AVS2002 Topics and Divisions

Time Periods | Schedule Overview

Click a topic code to see that topic's Sessions.
Topic Code Topic Name
AS Applied Surface Science
AT Advancing Toward Sustainability Topical Conference
BI Biomaterials
BP Biomaterials Plenary Session
DI Dielectrics
EC Electrochemistry and Fluid-Solid Interfaces
EL Electronic Materials and Devices
HS Homeland Security
MB Molecular and Bio-Magnetism
MI Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
MM Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
MS Manufacturing Science and Technology
NS Nanometer Structures
NT Nanotubes: Science and Applications Topical Conference
OF Organic Films and Devices
PH Photonic Materials Topical Conference
PN Processing at the Nanoscale
PS Plasma Science
SE Surface Engineering
SS Surface Science
TF Thin Films
VT Vacuum Technology
Time Periods | Schedule Overview