AVS2018 Session EM+2D+NS+PS+RM+TF-ThA: IoT Session: Flexible Electronics & Flash Networking Session

Thursday, October 25, 2018 2:20 PM in Room 101A
Thursday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(267 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start Invited? Item
2:20 PM Invited EM+2D+NS+PS+RM+TF-ThA-1 Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Electronic and Photonic Materials onto Wafer-size Single Crystal Gold Foils for Flexible Electronics
Jay Switzer (Missouri University of Science and Technology)

Single-crystal silicon (Si) is the bedrock of semiconductor devices due to the high crystalline perfection that minimizes electron-hole recombination, and the dense SiOx native oxide that minimizes surface states. There is interest in moving beyond the planar structure of conventional Si-based chips to produce flexible electronic devices such as wearable solar cells, sensors, and flexible displays. Most flexible electronic devices are based on polycrystalline materials that can have compromised performance due to electron-hole recombination at grain boundaries. In order to expand the palette of electronic materials beyond planar Si, there is a need for both an inexpensive substrate material for epitaxial growth, and an inexpensive and scalable processing method to produce epitaxial, grain-boundary-free films of metals, semiconductors, and optical materials. Recently, in our laboratory, we have developed a process for producing wafer-size, flexible, and transparent single-crystal Au foils by an electrochemical processing method.[1] Au is epitaxially electrodeposited onto Si using a very negative applied potential. An interfacial layer of SiOx is then produced photoelectrochemically by lateral undergrowth. The Au foil is then removed by epitaxial lift-off following an HF etch. We will report on the electrodeposition of epitaxial films of metal oxide semiconductors such as Cu2O and ZnO onto the highly-ordered and flexible Au foils. We will also present new, unpublished results in which we spin-coat epitaxial films of perovskites, such as CsPbBr3, directly onto these Au foils and onto other single crystals.

Acknowledgement: This presentation is based on work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Sciences, Division of Materials Science and Engineering under grant No. DE-FG02-08ER46518.

[1] Mahenderkar N., Chen Q., Liu Y.-C., Duchild, A., Hofheins, S. Chason E., Switzer J (2017). Epitaxial lift-off of electrodeposited single-crystal gold foils for flexible electronics. Science, 355, 1203-1206.

3:00 PM EM+2D+NS+PS+RM+TF-ThA-3 Flexible Electronic Devices Based on Two Dimensional Materials
Richard Kim, Nicholas Glavin (Air Force Research Laboratory); Rachel Rai, Kimberly Gliebe, Michael Beebe (University of Dayton; Air Force Research Laboratory); Juyoung Leem, SungWoo Nam (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Rahul Rao (Air Force Research Laboratory); Christopher Muratore (University of Dayton)

Low temperature synthesis of high quality 2D materials directly on flexible substrates remains a fundamental limitation towards realization of robust, strainable electronics possessing the unique physical properties of atomically thin structures. Here, we describe room temperature sputtering of uniform, stoichiometric amorphous MoS2, WSe2, and other transition metal dichalcogenides and subsequent large area (>2 cm2) photonic crystallization to enable direct fabrication of two-dimensional material photodetectors on large area flexible PDMS substrates. Fundamentals of crystallization kinetics for different monolithic and heterostructured TMDs are examined to evaluate this new synthesis approach for affordable, wearable devices. The photodetectors demonstrate photocurrent magnitudes and response times comparable to those fabricated via CVD and exfoliated materials on rigid substrates and the performance is unaffected by strains exceeding 5%. Other devices and circuits fabricated from crystallized 2D TMDs deposited on large area flexible substrates are demonstrated.

3:20 PM EM+2D+NS+PS+RM+TF-ThA-4 Contact Resistances and Schottky Barrier Heights of Metal-SnS Interfaces
Jenifer Hajzus, Lisa Porter (Carnegie Mellon University); Adam Biacchi, Son Le, Curt Richter, Angela Hight Walker (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))

Tin(II) sulfide (SnS) is a natively p-type, layered semiconductor that is of interest for two-dimensional and optoelectronic applications. Understanding the behavior of contacts to SnS is essential for its use in devices. In this work, contact metallizations with a range of work functions were characterized on both solution-synthesized, p-type SnS nanoribbons and electron-beam evaporated, polycrystalline SnS thin films. The structure and properties of electron-beam evaporated SnS films were dependent upon deposition temperature and post-deposition annealing. A deposition temperature of 300 °C followed by vacuum annealing at 300 °C resulted in p-type, orthorhombic SnS films. Specific contact resistances of Ti/Au, Ru/Au, Ni/Au, and Au contacts were measured on SnS films using circular transfer length method (CTLM) patterns prior to and after annealing the contacts at 350 ° C in argon. All metallizations on SnS thin films were ohmic prior to annealing. A trend of decreasing average specific contact resistance with increasing metal work function was observed for the as-deposited contacts. Annealed Ru/Au exhibited the lowest average specific contact resistance of ~1.9 x 10-3 Ω -cm2. Contacts were additionally patterned onto individual, solution-synthesized SnS nanoribbons. In contrast to the behavior of contacts on electron-beam evaporated films, low work function metals (Cr/Au and Ti/Au) formed Schottky contacts on SnS nanoribbons, whereas higher work function metals (Ni/Au and Pd/Au) formed ohmic or semi-ohmic contacts. Ni/Au exhibited a lower contact resistance (~10−4 Ω cm2 or lower) than Pd/Au (~10−3 Ω cm2 or lower). Schottky barrier heights and ideality factors of Cr/Au and Ti/Au contacts were extracted by fitting current-voltage measurements to a back-to-back Schottky diode model. The ohmic behavior for Ni/Au and Pd/Au and the calculated Schottky barrier heights (0.39 and 0.50 eV for Cr/Au and Ti/Au, respectively) on SnS nanoribbons agree well with behavior predicted by Schottky–Mott theory and suggest a lack of Fermi level pinning.

Session Abstract Book
(267 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule