AVS2017 Session EW-TuA: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 4:00 PM in Room West Hall
Tuesday Afternoon
Session Abstract Book
(212 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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4:00 PM |
EW-TuA-6 eSpectra: Surface Science
Jessica Hoy (AIPP/AVS) When you search through scientific scholarly journals for specific information within the data, do you sometimes wish you didn’t have to sort through multiple papers and the static figures buried within them but instead an organized set of graphs, datasets, or peak assignments? eSpectra: Surface Science is an online platform where you can access and plot peer-reviewed datasets of more than 4,000 spectra from 700 materials published in over 600 articles in Surface Science Spectra (SSS), the definitive international journal of spectral data published by the AVS. The only interactive tool of its kind, eSpectra includes XPS, AES, and UPS experimental techniques. Upload and plot your own data and compare it to SSS data to better understand, analyze, and validate your results. Download and print plotted graphs, or save, share, and store your graphs and data in a secure environment. We offer both free and Premium Access options. When you register for free, you also receive a 30-day free trial of Premium Access. Learn more today at eSpectra.aip.org. |