AVS2017 Session MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM: Novel Magnetic Order at Interfaces
Session Abstract Book
(283 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuM Sessions
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| AVS2017 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:20 AM |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-2 Transition from Spatial to Magnetic Confinement in Graphene Quantum Dots
Fereshte Ghahari, Daniel Walkup, Christopher Gutierrez (NIST; Maryland NanoCenter UMD); Joaquin Rodiguez-Nieva (Harvard University); Kenji Watanbe, Takashi Taniguchi (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan); Leonid Levitov (MIT); Nikolai Zhitenev, Joseph Stroscio (NIST) Recent progress in creating and probing graphene quantum dots has offered a new platform to investigate Klein tunneling related phenomena. The quasi-bound resonances in these circular resonators can be confined even further by the application of a perpendicular magnetic field where they condense into highly degenerate Landau levels. Here, we use scanning tunneling spectroscopy to visualize the transition from spatial to magnetic confinement in quantum dots created in graphene/boron nitride heterostructures. In high magnetic fields, electrons redistribute themselves due to coulomb interactions leading to compressible regions separated by incompressible strips. |
8:40 AM | Invited |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-3 Chiral and Proximity Induced Magnetism in Magnetic Multilayers and 2D Heterostructures
Hyunsoo Yang (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Topologically non-trivial chiral spin textures are present in systems with a strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) with a spatial extent of only tens to a few hundred nanometers. Thin film heavy metal/ferromagnetic bi- and multilayers have emerged as an ideal candidate for the development of such devices due to their tunability through a variation of the constituent components and relative layer thicknesses. However, to date, no chiral spin textures have been observed in thick ferromagnetic multilayers in which the disperate magnetic layers are exchange coupled. Furthermore, previous observations required either the presence of an out-of-plane bias field or careful tuning of a geometric confining potential to stabilize the skyrmion structure. In this work, we have imaged the formation of room temperature Néel skyrmions in a symmetric Co/Pd multilayer with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy for the first time [1]. Importantly, the size of the observed skyrmions is significantly smaller than previously reported systems in which non-multilayer films are used. The formation and resolution of the internal spin structure of room temperature skyrmions without a stabilizing out-of-plane field in thick magnetic multilayers opens up a new set of tools and materials to study the physics and device applications associated with magnetic chiral ordering. Due to the unique topology associated with their band structure, two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) such as WSe2, MoS2 and WTe2 provide a unique platform to develop novel electronics using the spin-valley degree of freedom. The incorporation of the heavy metal in the TMD suggests strong intrinsic spin orbit interactions, and could further result in a chiral DMI. However, confirmation of the DMI in such films and its effects on the spin ordering in the overlaying magnetic layer is lacking. Further, it has recently been predicted that orbital hybridization at the TMD/FM interface may occur and result in generation of a non-negligible magnetic moment in the TMD layer. In the present study we explore the interface induced magnetism in TMD/FM films. Finally, we also explore the effects of DMI and generation of chiral spin textures that result from it by measuring the imbalance between left and right-handed domains within the ferromagnetic layer. As the polarized neutron scattering is strongly dependent on spin chirality, this method has been utilized to study chiral magnetism in multilayer structures with strong DMI. [1] S. Pollard et al. "Observation of stable Néel skyrmions in cobalt/palladium multilayers with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy" Nat. Comm. 8, 14761 (2017). |
9:20 AM |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-5 Surface Magnetism Induced by Interstitial Defects in PbO
Elvis Arguelles (Osaka University, Japan); Shuichi Amino (A.L.M.T. Corp, Japan); Hiroshi Nakanishi, Susan Aspera, Hideaki Kasai (National Institute of Technology, Akashi College, Japan); Wilson Dino (Osaka University, Japan) We investigated the possibility of employing the polycrystalline αPbO as a spintronics device by first principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT). In particular, we explored the effects of 3d transition metal atom, Fe on the structural and electronic properties of the layered αPbO (001) surface. Since it has been proven that ferromagnetic signals in experiments are often detected in thin films[1] we used a 2x2, 3-layered surface slab model of αPbO with 20 Å of vacuum space to simulate this environment in this study. The impurity atoms are placed in between the surface and subsurface of the crystal. The results show that the interstitial Fe interstitial forms shorter bonds with the oxygen atoms located at the surface and second layers. Also, this impurity is found to induce magnetism in the host crystal with magnetic moment value of 2.25 µB, which is highly localised on the transition metal. In the bonding process, the Fe’s lower energy lying d states form overlaps with nearest neighbour oxygen atoms with non-bonding d states situated near or at the Fermi level and are spin split. These spin split orbitals induce spin polarisation of p impurity states of oxygen atoms in the subsurface. Moreover, the magnetic order is determined using the energy difference between the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states. The energy difference is 0.068 eV, suggesting that Fe interstitial impurities induce ferromagnetism in αPbO [2]. In this workshop, the effects of charge carriers to the magnetic properties will be briefly discussed. Finally, the position of the Fermi level in the density of states (DOS) suggests that in the case of α-PbO with Fe interstitials where the minority non-bonding d states are partially filled, the Zener’s ferromagnetic double exchange mechanism may be dominant and stabilizing the ferromagnetic state. References: [1] M. Venkatesan, C. B. Fitzgerald, J. G. Lunney, and J. M. D. Coey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 177296 (2007) [2] E. F. Arguelles, S. Amino, S. Aspera, H. Nakanishi, and H. Kasai, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 045002 (2015) |
9:40 AM |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-6 XMCD Quest for Magnetic Proximity Effect in Ferromagnetic Insulator/Non-Magnetic Metal Interfaces
Andrei Rogalev, Fabrice Wilhelm (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France) The rise of spin current physics together with enormous technological advances to engineer layered structures with tailoredspin-orbit interactions have placed 4d and 5d transition metals at the heart of the emerging fields of spinorbitronics, magnonics and caloritronics. In this context, magnetic properties at the interfaces between a ferromagnetic materials and non magnetic metals with large spin-orbit coupling play a central role. Some of those heavy metals like Pt or Pd are known to exhibit so-called magnetic proximity effect, i.e. they acquire interfacial induced magnetic moments whenever they are in contact with 3d metallic ferromagnets. However, when they are grown on magnetic insulators, e.g. yttrium iron garnet (YIG), whether induced magnetic moments are indeed ubiquitous is still an open question as contradictory reports have been published. This is indeed the key question for correct interpretation of the spin Hall magnetoresistance or the newly discovered unidirectional magnetoresistance phenomena and, in more general,to understand mechanisms of pure spin currents generation. To answer this question and to unravel a possible role of magnetic proximity effects at ferromagnetic/non-magneticinterfaces, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy appears to be the method of choice due to its element selectivity and high sensitivity. In this talk,we present a thorough review of XMCD experiments aimed at detection of magnetic proximity effect in a variety of ferromagnetic insulator/non-magnetic metal interfaces. |
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall | |
11:40 AM |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-12 Depth-Dependent Measurement of Atomic Valence and Magnetization in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Magnetic Thin Films
Mikel Holcomb, Robbyn Trappen, Shalini Kumari, Navid Mottaghi, Saeed Yousefi Sarraf, Chih-Yeh Huang, Guerau Cabrera (West Virginia University) Magnetic thin films often lose their magnetic order and even bulk materials can have significant deviations of the magnetic order and other properties near surfaces and interfaces. In strongly correlated oxides, there are many competing parameters affecting the material properties, complicating the understanding of these systems. We utilize a combined approach of bulk and surface sensitive techniques measuring many film thicknesses to back out layer-by-layer properties in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films. Strong changes from the bulk are observed for surfaces and interfaces. We will compare these models with theoretical predictions. LSMO has been widely proposed for diverse applications such as tunnel junctions and solid oxide fuel cells. Experimental support is provided by NSF (DMR-1608656). Theoretical support is provided by DoE (DE- SC0016176). |
12:00 PM |
MI+2D+AC+SA+SS-TuM-13 Coherent Magnetization Rotation of FeGa/NiFe Multilayers via Strain-Inducing Electric Field
Colin Rementer (University of California at Los Angeles); Michelle Jamer (NIST); Anthony Barra (University of California at Los Angeles); Julie Borchers, Alex Grutter, Brian Kirby (NIST); Gregory Carman, Jane Chang (University of California at Los Angeles) The ability to reduce the size of antennae would enable a revolution in wearable electronics, extendable to implantable electronic devices. Antenna miniaturization could be enabled by multiferroic materials, which enable the efficient control of magnetic via electricity. Multiferroic antennae, composed of coupled ferromagnetic and piezoelectric phases, could reduce antenna size by up to five orders of magnitude. This requires a magnetic material that is low loss, has an easily rotatable magnetization and is able to convert magnetic field to strain via magnetostriction. Galfenol (Fe84Ga16, or FeGa) is a promising magnetic material due to its large magnetostriction (>200 ppm), high piezomagnetic coefficient (3 ppm/Oe), and high stiffness (70 GPa), but has high loss in the GHz regime. Permalloy (Ni81Fe19 or NiFe) is a soft magnetic material that has very low loss in the GHz regime (<20 Oe) but almost no magnetostriction. In this work, multilayer laminates containing alternating FeGa/NiFe layers were fabricated to reduce loss at high frequencies and properties were tuned via layer number and thickness. In this work, optimized multilayer laminates containing alternating FeGa/NiFe layers were shown to exhibit desirable magnetic softness (<20 Oe), narrow FMR line width (<40 Oe), high permeability (>400), and strong magnetostriction (> 70 microstrain). The focus of this work is to determine if the rotation of the magnetization of the individual layers is coherent with applied strain. Polarized neutron reflectometry was used to determine the depth profiles of the structure and in-plane vector magnetization as functions of applied magnetic field and voltage. Initial studies showed that a FeGa/NiFe superlattice with the structure (20 nm FeGa/7 nm NiFe)/20 nm FeGa demonstrated coherent and linear rotation of magnetization with applied strain. To probe the thickness dependence of this rotation, three single NiFe/FeGa bilayers were fabricated on PMN-PT [011] with 40 nm, 20 nm and 7 nm of NiFe on a base layer of 20 nm FeGa. Application of 400 V results in an enormous increase in spin-flip scattering, unambiguously demonstrating a substantial rotation of the magnetization perpendicular to the applied magnetic field direction for all samples measured. Micromagnetic and finite element simulations support the experimental results, showing coherent rotation of the magnetization with only small deviations with thicker NiFe layers. These measurements provide direct evidence of a voltage-induced rotation of the both the NiFe and FeGa magnetization as well as a means to separate the response of the magnetostrictive and non-magnetostrictive layer components. |