AVS2018 Session MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA: Nonlinear and Thermal Resonators

Thursday, October 25, 2018 2:20 PM in Room 202B
Thursday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(299 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start Invited? Item
2:20 PM Invited MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-1 Embracing Nonlinearity and Thermal Fluctuations in Nanomechanics
Daniel Lopez, David Czaplewski, Changyao Chen (Argonne National Laboratory); Damian Zanette (Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina); Steve Shaw (Michigan State Univrsity)

The field of micro-mechanics is now a well-established engineering domain with demonstrated impact in fundamental science and product development. Unfortunately, as the dimensions of the devices are reduced from the micro- to the nano-scale, the direct scaling of the fundamentals principles and fabrication processes cease to work. When going from micro- to nano-mechanical systems, MEMS to NEMS, the devices linear dynamic range can be reduced to the point where the amplitudes needed for lineal response are below the noise level and, as a consequence, operation in the nonlinear regime is unavoidable. Furthermore, thermal fluctuations and fluctuation-induced forces become relatively stronger causing significant changes in their dynamic response and on the manner in which they interact with the surrounding environment. This combination of nonlinear dynamics and high sensitivity to fluctuations has been seen as a deleterious combination for the advance of nano mechanical devices.

Rather than continuing to struggle to avoid these phenomena, it is of interest to consider how micro/nanosystem might effectively capitalize on this nonlinear fluctuating response. In this talk, I will demonstrate that nonlinearity offers unique possibilities for the controlled response of micro and nano mechanical devices and, thereby, a host of novel application opportunities. Examples of these opportunities include the development of compact frequency sources with low phase noise, the engineering of dissipation reservoirs to manipulate energy decay processes, and the enhancement of synchronization range between microscopic and macroscopic oscillators.

3:00 PM MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-3 Probing Ion Radiation Effects in Silicon Crystals by 3D Integrated Resonating Thin Diaphragms
Hailong Chen, Hao Jia, Vida Pashaei (Case Western Reserve University); Wenjun Liao, Charles Arutt, Michael McCurdy (Vanderbilt University); Peter Hung (The Aerospace Corporation); Robert Reed, Ronald Schrimpf, Michael Alles (Vanderbilt University); Philip Feng (Case Western Reserve University)

Space radiation (e.g., solar, galaxy) and man-made radiation environments (e.g., nuclear plant) can expose devices to radiation at doses that may lead to severe damage [1]. In recent decades, a large body of work has been performed to understand radiation effects on mainstream solid state electronic devices [1-3], in particular on MOS devices [2] and integrated circuits [3]. Lately, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have seen widespread adoption in consumer, military and aerospace products due to their small size, low power consumption, and in some cases, monolithic integration with electronics [4]. As such, the reliability of MEMS devices for many applications in relatively benign environments has been well established [5]. However, the study of impact on mechanical properties due to radiation-induced damages is an area where limited research has been conducted.

In this work, we report on experimental investigation of heavy ion radiation effects on mechanical properties of Si crystals, by exploiting a novel 3D scheme of using 5 vertically stacked micromachined vibrating Si diaphragms (2 mm × 2 mm x 2 µm) exposed to oxygen ions. Simulations find the stop range of oxygen ions in Si is 7.3 µm. A Pelletron system is employed to irradiate oxygen ions into the Si diaphragms (10.3MeV, with a dose of 5.6 ×1013/cm2). Before and after radiation, multimode resonances are characterized in vacuum by using an ultrasensitive optical interferometry system. We have observed that diaphragms D1 and D2, which oxygen ions are expected to pass completely through, present modest multimode redshifts ranging from 0.85 kHz to 1.67 kHz, and 0.85 kHz to 1.19 kHz, corresponding to an average fractional frequency shift of 10.5% and 7.0%, respectively. In contrast, for devices D3 and D4, in which most ions are expected to stop, each resonance peak shifts much more dramatically, with a frequency shift of 27.3% and 20.4%. We attribute these large shifts to the very large capture area of the diaphragms, the very heavy and energetic oxygen ions, and high ion dose. Device D5 shows minimal frequency shifts among the five diaphragms because few oxygen ions reach and interact with this device layer. The diaphragm stack exhibits outstanding capability for probing radiation damages in MEMS, not only able to capture the radiation events obviously, but also help analyze different amount and types of damages induced in each stacking layer.

[1] L. Gregory, et al., Proc. IEEE. 62, 1974. [2] J. R. Srour, et al., Proc. IEEE. 76, 1988. [3] H. L. Hughes, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50, 2003. [4] N. Arutt, et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32, 2017. [5] H. R. Shea, Proc. SPIE. 7928, 2011.

3:20 PM MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-4 An Array of Thermally-actuated Nanoresonators for Real-time Mass Spectrometry
Martial Defoort, Marc Sansa, Marc Gély, Guillaume Jourdan, Sébastien Hentz (CEA/LETI-University Grenoble Alpes, France)

Micro/Nano-ElectroMechanical Systems (M/NEMS) have attracted much attention in the last years in the mass spectrometry field. They feature high sensitivity, charge independent and single particle detection capabilities, in a mass range where conventional mass spectrometry struggles, hampering the analysis of large mass objects like protein complexes or viruses [1-4].

In general the size and mass of the device defines the size and mass ranges of the particles to measure for frequency tracking and point mass approximation purposes. However, as many silicon M/NEMS are electrostatically actuated, the gap between the driving electrode and the resonator becomes a critical parameter. While for many applications this gap should be as small as possible for high efficiency actuation and high signal-to-noise ratio, a particle landing within the gap results in a catastrophic failure of the device through electrical short-circuit or mechanical anchoring.

We present a new actuation scheme for doubly-clamped beams which rel ies on the thermal expansion of nano-actuators in silicon due to Joule heating, located close to the anchor of the resonator (Fig. 1), that we demonstrate to work in an array of 20 NEMS (Fig. 2). Unlike some thermoelastic actuation schemes [5], the technique we propose does not require an additional layer (of, for example, a metal) and is readily CMOS-compatible. Because of their small size and thermal capacity, the thermal time constant of the actuators is small enough to drive the resonator up to several 100’s MHz with large efficiency and to actuate the two first flexural modes of the same device simultaneously, which is required for single particle mass sensing . The detection scheme uses the piezoresistive gauges located on the other end of the beam, as previously presented [6]. We compare the performance of this actuation technique with a standard electrostatic scheme both on the same array and demonstrate the thermal actuation does not affect the level of frequency fluctuations limiting the device mass resolution (Fig. 3).

1. Hanay et al, nature nanotechnology 2012.

2. Sage et al, nature communications 2015.

3. Sage et al, Arxiv 2017.

4. Dominguez-Medina et al, Arxiv 2018.

5. Mo Li et al, nature nanotechnology 2007.

6. Mile et al, nanotechnology 2010.

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4:00 PM Invited MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-6 Nonlinear and Noise Induced Dynamics of High Q Nanomechanical Resonators
Jana Huber, Eva Weig (University of Konstanz, Germany)

Doubly-clamped pre-stressed silicon nitride string resonators excel as high Q nanomechanical systems enabling room temperature quality factors of several 100,000 in the 10 MHz eigenfrequency range when operated under vacuum conditions. To retain the high mechanical quality factor, dielectric transduction is implemented as an all-electrical control scheme avoiding the metallization of the string. To this end, the string is exposed to an inhomogeneous electric field created between adjacent electrodes. The resulting gradient field provides an ideal platform for actuation, displacement detection, frequency tuning as well as strong mode coupling between the in- and out-of-plane modes of the string.

Here we focus on the nonlinear dynamics of the string subject to a strong drive. As a result of the high quality factor, cubic as well as higher order nonlinearities are observed. In the presence of thermal fluctuations, satellite resonances arise which enable deep insights into fundamental properties of the system.

4:40 PM MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-8 SNIC Bifurcation Generated Mechanical Frequency Comb
David Czaplewski, Daniel Lopez (Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory); Oriel Shoshani (Ben-Gurion University -Negev, Israel); Axel Eriksson (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden); Steven Shaw (Florida Institute of Technology)

Microelectromechanical (MEMS) resonant structures can exhibit unexpected behavior when driven to a nonlinear response. Beyond the normal Duffing behavior observed for non-linear resonators, the behavior of a MEMS resonator can become complex at an internal resonance, when the frequencies of two modes of the structure are in a simple ratio, leading to an exchange of energy between the modes. Recently, operation of MEMS oscillators at internal resonance has led to increased frequency stabilization and the creation of coherence time, where the amplitude and frequency of the oscillator remains constant for thousands of oscillations after the external driving is removed. Here, we demonstrate a bursting behavior in the temporal response of a MEMS resonator that produces a frequency comb in the corresponding spectral response. The bursting behavior is a result of a bifurcation in the response of the resonator that occurs at an internal resonance. The fundamental flexural mode exchanges energy with a torsional mode causing the amplitudes of both modes to vary on a time scale (~1s) that is much larger than the period (10 μs) of a single oscillation of the resonator. Through analysis of the equations of motion and understanding the complex dynamics of the MEMS resonator, we show that the bursting behavior is the result of a saddle node on an invariant circle (SNIC) bifurcation. By varying the drive amplitude and drive frequency, we experimentally verify the generic scaling of the period of the bursting dynamics and demonstrate control of the spacing in the measured frequency combs. A possible application of this interesting behavior is in the area of biology. The SNIC bifurcation has been used as a standard mechanism for spiking in neuron models with several different types of neurons exhibit bursting behaviors. This suggests that the MEMS resonator can be used as a possible candidate to mimic and therefore study the dynamics of interacting neurons using a purely mechanical structure.

5:00 PM MN+2D+AN+NS-ThA-9 A Buckling-based, DC Controlled, Non-volatile Nanoelectromechanical Logic Memory
Selçuk Oğuz Erbil, Utku Hatipoğlu (Bilkent University, Turkey); Cenk Yanık (Sabancı University); Mahyar Ghavami, Mehmet Selim Hanay (Bilkent University, Turkey)

Here, we demonstrate a buckling based, nanoelectromechanical logic bit with high controllability and low logic input voltage. The device consists of a slender beam to store information through its buckling direction and a comb-drive structure for initiating buckling electrostatically. When an actuation voltage is applied to the fingers of the comb-drive structure, an axial compressive force is applied to the suspended slender beam which is connected to an anchor from the opposite end. Applied axial force creates a compressive stress on the slender beam which leads to buckling after a critical load. Buckling direction can be controlled (left/right) by changing the applied side-gate control voltages. The capacitive attraction force generated between the beam and the activated electrode controls the direction of the buckling. Control voltage acts as the logic input for writing information and it is only required just before the application of the axial load, so that the beam can be preloaded to the target direction. Lateral deformations as large as 10% of the beam length can be achieved.

Once the beam is buckled to the desired direction, the removal of the guidance voltage does not affect the buckling state of the beam, which indicates successful non-volatile information storage. Moreover, by altering the voltage difference created in the comb-drive structure, buckling amount can be controlled very precisely. Control voltages as low as 0.5V are demonstrated for storing information. The device is fabricated from an SOI wafer by using electron beam lithography, metal deposition and plasma / HF etching techniques. The dimensions of the slender beam are 150nm x 250nm x 40µm for the width, thickness and length respectively. Several videos demonstrating dynamically controlled electrostatic buckling have been recorded during the experiments. The nanoelectromechanical logic memory demonstrated here is scalable since its operation does not require any high-end electronic instruments such as function generators, and can be accomplished by simply using DC power sources. To readout the state of the beam all-electronically, the device is capacitively coupled to a microwave resonator. The changes in the frequency shows clear transitions between buckled and straight states.

It is possible to build two-bit mechanical logic gates and more involved logic units by using proposed nanoelectromechanical logic bit. As a further matter, precise control of the buckling in nanoscale can be very promising for demonstrating the interconnection between information science and thermodynamics.

Session Abstract Book
(299 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic MN Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule