AVS2018 Session TF+EM+MI-WeA: Thin Film Processes for Electronics and Optics II

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 2:20 PM in Room 102A
Wednesday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(294 KB, May 6, 2020)
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2:20 PM Invited TF+EM+MI-WeA-1 What can we Benefit from Nanochemistry of Crystalline Silicon?
Naoto Shirahata (National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan)

The richly tunable optical properties of colloidal silicon nanoparticles, in conjunction with flexible functionalization of their surfaces, makes them important class of materials with various potential applications in the ranging from medicine to optoelectronics. Bulk crystal of silicon is an indirect bandgap semiconductor, resulting in poor light emission and a weak absorption onset – major technological barrier for their use in photonics. The successful approaches in transforming silicon into efficient light emitters are appearance of the quantum confinement effect and reformation in atomic structure and periodicity from diamond cubic lattice to nanoclusters having a direct gap structure. The improved optical properties including photoluminescence quantum yields, require the efficient radiation recombination between photogenerated electron-hole pairs across the gaps. To achieve this, the surface chemistry plays an important role. In particular, the formation of carbon-silicon linkage at the surface of the nanoclusters results in the enhanced radiative recombination probability.

Today’s talk starts by describing a brief overview of light emitting silicon nanoparticles to understand their place in the world of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. Next, the talk focuses on the reliable approaches to give a fine tuning of photoluminescence spectra with high spectral symmetries and impressively narrow spectral linewidths. Recent progress of chemical synthesis and surface functionalization of silicon nanoparticles is then demonstrated, in conjunction with their applications including efficient light emitting diodes and non-toxic biomarkers adapted for two-photon excitation fluorescence cell imaging. The performance of silicon-based light emitters are influenced significantly by surface moiety.

Since the finding of porous silicon in 1990, the free-standing, strongly luminescent silicon nanoparticles have become a masterpiece of nanoscience and nanochemistry. Such thermodynamically-stable colloidal nanoparticles will continue to lead to novel concepts of medical and device applications in near future.

3:00 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-3 Low-temperature Homoepitaxial Growth of Two-dimensional Antimony Superlattices in Silicon
April Jewell, Michael Hoenk, Alexander Carver, Shouleh Nikzad (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Our group has previously reported on the growth of antimony delta-doped silicon by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy. In this presentation we will discuss the extension of our antimony delta doping capabilities to the growth of n-type superlattices (i.e. films that incorporate multiple delta layers). We will discuss details related to growth optimization, and show results from in situ monitoring by Auger electron spectroscopy and electron diffraction. We will also report on electrical characterization of our films and preliminary device measurements.

JPL’s delta doping and superlattice doping (i.e., two-dimensional “2D” doping) processes have been developed primarily for use with silicon-based scientific imagers. A key performance metric for these detectors is photometric stability, a parameter that depends largely on passivation at the detector interface. Our approach uses an atomically thin (2D), highly concentrated layer of dopant atoms embedded within nanometers of the surface. This allows for dopant concentrations in the range of 1013-1014 cm-2 (1020-1021 cm-3); higher than can be achieved with 3D doping techniques. Resulting quantum effects within the highly-doped 2D layers result in exceptional stability in 2D-doped devices.

N-type 2D-doping with antimony is challenging primarily because it tends to segregate to the surface. Segregation is suppressed at low temperatures; however, this may compromise epitaxial growth and lead to poor dopant incorporation and activation. Even so, it has been shown that at sufficiently slow silicon deposition rates it is possible to maintain epitaxial growth even at low temperatures for finite thicknesses. In our previous work with single n-type delta layers, we demonstrated activated dose concentrations as high as 2×1014 cm-2 and sharp dopant profiles (~35 Å FWHM). Under the current effort we have further optimized our growth processes to achieve even sharper dopant profiles and multiple delta layers. This is enabled by switching from a standard effusion cell to a valved cracker cell for antimony evaporation, which allows for high atom and carrier densities on the order of ~1021 cm-3 with peak distribution at ~10 Å FWHM.

The performance of our low-temperature 2D-doping processes has been validated by applying both p-type and n-type superlattice-doping to fully depleted photodiodes. The superlattice-doped devices show significantly higher responsivity than the equivalent ion-implanted devices. Additionally, when exposed to pulsed X-rays the superlattice-doped devices exhibit fast response and recovery times required for use in pulsed power experiments.

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

4:20 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-7 Electron-Doped BaZrO3 Thin Films Prepared by Topochemical Reduction
Thomas Orvis (University of Southern California)

The nature of surfaces and interfaces plays a key role in governing interfacial charge transfer, which drives electronic and energy applications such as electron emission and catalysis. Low electron affinity materials, either as heavily doped semiconductors or metals, are of interest for these applications. The electron affinity engineering of tailorable material families, such as complex oxide perovskites, can provide a rational route to the development of such low electron affinity materials. BaZrO3, a cubic perovskite and widely used proton-conducting material, has a very low electron affinity but wide band gap, making traditional donor-doping thermodynamically unfavorable. Here, we report the successful reduction of BaZrO3 thin films via topochemical reaction using CaH2. We report the structural characterization and electrical properties of these films before and after reduction. Our studies show that hydride-based reduction is a viable method to induce electron-doping in BaZrO3, and we discuss the properties and meta-stability of the reduced films using time-dependent property measurements.

4:40 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-8 Epitaxial Growth and Electrical Properties of VO2Thin Films
Yang Liu, Shanyuan Niu, Thomas Orvis, Haimeng Zhang, Han Wang, Jayakanth Ravichandran (University of Southern California)

We report the epitaxial growth and the electrical properties, especially the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films synthesized on lanthanum strontium aluminate tantalate (LSAT) (111) substrates by a pulsed laser deposition method. X-ray diffraction study shows that the epitaxial relation between the VO2 thin films and LSAT substrate is given as VO2(020)||LSAT(111) and VO2[001]||LSAT[11-2]. We observed a sharp change of four orders of magnitude in resistance at the MIT temperature of 345K. We measured distinctive Raman spectra below and above the transition point indicating a structural transition between the insulator and metallic phases, as observed in past investigations.

5:00 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-9 A Novel Technique for the Growth of Gallium Oxide Nanowires for UV Detection
Badriyah Alhalaili (UC, Davis); Ryan Bunk, Howard Mao (UC Davis); Ruxandra Vidu (UC, Davis); Hilal Cansizoglu (UC Davis); M. Saif Islam (UC, Davis)

Recently, high interest in wide bandgap semiconductors for a variety of applications has grown. Due to the unique thermal, optical, and electrical properties of Ga2O3, the scientists attract to the assessment of Ga2O3 nanowires (NWs) as a valuable material in semiconductor research fields, especially for applications in harsh environments and power electronics. Compared to thin films, nanowires exhibit a higher surface-to-volume ratio, increasing their sensitivity for detection. Additionally, nanowire devices exhibit quantum effects not seen in bulk materials and allow for crystalline materials to be grown on arbitrary substrates in spite of lattice mismatch due to lattice strain relaxation at the interface. In this work, we explore a simple and inexpensive method of growing high-density gallium oxide NWs at high temperatures. The gallium oxide NWs growth mechanism can be obtained by heating and oxidizing the gallium metal into high temperatures above 900 °C. This process can be optimized for large-scale production with high-quality, dense and long-length of gallium oxide NWs. We show the results of the characterization of the materials including the optical band gap, Schottky barrier height with metal contacts, and photoconductance of β-Ga2O3 nanowires. The influence of density on these Ga2O3 nanowires will be examined in order to determine the optimum configuration for the detection of UV light.

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5:20 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-10 Enhanced Efficiency in Photon-trapping Ge-on-Si Photodiodes for Optical Data Communication
Hilal Cansizoglu, Cesar Bartolo Perez, Yang Gao, Ekaterina Ponizovskaya Devine, Soroush Ghandiparsi, Kazim Polat, Hasina Mamtaz, Mehmet Cansizoglu (University of California, Davis); Toshishige Yamada (University of California, Santa Cruz); Aly ElRefaie, Shih-Yuan Wang (W&WSens Devices, Inc.); Saif Islam (University of California, Davis)

High speed, surface illuminated Ge-on-Si pin photodiodes with improved efficiency are fabricated and characterized. External quantum efficiency (EQE) of the Ge-on-Si pin diode is enhanced to >80% at 1300 nm and 73% at 1550 nm with only 2 µm thick intrinsic Ge layer, which is required to maintain high speed operation. Improved EQE is achieved by guiding incident light into the device structure with the help of microholes arranged in a lattice with a periodicity at the scale of wavelength. Vertically propagating light is coupled to the lateral modes in the material with periodic holes and absorbed efficiently despite a thin layer. More than 350% of EQE is enhanced by hole arrays compared to the case without holes up to 1700 nm wavelength. Such promising results enable Ge-on-Si photodiodes potentially cover both existing C band (1530 nm-1560 nm) and L band (1560 nm-1620 nm) and a new data transmission window (1620 nm-1700 nm), which can be a solution to capacity crunch of conventional standard single mode fiber (SSMF) cables. CMOS/BiCMOS compatible fabrication of photon-trapping Ge-on-Si photodiodes can lead to integrated transceiver circuits with electronics for cost-effective solutions in various near-infrared sensing applications such as metro and long haul dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems, laser radar (LIDAR) systems, quantum communications and near-infrared imaging.

5:40 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-11 Correlating Composition and Structure with Optical Properties of Combinatorial Sputtered Thin Film AuxAl1-x Alloys
Robyn Collette (University of Tennessee Knoxville); Yueying Wu, Jon Camden (University of Notre Dame); Philip D. Rack (University of Tennessee Knoxville)

Surface plasmon resonances can be sustained by metallic nanostructures and have been explored for potential optoelectronic device applications. Superior plasmonic properties may be realized by alloying and consequently tuning the LSPR, however, there has been limited work done on alloys for use in plasmonic devices. The alloy behavior greatly depends on the ordering of the structure; thus, it is crucial to explore how the optical properties are related to the structure of the alloy.

In this work, the structure and optical properties of Au-Al thin film alloys were investigated as both individual metals have strong plasmon resonances. Initially, 350 nm thick AuxAl1-x (0.15<x<0.72) was co-sputtered on 100mm x 15mm silicon substrates. Subsequently samples of 0.9<x<1 and 0<x<0.2 were investigated. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to measure the composition as a function of position on the substrate for the combinatorial samples. The crystal structure at various compositions were subsequently determined using grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and the dielectric constants, ε1 and ε2, were determined via spectroscopic ellipsometry. The evolution of phases was studied by annealing various compositions under vacuum and the optical properties were correlated to observed phases on the equilibrium phase diagram. Lastly, we explore the plasmonic properties of lithographically patterned AuxAl1-x (0 <x<0.2). The optical transmission and reflection is measured and compared with electron energy loss spectroscopy results. The phase evolution is studied using a (scanning) transmission electron microscope with an in situ laser heating system and the low loss electron energy loss spectra are correlated to the structural changes. Interestingly, we found in the mixed phase region containing Al and AuAl2 that as the concentration of AuAl2 increased, an increase of ε1 and a decrease of ε2 around 1.5 eV.

6:00 PM TF+EM+MI-WeA-12 The Multifunctional TiO2 Thin Films Sensor
Awais Ali, Mussayyab Alam, Sobaan Nasser, Nabeela Akbar, Aleena Saeed, Arshad Bhatti (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad Pakistan)

In the present work, multifunctional/hybrid UV and IR sensing was performed by Nd doped TiO2 thin films. Thin films were sputter deposited and concentrations of dopants was varied in targets. The results suggested that the incorporation of Nd produced compressional stresses in lattice, which resulted in textured growth and asymmetry of bonds as confirmed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. The dopant driven non-stoichiometry and presence of O vacancies was evident from XPS measurements. The defects and dopant mediated luminescence was obtained in visible and IR regions, respectively. The sensing of UV light was attributed to the host (titania), whereas successful incorporation of dopant helped in sensing IR source.

Session Abstract Book
(294 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period WeA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic TF Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule