AVS2018 Session EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM: Nanostructures for Electronic and Photonic Devices

Thursday, October 25, 2018 8:00 AM in Room 101A
Thursday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(313 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-1 Extreme Nanophotonics from Ultrathin Metallic Junctions
Maiken Mikkelsen (Duke University)

New optical nanomaterials hold the potential for breakthroughs in a wide range of areas from ultrafast optoelectronics such as modulators, light sources and hyperspectral detectors, to efficient upconversion for energy applications, bio-sensing and on-chip components for quantum information science; they also serve as inspiration for entirely new devices and technologies. An exciting opportunity to realize such new nanomaterials lies in controlling the local electromagnetic environment on the atomic- and molecular-scale, (~1-10 nm) which enables extreme field enhancements, but represents a largely unexplored length scale. We use creative nanofabrication techniques at the interface between chemistry and physics to realize this new regime, together with advanced, ultrafast optical techniques to probe the emerging phenomena. Here, I will provide an overview of our recent research demonstrating tailored light-matter interactions by leveraging ultra-small plasmonic cavities fabricated using bottom-up techniques. Examples of our demonstrations include perfect absorbers and combinational colors [Adv. Mat. 27, 7897 (2015), Adv. Mat. 29, 1602971 (2017)], actively tunable nanostructures [Nano Lett., 18, 853 (2018)], tailored emission from two-dimensional semiconductor materials [Nano Lett. 15, 3578 (2015), ACS Phot. 5, 552 (2018)] and strong coupling.

8:40 AM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-3 The Geode Process: A Route to the Large-Scale Manufacturing of Functionally-Encoded Semiconductor Nanostructures
Maritza Mujica, Gozde Tutuncuoglu, Victor Breedveld, Sven Behrens, Michael Filler (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Future large-area electronic and photonic technologies will require the manufacturing of materials and devices at very high rates without sacrificing nanoscale control of structure and composition. Semiconductor nanowires, for example, can be produced with exquisite spatial control of composition and morphology using the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism that, however, remains limited to very small manufacturing rates. Here, we introduce the Geode process to synthesize functionally-encoded semiconductor nanowires at throughputs orders of magnitude beyond the state-of-the-art. Central to the Geode process are sacrificial, porous-walled, seed particle-lined silica microcapsules, whose interior surface serves as a high-surface area growth substrate. Microcapsules protect the growing nanostructures, are produced with a scalable emulsion templating technique, and are compatible with large-scale chemical reactors. We will show how microcapsule structure and drying is influenced by silica nanoparticle type and concentration, emulsification parameters, and nanoparticle cross-linking agent. We will also demonstrate the synthesis of Si nanowires with programmable dopant profiles on the microcapsule interior, which not only shows the versatility of the process, but also allows the impact of precursor gas transport limitations to be characterized.

9:00 AM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-4 Disordered Microsphere-Based Coatings for Effective Radiative Cooling under Direct Sunlight
Sarun Atiganyanun, John Plumley, Kevin Hsu (University of New Mexico); Thomas Peng (Air Force Research Laboratory); Sang M. Han, Sang Eon Han (University of New Mexico)

Radiative cooling is a process where a material loses heat due to strong emission of photons in the mid-infrared spectrum and enhanced light scattering in the solar region. This process would allow cooling of materials below the ambient temperature under the sun without the use of electricity and therefore would significantly reduce energy consumption. In this work, we have demonstrated a passive radiative cooling of disordered silica microsphere coatings below the ambient temperature while exposed to direct sunlight. To fabricate the coatings, silica microspheres are deposited by colloidal sedimentation method and spray coating method. In the first method, silica colloidal stability is disrupted by addition of KCl solution. The instability causes the colloids to agglomerate and sediment, creating a disordered uniform coating. In the second method, much like commercial painting, the colloidal solution is forced through a spray nozzle and deposited onto a substrate. Scanning electron microscopy show that the resulting structures are disordered without short- or long-range order. Optical measurements also indicate that the coatings produced under optimal conditions have a short transport photon mean free path of approximately 4-8 μm in the solar spectral region. These coatings also exhibit high emissivity above 95% in the atmospheric transparency window. These results suggest strong photon scattering properties in the visible region, while providing a strong thermal emission. Such films would enable effective radiative cooling. To test the cooling performance, we apply this film on top of a black substrate and expose the material to a direct sunlight during the summer in New Mexico. Temperature measurement of the samples shows that our coating reduces the substrate temperature below that of the ambient air by as much as 12 °C during daytime. Similar testing with a commercial solar-rejection paint indicates that the silica coating performs better than the commercial paint by 4.7 °C on average. Additionally the similar technique is used to fabricate disordered coatings made of polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate microspheres. Outdoor experiments have shown that the polymer coatings perform better than the commercial paint by 5.5 °C on average. Disordered coatings made of microspheres in a paint format will also be discussed.

9:20 AM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-5 Assessing Strain Relaxation in Nanostructured InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells Using X-Ray Diffraction Reciprocal Space Mapping and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Ryan Ley, Christopher Pynn, Matthew Wong, Steven DenBaars, Michael Gordon (University of California at Santa Barbara)

The III-Nitrides are excellent materials for LEDs, lasers and power electronics due to their tunable bandgap and high defect tolerance. These materials are increasingly important for displays in mobile and portable electronic devices, which currently suffer from short battery lives because displays based on liquid crystals or organic LEDs are inefficient. Producing high quality III-Nitride material with the indium compositions needed for efficient green and red emission is presently very challenging, due in large part to strain effects resulting from the large lattice mismatch between InGaN and GaN. However, there are some indications that nanostructuring can reduce or eliminate some of these strain issues.

This talk will highlight our recent work using colloidal and templated lithography and Cl2 /N2 plasma etching to fabricate nanoscale InGaN/GaN LED structures (diameter = 150-600nm), and how sub micron scale patterning affects the strain state and optical behavior of MQW emitters. InGaN/GaN LED structures were grown by MOCVD on c-plane sapphire substrates and characterized before and after nanopatterning using on-axis (0002) and off-axis (10-15 and 11-24) XRD reciprocal space maps (RSM), rocking curves and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy at 14K. RSM analysis found degrees of relaxation of 30% and 20% for the smallest and largest structures, respectively, and rocking curves revealed a 0.7nm decrease in the InGaN quantum well thickness. These relaxation effects also correlate well with spectral blue shifts (∼10-15nm) in the PL, which are supported by 1D quantum mechanical and electrostatic simulations. Overall, this work shows that nanopatterning of InGaN/GaN active emitters at sub-micron length scales can reduce strain related issues in the III-Nitrides and potentially allow higher incorporation of indium for green and red emission.

9:40 AM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-6 Scalable, Tunable, and Polarization-Independent High Contrast Grating Reflectors for Integration into Resonant-Cavity micro-LEDs
Pavel Shapturenka, Steven DenBaars, Michael Gordon (University of California at Santa Barbara)

III-nitride blue and green micro-LEDs have exhibited quantum efficiencies of over 40%, which is a nearly fivefold efficiency boost over current OLED and LCD digital display technologies. In order to realistically continue LED miniaturization below 10 microns for high-resolution and near-eye pixel displays, it is necessary to maintain emission directionality and output power. One method to accomplish this is to make a resonant-cavity micro-LED device with a high-reflectance mirror and an output coupler.

We demonstrate a low-cost, tunable, and scalable colloidal lithography method to fabricate suspended TiO2 high-contrast grating (HCG) reflectors across the visible wavelength range for eventual integration as an output coupler in a resonant-cavity LED. Silica spheres (310-960 nm diameter), deposited via Langmuir-Blodgett dip-coating, were used as a mask to define a quasi-ordered, hexagonal pattern on a 200 nm thick TiO2 film. Subsequent pattern transfer with SF6 reactive ion and XeF2 chemical etching of sacrificial Si layers beneath the TiO2 layer yielded a periodic, high index contrast between the suspended array structure and the surrounding air medium. Near-normal-incidence reflectance measurements on structures of increasing hole pitch (310-960 nm) showed an increase in maximum reflected wavelength from 370 to >1000 nm, while maintaining a high-%R bandwidth of 40-100 nm. The reflectance was also observed to be polarization-independent. Finite-difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of structural imperfection stemming from the colloidal lithography process, e.g., deviations in hole diameter, pitch, and hexagonal symmetry, indicate that absolute reflectance is most affected by hole offset from hexagonal lattice positions. The talk will highlight processing methods, optical characterization of HCGs, and underlying trends in the effect of HCG geometry on optical response as predicted by FDTD simulations. This work suggests that scalable fabrication of visible-wavelength HCGs is feasible and holds promise for integration into resonant-cavity LEDs.

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM Invited EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-10 Nano-optical Activation of Defect-bound Excitons in Monolayer WSe2: Towards Room-temperature 2D Single-photon Optoelectronics
Jim Schuck (Columbia University)
The emergence of two-dimensional (2D) monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (1L-TMDC) as direct bandgap semiconductors has rapidly accelerated the advancement of room temperature, 2D optoelectronic devices. Optical excitations on the TMDCs manifest from a hierarchy of electrically tunable, Coulombic free-carrier and excitonic many-body phenomena. In our most recent nano-optical investigations of these materials, we have demonstrated that a model hybrid architecture, a nano-optical antenna and a 1L-WSe2 nanobubble, activates the optical activity of BX states at room temperature and under ambient conditions. These results show that engineered bound-exciton functionality as, in this case, localized nanoscale light sources, can be enabled by an architectural motif that combines localized strain and a nano-optical antenna, laying out a possible path for realizing room-temperature single-photon sources in high-quality 2D semiconductors.
11:40 AM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-12 Light Scattering Properties of Silver Nanoprisms in Different Environments
Yuri Strzhemechny (Texas Christian University); Sebastian Requena (Harris Night Vision); Hung Doan (Texas Christian University); Sangram Raut (University of North Texas Health Science Center); Zygmunt Gryczynski (Texas Christian University); Ignacy Gryczynski (University of North Texas Health Science Center)
Embedding nanostructures into different environments, such as polymer matrices, organic and biological solutions oftentimes produces unique optoelectronic properties of the resulting compound system that are distinct from those of the host and nano-filler. Such strong modifications can be caused by the interface phenomena, the change in the spatial distribution and orientation of the nanostructures or a combination thereof. In this work, we report on optical properties of silver triangular prism nanoparticles embedded in water, lipid solutions, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymer thin films. For our studies, using a common chemical reduction routine, we synthesized, batches of silver nanoparticles with different size distributions and distinct size-dependent dipole resonance spectra. Silver nanoprisms suspended in water yielded a noticeable wavelength-dependent depolarization of scattered light associated with different surface plasmon modes. Consequently, the same nanostructures were placed into lipid environments to estimate the rejection of a polarized background scattering during depolarization measurements. After that, the composite thin films were fabricated via incorporation of silver nanoparticles into PVA. We studied linear dichroism in those Ag/PVA films, as-prepared and subjected to controllable stretching. Re-orientation of the nanoprisms upon stretching leads to a significant increase of the linear dichroism for the plasmonic modes associated with the in-plane dipole oscillations and a decrease of the linear dichroism corresponding to the out-of-plane plasmonic modes. These observations are in good agreement with the assumption that stretching of the nanocomposite films leads to an anisotropic realignment of the nanoprisms.
12:00 PM EM+MI+MN+NS-ThM-13 Core-Shell Processing of BTO Nanocomposites for Optimal Dielectric Properties
Kimberly Cook-Chennault (Rutgers University)
High permittivity polymer-ceramic nanocomposite dielectric films leverage the ease of flexibility and processing of polymers and functional properties of ceramic fillers. Physical characteristics of these materials can be tuned for application to a variety of applications, such as, advanced embedded energy storage devices for printed wired electrical boards and battery seperators. In some cases, the incompatibility of the two constituent materials; hydrophilic ceramic filler and hydrophobic epoxy can limit the filler concentration and therefore, dielectric properties of these materials. Use of surfactants and core-shell processing of composite fillers is traditionally used to achieve electrostatic and steric stabilization for adequate ceramic particle distribution. This work aims to understand the role of surfactant concentration in establishing meaningful interfacial layers between the epoxy and ceramic filler particles by observing particle surface morphology, dielectric permittivity and device dissipation factors. A comprehensive study of nanocomposites that were comprised of non-treated and surface treated barium titanate (BT) embedded within an epoxy matrix was performed. The surface treatments were performed with ethanol and 3-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilan, where the best distribution, highest value of permittivity (~ 48.03) and the lowest value of loss (~0.136) were observed for the samples that were fabricated using 0.5 volume fraction of BaTiO3 and 0.02 volume fraction of silane coupling agent.
Session Abstract Book
(313 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule