AVS2017 Session NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM: Nanoscale Electronics and Magnetism

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 8:00 AM in Room 19
Tuesday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(281 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic NS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2017 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-1 Nanometrology and Nanocharacterization in Nanoelectronics
Alain C. Diebold (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)

As the so called technology node for integrated circuits moves below 10 nm, new transistor and interconnect materials as well as new device structures are moving from research into development. Pseudomorphic semiconductor films such as Si1-xGex on Si are expected to transition to Ge/Si1-xGex/Si or to III-V epilayers. The current lithographic processing used to pattern FinFETS is based on the Quadruple Spacer Patterning process which can result in two values of pitch walking. This greatly complicates in-line metrology. The FinFET itself will likely be replaced by nanowire transistors having multiple vertically stacked nanowire channels. Another alternative is the nano-sheet transistor. Beyond these evolutionary changes, longer term devices based on 2D materials are being investigated. These include graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and topologically protected materials. This talk will cover the advanced measurements being used to address the challenges associated with these new materials and structures. The talk will cover measurement methods including high resolution X-ray diffraction (XRD), XRD reciprocal space mapping, Mueller Matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry base scatterometry, and advanced electron microscopy.

9:00 AM NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-4 Measurement of Resistance Induced by a Single Potassium Atom on Chiral-Angle Known Nanotubes: Understanding the Impact of a Model Scatterer for Nanoscale Sensors
Masahiro Ishigami (University of Central Florida); Ryuichi Tsuchikawa (University of Utah); Daniel Heligman (Ohio State University); Brandon Blue (University of Central Florida); Zhengyi Zhang (Columbia University); Amin Ahmadi, Eduardo Mucciolo (University of Central Florida); James Hone (Columbia University)

Even atomic impurities are expected to impact device properties of carbon nanotubes. Such sensitivity makes them ultimately useful for sensor technologies. Rational design for nanotube-based sensors requires precise understanding of how impurities impact transport properties of nanotubes. Such impurity-induced carrier scattering is expected to be dependent on the chirality of nanotubes and the nature of scattering potentials imposed by impurities. Yet until our recent measurements, it has been impossible to measure the impact of impurities on resistance of carbon nanotubes with known chirality.

We have developed arrays of experimental techniques to control experiments down to atomic scale to measure the scattering strength of charged impurities on semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes with known chirality. The resistivity of nanotubes is measured as a function of the density of adsorbed potassium atoms, enabling the determination of the resistance added by an individual potassium atom. Holes are scattered 37 times more efficiently than electrons by an adsorbed potassium atom. The determined scattering strength is used to reveal the spatial extent and depth of the scattering potential for potassium, a model Coulomb adsorbate, paving way for rational design of nanotube-based sensors. Our results are published in Phys. Rev. B [94, 045408 (2016)].

9:20 AM Invited NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-5 Atomic Electronics for Quantum Computing
Michelle Simmons (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Extremely long electron spin coherence times have recently been demonstrated in isotopically pure Si-28 [1] making silicon one of the most promising semiconductor materials for spin based quantum information. The two level spin state of single electrons bound to shallow phosphorus donors in silicon in particular provide well defined, reproducible qubits [2] and represent a promising system for a scalable quantum computer in silicon. An important challenge in these systems is the realisation of a two-qubit gate, where we can both position donors with respect to each other for controllable exchange coupling and with respect to charge sensors for individually addressing and reading out the spin state of each donor with high fidelity.

To date we have demonstrated using scanning tunneling microscope hydrogen lithography how we can precisely position individual P donors in Si [3] aligned with nanoscale precision to local control gates [4] and can initialize, manipulate, and read-out the spin states [5,6] with high fidelity. We now demonstrate how we can achieve record single-electron readout fidelity for each of two donor based dots of 99.8%, above the surface-code fault tolerant threshold. We show how by engineering the quantum dots to contain multiple donors we can achieve spin lifetimes up to 16 times longer than single donors. Finally we show how by optimising the interdonor separation and using asymmetric confinement potentials we can create controllable exchange coupling in these devices. With the recent demonstration of ultra-low noise in these all epitaxial devices [7] these results confirm the enormous potential of atomic-scale qubits in silicon.

[1] J. T. Muhonen et al., Nature Nanotechnology 9, 986 (2014).

[2] B.E. Kane, Nature 393, 133 (1998).

[3] M. Fuechsle et al., Nature Nanotechnology 7, 242 (2012).

[4] B. Weber et al., Science 335, 6064 (2012).

[5] H. Buch et al., Nature Communications 4, 2017 (2013).

[6] T.F. Watson et al., Physical Review Letters 115, 166806 (2015).

[7] S. Shamim et al., Nano Letters 16, 5779 (2016).

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-10 Electronically Abrupt Borophene/organic Lateral Heterostructures
Xiaolong Liu, Zonghui Wei, Itamar Balla, Andrew Mannix (Northwestern University); Nathan Guisinger (Argonne National Laboratory); Erik Luijten, Mark Hersam (Northwestern University)

Two-dimensional (2D) boron, known as borophene, has recently been experimentally realized1,2 following theoretical predictions.3 As an elementary 2D material, borophene is determined to be metallic like graphene, but also possesses a high degree of in-plane anisotropy like phosphorene. Thus far, all experimental studies have been performed on borophene alone, whereas borophene-based electronic applications will require precise integration of borophene with other materials. Here, we demonstrate the self-assembly of a borophene/organic lateral heterostructure4. Upon the deposition of perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) on sub-monolayer borophene on Ag(111), the molecules preferentially self-assemble into monolayers on bare Ag(111), forming borophene/PTCDA lateral heterostructures spontaneously. This phenomenon is consistent with a lower adsorption energy of PTCDA molecules on borophene, as modeled via molecular dynamics simulations. The formation of the heterostructure leaves the chemical integrity of borophene unperturbed as supported by in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In addition to structural properties, atomic-scale ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy reveal strong electronic contrast between the two materials and an electronically abrupt heterojunction with a transition distance of ~1 nm (i.e., approximately the size of one PTCDA molecule). Across this transition region, the differential tunneling conductance curves change from the metallic electronic structure of borophene to the semiconducting molecular orbitals of PTCDA, suggesting the formation of an atomically abrupt 2D metal-semiconductor junction. Overall, the results of this study are likely to inform future research on borophene functionalization for nanoelectronic applications.

1. A. J. Mannix, X.-F. Zhou, B. Kiraly, J. D. Wood, D. Alducin, B. D. Myers, X. Liu, B. L. Fisher, U. Santiago, J. R. Guest, M. J. Yacaman, A. Ponce, A. R. Oganov, M. C. Hersam, N. P. Guisinger, Science350, 1513–1516 (2015).

2. B. Feng, J. Zhang, Q. Zhong, W. Li, S. Li, H. Li, P. Cheng, S. Meng, L. Chen, K. Wu, Nat. Chem.8, 563–568 (2016).

3. Y. Liu, E. S. Penev, B. I. Yakobson, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.52, 3156–3159 (2013).

4. X. Liu, Z. Wei, I. Balla, A. J. Mannix, N. P. Guisinger, E. Luijten, and M. C. Hersam, Sci. Adv. 3, e1602356 (2017).
11:20 AM NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-11 Mechanical Characterization of Heat Dissipation in a Current-driven Ferromagnetic Resonance System
Sung Un Cho, Myunglae Jo, Seondo Park, Jae-Hyung Lee, Chanuk Yang, Seokwon Kang (Seoul National University); Yun Daniel Park (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)

Heat dissipation in current-driven ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) system is characterized by monitoring the mechanical resonance, which shifts are governed by thermoelastic properties. Realization of a free-standing Permalloy (Py)/Pt bilayer strip, with an added mechanical degree of freedom, advantageously integrates means to separately measure mechanical resonance, by piezoresistive transduction in Pt [1], and FMR by using the spin-torque FMR (ST-FMR) measurement technique [2]. Heat generated by the precessing magnetization under an electric driving current are selectively investigated by monitoring the mechanical resonance shift, which are immune and independent to thermoelectric effects. By comparing the angular dependence to the applied magnetic field direction of the two FMR spectroscopies, ST-FMR and mechanical heat reaction, we find that Joule heat resulting from a time-dependent magnetoresistance, which in turn arises from the precessing magnetization and electrical current, cannot be overlooked in addition to the intrinsic FMR heat dissipation.

[1] H. Bhaskaran et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 013502 (2011).

[2] L. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 036601 (2011).

11:40 AM Invited NS+EM+MI+SS-TuM-12 The Exciting Physics of Spin Chains Coupled to a Metallic Substrate
Roland Wiesendanger (University of Hamburg, Germany)

A magnetic nanowire on the surface of a spin-orbit coupled s-wave superconductor is a fascinating platform, which has been proposed for observing the emergence of zero-energy Majorana bound states at the ends of the wires [1]. Majorana fermions can encode topological qubits and ultimately provide a new direction in topological quantum computation [2]. Most recently, evidences for topologically non-trivial end-states were experimentally found for self-assembled ferromagnetic Fe nanowires on superconducting Pb(110) substrates by using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) as well as non-contact atomic force microscopy methods [3-6]. However, self-assembled nanowires of Fe on Pb surfaces have unavoidable limitations, such as (1) intermixing of atomic species of the nanowire and the substrate during the annealing process, and (2) uncontrolled length and orientation of the nanowires.

Here, we demonstrate the fully-controlled bottom-up fabrication of artificial 1D atomic chains from individual magnetic Fe adatoms on high spin-orbit coupled non-superconducting Pt(111) and superconducting Re(0001) substrates by utilizing STM-based atom-manipulation techniques at T=350 mK. Spin-polarized STM measurements indicate the presence of non-collinear spin textures, i.e. spin spiral ground states, stabilized by interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions similar to self-assembled Fe chains on Ir(001) investigated earlier [7]. The problem of intermixing is avoided by the low-temperature fabrication of the chain and an appropriate choice of the substrate, while single-atom manipulation allows the construction of chains with a given number of atoms and orientation. Tunneling spectra measured spatially resolved on the Fe-atom chain on Re(0001) reveal the evolution of the local density of states (LDOS) inside the superconducting gap as well as the development of zero-energy bound states at the ends of the chain, which are distinguishable from trivial end states by systematically increasing the number of atoms within the Fe-atom chain. The experimental results will be compared with model-type calculations supporting the interpretation of the spectroscopic signatures at the ends of the chains as Majorana bound states.

(work done together with Howon Kim and Khai Ton That).


[1] H.-Y. Hui et al., Sci. Rep.. 5, 8880 (2015).

[2] J. Alicea et al., Nature Phys. 7, 412 (2011).

[3] S. Nadj-Perge et al., Science 346, 602 (2014).

[4] M. Ruby et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 197204 (2015).

[5] R. Pawlak et al., NPJ Quantum Information 2, 16035 (2016).

[6] B. E. Feldman et al., Nature Phys. 13, 286 (2017).

[7] M. Menzel et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 197204 (2012).

Session Abstract Book
(281 KB, May 6, 2020)
Time Period TuM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic NS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS2017 Schedule