AVS 69 Session TF2+AP+SE+SS-WeM: Controlling Microstructure and Accessing Non-Equilibrium Phases in Thin Films
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 11:00 AM in Room A105
Wednesday Morning
Session Abstract Book
(255 KB, Nov 2, 2023)
Time Period WeM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS 69 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
11:00 AM | Invited |
TF2+AP+SE+SS-WeM-10 Stabilizing Polar Polymorphs of Scandium Ferrite for Photovoltaics
Marshall Frye, Lauren Garten (Georgia Institute of Technology) Metastability is no longer synonymous with unstable or unattainable, but further work is needed to enable the next generation of electronics and photovoltaics. In this talk I will discuss the development of a stabilization route for the P63cm phase of ScFeO3 through precursor control and interface engineering. The P63cm phase has potential for lead-free piezoelectric, photo-ferroic, and ferroelectric applications. Unfortunately, this phase is in competition with four other known polymorphs that are similar in structure and energy and there is not a well matched epitaxial substrate. So we took a different approach by controlling the atomic layering of the precursor structure and the deposition timing to stabilize the P63cm phase under conditions that previously lead to the ground state. The film structure is verified by transmission electronic microscopy and x-ray diffraction. Ab initio calculations confirm that layered growth stabilizes the metastable phase and highlights the importance of the variable oxidation state of iron, the high activation energy against diffusion, and the surface termination of the substrate in designing a stabilization approach. This work highlights routes to access similar polymorphs on an array of different substrates, opening up new materials and new device architectures. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
12:00 PM |
TF2+AP+SE+SS-WeM-13 Interplay of Lattice Distortion and Electronic Structure in Metastable Brookite TiO2
Pritha Biswas (Oregon State University); Minju Choi, Krishna Prasad Koirala, Mark Bowden, Lindy Strange (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory); Hua Zhou (Argonne National Laboratory); Janet Tate (Oregon State University); Yingge Du, Tiffany Kaspar, Dongsheng Li, Peter V. Sushko (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Controlling the coupling between lattice distortions and electronic properties is one of the promising routes toward enhancing the performance of materials used in energy technologies, such as photocatalysis, photovoltaics, and energy storage. Oxide semiconductors that exhibit polymorphism represent a convenient class of systems to study this coupling by investigating the effect of external stimuli on transition pathways between polymorphs. Among the oxide semiconductors, earth-abundant TiO2 exists in several polymorphic forms, including rutile, anatase, and brookite, with distinctly different structural symmetries. Compared to the common rutile and anatase polymorphs, metastable brookite TiO2 is the least studied one due to the difficulties associated with its synthesis in a phase pure form. At the same time, mechanisms of its transformation to the more stable anatase and rutile polymorphs are promising to provide a rich insight into the relationships between the character of the lattice deformations, defect content, and electronic structure. We have developed a recipe for phase selective TiO2 polymorph formation, where tuning of oxygen vacancy concentration drives the crystallization of amorphous TiO2 thin films towards a specific polymorphic structure. In this study, thermal treatment was used to control the evolution of as-deposited, sputtered amorphous TiO2 thin films towards the brookite lattice. The crystallinity and phase purity of the resulting structures were investigated by lab-based grazing incidence XRD, synchrotron XRD, and transmission electron microscopy. The dependence of structural variations present in the sample on the details of the annealing treatments was evaluated using Rietveld refinement analysis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), confocal Raman spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) were used to understand the effect of local deformation on the electronic structure of brookite. We found a correlation between the degree of lattice parameter deviation, shifts of the Raman vibrational modes, and the position of the brookite valence band. The effect of these lattice distortions at the atomic scale on the photocatalytic activity of brookite will be discussed. |