AVS2017 Session MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA: Spin-Orbit Phenomena at Surfaces and Interfaces
Session Abstract Book
(306 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start | Invited? | Item |
2:20 PM | Invited |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-1 Coherent Control over Spin-polarized Dirac Surface State in Topological Insulators
Kenta Kuroda (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan) A number of challenging efforts have been recently made for a coherent control of highly spin-polarized Dirac surface states in various topological insulators, suggesting ultrafast optospintronic devices. However, these attempts generally neither realized a selective photoexcitation of the surface state, since the optical response is typically governed by the bulk properties, nor do they exclusively probe the excitation of the surface state, because the applied techniques are not surface sensitive. In my talk, I will report that the difficulty can be overcome by direct band mapping of a photoexcitation in the Dirac surface state with time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy combined with ultrashort tunable pump pulses in mid-infrared regime. It is revealed that the mid-infrared excitation permits a direct population of the unoccupied Dirac-cone owing to a novel optical coupling across the Dirac point. In addition, the direct optical transition induces a pronounced asymmetry of the transient surface population in k-space which indicates an excitation of a net spin-polarized photocurrent even with linear pump polarization [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 076801 (2016)]. Moreover, the pump polarization can control the asymmetric population, i.e. the surface photocurrent, through the coherent optical transition of the surface Dirac-cone [Phys. Rev. B 95, 081103(R) (2017)]. By observing the decay of the asymmetric population, the ultrafast dynamics of the photocurrent in the surface Dirac-cone is directly investigated. Our discovery promises important advantages of photoexcitation by mid-infrared pulses for optspintronic applications. |
3:00 PM |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-3 Enhancement of Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy Through Metallic Insertion at the CoFeB|MgO Interface
Kevin Fitzell, Xiang Li, Ty Karaba, Abraham Buditama, Guoqiang Yu, Kin Wong (University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)); Di Wu (UCLA; Fudan University, Republic of China); Nicholas Altieri, Cecile Grezes (UCLA); Nicholas Kioussis (CSU, Northridge); Sarah Tolbert (UCLA); Zongzhi Zhang (Fudan University, Republic of China); Jane Chang, Pedram Amiri, Kang Wang (UCLA) Paramount to the continued scaling of MRAM devices is a comprehensive understanding and control of the factors affecting the interfacial phenomena that occur at the CoFeB|MgO interface, from which the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of the CoFeB originates. Efficient manipulation of this PMA using an applied voltage, known as the voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) effect, offers significant energy savings over electric-current-controlled alternatives such as STT-RAM. Ab initio studies in the literature on Fe/MgO interfaces revealed a dependence of the VCMA effect on the oxidation state of interfacial Fe atoms1 and on the addition of various heavy metal insertion layers2 at the CoFeB/MgO interface. While this effect of metallic insertion layers at the CoFeB/MgO interface has not been extensively studied experimentally, inserting a thin Mg layer at the CoFeB/MgO interface has been shown in the literature to improve the (001) texture of the MgO, the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratio of the MTJ, and the thermal stress stability of the CoFeB layer’s PMA.3,4 What is lacking in the literature, however, is experimental work studying the dependence on the VCMA effect of Mg insertion layers at the CoFeB/MgO interface. In this work, the impact of several types of metallic insertion layers (Ta, Pt, and Mg) at the CoFeB|MgO interface on the VCMA characteristics and other magnetic properties is studied. For the case of Mg insertion, four different regimes of materials properties were observed, corresponding to the oxidation state at the CoFeB|MgO interface. Inserting an ultrathin Mg layer of 0.1–0.3 nm yielded a VCMA coefficient of ~100 fJ/V×m, representing more than a factor of 3 improvement over average values of ~30 fJ/V×m reported in Ta|CoFeB|MgO-based structures. Ultrathin Ta and Pt insertion layers also showed a small improvement, yielding VCMA coefficients around 40 fJ/V×m. Electrical, magnetic, and synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction results reveal that a 1.1–1.3 nm Mg insertion layer gives rise to the highest perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and saturation magnetization, as well as to the best CoFe and MgO crystallinity; Mg insertion layers thicker or thinner than this give rise to either under- or over-oxidation of the CoFeB|MgO interface. These results demonstrate that precise control over the oxidation level at the CoFeB|MgO interface is crucial for the development of electric-field-controlled perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with low write voltage. |
3:20 PM |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-4 THz Radiation Generated from Interfacial Rashba Spin-orbit Coupling
Matthias Benjamin Jungfleisch, Qi Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory); Wei Zhang (Oakland University); John E. Pearson, Haidan Wen, Axel Hoffmann (Argonne National Laboratory) Electromagnetic terahertz (THz) radiation is a versatile tool for a wide variety of sensing technologies ranging from security systems to medical applications. Commonly THz radiation is generated using semiconducting materials and using their inherent charge dynamics. Recently, it was also demonstrated that optical excitation of fast spin current pulses in magnetic materials may generate strong broadband THz radiation from transverse spin transport phenomena, known as spin Hall effects. These experiments rely on a bulk conversion of spin currents into charge current, which then subsequently generate the THz radiation. Here we investigate whether interfacial spin-orbit coupling phenomena may also be an efficient source for generating THz radiation. For this purpose we combine a bilayer of Ag and Bi, which is known to have strong Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling at its interface with a magnetic CoFeB layer. Upon optical excitation we also observe in this system THz radiation. Additional experiments with individual Ag and Bi layers show that this radiation originates from interfacial spin galvanic effects. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the amplitude of the THz radiation varies with the helicity of the incident optical light pulse. These observations open up new perspectives for the development of ultrafast spintronic devices. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division. Lithographic patterning was carried out at the Center for Nanoscale Materials, which is supported by DOE, Office of Science, BES (#DE-AC02-06CH11357). |
3:40 PM | BREAK | |
4:20 PM | Invited |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-7 Spin-orbit Coupled d-electron Surface States of Delafossite Oxides
Phil King (University of St Andrews, UK) The ABO2 family of delafossite oxide metals has recently found renewed prominence due to their remarkable transport properties. The Pd- and Pt-based cobaltates are the most conductive oxides known, with room-temperature resistivities lower per carrier even than copper metal [1,2]. Meanwhile, giant low-temperature mean-free paths of up to 105 lattice spacings make hydrodynamic effects of the electron fluid observable in mesoscopic samples [3] and lead to a curious negative longitudinal magnetoresistance [4]. This is all underpinned by extremely broad bandwidths of the bulk electronic structure around the Fermi level, dominated by Pd/Pt-derived carriers that behave remarkably like free electrons [2], in part mediated by an unusual interplay with correlations which renders the Co block insulating. The crystal structure is polar, however, opening the potential for their surface electronic structures to be dramatically different to that of the bulk [5,6]. Here, we will show how these surfaces support strongly spin-split electronic states, and discuss the intriguing interplay of spin-orbit coupling and electronic interactions that they host. Key collaborators on this work include Veronika Sunko (St Andrews and Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden), Federico Mazzola (StA), and Helge Rosner, Pallavi Kushwaha, Seunghyum Khim, and Andy Mackenzie (MPI-CPFS). [1] Hicks et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 116401 [2] Kushwaha et al., Science Adv. 1 (2015) e1500692 [3] Moll et al., Science 351 (2016) 6277 [4] Kikugawa et al., Nature Commun. 7 (2016) 10903 [5] Kim et al., Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 035116 [6] Noh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 256404 |
5:00 PM |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-9 Understanding the Interfacial Interaction and Isotope Effects in Organic Spin Valve Structures
Alexandra Steffen, Nuradhika Herath, Jong Keum, Honghai Zhang, Kunlun Hong, Jacek Jakowski, Jingsong Huang, Jim Browning, Christopher Rouleau, Ilia Ivanov, Valeria Lauter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Spin-dependent phenomena, such as the extended spin relaxation time and spin diffusion length due to the very week spin-orbit coupling found in organic spin valves (OSV), are of interest from the view of both fundamental research and development of low power spintronic devices. While deuteration is widely used for contrast variation measurements under the assumption that the deuterated structure shows identical characteristics in comparison to the protonated version, recently, strong isotopic effect on optoelectronic properties was reported and a remarkable reduction in the open circuit voltage was found [1]. In OSV systems, the interfacial properties are crucial for the understanding of the origin of the macroscopic properties. Still, to identify the exact behavior of the interfaces remains challenging, especially for buried soft matter/hard matter interfaces. Here, we utilize via Polarized Neutron Reflectometry to study depth-resolved the magnetic and chemical structure. Our system under investigation are prototype spintronic devices with LSMO/polymer/Co trilayer structure, where polyfluorene (PFO) is selected as an optimal ‘hole’ conducting polymer through the model pre-screening based on the electron affinity and electron’s effective mass values obtained from theoretical calculations. Using the exceptional syntheses and deuteration capabilities we have recently completed syntheses of four PFO isotopes, i.e., protonated (P), main-chain deuterated (MD), side-chain deuterated (SD) and fully deuterated (FD) PFOs. By creating such modified polymers, the subatomic, intermolecular and interfacial interactions are modified and characteristics like the π-π interaction become tunable. For neutron scattering experiments, the nuclear cross-section varies with the isotopic substitution, thus via changing the contrast with chain-specific deuteration, different parts of a sample are investigated individually. While our main goal is the understanding the effect of deuterium substitution on the spin-dependent electron transport, in this presentation, we will focus on the details of the structural and magnetization profiles on both LSMO\polymer and polymer\Co interfaces and their impact on the coupling between magnetic layers. We will present the results obtained via Polarized Neutron Reflectometry and discuss the interpretation of the depth-resolved magnetometry study. [ 1 ] Ming Shao et al., The isotopic effects of deuteration on optoelectronic properties of conducting polymers. Nature Communications, 5:3180, January 2014. |
5:20 PM |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-10 Dispersion and Spin Structure of Conduction Bands of Single-layer TMDC's on Au(111)
Philipp Eickholt, Marcel Holtmann (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany); Charlotte Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Marco Bianchi, Philip Hofmann (Aarhus University, Denmark); Markus Donath (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany) In the field of 2D materials, single-layer transition metal dichalogenides, especially MoS2 , WS2 , MoSe2 and WSe2, play an important role. Due to their exceptional optical and electronic properties, they are promising materials for optoelectronical applications [1]. The key to understand the material properties is a profound knowledge of the electronic structure. While the occupied electronic structure was investigated in a number of studies, the crucial information about the dispersion and spin structure of the conduction bands is still missing. Spin- and angle-resolved inverse photoemission (SRIPE) [2] is the ideal technique to study dispersion and spin structure of the unoccupied electronic bands. In this talk, we present a SRIPE study of the conduction bands of single-layer WS2 [3] and MoS2 [4] grown on Au(111). The focus of the presentation will be on the lowest conduction band near the K valley, which is decisive for the optoelectronic properties of the materials. The results will be discussed in consideration of a recent pump-probe (TR-ARPES) experiment [5], which determined the band gap of the “pumped” system. [1] D. Xiao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 196802 (2012) [2] S.D. Stolwijk et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 013306 (2014) [3] M. Dendzik et al., Phys. Rev. B 92, 245442 (2015) [4] A. Bruix et al. Phys. Rev. B 93, 165422 (2016) [5] A. Grubišic Cabo et al., Nano Lett. 15, 5883 (2015) |
5:40 PM |
MI+2D+AC+NS-TuA-11 Unraveling the Spin Structure of Unoccupied States in Bi2Se3
Markus Donath, Christian Datzer, Anna Zumbülte (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany); Jürgen Braun (LMU München, Germany); Tobias Förster, Anke B. Schmidt (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany); Jianli Mi, Bo Iversen, Philip Hofmann (Aarhus University, Denmark); Jan Minár (University of Pilzen, Czech Republic); Hubert Ebert (LMU München, Germany); Peter Krüger, Michael Rohlfing (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany) In topological insulators, spin-orbit coupling leads to the emergence of metallic topological surface states crossing the fundamental band gap. The optical control of spin currents in topological surface states opens new perspectives in (opto-) spintronics. To understand these processes, a profound knowledge about the dispersion and the spin polarization of both the occupied and the unoccupied electronic states is required. We present a joint experimental and theoretical study on the unoccupied electronic states of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 [1]. We discuss spin- and angle-resolved inverse-photoemission results in comparison with calculations for both the intrinsic band structure and, within the one-step model of (inverse) photoemission, the expected spectral intensities. This allows us to unravel the intrinsic spin texture of the unoccupied bands at the surface of Bi2Se3. [1] Datzer et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 115401 (2017) |