AVS2018 Session EW-TuAB: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session III
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 4:00 PM in Room Hall A
Tuesday Afternoon
Session Abstract Book
(218 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuAB Sessions
Abstract Timeline
| Topic EW Sessions
| Time Periods
| Topics
| AVS2018 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
4:00 PM |
EW-TuAB-2 eSpectra, your Data, and your Collaborations
Jessica Hoy (AIPP/AVS) Are you looking for an easier way to analyze spectral data and share your results with your collaborators? Learn more about eSpectra, the new online platform where you can plot, compare and share your data in just a few clicks. Brought to you by AVS and AIP Publishing, eSpectra is the only interactive tool of its kind that lets you easily plot your data against peer-reviewed data, public data, or your team’s data to better understand, analyze, and validate your results. Download and print plotted graphs, or save, share, and store your graphs and data in a secure environment. It includes XPS, AES, and UPS experimental techniques, with additional techniques planned for Fall 2018. Our Free Access and our Individual or Team Premium Access options support a range of research needs from academic to corporate. When you register, you receive a 30-day free trial of Premium Access. There will be 3 chances to win a $25 Starbucks® gift card at the session. If you’re unable to attend, you can sign up anytime for free at eSpectra.aip.org. |