AVS2015 Topics and Divisions

Time Periods | Schedule Overview

Click a topic code to see that topic's Sessions.
Topic Code Topic Name
2D 2D Materials Focus Topic
AC Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic
AM Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing Focus Topic
AP Atom Probe Tomography Focus Topic
AS Applied Surface Science
BI Biomaterial Interfaces
BP Biomaterials Plenary Session
EL Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Focus Topic
EM Electronic Materials and Processing
EN Energy Frontiers Focus Topic
EW Exhibitor Technology Spotlight
HI Helium Ion Microscopy Focus Topic
IPF IPF on Mesoscale Science and Technology of Materials and Metamaterials
IS In-Situ Spectroscopy and Microscopy Focus Topic
MC Materials Characterization in the Semiconductor Industry Focus Topic
MG Accelerating Materials Discovery for Global Competitiveness Focus Topic
MI Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
MS Manufacturing Science and Technology
NS Nanometer-scale Science and Technology
PS Plasma Science and Technology
SA Novel Trends in Synchrotron and FEL-Based Analysis Focus Topic
SD Selective Deposition as an Enabler of Self-Alignment Focus Topic
SE Advanced Surface Engineering
SM Surface Modification of Materials by Plasmas for Medical Purposes Focus Topic
SP Scanning Probe Microscopy Focus Topic
SS Surface Science
TF Thin Film
TR Tribology Focus Topic
VT Vacuum Technology
Time Periods | Schedule Overview