AVS2018 Session MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM: Systems and Devices for Quantum Computing I
Session Abstract Book
(297 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period MoM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS2018 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
9:00 AM | Invited |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-3 Quantum Supremacy: Checking a Quantum Computer with a Classical Supercomputer
John Martinis (Google Inc) As microelectronics technology nears the end of exponential growth over time, known as Moore’s law, there is a renewed interest in new computing paradigms such as quantum computing. A key step in the roadmap to build a scientifically or commercially useful quantum computer will be to demonstrate its exponentially growing computing power. I will explain how a 7 by 7 array of superconducting xmon qubits with nearest-neighbor coupling, and with programmable single- and two-qubit gate with errors of about 0.2%, can execute a modest depth quantum computation that fully entangles the 49 qubits. Sampling of the resulting output can be checked against a classical simulation to demonstrate proper operation of the quantum computer and compare its system error rate with predictions. With a computation space of 2^49 = 5 x 10^14 states, the quantum computation can only be checked using the biggest supercomputers. I will show experimental data towards this demonstration from a 9 qubit adjustable-coupler “gmon” device, which implements the basic sampling algorithm of quantum supremacy for a computational (Hilbert) space of about 500. We have begun testing of the quantum supremacy chip. |
9:40 AM |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-5 Active Protection of a Superconducting Qubit against Josephson Amplifier Backaction
Baleegh Abdo, Nicholas Bronn, Oblesh Jinka, Salvatore Olivadese, Antonio Corcoles, Markus Brink (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center); Russell Lake, David Pappas (National Institute of Standards and Technology); Jerry Chow (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) Nonreciprocal microwave devices, e.g., isolators and circulators, are key components in high-fidelity, quantum-nondemolition (QND), measurement schemes. They separate input from output and protect the quantum systems from unwanted backaction originated by the output chain. However, state-of-the-art, cryogenic circulators and isolators are disadvantageous in scalable architectures because they are lossy, bulky and use magnetic materials and strong magnetic fields, which are not compatible with superconducting circuits. In this work, we realize and characterize nonreciprocal, superconducting devices suitable for qubit readout, which are formed by coupling two nondegenerate Josephson mixers in interferometric schemes. Nonreciprocity is generated by applying a phase gradient between the same-frequency pumps feeding the devices, which play the role of the magnetic field in a Faraday medium. We incorporate these Josephson-based, nonreciprocal devices into a qubit setup and demonstrate fast, high-fidelity, QND measurements of the qubit while actively protecting it against Josephson amplifier backaction. |
10:00 AM |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-6 Nonlinear Light-matter Interaction: From Superconducting Qubits to Spins in Diamond
Eyal Buks (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) Cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) is the study of the interaction between matter and photons confined in a cavity. In the Jaynes-Cummings model the matter is described using the two-level approximation, and only a single cavity mode is taken into account. The interaction has a relatively large effect when the ratio E/ℏω between the energy gap E separating the two levels and the cavity mode photon energy ℏω is tuned close to unity. The talk is devoted to the study of the light-matter interaction in the nonlinear regime using three different CQED systems. In the first experiment a Josephson flux qubit serves as a two-level system and a superconducting resonator as the cavity [1]. We experimentally find that the cavity response exhibits higher order resonances (called superharmonic resonances) in the nonlinear regime when the ratio E/ℏω is tuned close to an integer value larger than unity. In the second experiment the interaction between a spin ensemble of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) molecules and a superconducting resonator is explored in the region where E/ℏω≫1 [2]. We find that the cavity response is significantly modified when the spins are intensively driven close to their Larmor frequency. Retardation in the response of the spin ensemble gives rise to effects such as cavity mode cooling and heating. In the third experiment the interaction between localized spins in diamond (nitrogen-vacancy and nitrogen substitutional) and a superconducting resonator is studied [3]. We find that nonlinearity imposes a fundamental limit upon sensitivity of CQED-based spin detection. References 1. Eyal Buks, Chunqing Deng, Jean-Luc F.X. Orgazzi, Martin Otto and Adrian Lupascu, Phys. Rev. A 94, 033807 (2016). 2. Hui Wang, Sergei Masis, Roei Levi, Oleg Shtempluk and Eyal Buks, Phys. Rev. A 95, 053853 (2017). 3. Nir Alfasi, Sergei Masis, Roni Winik, Demitry Farfurnik, Oleg Shtempluck, Nir Bar-Gill and Eyal Buks, arXiv:1711.07760. |
10:20 AM | BREAK | |
10:40 AM |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-8 Variations in Surface Dipole-Moment Density with Coverage for C/Au(110) – (2 × 1) and Electroplated Au Ion-trap Electrodes
Dustin Hite, Kyle McKay (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)); Hossein Jooya (ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics); Eunja Kim (University of Nevada, Las Vegas); Phil Weck (Sandia National Laboratories); Hossein Sadeghpour (ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics); David Pappas (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) Ion traps, designed to test the feasibility of scalable quantum information processing, suffer from excessive electric-field noise that increases strongly as the ion-electrode spacing decreases in progressively smaller traps. This noise couples to the charge of the ions in the trap causing motional heating, which can result in the decoherence of quantum logic gates. This heating can be reduced by orders of magnitude with the use of cryogenic trap electrodes or by in-situ surface cleaning with ion bombardment in traps with room-temperature electrodes. Many experiments over the past two decades have supported theories that model this noise source as being caused by fluctuations in the dipole moments of contaminant adsorbates on the metallic trap electrode surfaces. Gold electrodes are often used to avoid oxidation and other contaminants, nevertheless a thin carbonaceous layer of approximately 3 monolayers (ML) develops on Au, even due to air exposure alone. In this work, we have studied the model system of C/Au(110) – (2 × 1) to understand the mechanisms for the variations in the surface dipole-moment density as a function of the degree of carbon coverage. We have implemented Kelvin probe force microscopy, along with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, to determine an average dipole-moment density with increasing carbon coverage, and have compared the results to density functional theory aided by ab-initio molecular dynamics techniques. We find a nearly linear decrease in the work function with a rate of approximately -0.7 eV/ML for sub-monolayer coverages, a regime in which trapped ions have been observed to have a maximum rate of heating. Finally, we compare the results for the model system to those for a microfabricated ion-trap chip with electroplated Au electrodes contaminated with a native hydrocarbon layer incrementally removed by ion bombardment. |
11:00 AM |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-9 A Compact Cryogenic Setup for Quantum Computing with Trapped Atomic Ions
Ismail Inlek, Robert Spivey, Geert Vrijsen, Zhubing Jia, Jungsang Kim (Duke University) Trapped atomic ions are standard qubits for quantum computing with their long coherence times and high-fidelity qubit operations for universal quantum logic gates. However, conventional trapped ion systems often utilize bulky vacuum and optics setups, hindering scalability and ease of use. We aim to address these infrastructure issues by packaging micro-fabricated ion traps in an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment and designing optics to be an integral part of the overall system. Additionally, small footprint of the sealed UHV package allows users to easily install it on a cryostat to benefit from lower heating rates and further reduced vacuum levels. Moreover, these ion trap packages can be conveniently swapped to benefit from micro-fabricated ion trap manufacturing improvements without external UHV maintenance requirements. Towards achieving this goal, we report successful ion trapping in a compact cryogenic setup and characterize the performance of our apparatus for quantum computing applications. |
11:20 AM | Invited |
MP+EM+MN+NS-MoM-10 Advances in Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
Jungsang Kim (Duke University) Trapped ions provide a highly desirable physical substrate on which to construct a scalable quantum computer. All qubits are exactly identical by nature, can be well isolated from the environment to establish long coherence times, and high fidelity quantum logic gates have been readily available. Furthermore, the long-range Coulomb interactions used for multi-qubit gates in a chain allows for highly connected network of qubits that are fully programmable, opening up opportunities for advanced and flexible quantum computer architectures. Some of the most advanced and complex quantum algorithms have been implemented in trapped ion systems leveraging these features. On the other hand, the ion trap systems so far have mainly relied upon conventional methodology used in atomic physics labs to set up the lasers, vacuum chambers and their optical alignments to realize the system. Novel integration technologies, including micro-fabrication, micro-electromechanical system (MEMS), and advanced packaging approaches have been adopted in the past decade to push the integration level for trapped ion systems. In this presentation, I will summarize the state-of-the-art systems used to implement quantum computing applications in the laboratories today, and also outline system design approach currently undertaken to improve the stability, reliability, and programmability of trapped ion quantum computers. Then, I will discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead for reaching a scalable quantum computer capable of executing useful tasks. |