AVS2018 Session MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA: IoT Session: MEMS for IoT: Chemical and Biological Sensing
Session Abstract Book
(268 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start | Invited? | Item |
2:20 PM | Invited |
MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA-1 BioMEMS for Eye Applications
Yu-Chong Tai (California Institute of Technology) The field of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) has advanced tremendously for the last 20 years. Most noticeably, however, the field has mostly advanced in microsensors such as pressure sensors, accelerometers, gyros, microphones for cell phone and smart instrumentation applications. Looking forward though, in my opinion, one future direction of MEMS/NEMS is for micro biomedical devices. Among many possible biomedical applications, one challenging but promising branch is micro implants. Why micro implants? Body tissues (especially neurons), once severely damaged, do not repair or regenerate easily and often leave behind permanent debilitating deficits. Engineering implant technologies to interface intact tissues and/or to replace defective functions have continued to be the main solutions for many diseases. As our world is facing more severe aging population problems, significant growth in implant applications is foreseeable. As a matter of fact, there are already many existing commercially available implants such, as pacemakers and cochlear implants, but they all have a lot to improve. For examples, cardiovascular implants like defibrillator and pacemakers are still bulky, mechanically rigid, power hungry, and functionally limited. The future implants should be even smaller, flexible, power efficient and more versatile so that they can be used at places not possible before. This talk will review the research of implants done at the Caltech MEMS lab. More specifically, this talk will focus on bioMEMS implant devices to treat eye diseases. Examples of devices will cover the four major ophthalmic diseases, i.e., cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular disease and diabetic retinopathy that make of close to 80% of world blindness. It is believed that BioMEMS can also have many other opportunities for other organs in our body too. |
3:00 PM |
MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA-3 Real-Time, Single Cell, Size Measurements using a Facile, Multimode Microwave Resonator
Selim Hanay, Hande Aydogmus, Arda Secme, H. Sedaghat Pisheh, Mehmet Kelleci (Bilkent University, Turkey) In this study, a facile microwave sensor is designed and fabricated to detect transient cells one by one and extract their morphological and electrical properties in real time, without labeling. Multiple modes can be measured by multiplexing the electronic frequencies to obtain multiple analytic parameters at the same time. Our simple fabrication technique obviates the need to complex fabrication process. A microwave sensor, in the form of a microstrip line resonator, is constructed by fixing copper tape at the back and the front side of a 1-mm thick glass slide. The backside is covered entirely with the tape to form a ground plane; on the front side, a copper tape was thinned within a few mm, extended across the slide and terminated with SMA feed through. On the front side, just below the copper tape, five capillary tubes are placed to transport the cells into the active sensing region. Microwave signals are transmitted through the two SMA ports at the end of the glass slide, perpendicular to the flow. The resonator is formed by electrically shorting the input/output ports. An initial characterization of the device is done by using spectrum analyzer so that its first and second order mode frequencies are obtained. A digital phase-locked loops (PLL) measurement system with PI controller was constructed to track the resonance frequencies of the first two modes simultaneously in real-time. The PLL system tracks the two modes of the microstrip line resonator to sense the frequency shifts originating from the passage of the cells in the capillary. As a proof of concept, initial PLL measurements were done with DI water. As water flows through the tube, frequency shifts around 100 kHz were observed in both modes. Later on, wildtype Skbr3 breast cancer cells were flown through the same capillary. Frequency shifts in both modes were the responses of the resonator to the passage of the Skbr3 cells beneath microstrip-line. The ratio between the first and second mode frequency shifts can be used determine the location of each cell by two-mode theory. The analyzed data indicates almost a constant slope, verifying the positional response of the sensors. Moreover, the size distribution of the cells is cumulated around a contour line for constant size as expected. Earlier, we had detected single cells and distinguished different oncogenic cell lines using a PDMS based device. With this work, single-cell detection and sizing are accomplished with a device paradigm that does not require any lithography, metal deposition under vacuum or precise alignment of electrodes. We acknowledge funding from European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (REM, 758769). View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
3:40 PM | BREAK | |
4:20 PM | Invited |
MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA-7 Magnetic Microsystems for Communications
Rob Candler (University of California at Los Angeles) We are witnessing a rapid expansion of embedded devices (IoT) that have a variety of functions but a common requirement, to communicate with one another. These devices will be connected on a scale previously unseen, and they will therefore require an approach to efficiently generate and receive electromagnetic waves in a small form factor. One such approach is to rethink the way electrically small antennas operate, shifting from a current-based antenna to a voltage-controlled multiferroic antenna. Multiferroics are material systems with coupled magnetic and electrical properties, and they offer a new route for the miniaturization of magnetic field-coupled devices. Multiferroic systems allow for the conversion of magnetic flux to a voltage (and vice versa) without the need of a wire loop, avoiding inefficiencies due to Ohmic loss. In particular, strain-coupled heterostructures of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric materials have received much attention, as they can offer magneto-electric coupling many order of magnitudes higher than found in single-phase materials. A rapidly emerging research space in multiferroics is the development of miniature wireless devices, such as antennas and energy harvesters, taking advantage of the efficient flux-to-voltage conversion of multiferroics. In this talk, I will present work showing the impact of multiferroic coupling on the ferromagnetic resonance in GHz Bulk Acoustic Wave resonators, as well as investigations in frequency mixing from non-linear multiferroic affects. These results are all in support of our goal create a microscale multiferroic antenna that is orders of magnitude more efficient than its classical antenna counterpart. Furthermore, continued miniaturization of existing and emerging components that use magnets (atomic clocks, quantum computing, magnetic memory) will increase their sensitivity to external magnetic fields as well as the crosstalk between components. To address this need, we are developing techniques for on-chip magnetic shielding using multiple layers of permalloy. We will present recent results showing microscale magnetic shields fabricated by electroplating multiple permalloy layers into molds, as well as milliscale shields that were conformally electroplated on 3D printed sheaths. |
5:00 PM | Invited |
MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA-9 MEMS-Based Resonant Sensors for IoT Applications
Oliver Brand, Min-gu Kim, Patrick Getz (Georgia Institute of Technology) The presentation discusses resonant microsensors, in which the measurand affects a characteristic of the resonance behavior of a resonant microstructure or a resonant circuit, such as its resonance frequency or quality factor. Resonant sensing is a very versatile sensing approach and can be adapted to a large variety of physical, chemical and biological measurands. Especially when using the resonance frequency as the sensing signal, high resolution is achievable since frequencies can be measured accurately. The presentation will highlight two possible implementations of resonant chemical sensors for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, a cantilever-based electromechanical resonator and a purely electrical L-C resonance circuit. The first example is an electro-mechanical resonant chemical sensor based on a silicon hammerhead structure coated with a polymeric sensing film for the detection of volatile organic compounds. The presentation will highlight how proper selection of the resonance mode, in this case an in-plane vibration mode, and device geometry can improve device performance and how fast temperature modulations of the resonant sensors enable the observation of signal transients that contain additional analyte information. The sensors are fabricated using a CMOS-compatible bulk-micromachining process, have resonance frequencies between 400-800kHz and achieve sub-ppm limits of detection for select analytes. The second example is a purely electrical resonant chemical sensor in form of a flexible and stretchable L-C (inductor-capacitor) sensor, which is battery free and can be wirelessly interrogated. To achieve stretchable sensor characteristics, the spiral inductor and interdigitated capacitor structures are formed by a liquid metal, eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn). A subtractive reverse stamping technique is used to form the conducting liquid metal lines with dimensions as small as 2µm inside PDMS microchannels and a 3D heterogeneous integration technique is applied to vertically stack and electrically interconnect the capacitor and inductor structure. Liquid and gaseous analytes change the capacitance and are detected by wirelessly measuring the resonance frequency of the L-C circuit around 143MHz. |
5:40 PM |
MN+2D+AN+NS-WeA-11 Etched Silicon Microcolumn For Tunable Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography
Aaron Davis, Parker Schnepf, Phillip Ng, Richard Vanfleet, Robert Davis, Brian Jensen (Brigham Young University) The connection of the digital and physical world will be strengthened by chemical sensors that can measure complex mixtures of molecules. Gas chromatography is the gold standard for identification of volatiles and gases. Conventional gas chromatography systems have unparalleled resolution, but are large and power intensive. Microcolumn gas chromatographs are more portable but have dramatically reduced resolution. Combining the resolution of conventional systems with the size factor of micro systems is important for improving the affordability and portability of high performance gas analysis. Recent work has demonstrated feasibility of high resolution separation of gases in a benchtop-scale short-column system by controlling thermal gradients through the column. In order to further decrease the size of a gas chromatography system, microfabrication techniques were used to demonstrate the fabrication of a thermally controllable micro-scale gas chromatographic column with a small footprint (3 cm square). To fabricate microcolumns we are using deep-reactive-ion-etching, nickel evaporation, and wafer bonding. The design of the 20 cm column utilizes 21 individually controllable thin film heaters and solid conduction cooling to produce the desired thermal profile. |