AVS2018 Session 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA: 2D Device Physics and Applications

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 2:20 PM in Room 201B
Tuesday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(295 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic 2D Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
2:20 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-1 Spin Relaxation and Proximity Effect in WS2/Graphene/Fluorographene Non-local Spin Valves
Adam Friedman (Laboratory for Physical Sciences); Kathleen McCreary, Jeremy Robinson, Olaf van 't Erve, Berend Jonker (US Naval Research Laboratory)

The mechanisms leading to spin relaxation in graphene and its heterostructures continue to be debated. Control of the spin relaxation in graphene-based structures is necessary to achieve the envisioned utility of graphene in future spintronic devices beyond Moore’s law. Proximity induced spin relaxation caused by contact to a high spin-orbit material, such as WS2, offers a promising avenue to manipulate the spin lifetime [1]. We demonstrate the operation of WS2/graphene/fluorographene non-local spin valves and extract the spin lifetimes for a range of carrier concentrations by Hanle effect measurements. Four-terminal charge transport measurements allow us to calculate the momentum relaxation time as a function of carrier concentration and compare it to the spin lifetime. These data show that the D’yakonov-Perel’ mechanism is the dominant spin relaxation mechanism for WS2/graphene/fluorographenedevices, while, for reference graphene/fluorographene devices, linear scaling between the spin and momentum lifetimes points to spin-flip scattering during strong elastic scattering events where the scattering event is strongly coupled to the electron spin. We attribute the change in spin relaxation type in part with the inclusion of WS2 as a substrate to proximity induced spin-orbit coupling due to the adjacent WS2 layer, and we compare our data to the literature.

[1] A.L. Friedman, et al. Carbon 131, 18-25 (2018).

2:40 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-2 Two-dimensional Field-effect Light Emitting Transistors
Junyoung Kwon, Huije Ryu (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea); JaeYoon Lee, Chul-Ho Lee (Korea University, Republic of Korea); Gwan-Hyoung Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Two dimensional (2D) materials and their heterostructures hold great promises in various applications due to their unique properties and newly discovered physics. Especially, high exciton binding energy and emergence of charged excitons, i.e. trions, have shown that 2D semiconductors, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), are promising candidates for new concept optoelectronics. Although lots of optoelectronic devices based on the van der Waals heterostructures of 2D materials, such as photodetectors, solar cells, and light emitting devices, have been demonstrated, development of novel optoelectronic devices is still required to fully utilize unique properties of 2D materials and enable multi-functions and versatile applications. Here we demonstrate 2D filed-effect light emitting transistors (2D-FELET) consisting of monolayer WSe2 (light-emitting channel layer) and graphene contacts (tunable carrier injection electrodes). We encapsulated monolayer WSe2 with two pieces of hexagonal boron nitride and fabricated graphene contacts to two ends of WSe2. To selectively inject different types of charge (electrons and holes) at two graphene contacts, two separate top gates on top of WSe2-graphene overlap regions were fabricated. By independent modulation of two top gates, Schottky barrier heights for electrons and holes can be tuned, which enables the selective charge injections. When two top gates are oppositely biased, electrons can be injected from one end of WSe2 channel and holes can be injected from the other end. These opposite charges are recombined at the middle of WSe2 channel, leading to strong light emission. The performance of the 2D-FELETs is tunable by additional electrical field from back gate. Furthermore, the devices produced in this work can be used as polarity-tunable FETs and photodetectors, simultaneously, which are beneficial for further CMOS integration. Our study shows great potential of 2D-FELETs toward future optoelectronic applications, which request ultra-thinness, transparency, flexibility, high efficiency, multi-functions, and high integration.
3:00 PM Invited 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-3 Quantum Devices with 2D Materials
Hiske Overweg, Marius Eich, Riccardo Pisoni, Thomas Ihn, Peter Rickhaus (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

Quantum dots in graphene have been mostly realized by etching. This leads to localized states at the uncontrolled edges dominating the transport properties of these quantum devices. [1] It is well known that in bilayer graphene gaps can be opened by vertical electrical fields. [2] This approach has been used with limited success to define quantum devices [3]. The pinch-off characteristics are typically limited by leakage currents often thought to occur at the physical sample edges [4].

Here we demonstrate that electrostatically tunable barriers can be fabricated on bilayer graphene devices with graphite as a back gate. We measure pinch-off resistances exceeding GOhms and observe quantized conduction plateaus for one-dimensional constrictions. [5] With suitable gate arrangements few carrier hole and electron quantum dots can be electrostatically defined. We measure the controlled occupation of quantum dots with single holes and electrons. Four-fold level bunching is observed in Coulomb blockade spectroscopy which is understood in terms of valley and spin states. Magnetic field dependence allows to investigate orbital and spin/valley degrees of freedom.

We further demonstrate quantum devices build on MoS2.

1. For a review see Bischoff et al., Applied Physics Reviews 2, 031301 (2015)

2. Oostinga et al., Nat. Materials 7, 151 (2007)

3. Allen et al., Nat. Comm. 3, 934 (2012)

4. [https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms14552#auth-1] et al., Nat. Comm. 8, 14552 (2017)

5. Overweg et al., [https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.09282], [https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00870]

4:20 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-7 GaN Microdisk Light-emitting Diode Display Fabricated on Graphene
Youngbin Tchoe, Kunook Chung, Keundong Lee, Minho S. Song, Jun Beom Park, Heehun Kim, Joon Young Park, Gyu-Chul Yi (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)

Microdisplay with high resolution, brightness, and efficiency with long-term stability and reliability are highly required for advanced display technologies. Inorganic semiconductors LEDs best suits this purpose because they can emit very high density of light from a small area and they have very high efficiency and long-term stability. To use inorganic LEDs for display applications, various lift-off and transfer techniques of inorganic thin films grown on single crystal substrates, such as sapphire or Si, were developed. However, achieving display devices using inorganic semiconductor thin films is still very challenging because of the limited size and high manufacturing cost of the single crystal substrates, as well as the complicated processes required for lift-off and assembly. To resolve this problem, growths of inorganic semiconductor nanostructures and thin films on graphene substrates have recently been proposed, since graphene has great scalability and extremely thin layered hexagonal lattice structure as an excellent substrate for GaN growth. Moreover, the inorganic semiconductors prepared on large-area graphene can be transferred easily to or grown on elastic substrates to meet the flexibility demand. Here, we suggest a method of fabricating ultrathin, high-resolution inorganic microdisplay based on individually addressable GaN microdisk LED arrays grown on graphene dots.

Here, we report on the fabrication and EL characteristics of ultrathin and individually addressable GaN microdisk LED arrays grown on graphene dots for microdisplay applications. GaN microdisks were prepared by epitaxial lateral overgrowth on patterned graphene microdots on SiO2/Si substrates using MOVPE. After preparing the GaN microdisk arrays, p-GaN and InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well, and n-GaN layers were heteroepitaxially grown on the surface of the GaN microdisks. Ultrathin layers composed of GaN microdisk LED arrays on graphene dot were prepared by coating a polyimide layer and lifting-off the entire layers from the substrate. Then, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)/Ni/Au and SWCNTs/Ti/Au multiple electrode lines were formed on the top and bottom surface of GaN microdisk arrays in an aligned manner and crossing each other. The electrical and optical characteristics of the individually addressable GaN microdisk array on graphene dots were investigated by measuring their I–V curves and EL characteristics at various bending conditions. We also confirmed that the ultrathin micro-LED display worked reliably under flexible conditions and continuous operation mode.

4:40 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-8 Room Temperature Magnetron Sputtering and Laser Annealing of Ultrathin MoS2 for Transistor Device Fabrication on Flexible Polymer Substrates
Benjamin Sirota (University of North Texas); Nicholas Glavin (Air Force Research Laboratory); Corey Arnold, Andrey Voevodin (University of North Texas)
Pulsed magnetron sputtering and subsequent laser annealing provide technologically attractive scalable route for producing two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting grade MoS2 materials directly on the surface of flexible polymer substrates. In this study the room temperature magnetron sputtering was used to deposit 10 nm thick, amorphous MoS2 films on flexible PDMS as well as rigid SiO2/Si substrates. This was followed by 248 nm pulsed laser annealing to produce polycrystalline 2H-MoS2 over large areas. Raman and XPS analysis confirmed that pulsed laser annealing with about 1 mJ/cm2 energy density had induced film crystallization from amorphous to hexagonal, while preserving MoS2 chemical composition, and avoiding formation of oxide phases or damage to the temperature-sensitive polymer surface. Electrical measurements confirmed an order of magnitude improvement in electrical conductivity of the laser annealed films as compared to amorphous MoS2. Top-gated field effect transistor (FET) devices with laser annealed sputter grown MoS2 were directly fabricated on PDMS surfaces. Oxygen substitution of sulfur in sputter deposited MoS2 and polycrystallinity of the laser annealed 2H-MoS2 films resulted in low mobility values when compared to mechanically exfoliated and chemical vapor deposition grown single-crystal 2D MoS2. However, the described approach is intrinsically scalable and provides a direct growth route for the fabrication of 2D transition metal dichalcogenide semiconducting devices on the surface of flexile and stretchable polymers.
5:00 PM Invited 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-9 Black Phosphorus: Fundamental Properties and Emerging Applications
Han Wang (University of Southern California)
In this talk, I will discuss our recent work in developing novel electronic and photonic devices based on the anisotropic properties of black phosphorus (BP) and its isoelectronic materials such as the monochalcogenides of Group IV elements. High mobility, narrow gap BP thin film (0.3 eV in bulk) fill the energy space between zero-gap graphene and large-gap TMDCs, making it a promising material for mid-infrared and long wavelength infrared optoelectronics. Most importantly, its anisotropic nature within the plane of the layers allow for the realization of conceptually new electronic and photonic devices. Here, I will first present our work in understanding the fundamental electronic and optical properties of black phosphorus using a newly developed scanning ultrafast electron microscopy (SUEM) technique and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Our recent the study of bandgap tuning in BP and the demonstration of a polarization sensitive BP mid-IR detector will then be presented. In the second half of my talk, I will discuss our work on developing two dimensional materials based artificial synaptic devices for neuromorphic electronics, including emulating the heterogeneity in synaptic connections using the anisotropic properties of BP and a tunable memristive device as a reconfigurable synapse. I will conclude with remarks on promising future research directions of low-symmetry electronics based on anisotropic 2D materials and how their novel properties is expected to benefit the next-generation electronics and photonics technologies.
5:40 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-11 Patterned Growth of Hybrid Bulk-2D Tungsten Diselenide for Transistor Applications
Quinten Yurek, Ingrid Liao, David Barroso, Ariana Nguyen, Natalie Duong, Gordon Stecklein, Ludwig Bartels (University of California, Riverside)

As device dimensions shrink, surfaces and interfaces between materials make up a larger volume fraction of a device leading to degrading device properties in 3D materials. One solution is to use 2D materials, however these materials introduce additional challenges. For instance, high resistance Schottky barriers and a small number of free charge carriers in comparison to bulk materials. The effective mobility of field effect transistors (FETs) based on two-dimensional (2D) single-layer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) films is frequently limited by barriers at the contacts, as opposed to the native properties of the TMD material. Specifically, high resistance Schottky barriers form at the TMD/metal interface because of the film’s thinness and resulting small number of carriers. Here we demonstrate a scalable single-step deposition method for nanoscale hybrid 2D/3D TMD structures encoded by lithographic patterning prior to deposition. By confining the metal contact to the bulk regions of WSe2, the effective mobility is increased to nearly 100 cm2V-1s-1 with an on/off ratio >105 for bottom-gated devices (through 300nm of oxide), even for comparatively long channels (>5 microns) and absent other contact optimization. Our process involves lithographic patterning of a hafnium (IV) dioxide film onto the SiO2/Si substrate prior to TMD growth. Bulk-like 3D WSe2 is observed to grow at the location of the hafnia, while 2D single-layer material is grown in regions of bare SiO2. Systematic evaluation of transport data allows us to extract Schottky barrier heights and other fundamental properties of our hybrid devices. We demonstrate that this process can be used to create devices with metal/3D TMD contacts, which exhibit a reduced Schottky barrier height, while continuing to use 2D TMD channels, which result in an excellent on-off ratio.

6:00 PM 2D+EM+MI+MN+NS-TuA-12 Enhanced Ionic Sensitivity in Solution-Gated Graphene-Hexagonal Boron Nitride Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors
Adarsh Radadia, Nowzesh Hasan, Bo Hou, Arden Moore (Louisiana Tech University)
The charge transport in solution-gated graphene devices is affected by the impurities and disorder of the underlying dielectric interface and its interaction with the solution. This paper reports advancement in field-effect ion sensing by fabricating a dielectric isomorph, hexagonal boron nitride between graphene and silicon dioxide of a solution-gated graphene field effect transistor. Ionic sensitivity of Dirac voltage as high as -198 mV/decade for K+ and -110 mV/decade for Ca2+ were recorded. Increased transconductance due to increased charge carrier mobility was accompanied with larger ionic sensitivity of the transconductance due to larger ionic sensitivity of the charge carrier mobility. These findings define a standard to construct future graphene devices for biosensing and bioelectronics applications. View Supplemental Document (pdf)
Session Abstract Book
(295 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic 2D Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2018 Schedule