AVS2017 Session MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM: Microelectromechanics: Relays to RF/Surfaces in Micro- and Nano- Systems
Session Abstract Book
(278 KB, May 6, 2020)
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Start | Invited? | Item |
8:00 AM | Invited |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-1 The Industrialization of MEMS through Materials Innovations
Chris Keimel (Menlo Micro) For the past 150 years, the mechanical relay was one of the original building blocks of electrical systems, for power electronics, controls, and even computing. With the introduction of the transistor in the middle of the 20th century, many industries were transformed with the introduction of ubiquitous, low-cost switches (solid-state) that could be manufactured by the billions with highly advanced equipment and manufacturing processes. Still today, many industries, especially power distribution and controls, are still not able to live with the tradeoffs of solid-state technologies (leakages, losses, lack of air-gap, thermal) and continue to employ large, slow, and costly mechanical relays which have evolved only slightly over the past 50+ years. The miniaturization of the mechanical relay through MEMS technology, coupled with materials innovations, will enable a new class of devices capable of connecting (wireless control) and controlling (distributed power) today’s and the futures billions of automated electrical nodes. We have developed electrostatically actuated MEMS relays capable of switching in ~3usec, sustaining more than 400V across its open contacts and controlling loads of 10s of watts to a few kilowatts. Ohmic MEMS switch with creep resistant metal alloy beams, and a highly reliable ruthenium contact has been developed based on methodical failure mode analysis taking into account material, mechanical and electrical constraints. The ohmic relays, when applied to RF applications, deliver multi throw configurations capable of <0.3dB insertion loss from DC to 3GHz combined with the ability to handle 25W of RF power. A metal MEMS switch technology has been developed from the ground up through material, process, device, package and electronic integration innovations. The combination of fast microsecond switching speed and broadband (DC to RF) signal operation along with the ability to control amperes of current and sustain hundreds of volts across micron sized air gaps has enabled the miniaturization of the mechanical relay for broad ranging applications from wireless infrastructure to the Industrial IOT. |
8:40 AM | Invited |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-3 Electron-Phonon Waltz: Acoustoelectrics in MEMS
Dana Weinstein (Purdue University) The Acoustoelectric (AE) effect is a result of the interaction between free charge carriers and the electrical deformation potential produced by a propagating elastic wave in the piezoelectric. When an external DC electric field is applied across the semiconductor in the direction of the propagating wave, a drift velocity (νd) is imparted to the free carriers. If the drift velocity is slower than (or opposite to) the acoustic wave velocity (νs), the electrical deformation potential lags behind the strain wave. This phase lag not only decreases the acoustic wave velocity, but also transfers energy from the acoustic wave to the electrons, increasing the acoustic losses. When a sufficient DC field is applied to cause the drift velocity to exceed the acoustic wave velocity, the electrical deformation potential now leads the strain wave. This transfers energy from the electrons to the acoustic wave, resulting in an increased acoustic velocity and net acoustic gain [1,2,3,4]. A large body of work based on AE was established in the 1960s and 70s, resulting in a range of devices from phase shifters to correlators. With the development of new materials and new processing needs, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in this field, particularly for its amplifying and inherently non-reciprocal properties. Here, we discuss the implications of the AE effect for GHz frequency electromechanical signal processing. RF applications, linearity, and noise of the AE effect will be examined. Finally, benefits and limitations of prospective semiconductor/piezoelectric material systems will be discussed. [1] J. H. McFee, “Transmission and Amplification of Acoustic Waves in Piezoelectric Semiconductors," Phys. Acous. A, vol. 4, 1-45 (1966). [2] D. L. White, “Amplification of Ultrasonic Waves in Piezoelectric Semiconductors," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 2547-2554, Aug. 1962. [3] B. K. Ridley, “Space charge waves and the piezo-electric interaction in 2D semiconducting structures," Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 6, p. 542, 1988. [4] G. S. Kino and T. M. Reeder, “A normal mode theory for the Rayleigh wave amplifier,” in IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 909-920, Oct. 1971. |
9:20 AM |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-5 Autonomous Oscillations of a MEMS Resonator
David Czaplewski (Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory); Changyao Chen, Daniel Lopez (Argonne National Laboratory); Damien Zanette (Centro Atomico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro); Steven Shaw (Florida Institute of Technology) Resonant MEMS and NEMS structures are used in a wide variety of applications including mass and force sensing, time keeping, and quantum information. For all MEMS and NEMS resonators, energy is lost every cycle of oscillation to the environment (modeled as a coupled bath). If this energy is not restored by an external source, the amplitude of the resonant motion will decrease toward zero. This well-known effect is commonly referred to as “ring-down”. For linear resonators, the frequency of the resonator will remain constant and the amplitude will decreases exponentially while for non-linear resonators, the amplitude will decrease exponentially and the frequency will simultaneously decrease toward the linear response due to the amplitude-frequency (a-f) effect. However, we demonstrate a non-linear resonator that has constant frequency and an amplitude that does not decay for a given period of time (~ 0.1 s) after discontinuing the restoring energy to the system. We call this time “coherence time” because the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation does not decay when the restoring energy is removed. In essence, the resonator is autonomous during coherence time. Unfortunately or fortunately, this behavior does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The behavior can be explained by looking at the entire system. We drive a non-linear MEMS resonator to a frequency where the primary mode couples with another internal mode. When the resonator is actively driven, the higher order mode receives energy from the primary mode. When the external energy is discontinued, this energy is restored back to the primary mode allowing the primary mode to continue to oscillate. However, once the energy stored in the higher order mode is depleted (its amplitude is near zero), the behavior of the primary mode begins to “ring-down”. During this talk, I will show characteristics of the coupled modes including operation with constant frequency and a non-decaying amplitude for a period of time with no drive. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
9:40 AM |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-6 Metallic Glass for MEMS Microphone Device
MaiPhuong Nguyen (WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR)/ Micro System Integration Center (µSIC), Tohoku University, Japan); Joerg Froemel (WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University, Japan); Shuji Tanaka (Graduate School of Engineering/ Micro System Integration Center (µSIC), Tohoku University, Japan) Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) microphones have been extensively developed and introduce into mobile phones market with high performance such as high signal to noise ratio, good sensitivity, and power consumption and good reliability in term of packages. Up to now, most studies have been focused on the improvement of sensitivity of microphone which is proportional to the compliance of the membrane. However, no significant progress has been achieved due to the limitation of material itself. Generally, single crystal and polycrystalline silicon based devices are brittle and fracture causing the interior defects during the fabrication processes. Therefore, the research of new materials to substitute polycrystalline silicon is necessary. Amorphous metals exhibit no grain boundaries, crystal defects and excellent mechanical properties such as fatigue free, large elastic limit, high strength, corrosion resistance which has been promising materials for MEMS devices such as micro-scanner, RF MEMS varactor, capacitive switch ... Metallic glasses are a kind of amorphous alloy exhibiting viscous flow at a certain temperature range so-called “supercooled liquid region”. In the supercooled liquid region, metallic glasses can be easily produced through a variety of fast-cooling methods and have excellent mechanical formability. In addition, metallic glass thin films are easily prepared on Si or SiO2 substrates by sputtering technique which is compatible with MEMS processes such as photolithography, dry or wet etching and lift off processing. Therefore, characterization and fabrication of metallic glasses films deposited by sputtering for MEMS microphone will be studied. The CoTaB films with thicknesses in the range of 100 nm to several micrometers have been successful deposited on thermal SiO2 substrates by rf-sputter technique. The amorphous structure with smooth surface and negligible magnetic property was confirmed by TEM, AFM, XRD and SQUIDS measurement, respectively. The metallic glass behavior was investigated by DSC analysis which shows the glass transition and crystalline temperature of 700 and 720.9 C, respectively. In addition, the mechanical properties such as stress, stress gradient and Young modulus have been studied by using pointer and cantilever structure. Co-based metallic glass exhibited tensile and compressive stress depending on sputter conditions, thicknesses as well as further treatment process. Additional results will be presented in detail at the conference with an emphasis on the dependence of the process conditions. |
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall | |
11:00 AM | Invited |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-10 Role of Surfaces in Assembly of Ceria Nanostructures
Sudipta Seal (University of Central Florida) Cerium is a rare earth element of the lanthanide series with a fluorite lattice structure. The cerium atom can exist in either 3+ or 4+ states, and may alternate between the two in a redox reaction that is more pronounced in nanoparticles. However, the physicochemical properties of a nanocrystal assembly can be different from the properties of both the individual nanoparticles and the bulk phase. We have synthesized ceria nanoparticles in various medium and studied the self-assembly of particles to octahedral and star shaped nanostructure assembly. It was further identified that the concentration of Ce4+ in nanoceria decreases over time, further controlling the surface chemistry. We will also highlight some of the key aspects of self-assembly of CeO2 into nanorods. The surface area available and the orientation of crystallographic planes in ceria nanostructures highly regulate the catalytic property at nanoscale as evident by high resolution TEM. Further we discuss the role of Madelung energy and its relation to the catalytic activity, which is important in sensing and other analyte interactions. The surface chemistry or the ratio of Ce3+/Ce4+ can be extensively modulated by the assembly process. At the end we report, the feasibility of a novel H2O2 based electrochemical sensor that directly measures the current response of multivalent ceria in presence of H2O2. The fabricated sensor showed a picomolar range limit of detection while remaining insensitive to interfering species. Peroxide sensing is very important in biologically relevant oxidative stress in cells. It was observed that a lower ratio of Ce3+:Ce4+ redox states elicits a greater current response towards H2O2 The detection of such electroactive analytes make it easier to detect using normal nanoparticle modified electrodes, thereby eliminating the use of organic mediators. |
11:40 AM |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-12 Optimization and Nano-characterization of Electrostrictive Response of Gd-doped Ceria Actuators
Sidney Cohen, Eran Mishuk, Evgeniy Makagon, Ellen Wachtel, Katya Rechav, Ronit Popovitz-Biro, Igor Lubomirsky (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) Gd-doped ceria (GDC) recently attracted great interest due to its non-classical (non-Newnham) electrostrictive behavior. Although the material is well-known for its ionic conduction properties and use in solid-oxide fuel-cells, it also holds great promise for incorporation into MEMS devices because it is completely inert with respect to silicon compounds. The fact that GDC is lead-free is particularly appealing. Here, we demonstrate fabrication and testing of membrane actuators formed with near 100% yield by a relatively simple, low temperature process. Preparation of these devices involves magnetron-sputtering of a thin film of GDC onto Si, and further processing using standard micromachining, resulting in free-standing membranes. Bridge and cantilever structures have been fabricated as well, to explore the possibility for diverse functional devices. The films were structurally characterized by electron microscopy and by x-ray diffraction, whereas electrical characterization was performed using impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. These electrical tests revealed details of the conduction mechanism, role of the contacts, and charge-trapping. Scanning probe microscopy was applied to quantitatively characterize the energetics and mechanics of the electromechanical response: Displacement of a circular membrane was measured by recording displacement of the cantilever probe under feedback as a function of frequency and applied voltage, and temporal Joule heating recorded using a scanning thermal probe. These measurements support calculations of heat-induced strain at high frequencies. These measurements showed that displacements obtained are sufficient for practical applications and provided insights on the factors controlling performance. |
12:00 PM |
MN+BI+EM+SS+TR-TuM-13 Sustainable Thermoregeneration of Plastrons on Superhydrophobic Surfaces
Tomer Simovich (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany); Jaimys Arnott (The University of Melbourne, Australia); Axel Rosenhahn (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany); Robert N. Lamb (Canadian Light Source, Canada) A popular and desirable function of superhydrophobic coatings is their remarkable ability to retain an entrapped layer of air, called a plastron, when submerged underwater. The drawback is that the air layer is short lived due to solvation into the surrounding liquid. Liquid gas extraction has been explored for the purpose of respiration through oxygen filtering or generation via chemical reaction. Manipulating solubility through temperature has been attempted but due to its inefficiencies has not been developed further into functioning technologies. This paper introduces a novel method of extracting gas from water to generate enough air to permanently stabilize a plastron on superhydrophobic surfaces for sustained anti-fouling, rust resistance and drag reduction abilities. This method involves locally heating the liquid surrounding a superhydrophobic coating, reducing gas solubility causing the gas to migrate to the liquid-air interface. Due to the low surface energy of superhydrophobic coatings, nucleation of supersaturated gasses occurs preferentially at the coating interface, thereby replenishing the plastron. This requires a relatively low energy input, due to the small volume of water required to be locally heated combined with the small temperature differential induced between substrate and liquid. This process may be more environmentally sustainable in comparison to competing methods. With a constant supply of equilibrated water and minimal energy input, the plastron can survive indefinitely without need for the mechanical application of additional gas. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |