes, intensities, and systematics in HERFD and IPES are explained in a consistent and rigorous fashion in terms of the j-specific 5f electronic structure.Additionally, an actinide N4,5 branching ratio analysis of PuO2 and UO2 has been performed, including measurements with a scanning transmission electron microscope at the Advanced Light Source and simulation with FEFF. It is shown that the 5f occupation of the Pu in plutonium dioxide is n = 5.


  1. J. G. Tobin,H. Ramanantoanina, C. Daul, S.-W. Yu, P. Roussel, S. Nowak, R. Alonso-Mori, T. Kroll, D. Nordlund, T.-C. Weng, D. Sokaras, "The Unoccupied Electronic Structure of Actinide Dioxides," Phys. Rev. B 2022, 105, 125129.https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125129
  2. J. G. TobinandS.-W. Yu, "Pu5f Occupation in Plutonium Dioxide," Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 6, 2592–2598, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03202
Session Abstract Book
(317 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period TuM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic AC Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 69 Schedule