AVS2017 Session EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM: Photonics, Optoelectronics, and Light Manipulation

Thursday, November 2, 2017 8:00 AM in Room 14
Thursday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(297 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2017 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-1 Evolutionary Design of Multi-functional Optical Metasurfaces
Teri Odom (Northwestern University)
Metasurfaces are an emerging class of flat optics that can manipulate light via subwavelength phase elements. Their 2D structures are usually determined by (1) calculating the phase change required at each location to obtain far-field properties from analytical equations and (2) structuring each building block to produce that wavefront change. However, computational or digital approaches to design metasurfaces based on search heuristics offer advantages in targeting and realizing properties not possible by analytical expressions. This talk will describe an evolutionary approach to design flat lenses based on subwavelength plasmonic building blocks. Our lattice evolution algorithm can achieve desired optical responses by tuning the arrangement of the phase units on a discrete square lattice. We will discuss two different systems with different classes of building units—holes and particles—to realize achromatic lattice lenses at up to three wavelengths and flat lenses in semiconductor plasmonic materials such as titanium nitride. We will describe prospects for scaling the production of these lenses as well as their ability to achieve dynamic optical responses.
8:40 AM Invited EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-3 Dielectric Freeform Metasurfaces for Optical Sensing
Arka Majumdar (University of Washington, Seattle)

The macroscopic volume of optical sensors, such as cameras, often originates from the requirement of having multiple optical elements and thick spherical geometries. In recent years, researchers have made subwavelength optical elements, commonly known as metasurfaces, with an ultra-thin form factor using well-developed semiconductor nano-fabrication technology. In parallel with the progress in such nano-photonic devices, researchers have also made vast improvements in the field of freeform optics. Freeform optics aim to expand the toolkit of optical elements beyond those exhibiting rotational symmetry. Most conventional optical elements have rotational symmetry for manufacturing reasons, but freeform optics emphasizes complex surface geometries, which are difficult to manufacture by traditional means. While both metasurface and freeform optics have progressed substantially in recent years, they have developed independently of one another as their respective research communities are disconnected.

In our work, we demonstrated how metasurface technology can be used for the realization of subwavelength scale freefrom optics, with applications in implantable bio-sensing and potentially in augmented reality systems. I will present some of our recent results on metasurface freeform optics that enable a large depth of focus and a tunable focal length lens. I will also show how these metasurfaces can be used to perform truly colored imaging, by virtue of the extended depth of focus. Finally, I will talk about our ongoing work on metasurface based cavity engineering.

9:20 AM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-5 Moth eye-based, graded index surface treatments to control reflection and light extraction
Lesley Chan, Christopher Pynn, Pavel Shapturenka, Ryan Ley, Steve Denbaars, Daniel Morse, Michael Gordon (University of California at Santa Barbara)

This talk will highlight our recent work on bio-inspired surface treatments to control reflection and enhance light extraction at interfaces. An easy, scalable and defect-tolerant surface modification protocol, based on colloidal lithography and plasma etching, was developed to create synthetic 'moth-eye' (ME) anti-reflective structures in different material platforms for photonics and energy applications. Large increases in transmission, bandwidth, and omni-directional response were obtained in Si, Ge, GaAs, ZnS/ZnSe, and CdTe platforms for IR (2-50+ um), with performance better than commercial, interference-based coatings. Effective medium theory, finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations, and quantitative measurements of transmission, reflection and diffuse scattering were used to understand the ‘photon balance’ of ME films to investigate how optical behavior depends on moth-eye geometry, (dis)order, and pattern fidelity. ME coatings were also implemented in blue-green InGaN/GaN quantum well LED structures on c-plane and semi-polar substrates to enhance light extraction and device efficiency. A 4.8-fold overall enhancement in light extraction (9-fold at normal incidence) compared to a flat surface was achieved using a feature pitch of 2530 nm—performance on par with current photoelectrochemical (PEC) roughening methods. The colloidal lithography roughening technique presented herein is independent of GaN crystal orientation and is therefore applicable to roughening semipolar and nonpolar GaN devices, on which PEC roughening is ineffective.

9:40 AM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-6 Infrared Surface Plasmon-influenced Interfacial Chemistry of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Weize Hu, Michael Filler (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) present exciting opportunities to improve the spatial and temporal control of chemistry at semiconductor surfaces. While the ultraviolet and visible LSPRs supported by metallic nanoparticles are known to impact surface chemistry, heavily-doped semiconductor nanocrystals promise similar capabilities in the near and mid-infrared. Here, we use time-resolved in situ infrared spectroscopy to study the influence of mid-infrared LSPRs on a model interfacial process: desorption. We find that the molecular desorption rate for a range of "beacon" molecules (e.g., indole, benzoic acid) on indium tin oxide (ITO) nanocrystals is enhanced by as much as 2x upon illumination with mid-infrared light (~0.6-0.1 eV) at room temperature. The desorption rate is linearly dependent on light intensity, indicating a single photon process. Experiments as a function of LSPR energy, nanocrystal film thickness, and adsorbate concentration provide clues as to the mechanism of the enhancement. Our findings open new avenues to leverage low energy photons for manipulating chemical reactions on the surfaces of heavily-doped semiconductors.

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-10 Dynamically Tunable Polarization Response in a Si/Au Metamaterial
Nicole Pfiester (Tufts University); Corey Shemelya (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany); Dante DeMeo, Emily Carlson, Thomas Vandervelde (Tufts University)

Polarimetry is utilized across many fields, from chemical characterization to classification of astronomical objects to the detection of man-made items. Present technology requires a different filter for each polarization of light you wish to measure. This requires either a cluster of four pixels to differentiate between the polarizations incident on an area, reducing the final image resolution compared to a non-polarized image, or a filter wheel that adds weight and mechanical reliability issues. Metamaterials can be leveraged to design materials with a polarization sensitive response. Application of a bias voltage can further alter the material’s interaction with incident light, resulting in a metamaterial whose response can be tuned dynamically. This technique can be used to create a filter that can be turned on and off for a given polarization. An integrated stack of these filters would allow the measurement of any polarization direction at the full resolution capacity of the detector with the advantages of on-chip integration.

We designed a metamaterial structure that generates a polarization-dependent response in the mid-infrared wavelength range. Off-setting the absorption and transmission peaks for the two polarizations allows equal transmission while the filter is in a static state, or without a bias voltage. The application of a bias changes the metamaterial response and blocks polarized waves parallel to one axis. A thin film semiconductor layer is required to achieve this effect. Previous work utilized thin film gallium arsenide, but poor film quality of the epitaxial layer, with surface roughness on the order of the metamaterial feature size, did not provide sufficient conductivity for an applied bias to impact the light interactions. We will present new results using thin film silicon with a gold nanostructure pattern. A static filter, one that does not require an applied voltage to operate as a polarizing filter, was fabricated to demonstrate the design suitability. We will report on our progress toward a dynamic filter and compare to previous results with III-V films.

11:20 AM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-11 Imaging Stress Induced Lateral Quantum Barrier Manipulation of Indium Gallium Arsenide Quantum Wells, using Micro-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Brian Rummel, Michael Rimada, Sadhvikas Addamane, Ganesh Balakrishnan (University of New Mexico); Talid Sinno (University of Pennsylvania); Sang M. Han (University of New Mexico)

We have previously demonstrated that a patterned elastic stress field can be used to change the near-surface atomic composition in epitaxial compound semiconductor films.1 This compositional patterning laterally manipulates quantum barriers within the film in a press-and-print manner, completely eliminating the need for Stranski-Krastanov growth. For the proof-of-concept, the said mechanism was used to diffuse Ge in a SiGe substrate to form regions of Ge-depleted, pure Si surrounded by SiGe. This result opened the door to thermo-mechanically triggered, rewritable circuitry for a wide variety of applications. For the current effort on InGaAs quantum well systems, an array of Si pillars is pressed against a GaAs/In.20Ga.80As/GaAs substrate in a mechanical press, and the assembly is heated to elevated temperatures. The applied elastic stress field promotes the diffusion of larger In atoms away from the compressed regions, leaving In-depleted GaAs in localized regions of the quantum well. Careful assembly and design of the Si nanopillar array would controllably define GaAs and InGaAs regions, producing laterally organized quantum structures. Photoluminescence spectroscopy is used to confirm the diffusion of In and compositional variation, based on the wavelength shift of the emission line from the InGaAs quantum well. In this presentation, we will further discuss how micro-photoluminescence imaging can be used to directly image regions of In-enriched regions as well as In-depleted regions found under the elastically compressed areas. This method may allow us to register the compositionally altered regions for addressable circuitry.

1 S. Ghosh, D. Kaiser, J. Bonilla, T. Sinno, and S. M. Han, "Stress-Directed Compositional Patterning of SiGe Substrates for Lateral Quantum Barrier Manipulation," Appl. Phys. Lett.107, 072106-1:5 (2015).

11:40 AM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-12 Silicon-Based Infrared Photodetectors Enabled by Hot Electrons
Seok-Jun Han, Sang M. Han, Sang Eon Han (University of New Mexico)
Infrared (IR) detectors typically employ low band gap materials, such as InGaAs, InSb, or HgCdTe. However, these materials include elements that are rare, expensive, or toxic. Past research indicates that low-cost, abundant crystalline Si (c-Si) could be used for IR detection when metal electrodes are appropriately nanostructured. In this type of photodetection, the IR with energies below the Si band gap is strongly absorbed by the metal structures. The photoexcited electrons in the metal can then be injected into the conduction band of c-Si before being thermalized, and electric current can be generated. These non-thermalized hot electrons enable the detection of IR light with energies below the c-Si band gap. For efficient transport of electrons in the metal before thermalization, the metal layer should be as thin as approximately the electron mean free path. To induce strong optical absorption in such a thin metal layer, surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) can be excited at the metal surface. Previous studies on hot electron photodetection utilized small-scale metamaterials or deep trench resonators to have strong resonant absorption of SPPs in thin metal films on c-Si at the desired frequencies. However, these structures had to be fabricated with high precision (e.g., e-beam lithography) because the metal structure size determines resonance. In this study, we pursue a low-cost, manufacturable path, which can tolerate practical fabrication errors. We make use of metal metasurfaces that can be fabricated by scalable, inexpensive techniques and achieve a broad-band IR absorption of over 95% in 15-nm-thick metal films. This unprecedented strong and broad-band absorption is enabled by a new scheme which uses multiple modes of SPPs while the light takes multiple passes within the c-Si substrate. During the passage, light is preferentially absorbed by the thin metal layer that is on one side of the substrate. Absorption on the other side is efficiently eliminated by using a dielectric layer. In our effort, the surface of the c-Si substrate where thin meal film is deposited is structured by a simple optical lithography. The structured surface admits the incident light into the substrate and prevents the light from leaking out of the substrate. In our scheme of multiple light passes, extremely strong resonances are not necessary and fabrication errors would not destroy the optical properties appreciably. In this talk, we will discuss the details of the optical absorption in our scheme. We will also present our experimental results on the electronic characteristics of our hot electron devices.
12:00 PM EM+MI+NS+SP+SS-ThM-13 Low Temperature Wafer Bonding of LTG-GaAs to Si3N4 for Terahertz Photoconductive Switch Application
Xiaohuan Fu (Illinois Institute of Technology and Argonne National Laboratory); Michael Haji-Sheikh, Gregg Westberg, Steve Ross (Northern Illinois University); Eric Landahl (DePaul University); Klaus Attenkofer (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Thomas Wong (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Integrating GaAs optoelectronic devices with Si- based platforms has attracted much attention and efforts in recent years, as a thin layer of GaAs can exhibitsuperior bulk quality. Wafer bonding, an emerging approach of monolithic integration of GaAs on Si-based substrate, overcomes the lattice mismatch in heterogeneous growth. Several techniques with a post-bonding annealing at temperature exceeding 800°C have been demonstrated to achieve high-energy covalent bonds between III-V compound semiconductors and Si/SiO2systems. However, the elevated temperature bonding process may create not only an inevitable thermal mismatch barrier but also damage the bonding materials. Thus, there is a need for improved technique to integrate GaAs with silicon based devices.

Low temperature grown (LTG) GaAs, which is typically obtained by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at temperatures as low as 200°C, offers very attractiveproperties such as ultra-short carrier lifetime, high electron mobility and high resistivity. It is verydesirable for applications such as ultrafast photoconductive switch, high efficiency solar cells and infrared LEDs. Pioneering work has demonstrated techniques to bond LTG-GaAs to Si/ SiO2 at temperature as low as room temperature by means of plasma activation and by wafer bonding under vacuum. However, very few techniques have been developed to bond LTG-GaAs layer to Si3N4 substrate, mainly because Si3N4 is naturally hydrophobic and bonding has been considered unachievable10. The existing Si3N4 bonding techniques employ high temperature fusion of Si3N4 layers or apply a layer of bonding agent such as SiO2.

In this paper, we report a room temperature approach to directly bond LTG-GaAs to Si3N4 by activating the surface of Si3N4 using weak HF acid solution. This method can be implemented on Si3N4 deposited over wide temperature range. Procedures to reduce the bonding voids and improve the bond strength are also described. In an application to utilize the developed method, we implemented this approach to fabricate a photoconductive switch on Si3N4 substrate bonded with LTG-GaAs and validated that the bonded LTG-GaAs retained the electro-optical properties. A THz opticalcross correlation test showed that the photoconductive switch responded swiftly to a femtosecond Ti-Sapphire laser pulse with a resolution of approximately 0.25ps. This wafer bonding method can be integrated with a wide range of microelectronic device fabrication thatrequires the bonding of LTG-GaAs layer with Si3N4.

Session Abstract Book
(297 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period ThM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic EM Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2017 Schedule